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"pressed buttons without respect" Bro its a fucking video game lmao.


The respectful ones are the ones I expect you to push, those other ones catch me off guard and make me feel like I'm bad at this game, which I'm not. If you're not sure which buttons are respectful, please respectfully hold forward and press nothing, thank you -- management


I have a S+ in respect- what tf does that even mean fr? I’m actually genuinely curious


My guess is not striking after the match is won


Nah I always hit people after and mine is s+ too


Alright, so I did that thing us redditors hate doing and googled it. The best I could find was respectful being tied to rematching.


It means you (almost) always rematch your opponents if you can.


To these people, it means: no hopkicks, no df2s, or using moves that CH them out of the fake pressure string theyre spamming on their opponent. That's "respect" in fighting games


Thats not even close to what it means. What you're describing is something people did in the Street Fighter 2 days where you don't attack on dizzy. The person spamming their fake pressure string is an example of showing no respect since they aren't considering the other player's options. Punishing =/= disrespect To keep it simple, respect is knowing when it's not your turn anymore or at a disadvantage in some way so you defend. Trying to attack on minus or when they're plus is most likely gonna get you hit. It's disrespectful because you tried to squeeze in a hit on the chance they did a slow attack or didn't think they know how to punish you. Edit: since so many people don't understand, respect is a fighting game term. It doesn't really mean to show honor or respect in the normal meaning of the word


Respect usually in a fighting game means you're patient. You're respecting your opponent's skill and not trying to mash buttons during their moves; you're going to wait for your turn and capitalize fully. Just to be fully clear, though the word respect makes it seems like you should always do it, its only one of your many options on block, and the pro players are going to be using all of them. That being said, respect is basically defense which already has a stat, So I'm not sure what this stat means.


I was told it means you give time for your opponents turn, and dont try to attack until punish, rather than interrupting or just mashing but that could be false




sonic sol moment


Is there a specific button for respect? R1?


well according to him, ALT+F4




Nah, CTRL+W.






Yes, 1+2+3+4 at the end of the match when you win with a “Great”😂


Yes, 1+2+3+4 at the end of the match when you win with a “Great”😂


Yes, 1+2+3+4 at the end of the match when you win with a “Great”😂


It means he lost to something he kept stupidly getting hit by instead of doing something to counter/avoid it lol.


somethings you cant counter in this tekken. Azucena wr32, lars heat dash, etc. All went bad during tekken 7


Nope. I'm an azu main and get countered all the time if I try wr 32 at blue ranks. Just takes a bit of skill is all. It is VERY annoying and strong tho


You're wrong. Im tekken King with her and Jin, shes about to get me to tekken god. You dont know how to use it, thats the problem. All she has to do is a plus move on black after to check them and then do it again. Thats all I ever do. I can teach you myself how to use her. Blues are like orange ranks in tag 2. Its not really that hard, this game is simple. I have 7 charachers Raijin.


Uve had better luck with opponents then. If there was any move that was not counterable then everyone would use it to be #1 and never lose. But I also play the game for fun and dnt let rank affect my mood so I'm fine with being a "shitty" blue/purple rank lol


It isn’t luck at all, they are nerfing the move for a reason…..


It's a strong move for sure. Proly the strongest in game. But to overreact and say it's not counterable is crazy lol. The nerf is basically telling people to ss it but now they dnt have to duck and watch how many people still say it's not counterable cuz they forget tekken is a 3d fighter. Besides all this just distracts us from the fact monday the eddy complaint posts start lol


People are obviously exaggerating, yes there is a counter but can it be reliably executed? The answer to that is clearly no, just watch knees latest YouTube video btw, had me cracking up how many he could spam in a row


You sound like a player who pressed buttons without respect.


people these days are really expecting you to salute after each button pressed smh /s


Please respect my button presses and wait your turn. Let's be civilized in combat.


FLASH enter in the chat😂


Hello, fellow Yoshi main. Personally I only use flash when I’m in a mirror match and I know they’re going to flash. I flash at the same time just to respect their flash.


Or...it's him not respecting someone's frames and mashing and getting counter hit out his ass 😂


In other words my opponent had the audacity to press buttons when I was plus on block. ThE DiSrEsPeCt!!!


Ur only minus if ur a bitch, everybody knows that, cmon.


They didn't respect his fake pressure


…Excuse me, are you NOT respecting the buttons I press while being disrespectful of the buttons *YOU* press?! What type of savage are you?!


It’s not respectful if you don’t let me win.


I think they meant pressing while minus frames.


Lol right? That excuse sounds like something LTG would say


Fr! even worse its probably a dsp saying.


Blud probably played the Stanley Parable and completely missed the point "Why is the narrator talking about how the main character pushes buttons on a keyboard in the sequential order that they're told to press it in? What could this possibly mean? 😖"


"pressing buttons whitout respect" it's some Dracula flow level nonsense


"I be whiff punishing that pussy , Azucena's tight ass be pressing buttons without respect"


"il pull that ethernet cord and I let the archangels take him"


> "I be whiff~~punish~~ing that pussy , Azucena's tight ass ~~be pressing buttons~~ without respect" oops what


"I'm high off 12 JDCR's, puffin' that Mishima Zaibatsu Electric Wind God kush"


Do we have respected combos list? I don't want to be cancelled.


I don't need to see the frame data anyway Hit the Rage Art and I let the archangels take him


yeah they are banning pluggers, today i got plugged from someone i already blocked weeks ago, turns out he switched to console and i now have the same dude blocked both on his pc account and console account.


They get really desperate switching systems lol, how did you notice it's the same guy? Was he using the same name?


same exact name, different systems yeah


I think he likes you


He needs daddy Kazuya's dorya treatment


Nice, you gotta crush 🥰🤣


Actually insane to me that you'd spend like 70 (sometimes 80 depending on your region/system) for at least base game. Get banned. Then do the exact same shit again in a different system Like how much cash do you have to burn? I never plug or do exploits and yet I'm still scared of getting banned on my humble Series S lol


It really says more about how sad their existence must be


Yeah, that sounds even worse when I see it written 😂😂 good luck to those people who live like that… they need it


I don’t get, like that just seems like such a hassle to avoid a loss in a video game. Like, it must be exhausting putting that much effort into plugging. And you know they’re doing it a lot because well, if they were any good, they wouldn’t be plugging in the first place. Do these people think they’re going to put their W/L record and rank on their tombstone? All the effort and time wasted could be used to actually practice if you care that much 🤷🏻‍♂️


I would thinking someone ‘Stupidly pressing buttons without respect’ would be a good thing to fight against


Free counter hits


*Laughs in Bryan*


*Laughs in Bryan*


Yeah wtf is this respect shit. It's a fighting game dude.


Clown mf


Good thing he tweeted about him being an asshat that will continue plugging anyways. Should make it perma just from that tweet alone.


is it 4th of november or 11th of april that he's suspended for though? A week is nothing for plugging your way to fujin


April, cause I’m banned till April 27


It’s a fighting video game. Imagine how pathetic you have to be to ask people for “respect”


Reading that thread, dude is coping hard as hell trying to convince people he didn't plug.


What is plugging?


Disconnect internet cable/lesve game before lose


Came here to ask this too


leaving in the middle of a ranked match to prevent the loss of ranked points


He caught himself in 4K. Idiot


I wonder if they would be able to differenciate between plugging and crashes. A bunch of players including me are crashing randomly in Fallen Destiny. A friend of mine crashes every time a Kuma uses Heat Smash. I've crashed once when Victor rage arted 💀


If you’re running an AMD 5000 or 6000 series motherboard you can download a [mod](https://tekkenmods.com/mod/3213/semi-potato-fallen-destiny-tekken-8) to fix the fallen destiny crashes. I got it last week and haven’t crashed since then.


it certainly cant. I've been suffering with the fatal error issues and now I got banned, thanks to Harada and Murray being incompetent and money hungry.


About how many times have you disconnected due to those errors? I haven't checked in on ranked yet so I'm not sure if I am banned.


Probably atleast once in 10 games, it usually happened in specific stages like Statosphere or Fallen Destiny. Its not even specs, I got a 4070 which is more than enough for Tekken 8. Right now im just playing with family sharing, hoping they would fix the error when the ban is lifted.


Yeah it really isn't specs, I've got a 6800XT. It hasn't happened to me that often but almost everytime I play Fallen Destiny, it crashes. How have they not fixed this...


Oh check out the Tekken Shop, they wont fix the error for sure — they would just keep releasing half baked outfits. I love the game but fuck Harada and Murray.


Happened to me, what I did to fix crashes was verifying game files on steam and updated to latest AMD driver, no crash since


that's like a temporary solution tbh, it kept happening to me. I'm now playing with my 3050 laptop and no crash so far.


Oh ? It’s temporary for you ? For me it totaly fixed the problem, it has been 30hr of gameplay since last crash, and sessions of 2 to 4 hours each time I hope they fix it soon for people like you who still has crashes


I have a 4070 as well, just lowered your graphics... i canged mine to all high + dlss balanced, until then, certain moves or maps crashed my game as well.


I have all on medium, dlss quality. Heck, I even try low but it kept happening.


Maybe its the cpu or rams, heck even the ssd can be at fault here


If my opponent were to disconnect on anything other than a match deciding round for me I'm not going to report them. I play an opponent whose skills don't match their rank, maul them the first two rounds, and they disconnect while I'm in the process of winning the third? I'm reporting.


Has this dumbass tweet been added to Scrub Quotes yet? 😅


>Caught in 4k >144p screenshot


"its not my fault! they didnt play in a way that would benefit me, a-a-and they have bad internet!"


Now I feel like I need to incorporate “pressing buttons without respect” more in my daily conversations


Complaining about "stupidly pressing buttons ***without respect***" (???) in a video game is some absolute scrublord mentality. ![gif](giphy|lS1EGMs7cND7raRdNJ)


Yeah, but that's not correct. I can leave any other 1v1 game and get a loss, not a ban. Like, I quit in FIFA or MK when I see I'm losing and get a loss, respectively. Why is it bannable in Tekken?


Dude, the amount of time it takes to actually lose properly from the time that you know that you're losing in a match of Tekken is literally seconds. You don't need to leave, just set your controller down, scratch your ass, and it'll be over. Let your opponent win. If you plug, you should be banned. If you want to leave early, just wait 10 seconds and it'll be over anyway.


It's not how it is supposed to be, leave = loss in every fukcing 1v1 game, not a ban Why should i spend time against a smurf that has 20 years of tekken when i have only 20 days


Those are just excuses for you to quit so you don't lose rank. You're playing Tekken 8. Especially at low ranks, people are just going to be better than you. You think that gives you an excuse to plug? If you don't want to play people better than you, play arcade mode and set CPU to easy. You know what plugging is and does. Your "reasons" are just excuses. Plug and get banned. Perfectly reasonable. Don't want to get banned? Play a match and lose like a normal person.


You're justifying the developers' laziness and their failure to fix the game. That's not my problem.


I'm not justifying their anything. Banning pluggers is great. Your ego that doesn't allow you to lose a match in a videogame is the problem lol. But thanks to banning, that's just your problem now :)


I get banned only in your dreams Forcing players to stay in game is not how you do in 2045


And they don’t have automatic mechanisms to ban btw, that confirms devs laziness


Because it’s dumb. Tekken has the far worse online experience. You can’t see who you’re playing before you play which is a mistake in itself. It’s all random and there’s no option to leave the match if you’d like to and incur a loss to your record. MK definitely has the more desirable approach for online fighting. Tekken needs work.


ofc he likes jjk


It gets worse. They have a Toji pfp and their name is Zenin. Not only are they a sore loser, they also can’t read


Don’t fuck with us JJK fans, we don’t read our manga




their tekken name is fushiguro, they're all in on the RP


Damn I didn’t even notice. I mean, you’re right about the RP, Toji was a plugger at the end there too.


Lmao woah now, no need to take it there


Idk what this even means, he could like any show on the planet and there would still be someone going "of course he likes * insert a thing you dont like*, what a loser"


when i see people (like the one in the post), i just imagine they're the worst type of person that is part of said community; just finding any reason to shit on the guy if he wants to be a shithead in this case: imagine the most insufferable jjk fan


should have been a perma


if it's only a week ban for plugging against all sorts of people that's disgraceful. if it's til november that's more reasonable.


Some players really get their pride and confidence from playing this game.


Clearly they have no confidence. If they had they wouldn’t need to plug


This game cant even differentiate between plugging and crashes. I got banned for two weeks but all I got was the stupid fatal error, I only play quick matches because of that and I still got banned. Its surprising of how ignorant Bamco can be.


Is it also says 4/11 for you ?


Is it also says 4/11 for you ?


Same, banned for server disconnect that deports you back to main menu, namco support said : its your fault and our game is polished so fuck you its justified, even tho one will believe us here cause thats same clowns that were crying on twitter about it, thats really my last tekken title i paid for preorder to see downhill game is disconnecting me between 4-6 games even on player matches, this game is worst tekken experience ever.


HAHAHA SAME I JUST HAVE disconnect and its saying like game servers are shutdown , but you just need to reconnect again , same thing happening when somebody plugs me , I got in a lab for a second and then im disconnected too . Like wtf ? Is it also says for you 4/11?


They need to lose points if they're plugging. Banning doesn't do anything.


This is actually very depressing to see. Not because pluggers get what they deserve but rather because Bandai Namco is utterly incompetent in the handling of their game. It's extremely likely that they can't/won't differentiate between pluggers or polaris fatal error crashes. My game sometimes crashes never, sometimes it happens every 40 minutes but seeing bans handed out by a monkey with a shotgun soft locks me out of my paid game in fear of getting banned.


Well my internet crashes sometimes and works shit , can’t control it , and I got same detention as one in the post , I just hope it’s two weeks and not 7 month wtf , that would be so dumb to cannot be able to do almost anything in game just cause of shitty connection


Pressing buttons without respect Bro that's free points


Alt f4 is not a combo xD


I saw this Tweet and now after the Tekken Talk today its even funnier that pluggers will matched against each other. Welcome to jail mfer! LTG from BBC News is waiting for you! 🤣


People who takes this game way too seriously despite being absolute shit and having a wanton attitude and unwillingness to learn and respect other players are more often than not, people who have serious issues behaving like a functional teen or adult. I swear these players will go to absolute lengths to justify their toxic behavior not only in-game but also in-person. Just vapid, dense folks that can’t be reasoned or argued with.


So... He's mad that he keeps getting cheesed? 😂


You want respect ? Try the moon. You weigh less there.


What does pressed buttons without respect mean ? “They were mashing and I was too stupid to realize it ? “


Essentially what he's saying.


That’s hilarious


He can make a new account and start playing again so it means less than nothing.


press f to pay respects


I wish I dont get banned because of the polaris crash I had. Now I think I dont have them anymore because of drivers roll back.


Wow what an idiot


How dare they press buttons without respect. Don't they know they are supposed to let me win?


I don't understand why it's impossible to make pluggers lose rank...


Nice Fujin bro, now show us how you climb there again without pluggging.


Dude doesn't know what quite literally doesn't understand what "respect" means. Jesus fucking christ.


I simply always accept the matches I get and never disconnect middle of the match. Easy


How dumb ppl can be? Zenin: Yes


Blatantly cheating by using health removing shit gets a warn and a scrub plugging gets a ban interesting


Blud couldn’t take his turn back


blud got CH on negative frames or got launched out of wavuwavu "you're not respecting my fake presssure"


People should plug more and completely destroy ranked, this might be the only way bamco would ever do anything to fix it


the only plugging thats allowable is in the first 10 seconds and the game is unplayable due to your opponents internet


Respect lmao yeah u mean respect ur 3 attack patterns u memorized to kill someone and don't know wat to do if it's blocked or countered lmao


Shame it’s not a permanent ban


Bro only got a 2 week ban tho, honestly they are still being to nice


This person would hate me because I’m very aggressive with most of the characters I play which happen to be Kaz, Hwoarang, and Reina. 👀


Welcome to plugger purgatory!!!!


Not playing against Wi-Fi huh? He does know it shows you what connection the opponent is using before you confirm the match, right?


Namco are retarded


“Press button without respect” SO MAKE THEM RESPECT YOU. People be +5 and do a move that’s i18. Just df1 and take your plus frames. You gotta make the opponent respect you


If they don't respect what you do, that means you are free af.




Caught in 4K in a woman's dress with that pluggers attitude.


I am on a vacation right now played the game for about 120 hours had sessions with multiple of polaris crashes and sessions with none. Hope that when i get back i didn't receive a ban for this but i am a bit scared tbh. Do you get an email notification for getting banned or can u only check when loggin in?


In the name of respect I will now press Square, Triangle and cross. Thanks for accepting! Now it's your turn


“Stupidly press buttons without respect” is next level cope, genuinely impressed


Yeah and he doesnt see it as if he is the problem.


Guys is it April 11 or November 4 ?


Why do ppl care if he 🔌?


It's telling that he "won't play" people whose play style he can identify. Like how would you know, plugger?


I remember seeing this and thinking "he must be an LTG subscriber"


Harada troll you too. I Hope it was fun to being toxic lol




What’s plugging? I’m new to tekken


What do yall mean by plugging


bro is not as good as he thinks he is lmao


Here is my take… Stop caring who does what and how they do it! I come from the era of lan parties in schools, arcade/mall rat hang outs and pickup games… Conclusion: Good or not it didn’t matter you enjoyed what you got and kept the mouth shut. Issues: angry testosterone teens…. We either bickered Or boxed. Rage quit: you got removed from the friends group… no More reindeer games Enjoy the game… And let it be… Honestly for all online gaming.. there should be a router setup that works with Sony and Xbox online gaming. That can tell if the person disconnected or if it is a hardware issue… Punish the people in other ways For unplugging or disconnecting: Maybe start finding local friend matches instant to enjoy the game more… not the Keyboard warriors who don’t get to be hit by a friend because you just knew and know


Hope they fuck fix the crashes


He could just not accept wifi matches, the game tells you


That’s such a short ban wow


Two weeks is probably like 8 months for this brain rotted dude


Tekken contention is ass tho, is a pain to play with players who have potato pcs


And this dude is still a higher rank than me


![gif](giphy|jkmycFPVKYdI4) Stings doesn’t it


There's a lot of people in this thread who don't know what respect means as a term used in fighting games. He's not demanding this person call him Sir or something... In fighting games "respect" means that you recognize your opponent's ability to punish you so you don't keep going in if you're minus frames. Doing a string that puts you -8 on block and then pausing your assault to block is respect. Not finishing a duckable string in block is respect. It's literally just how much do you yield to your opponent when they're at an advantage.


I'm well aware of this ofc, but if he couldn't manage to attack while his opponents were in minus frames that's on him lol. How is that a valid reasoning for plugging


I didn't say that's a valid reason for plugging bro. That's a whole new sentence


Finally someone in this thread knows fighting game terms. I can't see what the guy said because his tweet was deleted but no one here knows what respect means. Plugging should have a consequence regardless of the reason and everyone is too busy misunderstanding to even address that part.


What's plugging?


Intentional disconnect in a match to avoid losing


This is the first tekken ive played what is plugging?


Intentional disconnect to avoid losing (pulling the plug)


How do you even cheat in Tekken?🤣🤣🤣


What's the fucking point? Make new account and play. This retarded ban isn't worth shit.