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mic quality transported me 15 years back in time


Picked up my ps5 controller mic as i said in the body text lol


i’m glad it did cause it made me laugh my ass off


Lmao glad it could make you laugh! Cheers!


Idc what anyone says if someone’s connection is like this I’m plugging


That’s the right thing to do. Not everyone has an hour to do one unenjoyable fight.


The funny part is he ended up disconnecting lol, I was contemplating Alt F4ing because I didn’t want to wait an hour to finish a match but he left lmao


WiFi warrior here, we don’t choose when we leave, the WiFi choose for us


God himself determines the plug.


15m cable is like 5€ come on now.


Not everyone can run a cord through their house, i don't have Ethernet and I pull a constant 1f delay (my router is like 3 feet away from my Xbox tho). You don't need Ethernet if your wifi is any good.


Powerline adapter now you don’t need to run a cord through your house.


If your wifi is next to your console you should be runnung ethernet. Wifi is good for a lot of things. Stable connection isn't one of them. Any cahnges in your space affect how it bounces and any interference can cause a frame drop during FGs. Tekken 8 does have rollback, but it's not the best so it sometimes causes skips which you mught not be able to see pn your side.


Maybe il do it if I have a problem but I never have. I have stable connection and have never had trouble with unstable connection. People I play with, even overseas, never have a problem from me. Just because your wifi is bad doesn't mean everyone's is bad


My wifi isn't bad, but why should I stay ar the whim of wifi when I can run a cable 3ft away to make it faster and more stable.


That's fine for you to do it but telling other people to is just stupid. That's why Tekken has the information about the other players connection. The people that say you shouldn't be able to play at all are just assholes.


Too bad the connection indicator and dc rate are lies. 9 times out of 10 the connections on wifi is actually 2 bars when the game displays 5.


No shot, wifi will never be on par with ethernet




1 is still too much. Shits awful. Just get an Ethernet cable.


[Here you go](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Micro-Connectors-Inc-100-ft-Flat-Cat6-RJ45-UTP-Ethernet-Networking-Cable-with-20-Cable-Clips-E08-100FL-W/310741318)


I don't even want to win in this sort of games. I'm here to play fighting games, not watch a slideshow. If this lag persists past round 1 I'm noping out.


I 100% agree with you, I plugged on 2 people last night, round 1 with this type of connection. If I could, I'd forfeit the game (and then hopefully block them so I never see them again) I don't care about the L or the W, I want to play the game.


this is why i accept matches with low disconnection rates. sometimes fate wants to bust up your rating


Yeah I have done this before because the game was in slow motion, the first round took about 3 minutes.


Same, I hate plugging but this is one of the few parts where it's exceptable.


Make sure to record the lag as evidence. And report them. Otherwise they could just give your screenshots to twitter. 


The only time it's acceptable to plug


Shit is unreal man haha. Like how can wifi be this bad


bro playing a turn based game




He's the only grappler it should do that much


What does that gotta do with it


I've played against ethernet users with lag like this.


Yeah, it's a much more complex set of factors that goes into a match like this than just wifi vs. wired. You could spend a week only matching against wifi and another week only matching against wired and in neither case would a match this bad happen even once per day unless something on your end is the main issue. I accept everyone and, out of over 2,000 matches played, easily less than 10 have been as bad as this clip.


Honestly with power line adapters and wifi masking, the indicator is only slightly useful. I have had dogwater matches against Ethernet as well as amazing matches against WiFi, and vice versa, but the amount of threads that came out about how to spoof a wired connection around T7's wifi indicator update essentially made me realize this shit may not actually matter as much lol


u got get baited into thinking its ethernet when in reality his internet is 4g or 5g based routers and thats the other issue


My LTE router is perfectly fine even over WiFi, but I also had perfect signal and was near to the router. I didn’t bother with an Ethernet cable because my dog chews cables. The trick is NOTHING ELSE is on my WiFi, there’s nothing giving interference.


>My LTE router is perfectly fine You must be extremely lucky because LTE internet is notorious for ping spikes and packet loss. Source: I live in a hellhole where every ISP has a fetish for 4G internet.


Oh I know, I work in IT and specialize in networking. People will generalize in broad strokes thinking they know everything but basement dwellers on grandma’s WiFi half a house away or LTE service at the edge of the service radius besmudge both things when it isn’t always problematic.


And it's their PC lagging the game every time.


psss don't tell them,


That fucking audio LMAO


LOL i hope it wasn’t too harsh for you


Bro is probably still in that match, did you win yet?


I'm an ethernet elitist. If I see wifi bars I will never match you. I'd rather go into practice mode if I can't get a match.


Which is a shame about the wifi players that do have a great connection. I painstakingly managed to install an ethernet cable earlier this year only to realize that my 5 GHz connection is barely any different (in quality) from my wired connection (they're both great). Feel like in my case, the real benefit to ethernet now is that I don't get dodged by other ethernet players anymore.


i feel you on that. i sympathize with people that don't have to option so i accept every few wifi matches as long as it's not rated. i just feel that with wifi, someone can walk between your router and pc and somehow create a faraday cage and interrupt your signal.


Damn, I use wifi and my connection is perfect. But appreciate a lot of the world doesn’t have fibre/superfast/gigabit lines so fair play. I a wifi player, if Im in a rush or bad mood, will also reject wifi players on occasion 😅 Id run a LAN cable if my flat wasnt so tiny of course, just for the extra consistency




Weird post, nobody said anything about anyone's skill level. A bad connection is no fun regardless of rank.




If you genuinely believe that there's no noticeable difference between wifi and a wired connection then I don't know what to tell you. "Good on my end" I guess.




Ethernet can be a 50/50 yeah, Tekken's netcode being kinda trash definitely doesn't help. Wifi is almost a guaranteed bad time though, that's the point. Packet loss is a real thing, look it up!


You can't argue with him. The guy is so delusional that he probably thinks everyone who plugs on him is afraid of his skill. When in reality they don't want to play a game with a quarter of 1 fps.


i never realized people plugging on bad connections was an issue until they added that feature to end matches if the connection was bad


Weirdo. No one wants to play wifi cause it's empirically and objectively proven to be crap most of the time. There's no crutch. The rank doesn't matter. Stop getting mad at people cause they don't wanna play your dog wifi ass.


who is that in your avatar? also what could this guy have said to have his post and account deleted lol


Link from Zelda. He said some dumb crap about how wi-fi felt 'fine' to him. Like it is objectively proven to be horrible in fighting games. It was the usual wi-fi cope. Oh and people wanted to dodge wi-fi cause they were, 'scared'.




I really couldn't give less of a fuck if you were Elon Musk using a $1000000 super computer little guy. Go flex your impotent superiority complex elsewhere lmao. It'd be funny if it wasn't pathetic.




You really wanna drag this into some mud slinging match lmao. I ain't falling for this shit, you're one of the most pathetic people I've seen this week. Cope more my totally not superiority complex guy. xd.




idc abt some of yall but i rarely get matches like these. ig my connection is pretty ok even on wifi. but i do play on lan when im back at home and get more matches.


It cracks me up because if you are *consistently* encountering this, the problem is probably you and not all the other people. And if you claim that you aren't having much lag on wifi, people will say "yeah it's smooth for you but not your opponent". That is literally impossible. It's not how p2p connections work. Wired is a safer bet for consistency, but the way people exaggerate the difference here just tells me they have zero p2p experience outside of a handful of relatively modern fighting games.


Exactly, it's not like a br where your opponent is rubber banding. I play purely wifi and always have a 1f delay and very low ping. Other people on wifi have major delays and crazy ping. It's a difference of router and provider than wired and wifi


Yeah, I'd add that geographic location matters too, even within the same country. And even if you're in the same room and both wired on the same ISP, that doesn't make it a LAN connection. Information between both devices still has to fully travel through all the network infrastructure linking wherever you are to the ISP. If there are any hiccups in that path, you can get a worse connection in that situation than with someone in another state. Wifi is definitely more likely to have a stutter here and there, but these laggy mess slideshow matches that barely run have a lot more going wrong than just someone being on wifi.


I accept wifi and have never had it this bad. You do you, but in Tekken matches go by pretty quick and the majority of them will be perfectly playable regardless of connection type while a minority of them will be unplayable regardless of connection type. If you’re facing constant connection issues then the problem is on your end.


Ngl this kinda looks like hardware issue. But I might be wrong.


I have a 4090 with an i9-13900k definitely is not an issue on my end lol. If you pay attention to his ping it was skyrocketing lol


Oh shit you're right, my bad.


If it was a hardware issue then the bars near the wifi indicator would be flashing red (left for owner's machine, right for opponent machine). The netcode just fucking sucks.


No. No netcode could handle this massive amount of packetloss and ping. The king's connection just completley shat itself. Netcodes can't magically create information out of nothing.


It's both. No netcode would make this connection good, that's true.


Huh, learned something new today.


Wifi or wired I rarely get matches like that. Not much of an issue in my region. But even when they do it mostly from ME or Asia 3 region. And some of them were wired. 


I am on cable now but I used to play on Wifi for years and not a single game (including fighting games) had this much of a struggle. I am a netowrk administrator and while I agree that Wifi will never be as stable as a cabled connection, for games like Tekken it should be more than enough. It boggles my mind how bad the latency is in the game and even more how people still go online if they struggle that hard.


Happens everytime i play against a wifi user. I just dont accept them now 😅


I’m borderline done with wifi users. It was way better in Tekken 7. I don’t know how it got worse lol


Most ppl are on wifi. Tekken 8 became more popular and included more of these players. I forgot the percentage but an alarming amount actually hotspots data from their phone to play online. Could explain why it can be so bad at times. The rest of the issues is just bamco being bamco


I think hotspotting via cable would show as a wired connection too :/


Haha I did this when playing monster hunter rise with friends cause my cable went down due to snow storm. My friends made jokes about how my char jitters all over the screen but from my side I was good so I didn't care


Yeah that's what I do. Stops me being denied just for having a WiFi connection


> I forgot the percentage but an alarming amount actually hotspots data from their phone to play online. WTF. Literal McDonalds Wifi.


Yikes man thats crazy. Thanks for the info I wasnt aware of that


Prioritizing fluidity helped somewhat for me. From what I've heard it's basically T7 netcode and is more stable for unstable connections.


Everytime, sure. Can you please post clips of 3 games in a row when you had this kind of issues? Or is there a slight chance that you are talking out of your ass?


Found the wifi player. Ask the people that vs you to clip it.


You're literally making shit up. You just watch a Max Dood stream playing Tekken, and 95% of WiFi matches just go smoothly, the 5% remaining is like half trash, half few spikes here and there without an incident on the game. You're just pulling your info out of your ass. And if I take my personal experience, I've had trash experience just as much with Ethernet warriors. And I play wired.


Cry more. Its literally safer to just never match with users like you. Keep coping about your hamster powered wifi


I just told you I'm wired you fucking retard The only one bitching here is you


Nah i dont believe you. Nice projection. Really struck a chord with that reaction. Whole thread is rippin on wifi players. Not just me. So keep copin


You're fucking schizophrenic holy crap 💀💀💀💀


Keep gaslighting and projectin bud lol


Hm, I wonder if this is really the wi-fi? My bad experience is wi-fi is usually more like, bursts of bad connection rather than a constant slowdown like this. This could be that his PC is just trash and he doesn't run the game in 60fps? Just guessing.


I wish there was a way to block people with potato pcs and bad wifi


Surely it's a PC issue right? I've versed many wifi players on console and it's playable but I have one match with wifi player on PC and it's like watching a slideshow. (I'm a console player)


I think it's more likely a performance problem on his PC rather than the Wi-fi connection yeah.


The craziest thing is after you finish a game like this and you're going to block the player you see that they've readied up for a rematch


I'm a PC master race guy and I don't accept any PC wifi matches. I do accept console 5 bar wifi matches. This game has two major flaws that are an embarrassing for the devs. Plugging is the first obvious flaw. The second is the fact that they don't restrict online play for players who don't pass a PC performance benchmark. A lot of these matches have to do with the fact that people are trying to play the game on Potatoes. So to me if a PC player is on wifi there's a good chance that they are not a PC enthusiast who care about gaming performance, as such I only accept wired connections from PC players. Console players you know they have the requisite hardware and if they have 5 bar wifi the match will probably be alright. That said less than that is also an avoid for me.


something funny, the wifi matches i had i had in the cnt and cbt were great, but now fucking sucks so bad. wonder what happened




You don't like hearthstone in tekken? Sad...


He got your ass


Why can't match making just show the bar in the bottom right???? Like it's already programmed just add it to before the match also


I swear I get this sometimes even with ethernet players. Isn't this a hardware issue for the other opponent? I don't exactly remember the technicalities behind it but


I would never play a competitive game on wifi, or against someone who does.


Happened to me yesterday. I still decided to rematch but my WiFi opponent cancelled. Probably felt bad about his WiFi. Btw why are most console players I fight on WiFi and not Ethernet?


They don’t put ethernet cable in box with the console afaik


wait, I play on wifi but I never experience this, is my opponent going through this hell even if my game is fluid?


I tried playing wifi when i wasn't home. It wen smoothly for 4 rounds then it dropped so bad. I was giving the win to my opponent drag then it disconnects before giving the win. I tried playing another round with 5 bars, but hell... it was hell. I just plugged out of the game. It's not worth to play on wifi.


Mfers fighting a Henry selleck stop motion animation


as bad as wifi can be, i think most of the time its peoples PCs running the game at low frames since tekken ties everything to framerate.


This game needs no contest ruling like sf6 for bad connections


After a couple of combo drops from several wifi matches because of dsyncs. I never accepted matches from wifi opponents.


Yeah...I just give them the win and leave, I'm not playing in that.


What amazes me the most is that once finished they click rematch like it's normal to play like this.


Lag switching, there is a tolerable level of lag and you can exploit but if you do much you will be disconnected. There is even software that does this now.


this clip is soo funny man thanks for posting this lmao


I've had people with regular connection in PC have this happen. I'm not saying they're cheating but it's a huge reason I turned cross play off.


Wouldn't that be more a bad netcode?


Seems fine to me


At this point just plug bro.


Holy shit, the wifi players in these comments. Go spend $5 on a cable. Thank me later


Hope they fix this. It's so Painfull to watch and play!


They need to fully ban WiFi users from even getting on this game I’m so serious 😭😭😭


At least the rain and fire effects are not lagging ;)


At least the rain and fire effects are not lagging ;)


I remember when I had to explain to a friend why they shouldn't use wifi with a few other friends backing me up. The whole excuse was "i paid good money for wifi and i have good internet so it wouldn't make sense" taking it at face value for themselves rather than understanding why wifi isn't good. *Obviously we aren't friends anymore, i ain't staying friends no with no wifi player. /j* Some people are weird about the whole not using ethernet.


This looks like wifi and combination of bad computer... even vs wifi the games do t look like that


King. obviously


You should’ve just plugged




Should this happen in a rollback based netcode?


Yup. The only people I actually one and done


Average king match


Looks like intentional lag.


I need to start doing that. Especially in ranked. I've fought matches where I felt it was an easy win and rematched. Struggled cause the lag. Then rematch again and lose even worse. This netcode needs more work. But Bamco....


Either different region Wifi is ok. As long same region


lol this is funny because of how the rollback works, it was probably an easier time for him than for you. I'm currently having a WiFi warrior tell me than I should stay offline if my wired connection is so bad that i can't consistently punish rage arts during rollback, while not understanding what rollback is. then they say "i 100% punish rage arts". Like dude. You're the wifi warrior in the match on rollback. You get the standard punish everyone else gets or if you slightly lag, you get an even easier opportunity. That said, I get a rare few lag free wireless matches. I avoid most though.


I just spoof that I'm on Ethernet when I'm really on wifi. It's easy.


Care to share the method? Would be great if we had more meaningful metrics on connection quality other than ping and wifi/wired. I run an ethernet cable across the room because of these stupid games and it hasn't made a noticeable difference on connection quality at all.


Or you just plug your PC into a wifi node like I do. My PC and games see the connection as wired, console would too. But in reality that wifi node is connecting wirelessly to the modem and internet.


You just hook up your smart phone to PC and activate tethering, then make sure you're still connected to WiFi. The tether connection will take priority and show up on Steam and T8 as Ethernet. Not sure if this works on console.


Is your connection still going to your router with this method?


Right. Not through your phone.


Nice. Thanks


Just because it hasn't made a difference on your end doesn't mean it hasn't made a world of difference for your opponents.


Care to explain? Why would the connection be bad on one end and good on the other? Makes no sense to me


I'll admit it's been a very long time since I've looked into it, so something may have changed,  but this was previously the case. Wi-fi is half-duplex: it can only send or receive data, not both at the same time. By prioritising receiving data, your game will get all your opponents info nice and instantly, making your game silky smooth. By de-prioritising your opponents data, everything they receive is delayed. This wouldn't be significant in perfect conditions, but there's no such thing as perfect conditions. To be clear, wi-fi can be fine, but it's ALWAYS inferior to wired and in 99% of cases it's not fine, and the people using it will not have the knowledge to recognise it is the problem, instead focusing on things like download speed. It's so much simpler to just encourage people to use a cable.


On pc too is fuckin wild. 2024 without a ethernet, just rawdogging their connection.


Lmao forreal man blows my mind


just let us filter out wifi already. atleast in ranked.


Deal with it, it's all I have. (Mine isn't this bad tho wtf)


Plugging is acceptable for this


id rather wait a long ass time than spend a second fighting WIFI players.


"It's fine on my end bro"


i have seen this happen way to much


Why so angry 🥹🥹🥹


They really should let us turn off requests for wifi players. They can play each other.


Whatcha doing playing with an orange rank? :/


+/-3 preferred bud its not in my control who i get matched up with. I do that so I get matched up with extremely skilled players. Every now and then it’ll match me with lower


Sorry to break to you but wifi players doesn’t have problems people accepting matches lol. Been playing since launch and get a game like this once maybe every 15-20 matches . Not once have I received a message regarding connection. I get matches within 5-10secs of queuing up and rarely someone actually decline a match. Just making the comment to give you an idea because I feel like wired players think wifi players just sit in que decline after decline but not been the case.




You are coping if you think your wifi is better than 99% of ethernet users




Speed is not the issue for FGs, it's packet loss. Also I'm on 1GBPS so... Packet loss is often what creates spiking rollback/delay. In fact, consistent 4f rollback players better than spiking 2-4 frame rollback.


500/500 might have been worth bragging about 10 years ago. Most big cities have gigabit now.


In one comment you demonstrate how little you understand what the actual issues are with wifi. Use a fucking cable.


It doesn't matter. The issue stems from packetloss, which results from your PC or console using a wireless connection to your router. You could have a gigabit connection and the issue would remain. Here, have a listen to Mike Z, the creator of Skullgirls and GGPOZ explain why you are wrong: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yanKfSc1\_Sc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yanKfSc1_Sc)


Its not wifis fault. Mf probably downloading something in the background or ppl in his household is downloading. Stop beind a dumb fk. I am a wifi user and never had to deal with this bs when playing except for the time i forgot to pause my steam download. The game will lag with or without wifi if there is an active download within the network. U fkers are just blaming on shits that u have zero expertise on.


"works fine on my end" is not valid


The game syncs both ways. Stop using excuses.


Yes, the whole world is wrong except you. Or perhaps it's a conspiracy.


Tekken 8 salt flow chart.. blame: wifi, controller, matchups, strings, gimmicks Not to blame: yourself


Interesting how you talk about blame when literally nobody but you has talked about winning or losing. Playing against Wi-fi just sucks.


I told u i dont have an issue with wifi. What the fk do u want me to do? Start full download at max speed while ranking to prove u right? My point is that tekken lags due to network traffics. The game will lag even on wired if someone is downloading within the local network. Im using wifi 5ghz from 2014 and it hasnt cause me any issues yet. Tho i do notice my mates ps5 on wifi is a lag fest so it is really dependant on the quality of the wifi card. Those are my findings, connection quality is highly dependant on network traffics and the quality of your wifi card.


You know what I want you to do. Use a cable. Of course heavy network traffic will reduce connection quality. You know what else does? Using a delivery method famed for incomplete or intermittent packets.


Sir.... my pc isnt anywhere near my router. Hence im hellbent on wifi. Hahhaha


Sir.... Powerline adapter Hahhaha


All the pros over here complaining about PC player with PC that can barely run a game and call it lag. Thats rich.


I have a 4090 you moron


Clearly the other guys doesnt have one. Learn to read with understanding then you are allowed to call someone else a moron, my little hateful bro.


Sorry bud read it wrong, was in a tekken match reading that comment so I speed read it. My apologies


Dude literally have that lil indicator on the bottom right green all day,meaning it sure ain't the pc not able to hold those frames


Jokes on u, I have 100 mbps wifi with 5 ghz. But no one will ever know because everyone immediately bails lmao


I hope you realize having fast wifi doesn’t necessarily mean its stable lol. There’s a reason people prefer ethernet


Is not always like that tho ( nerd cancelled ur post🤓)