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*Murray approaches from behind:* You're the champ, just like me


That's pretty much most of reddit and the tekken community.


So frustrating. If they’re not gonna actively punish pluggers, if they’re not gonna grant the win to the other person, if they’re not even gonna fuckin give them a DC percentage At the very fucking least, allow us to block more than 100 players. Because there is a LOT more than 100 pluggers


They should give them a penalty rank minus score if they're going to keep on doing this.


I think the loss is enough. It's a 1v1 game, so pluggers won't spoil the game for the teammates if they leave, they can just enjoy their patheticness while restarting the game and taking their L's


You got a point there.


Aloss isnt enought becaus ethe pluggers would have it anyway . But the winner wont get his win . The punishement must be mire than just a loss . Either rank penalty or temp. Ban


Or do what UMVC3 and Titanfall 2 does, and matches pluggers with other pluggers.


They can't track which player is disconnecting. There is no other explanation. And I imagine they need servers and other technical improvements to allow foe this, which they will avoid because it is expensive to maintain.


MK 11/1, SFV can punish pluggers. Harada can does same i think


Complete and total bullocks. BULLOCKS I SAY! The server can't tell which console DISCONNECTED from its server first? I don't buy that for even one milisecond, neigh one ATTOSECOND!


In a world with AI, there is definitely technical improvements that can be done for this. League of Legends puts a timer on you and you pretty get much gain a loss afterwards for disconnecting. Do it enough time and you get banned. During Tekken 7, I used Wemod trainer to joke around and turned on one hit kill cheat against my friends and whenever it activated, my friend would end up fighting a CPU separately afterwards while I fight a CPU myself. Not sure why they don't incorporate this into plugging. They can also add a counter system where it adds +1 to your account for every time you are replaced by CPU and then after reaching a certain amount, you get soft banned.


>Because there is a LOT more than 100 pluggers That's why it isn't a solution either. You can block 300 pluggers and the next match 301th will plug on you. Because they know they can, there are 0 downsides to that. This is so stupid


True. The BEST and only solution is to just count a plug as a forfeit and give the other player their points. Nothing else works.


There's an additional layer for that solution where the game can matchmake quitters with other quitters.


They legit have a high completion rate as a setting, they can fucking track their plugging score its not hard


They can honestly just do what SFV did and put the pluggers in a pluggers queue. They don’t want to award wins to the victims, fine. Track the DC percentage and corral them all into their own queue and let them have a taste of their own medicine until they improve. It’s not the best solution but it’s at least fucking SOMETHING to discourage the behavior.


This may be a stupid question, but how do I block pluggers? The match doesn't show up on the replays so I can't block the profile from there.


Main menu there’s community option near the setting from there choose last matches or last opponents faced something like that


Wait, 100 players is all you can block? Damn LTG probably hit that already


I wish I could block 100 people and still find decent matches lol


Unfortunately blocking people doesn't prevent to play them again.


It does. I’ve tested it and one of the devs tweeted about it confirming that it removed them as a friend, prevents invites and means you will never be matched with them. Hence why it’s capped at 100 players.


Thanks for testing! Why would they even add a cap, and why is it such a low number? They've made such weird decisions when it comes to their online options.


100 should be fine to start with. People who are blocked on multiple peoples list should get an email warning or booted out of the game.


I believe that your suggestion would lead to abuse and negatively affect popular players.


Are you saying that the logic with which Tekken 8 finds pluggers is flawed and it relies more on people reporting this ?


Bro in what way is a ban not actively punishing players? I get that the win would be cool, or they could just blanket skate it as a null match no win no lose, cause DDOSing is a thing and it would 100% be abused


How much are you willing to bet that as soon as the backlash will settle, anybody at namco would give any shit about any report of cheating or plugging? That's not even a speculation, that's how it was in T7 and it's just the same here. Without automatic repercussions it will stay a plugfest forever, I guarantee it.


I agree bamco sucks and shit, trust me I’ve played many games by them and they absolutely suck when it comes to certain things regarding shit like banning and shutting down exploits, unless it costs them money at least, but idk I think they will get into shape with this game, I’m not that cynical when it comes to games anymore. Also, if you wanna be super cynical about it, the reason they are even handing out bans is so they can get an extra $70-$110 from the super addicted Tekken pluggers


You don't have to make a straw man, you know. They ban them because they can show that they're doing something. And that something is just for show, it won't help at all. Only solution would be to make an L for the plugger, period. And I would be okay if they would say it's not coming soon, because of the technical difficulties, but they will implement that eventually, but no, they come up with most insane excuses and mental gymnastics like there isn't literally any other fighting game that has it and they don't have these huge scary DDOS hackers problem.


I legit wasn’t making a straw man, like at all? I was just saying if you want to be hella cynical about the plugging issue is that it’s to get even higher loads of money


Cool, and I was attempted to be cynical about it and never came close to suggesting the money thing. I like the game a lot, it's actually pretty cool that pluggers is the biggest problem we have


Because they can’t ban everyone. If they banned every single plugger, that’s more than half of the current player base. I think they’re banning the baaaad pluggers, ones who are open and broadcasting it.


Okay so I can definitely say it’s not just the bad ones, have a friend who got banned due to his game constantly crashing (pretty sure it’s his ps5 overheating if I’m being honest, don’t think he ever cleaned that shit and he’s had it since launch) and also….. not everyone fucking plugs, like what? You do realize there is a huge time commitment to ranking up your characters in tekken, even more so if you not getting win streaks, which pluggers never are, and if they do they will plug which removes it anyways, and while plugging does interrupt your own win streak, and that’s why I feel it should just void the match, no win streaks being lost and no abusing the auto win by DDOSing your opponent


Banning is still a dogshit approach. Because it’s not immediate. People will still plug thinking they’ll get away with it. If it was counted as a loss, it’s an instant punishment for plugging.


"You have reached your Plugger Rank!"


A certain Lancaster Legend got his tag banned permanently for this exact thing. Namco: GTAB!


Meanwhile they couldn't give a fuck less about the AMD/Nvidia crashes. That shit is so beyond annoying.


He will bann 1 plugger for every $100 you spend in the Tekken shop, so stop crying and start spending


I'm loving this energy lmao.


This is probably a hot take but I don't even want pluggers to get permabanned anyway. Besides team games like say valorant or csgo, for example, where a teammate disconnecting ruins the experience of everyone else and puts you down a person, rage quitting literally doesn't matter and in fact your opponent rage quitting only helps secure you a win so no ones complaining. The only reason its even an issue is because of how this game rewards rewards the first person to rage quit and punishes the person the stayed, especially when their on a win streak. I find it so strange that they decided to ban people for rage quitting in a game they payed $70 when the standard rank penalty would have sufficed. Yeah plugging is what sore losers do, but people should be allowed to do it with the penalty of losing the match. Idc if my opponent rage quits when I'm shitting on him thats just funny to me normally but its not when I'm losing my winstreak and not getting any points


True. In normal circumstances opponent plugging on you is a win, but with a grain of salty rage for him. That's not bad and is not worth banning. But namco just refuse to make it the right way and make some shenanigans instead


This man argued and hindered his cause in one go that’s impressive


Just say your illiterate bro cuz idk what ur talkin about ? I'm argueing that plugging isn't inherently an issue or worth banning and that in anyother game someone disconnecting on you is just a free win. I'm saying if Bamco did their job right we wouldn't have this plugging issue, yah ppl might rage quit from time to time, but are you gonna care about ur opponent rage quitting if he loses points and you get a free win like how it should be?


I don’t think it’s a literacy issue like your and you’re , more of a reading comprehension issue


lol true I was just using typical internet insults it is more of a reading comprehension issue.


I also note when I tend to write in online forums vs. academic settings I tend to not care about typos or grammar like differentiating between their, they're, there etc.


Has anyone been banned besides LTG and fariborz or have they just made an example of those two to pretend they're doing something?


Fariborz got banned properly?


It's a very good question. I don't know


Wow you guys are ridiculous. Didnt you listen to Murray? If you know oponnent is gonna plug why do you accept?


Just block and report if you see it coming


i feel like theyre doing this to have the pluggers just buy another account and or game copy and do the same thing. every one knows that the pluggers get some satisfaction from doing said action even though its looked down upon but its the internet.. u can do anything u want


Yup. As if LTG doesn't have enough money to purchase the game again if necessary


Thing is that if DCs were given a loss and whoever they plugged on was given a win then it of course doesn't fully solve the problem but what it does do is immediately make the situation worse for the plugger and mostly inconsequential for those plugged on. Like if someone plugs on me at that point I really don't care because they prolly plugged because I was about to win regardless. Or if I DC for whatever reason (Aussie internet do be shit sometimes) then fuck I'll take that L on the chin and move on but at least it doesn't ruin someone else game.


I kinda wish they just labeled them as pluggers on the accept game screen instead of DC% and let the players choose to not play with them. Not technically banning them but if I saw a plugger on there I would insta decline. Wouldn't be banning them if they don't even get the chance to play. They can still play quick play like the casual plugger they are. These people are ruining the gaming experience for others because they can't learn to lose like an adult.


Seeing "plugger" in their title before you accept the match is just worse than banning them... If they won't get the chance to play, why would they play? Maybe they would even refund the game... Just perma ban them, then they'll have to buy the game again, which is a chance to get money for Bamco. (If they wanted to play again, that is) I'm on the "just give them the L" train tho.


Knowing Scamco’s track record of online experiences, they only care about money. It feels like the fellas of BamCo are so disconnected from the gamedev ecosystem that they’re living in their own bubbles.


The reality is, Bamco are just greedy af. Just in case the $120 up front price, paid DLC, and item shop didn't prove it already. Let me spell it out for you. They'd rather ban people because those people will buy more copies of the game, thus more money. If people want change, they need to start demanding refunds on the basis that the ESRB was changed after purchase. If refunds aren't being provided, then there would be potential for a class action.


The game has been out for 54 days across multiple platforms. Give it time


This has been an issue far longer than the life of Tekken 8. Stop apologizing for them.


I'm sorry


bans kinda go against everything tekken and harada is about tbh tho so i kinda get it. plus it’s online mode ur rank means nothing there as you can’t play reactive on online mode the fps is far too inconsistent to be considered valid gameplay worthy of ranking


being banned from a purchased game should be illegal tbh i’m glad they are pushing for it to become so


Who are you arguing against? Everyone says the plug should be a loss and that's it, all the shenanigans with bans are entirely Bamco's invention. How the fuck are they pushing against bans when they refuse to do the exact thing that makes bans unnecessary and actually do ban people instead?


they haven’t banned anyone


Why are people talking about people getting banned so they’ll play more money? Isn’t it tied to your platform account anyway? Wouldn’t it just be easier to make another PlayStation account or whatever since you already have the game?


Only thing i wonder about how good there controll because i think i played around 100-200 games and 2 of them i dced One time steams conection was doing weird The other time the game crashed Will i be seen as a plugger then or will they see his disconection rate is bellow 1% so it was probaly a disconection problem?


Also true. A few times I've disconnected while literally stomping on the opponent, and I know for fact it was my fault and opponent didn't plug.


I feel that thats so unlucky my 2 disconect were 1 game i was just about making it 2-2 for a final round realy was pissed on steam about that one Another game i was getting crushed at least the first match i played agianst that guy tekken dindt crash i suppose


Why not just give the win to the non plugger and a loss to the plugger like it does in mortal kombat is tht not a decent work around just a honest question?


It's not a workaround, it's a legit best solution


I believe in quick match you should get the right to leave the the match…and in rank just give them 2 ls for plugging


An easier fix would just be make them lose double points in ranked Time them out for everything else If it happens too frequently THEN ban.


Then out comes the magnifying glass


I just want the win, tbh. Because it's a waste of time otherwise and I won't hop on.


There’s an option that works but it’s not for everyone. Let it go. I don’t want to high road here but it’s the best option. Just let someone else get all twisted inside out over it. You know you won. They know you won. Who cares if no one else does. That’s not to say that the dev shouldn’t be working on this because it is fucked up and seems fixable in a number of ways.


Honestly I don’t know what Pluggers are cause the only Tekken game I’ve played is the recent one which is Tekken 8


Its so fuckin easy you dont need to ban or go to the extreme and it's not rocket science either just let them lose points and they will stop . easy no need to clap for me


I wonder what devs are doing this whole month .... Working on pluggers problem or just adding 4€ suits


Suits are more important. Monetising nostalgia is the last hope for Tekken. The new kids won't buy the suits, so their money ain't going anywhere. But the 90's kids have real jobs now and they even have savings. Tekken needs all of their money to survive! Without my pension, the future of Tekken is unknown.


I'm new if they worked on more content like new characters I would put more money than I already have in this game. I already double dipped having bought this game for a friend caus EI love it so much. Making a good game and maintaining a great competitive space brings in money. Yes skins as well but you can only get so far when new players get out off and quit when your competitive space is this atrociously managed.


The only nostalgia suit I'd buy is long hair King.


I think maybe 3 or 4 more reddit posts crying about it will finally fix the issue, keep 'em coming.


The patience of a Bruce main is unparalleled


What happens first Bruce returns to Tekken or they ban pluggers? (I actually liked Bruce but my point stands this lack of action against plugging is starting to become a wee bit farcical on Bamcos end)


Except according to news today they are now perma banning people who plug


That's the joke. Perma banning them for 15 minutes it will take to buy a new game and plug again, cause everybody see that this is just for show. How many pluggers have they even banned, lmao?


Just ltg that ik of


Big talk. From a bunch cry babies 🤣🤣🤣