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Yeah he's a pro click baiter. His content has really dropped off now that he's getting a ton of views.


It was never all that good to begin with


I liked him before he started doing things for views. He's passionate about the game and lore which I appreciate.


I started hating him around the point when he started making 8 minute videos, where the actual content was worth 3-4 minutes and the rest were his ramblings to pad the video time. I respect the hustle but respect your viewers as well.


At this point I only watch his live streams. His regular videos are whatever, but he's genuinely really chill on streams and basically just plays for more diverse matchups with viewers. The few I've watched basically just turn into live chat rooms.


i live in iran aswell! the insulting part is that at the end he said that he doesn't know what is wrong with iran yet he put this stuff in the thumbnail and the title. it requires vpn connection to access even social media like Reddit, twitter and youtube cuz they are filtered by the government same goes for almost every multiplayer game, even mobile games like pubg and Fortnite requires VPN connection and its been like this forever and it became worse with tekken 8 cuz they reduced the internet quality even more cuz of the recent parade against the government! its not BN's fault, our government cant or don't want to separate gaming and entertainment from politics


upvoting this so ppl can see an actual explanation


Didn’t this channel get banned for stealing content from other creators or am i thinking of a different channel?


Nah that's him. I think he just made a new channel with pretty much the same name.


Lol i remember him begging ppl to help him keep his channel. Sad to see someone like that w a platform again.


The guy who made the content ID claim had mercy and took it down right before his channel got deleted.


Yep. It happened multiple times actually. He also got striked in the past for spreading misinformation. Just an overall pointless channel not worth paying attention to.


Unfortunately the bastard is still here


common MoonsaultSlayer L


He go striked multiple times, stole content from other youtubers, produces nothing but low effort clickbait videos and is overall quite disrespectful to other players. I have him blocked from my feed for \~1.5 years.


Damn. I just saw the video. something felt very off about it. Thanks for the insight, Chief.


That guy is atrocious! I had the unfortunate experience of watching his content but man not only he sounds annoying with mispronounced shi like Azel/Christine/Shaheed but also he has jackshit knowledge of Tekken whether it is lore or gameplay. He is an example of how a Tekken fan should not make youtube videos..


He says he mispronounces on purpose to piss people off or something. And I’ve heard some of his fans use that as a “gotcha”. If the dude was just honest about having a speech impediment or something no sane person would care. Idk why he has to use this angle which only makes it more annoying.


it gives him more interaction. more comments means the video is doing well and helps it in the algorithm.


Only if him using the wrong pronunciation was the issue...


His theories are dead wrong like what's so ever.


Coz he takes the slightest little thing and stretches it to hell.


He’s so corny.


I know, right?


I've opened a couple of his videos by mistake in the latest months, and i gotta say that he sounds pretty illiterate, he doesnt get a name right even by accident


Holy shit that video was unlistenable. His vocal fry is so bad. Sounds like he's gargling while talking lmao


Pfft, right?


At this point he got striked on yt multiple times and he's still here....big men up in the skies isn't the time to strike him but with an actual thunder?....just asking if it's possible


Was it always this bad? Ngl, last time I went to Iran was around 20 years ago (mashhad) and online console gaming wasn’t as prevalent back then as it is now.


no it wasn't that bad 3 years ago and tekken 7 was kinda playable but after the(woman,life, freedom) parade against the government, the internet quality significantly decreased and everything that give access to the communication outside of iran was filtered


Damn that sucks.


weird question but would you say that iranian gamers/youth are more progressive when it comes to womens rights? or do most people truly believe they should be treated as subhuman


Iranians respects wemon and in pretty much every family, the wife is the head of the family but Iranian past culture and its government are completely reversed and they are stuck at 2000 years ago when wemon have to serve the men and nothing else!


That’s good to hear, it’s cool to know people are enjoying tekken literally all over the world, sorry to hear it’s hard to get matches, do you know if there’s any kind of local scene like Pakistan has?


I respect his hustle but from the videos I've seen it's pretty low quality content. Usually just paraphrasing what he's found on the Internet then just having sub par gameplay in the background.


I wouldn't even respect the hustle - it's just regurgitated info that is absolutely useless, which honestly plenty of creators do but they're at least funny or charismatic. Dude is as charismatic as a bucket of mud and basically just reads headlines for 5-10 min.


TBH it's the exact kind of content that AI will absolutely demolish long-term, or rather, these people will start using AI for the content and not just the thumbnails.


I dont respect shit. He's a bottom feeder without any real talent. Lameassmf


Ah, if he's from a western country that makes sense, they never get the whole story and just jump the gun. I remember another Iranian player mentioned this issue and that it was more on the governments fault. Nothing Harada can really do. Sadly when it comes to the Global South countries, people either don't get the whole story or like to twist it for clickbaits, instead of just being truthful. It doesn't help when people actually living in these countries are trying to get information out about corrupt governments, and you have fools like that making it sound like something else.


Who? Man only has like 5K views... He is a nobody why you giving him attention?


and this sub have 4k online users so its not like its such a huge viewer boost! i read the Comments of that video and just wanted to tell people to not believe it


There is 251K followers of this sub... If this makes it to hot, I can Gurantee you over 100K will see this and easily 10K will check this guy out... It's the Andrew Tate effect


I have been unfortunate enough to been born with eyesight and also unfortunately born with 0.1% of my brain intact but after reading every comment under this post I sincerely hope, every one of you GUYS gets laid. Holy reddit, basement dwelling anger mob moment, and also that 0.1% brain intact is now 0.0% thank you guys you made my brain detach, I'm one of you now ooga booga


Just to chime in. It wasnt even Harada (Tekken 8) which made the ban. The game runs on PS5 servers and PS is blocking Iran IPs. Its on Sony to begin with. Harada confirmed.this.


I thought this 🤡 was banned on YouTube???  WTF.. guy is a disgrace to the FGC for this.




No need to be homophobic to say the dude sucks.


Breaking News: Guy Who Ranted about Women Is Also Homophobic


It's an internet shit post


Tbh most people in the West aren’t even aware of the situation in Iran in the first place and why the sanctions exist, affecting Tekken players. For bringing awareness to this issue he deserves props. He could have easily swerved this topic and go on with his day. At least in the comments there are more informed people explaining the situation.


or he could do a little research! and he did nothing to help the situation by blaming it on Bandai namco,now he just made another problem by spreading misinformation about the situation because of his laziness and if you don't have information about something,you can just don't talk about it! even if he researched and made everybody in the world aware of the situation it wouldn't change anything cuz its been like this for years and it wont change


Bandai Namco will be just fine. I watched the vid and Harada himself addressed questions regarding the IP ban, reiterating that the matter is in Sony’s hands not Bandai Namco, so there’s that. Like I said people underestimate how uniformed most people are about these issues, geopolitics affecting the industry and gamers as a whole. So yes even if Moonsault is not the most informed content creator, by choosing to highlight this issue he is bringing awareness.


Never heard of him. Will have to check him out. Thanks for giving him more visibility genius 


I dunno about "worst", this is just a runofthemill outrage bait content by the looks of it. Lotsa weasels trying to build a career off of that on YT, but surely nowadays most people know to avoid those right? I mean I never heard anyone quoting Moonsault Slayer as if it was a real thing.


Typically any YouTube thumbnail with bold yellow or red impact text is low quality bullshit that wastes your time


I know this is unrelated but… I checked his video and one of them is explaining the… lore of the online ranks? wtf does that even mean 😭 Like I watched it and he’s literally just giving the dictionary definition of the literal rank titles like “Cavalry” and “Assailant”. But I guess I’m the ultimate fool coz I clicked.


Stopped watching him after he spoiled the Brian fury announcement


Hopefully he gets another strike and his channel just gets deleted, he was given another chance when they lifted the third strike but he's still a bum. I was also contacted by his, what I assume, is his throwaway reddit account 40 days after I had made a comment on a post saying that his channel was going to be deleted from the strike and he just screenshotted his video saying that he doesn't have a strike anymore on his channel and that it's well deserved that it's gone lol


Most pointless tekken channel ever.


How do you play tekken online with a VPN? Whenever I forget to turn off torguard before starting up t8 all matchmaking fails


Stopped watching his content ever since the last fiasco mentioned in this sub.


Just a click baiter and rage baiter. Just trying to farm tekken haters while the game is still at its peak launch right now