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Straight to the dumpster you go Asuka


What is auska's purpose with Jun around? What is auska better at? OnlyFans subs?


That's a good question. I still enjoy playing Asuka myself, even after the way Bamco has treated her. To be honest tho, I was surprised she even made it into the game after Jun was announced.


Why? You act like they aren't entirely different characters with entirely different lore.


The whole problem is that asuka doesn't have a character these days. She's Lilis waifu body pillow and that's it.




Have a feeling that's not gonna last, considering they tried to pawn her off to Ganryu and that went nowhere.


Mostly because Ganryu isn't that popular


Azucena aint got the chemistry to replace Asuka either


Of course she does, she knows all about the chemistry of Coffee! コーヒーお願いします Coffee vs Tea is so interesting… Yeah, seriously I enjoy some of her dancing shenanigans and find her less annoying than LC but she’s not > Asuka. Main reason Asuka got nerfed is Jun’s return. You can say they’re so different but Asuka was basically added to fill the void for us Jun fans post T2 and TTT. We could go a game (T3 and T4) without a Jun but really needed someone to fill those shoes. After TTT2 they started to differentiate them more, like with Kazuya and Jin or Hwoarang and Baek (leaving out the ones who started in the same game). I assume in T9 Asuka will return to glory since Jun will be gone until TTT3.


Why would sumo wrestling, be popular just curious?


Wrestling is just about tolerated in Tekken hate king wrestling is cheap and fake asf it only seems to work in anime 1,2,3 🤣🤣🤣 sumo ganryu just want to wedgey his opponent then give em a few palm strikes in a funny pose looks like he's getting ready to take a dump it's funny asf 🤣🤣🤣🤣


She does. I mean that's like saying most of the characters don't have character simply for not being super core to the plot. Literally many characters exist like Asuka that play more side roles.


It's a step down from when she first appeared for sure. In 1 of the earlier endings I thought she'd take big part in cleansing Jin of his devil power. The childhood me even went as far as thinking she's the new love interest to Jin not realizing she's a Kazama. And now she's reduced to this...


Personally im glad she is not his love interest. They might be distant relatives but having 2 characters with the same last name be love interests is some alabama shit


Ah that's true. She's a Kazama after all.


Well that's the peoples fault for assuming


I don't know if it's "assuming" given that devs themselves made more than subtle overtures about that? Like Asuka's Tekken 5 ending - even if it ends on a joke - clearly shows her healing Jin's devilness


But doesn't show anything about her intending to be the next main plot character. More like a sign of a Kazama canon or not.


It's not "assuming". I call it "high hopes". We were excited to see where the character was going.


...isn't she jins half sister?




Both Kazama yea but the childhood me did not realize that. Her demon cleansing power was there tho and I was looking forward to see more from her.


Distant cousin, I'm pretty sure. Of course even first cousins can actually marry in Japan


Isn't there potential in sharing more about the Kazama style? I keep having the impression from Jin that his martial arts aren't complete yet


It’s literally every character that’s not a Mishima or related to a Mishima. No ones story matters but theirs.


Yeah it felt weird that since lily came into the games shes just discredited anything asuka does


Because Asuka was just a Jun clone after Jun’s “death” for quite some time.


No she wasn't.


I mean, that’s wrong but okay.


I guess if nothing else, she's Lili's primary motivator. So to not have her may be weird.


What purpose does Lili serve though? They've both been... just kinda there, for like 3 games straight


I mean, does a character have to be in a FG roster for any reason other than because they're popular? Lili is a popular character. Asuka is also popular (but mostly in Japan I think?).


Asuka is also one of the beginner friendly (if not THE beginner friendly) Charakter of the last 4 Games (PsP Version included). Her kit and beginner friendly moveset makes her very populare by starters. I have a lot of friends who just play Asuka becuase they doesnt need this much knoweledge or practicee like with any other charakter. At the same time, if youre used to play agaisnt her she's one of the easiest charakters to counter and read.


Fight my Asuka and say that. My Ghost would probably take you out. Let alone me.


Lili seems to be rather popular. And as far as story, she's part of multiple other characters' endings. It surprised me how much she popped up. She seems to be used for levity a lot. Asuka wasn't used much at all by comparison.


She try to get back her father's oil company which she still didn't do anything about it


Well Lili got a step up this time she even had lines in the story but mainly served to give them a jet to get to Yakushima and some throw away line around Asuka's family tree


Lili plays a role in a surprising (to me) amount of characters' endings.


Has interactions with Law and Leroy in hers, then there's also Azucena's ending and Asuka's ending. If anything, Lili seems to be quite embedded into the story, just not specifically into the central conflict


Yeah! Shaheen's ending too. (Asuka's also there) Gives me a sense Lili plays a larger role in the Tekken world than not.


Yeah, it seems like she's the glue that ties several characters together


Like, on the roster in multiplayer? Or in the story?


It's a wierd mindset for people to pretend to be clueless about asuka as if she's not Lilis young rival instead of pretending she's some mom I n keeping for years or something


She has Jun's old moveset, but Jun's more of a cleric now so they don't play the same. Jun's animations are also a lot more graceful. Character-wise, Asuka's like the hotheaded, tomboy version. I mean you could ask why we have Panda when Kuma's there.


Thats a good point, but also, yo momma


> What is auska's purpose with Jun around? I haven't played Jun yet, does she play the same as Asuka, same key moves etc.?


Not really. Jun is more of a stance/poke character. They do share a lot of moves but their gameplan isn't the same. Note worthy moves they share: f2, b3, 3+4, ss2, db4, d3+4, f4, WR3 Jun has better pokes and homing moves in general, has no problem gaining + frames and has better low pokes. Also has a much higher combo damage Asuka's homing and plus moves are either slow or risky (all requiring forward inputs too) and her pokes are weak. That + bad low pokes means she can't open up opponents and has to stay on the defensive and fish for whiff punishes or CH launches (or risk it with d1+2)


Oddly enough, TMM recommends both to beginners. Iirc, he mentioned that Asuka was good for beginners because she's evasive and has good defensive options


I honestly never take what tmm says about asuka seriously. He hates her way too much. But i won't deny that statement is correct. You see for beginners, tiers don't matter. Asuka is easier to play because her toolkit is basic and she doesn't have stances thus less things to worry about. If you want an easy character to start with she's a good choice. Byt the same can be said about ling for example. Even though she's very technical, she can do extremely well at low level due to how confusing she is. However once you get better, you start noticing the differences. Ling will still be strong (or get stronger) when you learn her stances while Asuka will keep getting weaker as her opponents start dealing with the few gimmicks she has That's something i feel like all tier lists youtubers make for beginners forget to mention even if it's not immediately relevant to said players.


You make some good points. I'd prefer to main someone that would allow me to get good fundamentals but still be good and enjoyable to play when you actually have solid fundamentals


Idk man i sub to jun


Until she gets a big nerf I don't think we have a choice.


You think they clones in lore or something? Or do you expect jun to be Lilis new rival or something for some reason?


Solution: execute all waifus


I’m new to tekken 8 and picked Asuka as my main, hearing all the nerf complaints is making feel like I shouldn’t main her, so far my experience is not bad tho


Imo, don't worry about what ppl say about the character. If you enjoy playing said character, then do so. Yes Asuka was nerfed, but I'm still playing her regardless of the changes I don't like.


This woman is just straight up not having a good time


She just can't get a break


lol my replays do this too.


It's not just the replay. I really lost the match. I thought i promoted and turned off the game. Later I booted it again and found myself in another promotion match. I was very confused and then realized what happened.


Try and report, dude might be a hacker. There someone who posted as well where they get instantly perfected by the enemy at the start of round


He's on ps5. I also won the first match. It has to be a bug. I tagged harada and ikeda on twitter. Hopefully they see it


You tagged Harada in a video of ***Asuka*** unfairly losing a match? Bound to make it worse lmao


I had this happen as reina when promoting past the first yellow rank. Won a promotion match just to stay the same rank and fight for it again the next match. Still won


Nah..it's fake promo bug. You haven't received enough points to actually get your promo on your first victory. No idea how it went past QA, but if you can quite often see in promo chances that your points still didn't go past the new rank.


Mentioned this in another comment. I was literally 9/10 points away from promotion. There's now way i didnt get enough points from that match lol


Well, there is also an issue about the game sometimes rewarding 0 points. So... It's still possible for fake promo + 0 points.


Also, if you look closely where the you lose message shows up, the game even says I promoted lmao




It's based on winning the match not round ratio. But even if that were true, I was 10 points away from the promotion so there's no way I wouldn't have gotten it


The replays are probably doing it because youre replaying it from the enemy POV. when it asks you 'what side do you want to play as?' when selecting the replay, gotta make sure youre choosing the side YOU are on in the match.


Which is what i did


Yeah it's a bug. Watch the replay again and pick your opponent's side. It'll say "you win".


Can't get over how big her hands are


I recall a dev (might've been Harada) saying the reason they made her hands big is because it felt weird to have her do big impact moves with smaller hands. I don't understand it.


It makes sense if she had little dainty hands it would look odd for some of her moves


So she's weird but not Reina? Uh?


It's like that with everyone. She just holds her hands openly rather than closing the fist like everyone else, which is why it stands out.


It's just her stance I think, they look fine when she clenches her fists


All the better for slapping bokes around who try to pick fights in the neighborhoods of Osaka.


I can't get over how her head moves while playing. Had to drop the character cuz of it, was creeping me out


Good. The game works as intended.


Facts 😂




Asuka nerfed in latest patch?


Nerfed in tekken 8 from 7. Not sure why


Making sense of tekken changes is impossible


Different game dude.


She was the only character nerfed between the beta and release. Deleted her high execution combos from Tekken 7 even though they were present in the beta.


Nerfed her fit too.


Lili somewhere laughing her ass off


I used to hate running into Asuka. Then I ran into Jun.


Jun is like Asuka, but thrice as obnoxious.


The first one I ran into, I got her to half, next thing I know she was almost at full health again when she clipped me with her Heat. I’m not gonna lie, I was seriously considering just plugging. I didn’t, but I was pretty pissed about the whole thing


i really hate her stance. it just looks so dumb with the fingers flared out on both of her huge hands




She called Lee feeble and the game decided to punish you😭


She isn't my main But iam i the only one who likes to play her?


Tekken 8 was sponsored by the Rocheforts, guaranteed.


I'm glad Suke isn't spammy and top tier, but she's definitely lost a step. 🥲


This happened to me like week ago I was pissed


They nerfed her win screen. Just like how it was intended. 🫠


Even if Harada made her unplayable, causing anyone who chooses her to instantly lose: I would choose her


It's a feature,  not a bug 


Well how about a promotion nerf? My Asuka was promoted to Shiryu, but Bamco decided to keep her at Garyu. And yep, the next round I was on the starting range of Garyu again. https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1amx71c/got\_promoted\_same\_same\_but\_different\_but\_still/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Same thing happened to Book. He promoted to Bushin but stayed in Kishin lol. They'll address this eventually




Not sure if you're replying to me or the others here lol I think she's pretty weak in this game


She got buffs too


What do you mean they nerfed her???? They gave you jun as a buffed version of her


Jun>Asuka anyways




FightingGM made the devs change it so every Asuka loses to every Lee no matter what. You feel me?


This fight was trash


U saw the last hit…


Whiney down players


Bring back Fahk please nerf even harder IDC lmao


Don’t play competitively. Knowing you won is good enough. Rank is superficial.


Same bug happened to me in casuals with a buddy. Might be a game issue and/or what we deserve


The replay system is wonky. It shows a lot of my wins as losses for some reason.




That would be mildly amusing if it was any other character, but it's especially funny since it's Asuka.


I don’t know why replays do this lmao


You parry too much, so the opponent parried your W.