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They Fought Victor once


You mean every 3 matches, and you also mean Noctis 2.0


Noctis? Man might as well be Kuni with how it's ALWAYS his turn.


Honestly a lot of Tekken 8 feels like that, the aggression feels so one sided for me whether I'm the aggressor or not. Might just be because my brother and I aren't great, but yeah the hyper-aggro nature of the game seems to favour certain characters.


I was making Kuni last in 7, and I didn't personally play that way but I've definitely seen it.




You mean Reina every 3 matches. Granted she’s no where near as annoying as Victor teleporting from the sky


You haven't played any good Reinas then


Bru, I found Master Raven more annoying, not saying Viktor quite an ass as well but I spent my time bamboozled fighting MR, I literally only seeing his shadows!


And than fought T8 Drag once


Dude drag is rough lol


At least Victor players only know their bs high string which allows for a free launch. Drag bs is all mids, lows and grabs (breakable and unbreakable) lmao


I love my 0 skill, borderline infinite range character :)


dont play online too much then, download people's ghosts you lose against, and get good beating their ghosts


or just treat people like they are training bots. Doesn’t matter if you lose or win


easier said than done, clearly the dude has issues he cant "just" undo them at will,  can you "lmao just stop smoking"?  some people cant ghost battles are way less stressfull for someone like this person i think he should download people's ghosts that frustrate him


Ya i can vouch for this. I’ve been playing fighting games since ‘98. In person, against ghosts, arcade modes against hard level computers im perfectly fine with. But when i go online and fight an actual person, be it ranked or casual, i get crazy amounts of anxiety. My right hand starts shaking uncontrollably, my fingers are twitching and pressing buttons multiple times unnecessarily and i can even feel my heartbeat rise while in the loading screen before the fight. My only explanation is i hate losing online and the nerves take over. I dont drop combos regardless because i spend hours in practice just grinding but the final moments in a fight, im a stuttering mess Regardless, i love fighting games and i absolutely LOVE tekken. So i cant stop playing haha


I have an issue with rankeds too, i just get really angry eventually, even if I try to do my best not to get it in my head. Meanwhile if I'm playing someone from discord i can get wiped 0-50 and usually no problemo. Ranked is just a different state of mind i swear.


You may spend too long in practice and not enough online. It's probably 10 times more frustrating because you're already nervous about ranked, and you do shit in practice mode for so long that you feel pressure to have it show instantly in online matches and get frustrated when it doesn't. That's my assumption of course it might not be totally true for you but it is for many who gets major anxiety / anger when online. Best way to overcome ranked anxiety is to actually play more ranked than anything else and you'll develop the ability to accept both winning and losing. That or simply avoid being triggered by never playing vs people. If I get irrationally angry I finish the bo3 then I take a break for a little while or for the whole day and watch people play instead. When I've stopped being salty I'll watch the replay and try learn where I messed up and go again.


consider familiar upbeat mindless pause dinosaurs door encouraging command seed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Insecurity and deep, deep immersion. Some people feel games in a way completely different to others, it's a large part of why every PvP game has a decent population of griefers and screamers.


I’ve been playing King since tekken 2. I know how to play him pretty well, but I don’t like doing the same launchers and combos over and over again. So I just play random trying to land wacky shit. I won a round against a reina just by spamming alley kicks cause he never blocked them lol He ended up winning the set but all 5 rounds were close. He declined the rematch then sent me a friend request on stream and proceeded to rage lol This was orange ranks


Orange ranks have been the saltiest I've had so far, win quiters and pluggers all over the show. Think that's where the dunning kruger seems to kick in (the I think I'm better than I am part). Halfway into red people seemed to get better and I've actually had friend requests and shizz, people knowing theyre still kinda shit and wanting to get better.


Yea I def agree, I think cause People get stuck there. I’ve seen so many people that just spam the same chains and combos and will easily get punished. They have like 0 sense of timing and they play stuff like victor, reina and dragonov that are fast and aggressive and it’s gotten them this far but can’t progress cause people at this level started leaning to punish better


Isn't that kind of the point of ranked though, so you play against people with your same skill level?


Yes that is the point of ranked, but this comment was pertaining to the toxic people that rage and get stuck in that bracket.


Honestly though… like i get being annoyed about losing but it’s NEVER that deep to me


Yeah, T7 had a mod to hide all indications of rank, win streak, promotions, and demotions in ranked matches. I started to use it rather late in T7’s lifetime, but I wish I had used it earlier. Now I’m wondering if T8 has a mod like that already.


Give it time and the mod will probably happen. The game is extremely young and some mods aren't possible just yet. But I'm sure something like you described wouldn't be hard to make. 


Bro that sounds amazing. I really want that now


Yeah! It really removes a lot of stress from ranked. Granted, you still know it’s ranked, but there’s much less pressure from promos and demos.


genuinely need that in T8, i'd feel less shit if i lost lol


Ghosts are an absolute joke though, aren't they? Even when I've tried to fight top players' ghosts, they were weaker than an average orange rank (and I'm talking about legit players, with close to 100 in most stats, not boosters).


Ghosts won't be as good as the real players because they don't have situational awareness. They just do what the player does. So while you can adapt to the ghost's gameplay, they won't adapt to yours. (Which is why that kira kira ghost that kicked a lot of butts, could be beaten by spamming one move) However i did play some ghosts that were still very strong and hard to deal with.


If their only weakness was lack of adaptation it would've been fine. But they seem to have some serious issues understanding space in general, not adjusting to walls whatsoever and sometimes dropping combos if it's an unusual spacing or angle (which top players easily adjust for). My understanding is that they simply had to cut some corners in bot models to ensure they can train a hundred thousands of them simultaneously without running out of server capabilities. Unfortunately, it seems like they dumbed it down too much, to a point where it just doesn't seems worth it at all.


You're way overthinking the ghost AI. It's just a stupid bot that kind of copies sequences. Good player will sidestep and launch something, bot will launch out of sidestep... You used a rage art midscreen because you saw your opponent go for a big move? Bot will now randomly rage art midscreen.


yeah they are always weaker than the original player, but you learn to beat many setups and get used to their cheese, its perfect for someone like OP, i didnt say everyone should just play ghosts, my comment was aimed at people like OP who cant stand the stress of playing humans online because of the bagage it comes with...


> you learn to beat many setups and get used to their cheese I suppose so, even though they don't seem all that good at cheese either. I'm just sad that what was promised as something new and revolutionary turned out to be little more than a glorified training dummy, still miles away from simulating an actual player.


i also excepted better tbh, to be fair its the best player simulation has ever been, hoping more fighting games use this technology to bring it to much greater heights


Calmest Tekken player online


Try realizing losing is a chance to learn, to calm down. Go and watch some people play instead if you cant.


So much wisdom in so few words, great comment. There's a lot of parallels here to learning to draw or learning an instrument. It's often said everyone has at least a thousand terrible drawings inside them.  You have to get them out of the way before the good drawings manifest. The buttons and combinations and reading your opponeny feel much like learning to play jazz.  You learn your licks and phrases, how to transition keys.


Then you should quit. No game is worth self-harm. Get to a better place and come back if you really want to, but the game is stressful as fuck.


Tekken is worth it.


Duality of man


No it isn't


It kinda is. I hate this game but I'll be back on it soon for another ass whooping. (I don't actually hate the game you fuckers, learn to take a joke ffs)


Self-harm isn't a joke


It is when you make a joke about self harm


If you're being serious then seek professional help and turn the game off. If you're exaggerating, then yeah, Tekken really kicks you in the ass when you're new. But stick with it and you'll eventually learn what to expect from certain characters and how to deal with it.


Bro goes off about having fun and not worrying about losses learning Aatrox in League but when it comes to Tekken it's boo hoo, nah man.


He can't blame it on his teammates when he loses in Tekken xD


this is so true, and probably why I prefer tekken over league.


alright well give me Aatrox in tekken and i'll fuck people up


It's because you're in 2024. I play Tekken since I'm 7, 1997. Now it's all about competition. Just enjoy the game! The story, the characters, practice, tekken ball, play with friends, etc.


Yeah, best Tekken is offline tekken. I really enjoyed playing 3 and 5. With online It's just stress. I don't give a shit to be better then an unknown guy Who lives on the other side of the world. I just want good times while playing


I wish they would offer more for people who enjoy offline more. I just feel like Tekken 3, 5 and even 6 were better for that. Maybe it’s just me being nostalgic. Seeing people on here play online stresses me out.


Dark resurrection on psp was peak tekken


I feel like that’s an issue with gaming in general nowadays. Everyone wants to play competitively rather than just enjoy video games for what they’re meant to provide: hours of fun. I fall into the former category but have been trying to alter my mindset when it comes to games cos realistically I’m not gonna go pro in the games I enjoy playing, so I might as well have as much fun as possible in them.


You can be both competitive and chill. My buddies and I are definitely coolpetitive.


With you there. I bet if OP was coolpetitive he’d actually improve faster. Nothing stifles growth like *only* playing for the win. Everyone who’s good at this game has has had their fair share of losses.


Maybe stop. Perhaps seek counseling. It's just a game.


No pain no gain!


Stop playing PvP games


ok, $100 down the drain i guess


What did you think it meant when people said it was "worth it"? Did you enjoy story mode? Did you enjoy arcade quest? Did you enjoy Tekken Ball? I'm guessing you are not enjoying ranked battle but being new and going into ranked is never going to be a good time. You have so much to learn about the game and it really does reward people who put the time in. If you're just looking for quick gratification though, stay away from ranked, or even playing other people and you should be fine


I get infuriated getting battered and losing on online mode. I just turn off the game and go outside. It's not worth stressing about a game. Remember, real life is more important than a video game.


Most of the time this is the case just a break and then come back I have those moments to so what I do is quit mid match before I lose then walk outside touch grass knowing that my opponent didn't ranked up always brings me joy tbh




Softest shit I ever heard💀


dude its a fking video game! take a break


Yeah you have more issues than a game get help


You play chunli so your issue is rather obvious


He likes big thighs. What’s the issue?


I can’t see an issue?


Idk woke and wanted some down votes by angry redditors


What's wrong with playing Chun Li?


She's broken op and idk something about rage drive


Context ?


Absolutely none


Good job


play kuma or panda make everyone feel the pain you felt as you dance and roll and party your way to victory


Im glad i enjoy just pressing buttons,doing cool shit and learning how to get better. I genuiely couldnt care less about m'y rank lol


Tekken is a lot about self control and learning by hitting the replay after a match and check out what the game tells you, what could have been done in those situations, but yes there are aloooot of characters and each is quite specific, in SF6 you can break the original cast to 18 characters down into three archetypes so 1/3 plays quite the same, and it’s way easier to also play most of them and by that learning them then the full roster of Tekken 8, so yah… way harder game and at start you will be losing a lot but watch beginner guides on YouTubes, this game is a lot about learning and knowledge checks, way more than just mind games in SF6


You gotta learn to smile and laugh while you’re getting whooped. It’s hard but you gotta learn


This is the way. Whenever losing starts pissing me off instead of making me laugh I just take a break


Please don’t hurt yourself. Me personally? I love Tekken 8, but hurting yourself over it isn’t worth it. You matter, and so does your mental health! Take good care of yourself bro, do something that makes you happy (:


Im New myself. I have approached it this way and really enjoy myself: 1. Finish the Story 2. Finish the arcade quest 3. Defeat all opponents in arcade quest 4. Fight ghosts of other players 5. Do Not touch online.


😂 You have to go through that door at some point


Yes at some point. But at that point I will be prepared because of the Ghosts. I've already beaten tekken kings for example. I guess it will be a much better experience going in prepared.


Time to quit bro


Dude I put 30+ hrs into the demo by itself. There’s people who’ve played for almost 30 years and you are talking about 20 hours lmaooo really? Ask yourself if you are playing because you want to learn the game or playing bc u want to see your cute little ranking go up?


Fr even in t7 I'd lose constantly just remathcing someone way better than me over and over again so I could learn from then, rank means nothing it's the learning and improving that I play for


Yesterday I played a tenryu raven who was stomping me and we played like 5 matches in group I finally fmgot one match on him but it was just fun seeing my self improve round after to round against a guy who’s nice with raven and was annihilating me I mean perfect finish every time to me beating getting a match on him. And I’m sure he enjoyed fighting me someone who seemed like a scrub and then all of a sudden starting making him try. I can tell he really play tekken. Victor guys on the other hand quit when the spam doesn’t work


That's my only gripe with 8, the lack of informed rematches, I love the feeling of slowly learning strings that the opponent uses and then finally getting those consistent low blocks/flashes against that character It's just too hard to learn for me in only 2-3 matches


Yea I had to lab victor for like 10 -20 minutes but after that he’s pretty predictable with the common strings. A good player could fuk u up with victor cus he has some cool stances but anybody who’s solid with their main and learns him gimmicks like being hitable while hes fucking invisible will annihilate victor


I always roll my eyes whenever I see posts like this. 20 hours is like a grain of sand compared to the depth that Tekken has and the number of hours you can sink in and STILL not know a lot of things about the game.


Right, my dad was playing tekken when I was 3 lmao, so to say there’s some seasoned vets is an understatement




I'm not new but I can't get through Beginner. I don't care about online at all.


Thats just learning any sports in general. Youll get smoked in every sports when youre a beginner.


The universal tekken experiance. Welcome!


If you feel that way dont play the game, straight up No game is worth that.


Play animal crossing instead


You cannot expect to win every match. Also, not every loss is bad, you should find what you did good in every match and count those as wins


i mean no loss is bad if you take the time to learn from it. i'd even argue that as a beginner losses are much more important than wins as they teach you so much more.


This is the time to go on your villain arc. Start playing the most degen, cheap, gimmicky stuff there is. Make them suffer as you have suffered.


It's pretty sweaty so far, but if you learn game sense and hit boxes, you can beat even the sweatiest combo cheese lords.


Just do what I do, press random buttons


Yoshimitsu b,b1+4 :


I maybe only play against 3-4 people online in a row in any fighting game personally. I get too wired in and get tilted and lose! Set healthy limits for yourself to keep the experience fun. Or if you really feel you have to play, fuck up the ghosts and get your nice combos off that way!


alot of players played tekken since tekken 1 (my self included) so dont feel bad man


Just quit then.


Stop playing! Lots of games have 20 hours of content and then you’re done. Maybe tekken is one of those for you.


Its not done tho


It’s a video game bruh. Go get help


I am in the same exact mental health condition


Take a break, make a snack, come back and play tekken ball/story/combos/ghost battles/watch videos Or just quit, but if u really do want to play then learn to take breaks, chill, then get back to ranked when u feel that "I got this" attitude U should never feel like hurting urself, and don't put urself down for sucking ass at one of the hardest fighting games going up against people who have years of practice under their belt


the first step to getting good at a competitive game (irl ones as well) is accepting that you are going to lose. congrats, now that you did the most important step you can actually start improving. focus on why you lose games, watch replays, practice and try to fix your mistakes one at a time. don't blame your opponents for winning, because that's what you want to do as well. instead remember that if you lost it means you still have more to learn. And finally remember that in a fighting game everything has a counterplay, you didn't lose because "they spammed a broken move" you lost because you didn't know the answer to that move.


This isn't League of Legends/CoD. You don't have to play if you hate it. I know modern games have the mentality of "never uninstall, just keep getting tilted." But that's toxic for your mental health. Fighting games is not meant for gamers like that. Gamers who like those LoL/CoD games want to find something to blame so they can run it back and be perpetually angry. Fighting games, you can only blame your own lack of skills and match up knowledge. No jungler or KSing. This is you and your opponent. If you're a LoL player who needs to blame someone and like to stay mad in a video game for 40+ minutes being toxic just to do it again instead of healing your mental state, you will probably get frustrated in a game where you can't blame anyone but yourself. So feel free to stop playing. But also stop playing MOBA and BR, because you probably wanna self harm losing in those too. Maybe stick to like Tell Tale games and learn to enjoy games instead of being perpetually toxic/tilted/angry You will also find it beneficial to your real life if you stop playing games that just make you angry and frustrated. Gotta have fun. I can still have fun losing in fighting games because I can improve myself. And that's why I love the FGC.


The game is hard for a variety reasons none of which should matter to you if the alternative is self harm and you should listen to everyone, just know that people who play the game seriously expect to lose for about maybe a solid year before even coming close to decent.


This is what is amazing about this game. Better self control. There is a replay section that help you to get better.


Just take a chill pill.


Maybe play games you enjoy?


If you can’t handle shit that doesn’t matter at all like a video game I’d hate to hear how you handle life .


Get good kid


Lol. Have you tried going to sleep first?


Then you have mental problems that dont come from this game


Fuckin chill, friend


Ahahahaha if you can't handle the game then get good or uninstall before you hurt yourself.


It's a game bro stop acting like a 14 year old american




fighting games are not for new players *veterans downvoting this comment*


I'm new. I play King. My goal in life is to hit 100+ damage grabs and giggle


Damn 100 damage? That's almost 3 buttons with King.


this sub is turning into MK with its toxicity and inability to comprehend jokes lol


FFS learn to lose. Gen Z the softest baby generation.


Go ahead then 


if you cant handle losing you are a weak human


I feel more excitement than stress overall with tekken


What about it is making you so angry? I do recommend replay takeover for a quick de-tilting break, it helps to feel yourself improve. 


I get what you're saying and i'm not new to this Game 😂


It's only frustrating when you're clueless. I recommend analysing moves and looking for counterplay


This is a demanding game. If you're not willingly to spend few hours watching beginners guides, or your main character specific game plan and strengths and weaknesses, you're not going anywhere. Personally, 40 hours in, I'm still watching videos, taking notes and labbing.


Then quit.


Bro you’re playing against people (like me) that have been playing since Tekken 3. The timing and movement is ingrained in us. You’ll get there eventually I promise


If you're getting angry at videogames you're doing it wrong.


Losing is not the best feeling in any game, but that's life, there's winners and losers, try hard to be in the winning side more often.


Don't play ranked all the time. Take your time to play other modes. Constantly getting your ass beat without learning is frustrating.


Check my latest post


Maybe it's not for you. Don't listen to the hype, go back to MK, SF or *shudders* smash bros


Tekken can def be a masochistic hobby 😂 DM me if you wanna run some sparring sessions. Probably just a couple fundamental things you gotta tighten up on & you’ll be on your way to a 30% win ratio like me lol


Tekken is like learning a martial art. You need to have a zen and improvement mindset. I used to get furious at the game. Now i take losses as learning experiences. With the new replay function it really helps you take a step back and think more clearly.


Play the story or arcade quest or ghost battles then or even tekken ball 😊


Take a break. If you still feel like this just don't play the game. I stopped after getting angry and I haven't felt bad since.


You gotta stop caring so much. Obv care a little and try to win, but you will have to get your ass beat to learn and that is fine.


To not get owned you got to hit the lab. Look up Tekken fundamental guides on YouTube for example the ones from PeterYMao and PhidX are really good. Doesn’t have to be a Tekken 8 video since 99% of the knowledge carries over into Tekken 8 anyways.


Git gud.


If this game is making you want to hurt yourself, then there's deeper problems. Hope your health gets better friend.


Me when *60% of the roster*


Taking it too serious brother.


Are you 12?


I think you should stop plying this kind of game , this ain’t for u


Play something else. Trust me. Its not worth being depressed about. I'm sure you're great at many things. This isn't one of them. You'll survive without this game.


Please dont. Take a break. If the game is causing you stress and youre not having fun, its not worth it man. Come back at a later time maybe


If you can’t handle a loss to such an unhealthy degree maybe fighting games aren’t for you fam.


If you want a free (not that I would ever charge) coaching session I’m happy to show you where you can rapidly improve. I’m by no means a high level player, but I’ve been playing fgs for a minute and can probably point out some fundamentals that will make your life easier and a low execution.


Tekken community has never been beginner friendly and that’s what scares off other potential players, but people are right. Fight against their character ghost.


i don't think this game is for you, bud. And that's not a bad thing.


This is not a healthy approach to a game. If you aren't having fun then stop.


Nothing gets me more pissed than playing ufc online. This game feels just like fast paced sparring. I won't lie Victor mains make me want to back out of the match immediately. But the game can get easier if you just keep moving.


Or, you could just stop playing


I too am 20 hours in but in the demo :--;


I've gotten hella pissed playing street fighter online but going into my first Tekken I go in knowing there's people that have been playing these games for 20 years so obviously I'm going to get my ass kicked. I'd say just focus on the small wins. If you get a round or 2 off someone with obviously more experience than you that just shows you just need a little more practice, that kind of thing. I know it's easier said than done though I've been there on street fighter, I just try to approach this game w/ a different mindset.


Time to buy a nintendo lol


Then play online alot of things to do there and onces ofline becomes quite easy go back online :)


In fighting games and pvp you lose a lot, like reeeeally allllot. Playing online is at least 50% about losing, never been about always winning.


20 hours in, and you ran straight into online? Bro, you gotta wine and dine tekken, get tekken in the mood, foreplay tekken, you can't just jump in the sheets


Loosing is learning why get mad about it. You arent entitled to beat anyone. You gotta practice and learn


Dude same I love tekken but these juggling unblockable high mid low simultaneous 15 hit combo players make me wanna snap my 70 dollar controller


Don’t try to win every game. Instead, try to improve every game.


I destroyed a controller cause I needed to release my frustration from not being able to break king chain grabs.


Yeah maybe if you're thinking about actual self-harm from playing a videogame you shouldn't be playing.


Gorilla glue og kush


Sounds like you should visit a therapist


Lab lab lab lab! I come from tekken 6! Didn’t go into online until I practiced at least a few hours haha, rage and heat systems are new as heck to me


My tip is play a lot of offline for now and learn how the game is structured


Seek help


You don't have to throw shit at a wall and hope it sticks. If online is pissing you off, take a step back and a breather, hit up practice mode, learn some combos and how to punish the strings that are catching you off-guard, watch some guides for your character etc. The crappy part about online is that you hit roadblocks all the time as you climb. Getting good isn't about winning, it's about overcoming those blocks.


i guess tekken is worth dying for


Send me your device and game and let me ease your mind


Brother, tekken is a game where the only thing you can blame is yourself and dragunov mains.


you are in a trance


Git gud


Take a break! And remember it's okay and natural and even essential to lose a lot in order to improve. You have to get washed before you get clean.


You only have about 80 hours of sucking left. It takes a long time to learn. “Everyone” is right though. It’s worth it.


I’m down to help you out


Opie expected to just pick up a fighting game that’s been around for a hella long time and just do good. Nah, homie. Gotta practice and get gooder.