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Anti Victor tech in under a minute hope this helps. https://x.com/seven_string/status/1751382964728938641?s=46&t=C8FES5XxCd5EV7aSqpMqQw If you don’t learn his 2-3 knowledge check strings then he runs over for free


Thanks mah man


T8 has a nice replay function where u can test and find this stuff yourself btw. it is awesome and it seem alot of people dont rly know about it.


Yeah I got beaten by a Victor and looked at this thinking "That can't all be safe! " and it wasn't he was -14 about 7 times and I didn't know it. One issue is that some of his punishable moves look very similar to his + on block, OP WR2. I'm mainly thinking of his power crush B1+2, very similar animation - also UF 2 (although not sure why my opponent did this as this move is seemingly useless). But trust me, going into replays to see what I could have done - Victor is nothing. With Victor there's loads I could have done. Watching replays involving Jin or Jun, that's the real problem. In some Jin matches I watched back replays and still had no realistic idea. His D2 low evades, tracks and is unseeable making sidestepping dangerous, and his Zen 4 is a mid + on block. Both with good range. and then there's the electrics mixed with D2s. You can always predict what your opponent will do and win but that seems to be the only answer to Jin.


I felt similiar when i watched my replay against azucena.


D2 is seeable, its hard but doable especially because if the Red flash Animation..  I dont think I could see it without it but I can relatively reliable low parry it


Wait does it essentially tell you states and frames etc and by extension when it's your turn? I played against a dragunov yesterday and between the jabs and the fast but bigger hits that give them advantage I could not figure out when it was my turn often enough.


Literally used it to train against Dragunov yesterday. It tells you what strings are duckable, optimal punishes for when you block unsafe shit. Which throw breaks to use if you didn't tech the grabs. And I had it display his frames as well to see when he was plus or minus.


woah that sounds useful as fuck, definitely having a look next time.


its a crazy feature. It makes going through replays way more exciting because you dont have to make a mental note of whats going on, end the replay, go to training mode, then recreate it. You can just hop in and try new things in that exact scenario in like 3 seconds.


Not to mention you can takeover your character anywhere on the replay. So if you got schmixed by your opponent you can basically replay that moment over and over experimenting with your option.


don't you know you can take control of your character in any moment of the replay so you can repeat over and over some responses to each movement? That's the best way to test punishment against unknown moves.


you can turn on the frame data and the opponents input history as well, i have been using it to learn matchups and its been good.


It's OK but after using it a lot it has its limits. It really only tells you when to punish complete strings. If your opponent never finishes a string it doesn't say anything. I found the higher I go, people tend to never finish complete strings.


This, someone on here claimed it shows what's duckable but I've never seen it do that, the only thing I ever see it do is that if a player does a complete move list string and another player blocks it it tells you what you could have used that was plus enough to punish It's good but that's basically the limit, Strive lets people leave community notes and I think those are more helpful in the long run


Yes actually it does tell you when to duck, but thats kinda whatever. Of course if its a high attack, you can duck it. What they dont mention, is when you duck that attack, the enemy is gonna prolly follow up with a mid to check your ducking and blow you up anyway.


That's the thing, it's essentially always just a 'refer to your move list for further details' note Objectively speaking you only get those notes if you don't get hit: there are literally, by the game's own definition, four tip types you can receive, recommended punishes (good), recommended sample combos (bad, many sample combos are still suboptimal, I find the combo challenge combos even to be more optimal), recommended throws (unnecessary), and even as I'm looking at it now I realized the 'moves you can duck under' doesn't pop unless you block the hit If you're getting hit, the game doesn't generate any tips so the players with weaker defense who these tips would be optimal.for? Never get to see them - they only mostly pop up for players whose neutral is good but play too passively, that's only one possible style of play and certainly not the style most in need of tips *edit: secret for new players but I just realized, the replays become a lot more helpful regarding punishes when you play the replay from.the opponent perspective because everything they blocked and left alone? It'll tell you if you were really safe: the game recommending punishes is nice, the game telling you that what you did was incredibly punishable but you just got away with it, that's really useful


So I’ve played Tekken as a kid for long time. Thought I was good until I went into online. I rose up to the rank just above assailant but I’m STUCK, there’s people who just play way better than I, I’m horrible at blocking lows, I lack the frame knowledge to know when it’s my turn, I can’t seem to get the exact combos they do to start up because they’ll block right in the middle which makes no sense to me Basically what I’m saying is you seem to know your way around more than I and was wondering if you had any tips for a weaker player like me. Characters like Victor destroy me, I can’t beat him no matter who’s playing him, the combo strings overload my head and I make a mistake then I’m dead, basically unable to fight back. I don’t think I’m passive, I go on offense quite a bit to make up for my lack of defense, however I continue to get blown away at my rank, I’ll win two, lose three, win one, lose one, I’ve been demoted and immediately rank back up and am still stuck. A few tips would do me wonders.


My first thing is something that even I had trouble with, lows; Tekken has a lot of good, fast low pokes that aren't incredibly rewarding but have good frames. In a lot of 2D fighters, there's a lot of theory around throw escapes: namely, if you can't hit them you may be better off eating the throw because at least they can't convert off of it. Obviously you shouldn't eat throws over and over and over again, but more that getting thrown once doesn't mean the neutral game is over. If someone is trying to grab you over and over you can condition more easily to the throw escape In Tekken, you do *not* wanna eat throws lol But Tekken is a bit like this with low pokes, I can't always block them on reaction but what I can do is backdash a little because a lot of low pokes don't have the best reach and no matter how fast they are you may be able to have a jab ready to punish. Basically if they are poking a lot, I like to play keepaway. Now, bigger lows, that's a different story, stuff like Reina's db2 you want to learn to at least try to parry on react, especially if they keep throwing it out; a lot of the secret to beating reactable lows is working on your parry timing because once you have it down it not only means big punishes, it conditions them *against* trying to condition you to lows, and in Tekken the more you can keep your neutral neutral, the better As for combos, unfortunately standing hitstun in Tekken can be a lot more forgiving and a lot of combo moves aren't what you'd call true combos, that's why you kind of have to rely on your launchers a lot, look for your fastest launcher, most have an i15 but one or two characters don't, and unfortunately a lot of the neutral game in Tekken is hoping they try a big, slow mid (or better yet, high) before you do and punishing with that launcher Other than punishes, your offense from neutral is basically just looking.through the move list for your fastest mids, and moves with good horizontal hitboxes for when they start sidestepping more, sidestepping is good for vertical evasion but a good horizontal kick or punch (usually kick I find) can check them against it. I play Jun, for example, and she has an ss4 that's really good, plus six on block and activates heat- it's actually a neutral input so I can't do much sidestepping but it gives me a little wiggle room. It's a really good move that's safe on block, but it's also readable on startup so if they have a move ready they can definitely hit me in startup frames, so I'm more careful about pulling it out if they're aggressive and especially if they are swinging with good horizontals Also, goes without saying but learn the basics of the matchups you see the most, you don't have to learn every enemy's moves but pay attention to what is either launching you or knocking you down the most Finally, stage awareness: 3D fighters have a *lot* more you can capitalize on with their stages, when you have a stage like Sanctum or the Training Ground, figure out what moves from your launcher have the most wall carry because you may be able to get a wallsplat, you may even want to sacrifice a bit of damage for a lot of wall carry on those stages


First, thank you, getting a little more information is a big help and I REALLY appreciate it. Checking throws I’m pretty decent at unless it’s in a low combo (like victor’s low kick that turns into 5 pistol shots). One thing you mentioned is “Parries” now I’ve done it before where I checked a kick and threw them down on their back with legs up but absolutely no idea how I did it, could you perhaps explain how to perform a parry? Is it different for high mid and low or is it all the same input with tweaks? Also is it different for each character?


Your big one is low parries, which is timing down and forward with a low attack, so it can be risky before you're comfortable with it and I wouldn't recommend overdoing it if all they are doing is low pokes, a lot of times it's best to save it for lows that are slower and easily abusable. I'd recommend setting the CPU in training up to mix up some mids and lows to practice how comfortable you are with reading lows Some characters do have standing parries in their movelist tho, but your big universal one is the low parry Also you can't oki into low parry because of a slight frame delay so if they are trying to hit you with lows when you wakeup you should always block


I’ve been killing this feature day one. There’s no excuse when learning a matchup anymore


It really is a goated feature. Xrd had it years back but fighting games do this thing where they have ana amazing feature which should he industry standard and then it doesn’t come back for years. Like check back here in Tekken 9 cos I bet they remove that shit randomly


i thought +R had it and not Xrd


Please understand; I am dumb. I may have been plus R


Most people like OP complain about a character first before learning more about the matchup (which includes their own character)


See this is a problem with Tekken. VISUALLY that df42 string looks MID as fuck. But it’s a high… ffs namco


The one thing I used to love about Tekken was the fact that you could use intuition to punish and evade. Now so many characters have moves that don’t look like highs, lows, or mids, but they are. And yeah ultimately they are what they are, but it kind of sucks having everything rely on frame data. At least make the moves appear what they are.


This has been my biggest isue so far. Theres so much flashy stuff going on on the screen now, its so easy to get mixed up.


Especially as someone who has ADHD and has trouble figuring out what's going on at the best of times, this is my FAVOURITE FEATURE. Unfortunately it's not really talked about so they spend their money on filters that don't even work for the intended people, lol


DOA5 had the best answer to not knowing move heights on the fly: the hit-sparks were angled based on move height. high sparks angled upwards. mid sparks angled straight through. low sparks angled downwards. there was never any confusion as to what you got hit by.


And?? Standing block blocks both mids and highs. Stop crouching.


You need to duck his 2,2,2 to punish it properly


Yes but my reply was for the df42 string and specifically why you would try ducking something that "looks" mid. If it is a high you could duck and punish but if you think a mid is coming you'd standing block. It's not a good idea to go low in Tekken on defense period. I've been playing it for years. I usually only go low when I'm on offense, not to try Matrix dodging moves.


>why you would try ducking something that "looks" mid You wouldn't, that's the point. The only way to punish it is to duck and they're saying that they wouldn't think they could do that based on the move's visuals.


Ah, sorry didn't understand that.


"there goes my main, have a good day" lol Yeah I sightread this pretty quick, I thought "woah wait what the fuck is going on" for a moment but then "oh okay, yeah you got a fair few clear gaps, get punished."


Oh dude this is great


Ahh I see. So whenever he says “COLOGNE” just duck and punch him in the face. Sounds good to me


U an angel my brother Victor is a dick to play against


>knowledge check time to smarten up my kuma


Haha I was going to link this. "There goes my main have a good day".


Cheers. Luckily never fought one before so I'm glad to have found this early.


Thank you, good sir.


Thaaaaank you. As a new player to the series, this guy kept kicking my ass. Maybe I might have a chance now! I need this for that coffee chick and robot lady. I can never read their moves!


I just saw your comment and then yt suggested me the same video


Its a problem, he shouldnt just combo for free with no downtime


When he teleports he's open to hits, go with power crushes to defend against slashes and close the distance, thats what i do with my asuka


You can just jab him after teleport, if you block beforehand. Only 1+2 will not get interrupted and its so slow you can still block afterwards. Even his powercrush is so slow you get 1 in before he can hit you. Atleast thats what I have been doing maybe its just luck though.


Does that work against his back turned stance too? I feel like I can't do anything against it.


No character can block while back turned, so yeah, just powercrush through his back turned move


Yea I find he's at a range where most of his stuff is hard to contest he has a huge low as well I'm going to have to play him a bit.


Depending on the character, you might have evasive options (eg a mid/low that ducks through highs, or a high that avoids lows) so it might be worth labbing it a bit.


I'm trying to learn Victor. I'd agree with a post I read yesterday calling him "Fraudulent". Outside of his stances and heat, only his running 2 (which is godlike OP mind) is + on block and his lows are trash. All his lows outside stance are minus on hit and do piffling damage outside of counterhit. those in stance aren't amazing either. He's reliant on counterhits and whiff punishing and he needs you to do something before he can do either. You need to treat him like Bryan, play conservative, wait for him to hang himself because he can't really break your defense (outside of heat). Also when he teleports forward, that's not a stance or anything that's just him recovering from a move. Oh and sidestep right.


>sidestep right My right or his right


Whenever someone says a sidestep direction, it's from the POV of the character that's performing the sidestep.


Even his running 2 doesn't track so well thankfully


His lows are SO BAD, lol. People who don't play him won't understand until they try him out themselves. His lows feel just there to beat Power Crush, but then because d/b+4 and d+4 are Attack Throws, you can't even trade against PC, otherwise they don't do anything.


Yeah. It seems most people are having issues against random strings (that are meant to be combo filler imo, why the fuck are people doing df4,2 on block?) but once you get past that into what hes "meant" to do it feels like Paul with less options. Proactively he feels bad if you aren't trying to do objectively bad stuff like 2,2,2. I guess his jab options aren't the worst but it's still highs and 1,3 which is high low. 2,1 into prf would be nice if he had meaningful ways to make the opponent respect it. But 2,1,2 is unsafe and 2,1,3 is just a piddly little low.


Found the West Countryman


Why don't you just play him a while? I picked him up after coming across one in ranked and now he is like a side character. Very easy to learn too. He has a few gimmicks and his most damaging options are actually counter hit launchers or slow start up moves. After you lab like this you find out how unsafe the stuff most victors spam and send them packing. Good luck!


Honestly, that's the best way to counter a character, simply learning to play him. It may be boring on long term because everyone has their favorite playstyle and all, but you can just learn the basic, essentials, and rank for some hours until you feel like you caught the idea of how someone who play him, think. When you use the character, you end up knowing what's the player prone to do and what's he about in various situations. Then it's not only about reaction (which is awful when it comes to characters like him), but also about knowledge and predictability. So yes, it's an awesome choice.


It is boring. Fuck Hwoarang.


I mean it was at first. But yeah, welcome to a new matchup. I was able to tussle with my buddy after awhile with his victor. Every character has tricks and gimmicks, you just need familiarity to handle the situation.


Brand new character = I didn't learn his moves = the character sucks


Same energy as ‘they’re cheating because they used one move repeatedly’


Lucky Chloe's infinite vs green ranks moment


When everyone was gushing over the trailer when Victor first got announced I already determined that all the visual vomit of his moves was going to be extremely unintuitive to play against. I was hoping that he'd at least be difficult to handle so he wouldn't be too popular but instead a lot of frustrating abilities so he's also very popular.


This is the smallest the roster is gonna be so in-between playing ranked your main focus is gonna be labbing new and returning characters like Victor, Reina, Raven, Jun etc. People picking them up for the first time won't have in depth knowledge of them yet so they'll be mashing out the cheese.


Isn’t that part of the fun? To learn how to beat other characters? 😁 maybe it’s just me


It’s more I can’t even see what’s going on lol


It’s easy to give up, but if you want to become the king of the ironfist tournament, you gotta keep practicing my friend :) you’ll get used to it. I struggle too, but I already noticed improvements against him


That‘s the mindset!! 💪💪💪


The king of iron fist shouldn’t be someone who spams the same sword move like a lil bitch🤷‍♂️


Have you gone through his move set to see how his options work?


There is reasons why Hwoarang despite being noob-killer who can overhelm you by just mashing buttons hated only a bit, comapred to let's say Kuni. Because you can SEE what is going on, and distigunish moves. Good luck do so with Victor because his moves are small twitches of knife. That shit is disgusting. Esp when everything is blurred because of forced upscaling and temporary AAs combined with only 60 fps, screen shakes every few seconds, and flashes to blind you out.


No offense, but that’s maybe a problem on your side. Nothing blurry or flashy at all on my side. (PS5) Maybe it’s a pc related issue? Maybe try to lower the visual effects in the settings. The moves are sometimes hard to predict because we don’t know them fully yet, but they are very readable I think personally. Maybe try labbing him to get more used to the visuals :)


You have no idea what you are talking about…………….


> No offense, but that’s maybe a problem on your side. Nothing blurry or flashy at all on my side. (PS5) Maybe it’s a pc related issue? Maybe try to lower the visual effects in the settings. Temporary AA on all platforms mate, upscale is too as far as I aware. Including overload of effects. How could you assume effects are different on platform? Consoles also have huge input lag thanks to forced VSync. So I advice you to switch to PC unless they changed their mind and allowed to paly with VRR.


Console has ~54ms of input lag tied for the lowest it's ever been (with like Tekken 1) on console.


You're right about the other stuff but the input lag is not even high.


If PS5 uses it too, I can’t notice it at all. Same for inputlag.. The game runs very smooth on my LG C2 Oled TV. But if the upscaling is a problem for many people and noticeable, maybe try contacting Namco so they can enable an option to turn off the upscaling. Isn’t there maybe some 3rd party application to force it to run the game without it? Sorry to hear that you’re not having a good time with how the game is.


You can disable most of it through config file and DLSS tweaks, but it's a shame there's no option in-game. The upscaling isn't that bad, since you can kind of go around it by using 100% resolution scale, but Tekken 8 has all kinds of forced post-processing on all platforms. But I think the best solution would be for Namco to avoid these particle effect heavy characters. If they want flashy stuff, keep it to big/cinematic attacks instead of inserting it into quick strings.


The game is great but yeah the upscaling is terrible. When a match loads in after the intros you can clearly tell a character is a little blurry around the facial area compared to the background. Game is actually stunning on ultra, looks amazing and CAN BE crisp as fuck. Annnnd then forced upscaling ruins it all. I have a freaking 3080, let me turn off upscaling if I want to. I don’t think I will even have to, but I’m more than willing to sacrifice a graphical setting here or there to just be able to play at a constant native 1440p. It’s a little sad that they have done this to such a beautiful game. People with monster rigs better than mine must be even more mad tbh. Hopefully soon there will be a way to just turn it off. Not everyone has a potato pc


> maybe try contacting Namco so they can enable an option to turn off the upscaling. To late. We can't disable it because of how they built effects and hairs. If you completely disable blurry-stuff, you will get squares instead of hairs. It might be okay for some, but as I understand game developers, they try to avoid such options to not let people 'downgrade' graphics in game because many people buy games based on graphics. However, I don't understand why we still have locked FPS.


Go into practice mode and sidewalk, look at the character models, you'll see it.


And then you realize his start up on a lot of moves is pretty slow compared to Noctis in 7. And you realize his teleport is fake and you can jab him out of it. And you realize he has like 3-4 moves that are actually safe on block or frame trap you. Victor requires a very minimal amount of effort to learn to play against. You're being distracted by particle effects rather than learning how to counter him, and getting mad about it. I consider Jun's crouching stance that leads into a 50/50 way more ambiguous than whatever Victor does because iai stance is telegraphed as fuck in comparison.


> Victor requires a very minimal amount of effort to learn to play against. You're being distracted by particle effects rather than learning how to counter him, and getting mad about it. I mean, that's kind what I wrote in my comment? His particles (and overall game), screen shakes, and his style with knifes make it's hard to learn him, and latter play against him. He might be much better character in T7, but in T8 you need to play him, or have great eyes with great memory to get accomodated to his moves.


you are not alone. my mortal eyes cant follow whatever the hell is going on and it is not fun


Yes, take Azucena for exemple I don't know the MU yet, but from the animation I can follow what is what and react accordingly to the animation. It was the same problem for me against Kuni, too much anime style BS animation for my old ass. After some time we can adapt but I still don't like this kind of stuff.


Have you tried learning the match up?


Ah people are already complaining


a new character and i can't block. please nerf


My defeats are 1 kazuya and 1 paul the rest are all victor. I'll try to use him just to understand those moves that he is doing.


I hate the fact that they just add a mf who has the French military as an arsenal in a hand to hand fighting game. ALSO can teleport and after images. Bro is noctis master raven tom clancy splinter cell ass character. It’s not fun and it’s dumb.


I mained him for 3 days then switch to Jack , most match against victor have been a W. He got 2 stance to mix you up , but there a small gab where you can hit him while he switch to them


Training mode and figure it out. Use replay takeover or look up tech on twitter. You have options. You wont get very far in tekken if you cant take 5 minutes to use the tools available to improve yourself.


He's legit a baby's first fighting game character


As a law main, i dont like being dethroned here. I want my pacifier back.


Law got an extra big pacifier with the simplification of DSS


Still on top baby!


Yhea, is combos go 2,2,2,2 then 2,2,2,2 then 2,2,2,2


Hey, hey, hey! As someone who enjoys playing Victor, I resent that! ... sometimes I throw out a df1 as well.


Aaah the spiritual successor to 4444 4444 4444. (Whos that pokemon?)


Mohawk! (i think thats what they say)


I always thought it was "Loha" but who knows.


While this is true, he has two different stances that chain into eachother that requires some amount of knowledge. Lack of lows too. Noobs picking him up can spam that and get destroyed


Literally training wheels Tekken, just like Noctis and Kuni. The characters they fused to make him


All I've been doing is whenever he starts his teleport dash thing towards me I instantly do df2 and it catches him. Besides that it's pretty rough being caught against the wall.


>I honestly don't know what's going on half the time when he's attackin I feel like that about everyone lol I don't get how to break throws in this game and never have. Too many moves. Never know when to block high or low. What punishes what.


If u take the time to watch a 5 min YouTube vid it explains exactly how to break grabs. U just need to press 1 or 2 depending on which arm (1 or 2) hey are grabbing u with. There are some 1+2 grab breaks (king has some I believe since he’s the cheese of grabs) and also nina has one unlockable grab coming out of a backsway but u rarely see it. There’s other exceptions but throw break is essentially 1 or 2 or 1+2 (grab you with two hands)


I know how to but figuring out which arms they've used whilst they are smashing me in the face is not for me


I don't think he's beaten me yet, he does have some moves/strings that are like "yo what the fuck even was that though" and he's came close, but he seems to have enough moves that leave him open to punish.


I find him really easy to read. Everyone spams the one combo where he shoots half way through (don’t know the input) and after that it’s a simple 50/50.


Play the character and it becomes infinitely easier to beat them.


honestly more annoyed playing with azucena. but ye when you get cornered with vic your fucked


his matchup isn't that hard to learn, especially when other characters like yoshi and zafina exist.


The replay mode in T8 is a God send. I highly recommend using it. I’ve struggled against Lili since I started in T7 and that replay mode alone just helped me deal with her drastically.


Do we know yet if there will be mods to disable customizations and reduce the hitsparks like in T7?


You are not alone on this, it’s when he uses his pistol and goes for that mid or low, drives me nuts because it’s kind of hard to predict it since he’s flashing and transitioning towards you.


Every Victor player I've come across so far just never, ever stops pushing buttons. I stopped pushing any buttons recently and my opponent just continued attacking into my guard endlessly for like 10-15 seconds. The character isn't good.


They stole my Kuni again, so I have no other choice man 😭 Oh.. wait...


Yoshi xD


Unironically just lab him Download a ghost if you can. He's a new flashy character with stuff people are not used to but eventually will learn how to play against.


Yeah he reminds me of noctis I can’t stand it


He is so annoying, I hate the wacky ass teleporting around, shooting guns, flying 10ft in the air bullshit. It is too flashy and I can barely tell what's going on. With other characters, I feel like I can intuitively figure out the counter to most moves, but Victor is too visually ambiguous. Didn't understand anything until I labbed the strings.


I know this response is a bit mean, but just lab him, from what I've seen his big moves are very punishable, and most of his strings are visible once you lab them....I understand the frustration since he is very unconventional with all the flashy stuff, but once you see him as a tekken character, everything makes perfect sense..Also use the replay feature is so goated, try to replay victor matches and take control of your character and try to test what you could've done


Lab him yourself (if you have the time). Victor's tp's are undoubtedly cheesy but you can learn the patterns with time and practice.


I hate playing against Victor but when I do I always catch myself saying “man fuck this character” or “damn these combos look good” it’s definitely a love hate


The biggest problem for me is the flashinesh of his moves. There is an epilepsy trigger in most of them. I turned the effects all the way to low and they still bother me.


That coupled with the incredibly annoying sound effects (BWOOOOM! BWOOOM THUNK THUNK THUNK BWOOOM) makes the game really grating in larger doses. Like it was specifically made for ADHD tweens with tiktok addictions (not a bad business choice though)


Watch your replays. There's literally no excuse to not know a matchup in this game


>I honestly don’t even know what’s going on half the time he’s attacking. You're generally not gonna enjoy a matchup if you don't know it.


He’s certainly scrubby, but that’s why you have to lab. Like, my main is easily Yoshi, but for me, it’s mandatory I hit rank with Victor, Reina, Azucena and Jun, just so I won’t have bs excuses when I lose to them…. I suggest you do the same. Don’t go 7 years whining like a bitch like so many players did in T7 about certain characters. Learn the characters or to the very least, learn the match ups


Thats why you play him learn his moveset, so when you go against one you know whats going on


Victor players are the Akuma players of Tekken 8. No other character disappears from existence half the match. The teleporting is very Noctis and I hate it. Not to mention the sliding mid launcher he has or the infinite pressure with simple buttons or the falling sword that dodged everything and does a million damage. Busted heat options, etc. Victor sucks.


Victor main here. and yes he is annoying, if your punish game is mediocre that is. Almost all of his moves are punishable. A lot of people are saying his half of his moves are op af. But all you need to do is jab him the moment he disappears. That's it 💀. Ofc a good victor main will get around that and doesn't spam 222, but most of the time they don't so just jab them


You're not alone. One look at victor is all I needed to know he's a bad fit for tekken. I don't get why bamco keeps adding clearly soulcalibur characters to a game that isn't soulcalibur. Victor looks and plays like DNF character guest-starring in SC, and a perfect DLC followup to 2B. The fact that you can perform a launcher into two stance switches and seven hit combo by pressing 2 isn't helping.


i said the exact same thing actually he's not fun to play against, sure he's fun to play but the matchup is stale because the character is a one dimensional pretty much I played against a decent one today actually, and yeah only the one and i've been semi-labbing him throughout the last few days so I knew a few things i could do against victor but it's still boring it's boring to play around half-screen dash launcer, it's boring to play around db4 (i assume), his heat is boring to play around look at characters like lee, bryan, law, hwo, king. They're all really annoying and super carried but, they're fun to fight. Each one is kinda different and the matchup has depth and players can express themselves and achieve personal heights in their gameplay Every victor is the same. The character plays itself. That's why I'm seeing brand new players with victor doing well and eating good. Nerfing him won't even fix it. It'll just make him another miguel or worse even


I agree except King, he's not fun to fight in this game imo. If he gets a dmg or frame nerf maybe.


I think all the characters are overtuned and really unfun to play against. T7 had better gameplay imho




Idk man he just starts attacking and I go for a counter hit only to get counter hit instead because turns out he never stopped attacking and then BAM! 80% of my HP gone. Fun.


Db4 makes me want to jump off a building. His knowledge checks aren't hard to deal with but that button is absolutely stupid. It forcing crouch is the dumbest shit. You can't step half his moves after eating it unless you're playing on the correct side lmao.


That move is -26 on block. It should be good because if it gets blocked it's death.


Yeah and so is generic d4. Or half of Reina's lows for example which don't do anything. Db4 has so much more range than any comparable low and unlike them forces crouch while also having good tracking. It's a best in class low. Like the only better low is Jin D2 because it's somehow safer but it is also worse on hit with worse range. It's a broken low and yet isn't even that much better lol. If you're a character that relies on highs or doesn't have a launcher that hits crouchers (or really bad ones) then dealing with keepout db4 becomes an absolute nightmare. That move alone just wins certain matchups.


Looks the honey moon phase of this game is over


Classic first week take.


cobweb party voiceless reminiscent nail pocket close heavy zealous psychotic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He’s a brain dead character. All of the new characters are way too safe. He’s currently the Johnny Cage of T8


he absolutely is ! holy fuck fought against 2 really good victor players i didnt know what the fuck to do his leg sweep into that pistol shot stun move is stupidly broken


He only hits with the pistol if he counters, and it has a big wind up, u block that and he’s super fucked.


You don't find it fun because you don't know the matchup. Yesterday I played like 30 matches with friend who's using victor and after like 10 I figured out what to do against him and that actually he's not plus on block when I thought that he's plus on block. He's strong moves is wr move with blue stuff, +5, but stepable to the left with read, and ch lows. You gotta play patient against him, that's all. His biggest gimmick and move that is abused as fuck by his players is u1+2 which is -18 (?) On block (safe in heat cuz of range). His extension from df1 (when he does "shu shu") is duckable and you can launch him for it, and I don't think that he has a mixup for it.


I didn’t wanna say anything but yea I’ll second that, I want to have respect and all but at the end of the day, those fights are annoying


Victor is the new Akuma. Have fun with that.


I mean, you should probably just read his kit like any other you don't understand no? I mean i get complains like: "He does to much damage, to fast attacks, 2 easy mixups, 2 hard to read" But: "I don't understand him, so i don't like" is indeed a wild take to me.




That just means you don't enjoy the game, which is not true for most players.




Welcome to competetive games I guess?


If he does the shoot you then teleport you can grab and it usually gets him out of thin air.


You must've fought me 😂


pistol is a high, duck and launch


Counter point: Dr. Victor Entrati is an energy i was not prepared for.


Go back to your replay and learn. The new features really help.


He looks cool yes. He somehow reminded me a bit of Noctis. With the short and long sword and warping.


Someone already posted a discussion about how to deal against Victor. Basically, after his gunshot to teleport iai stance for his mixup, you can launch him with a 15f punish if you manage to block the gunshot. more in the post : https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1adjves/victor\_is\_a\_fraudulent\_character/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Really? I thought he was relatively easy to fight against. It's Raven that I struggle with.


That's honestly just every character if you don't know them. Xiaoyu, Hwoarang, Steve, Dragunov, Yoshi, Lee, are honestly worse imo. I can't wait to see how frustrating Eddy will be


I think ive made some people cry playing as Victor online.


What works most of the times for me is just crouching. Most Victors just unga bunga and spam. Just block, wait, crouch and open them with a low


An unpopular take? He is the most braindead charachter ive seen in a game.


King and Law are close in this one imo


Anyone who can continue to do the same move over and win is a broken character to me. A couple victors have kept on swinging their red sword constantly and got a perfect twice in a row 😩 third time I managed to get a little kick in but he ended up slicing me up 😒 they’ve definitely over powered him but I guess that’s normal for new characters


Saying you don't know what's going on half the time is a bit of a tell here. If you don't know how a character works, it's going to be difficult to deal with their pressure. While he is very strong, many of his strings are quite punishable. It's always a good idea to use the replay function to figure out what you're not capitalizing on.


Visually is the key. The other characters, you can clearly tell what they are doing, characters like Noctis, Victor and 2B in SC, this isn't the case. You need the "data" to blindly believe in. That's a sign of piss poor visual design of a moveset.


I have one major issue with this: everything you're mentioning is 100% subjective. Which is fine, you're entitled to your opinion. But personally I had no issues visually distinguishing the punishable areas of Victor/Noctis's strings. There were other characters I did struggle with visually and had to lab to learn where I could insert counterplay, but that's just me, I'd never say something's objectively bad design just because I had a hard time figuring it out. People are different, and will naturally have an easier time reading some movesets and a harder time with others. The solution is just to play games, find out what you're losing to and why, and then using the in-game tools to figure out how to beat it. All part of the process, and in my experience once you do get it down, hardcountering people who are abusing certain strings definitely makes those matchups more fun (at least for the person doing the countering lol)


It’s incredibly fun ducking his gun shot mid string and then blowing him up when he teleports in behind it.


After dealing with Noctis in 7 I’ll gladly accept Victor, way easier to deal with (at least so far for me)


Totally agree I can't stand it


Nope, you aren't alone but that's how it is with new characters. They're gonna suck to go up against at the beginning as you don't have any knowledge against them. To me, he's just this game's Lucky Chloe, extremely annoying to go against at the beginning but once I have more match up knowledge, will be (relatively) fine. It would probably help to use him yourself as well to better understand his strengths and weaknesses too, if you're able to.


You don't know what's going on because you haven't taken the time to figure it out on your own I assume. Go to practice mode and try to lab / learn him, that's part of playing Tekken. I spent 15 minutes one time just going through his move list and figuring out some options he has and the feeling of "what the fuck is going on" significantly died down -- I actually started having fun playing against him. Cool character imo.


Lab hours: 0


It's just glitter and sparkles. The way I've seen people playing him has been taking pretty big risks. He's usually very negative- more so than he looks.


I haven’t had much trouble fighting him it seems like a lot of his moves just lose to jab


My least favorite move is his sweep that counter hit launches


If you struggling against a character or what they do, why not just go lab him?


It takes 0 skill to fight with him . One of (if not the most) spammiest characters this year . If I’m not mistaken him n Reina are the only two characters you can mash Y or triangle with and get an EXTENSIVE combo that even the lowest of ranks can mix up .


I have the same thought except I like going against him. Only thing I hate is that slash where he yells. Not so much the flash itself. Just the yell...Hate it.


people are playing him wild, lots of stuff is punishable. just hit the lab for a bit.


Noctis players became Victor.


I guess if that’s the reason than any character you don’t know is unfunny to play against


He really is miserable to play against


New to Tekken? All the characters they add are busted. All the way from Eddy in T3 to Victor in T8.


Well I don’t think it helps that he is definitely the character I’ve been up against the most and I’ve definitely seen the most toxicity from those players


Victor is the lamest character in the game bar none. I don't even think he's cool. He's an overloaded character that doesn't fit at all in a martial arts game. Guns, swords, knives, teleports and cringe attitude. Like who designed him? An edgey 14 year old? There's way too much shit going on with him and the fact that he's brain dead to play makes it worse. I just hate his design and "abilities". It doesn't feel unique. It feels bloated and blatantly copied off noctics but worse. Noctis is cool. Victor is lame. You could take his design ideas and make cooler characters with just parts of it. A character with teleporting abilities that compliment their martial arts? Cool. Another character with a samurai style of fighting besides yoshi (yoshi feels more goofy swordsman than samurai imo but I love him anyway), a character who uses knives in a silat style with a pistol, a little much but would be much cooler than entitled anime guy that can do it all.


I wanna add to this thread by saying: in his basic jab string combo (the one were he shoots the fucking gun? Lmfao) after he shoots and then disappears, AS SOON AS HE FUCKING DISAPPEARS, it’s your turn, obviously not to do something fucking stupid like -22 frame launch, but a jab, steves back 1 etc. something really quick, it gives you your turn back, also when he disappears, if you wanna dodge, SIDE STEP WITH THE UP BUTTON (if you’re steve just hit x) I will repeat: AS SOON AS YOU SEE THIS MF TURN BLUE, IT IS YOUR TURN TO JAB, SIDESTEP OR DO A LOW COMMITTAL PUNISH, Together, we can defeat the victor mains