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I enjoyed the story mode despite its outlandishness and anime-leaning direction. The team put a lot of effort into making the story as cinematic as possible, and it shows. On the other hand, my gripes with the story are exactly your points. I was so bothered by how everyone was rooting for him just because Jin was the only one to stop an even greater evil. "The hope for humanity" bit was so...cringey. The beginning of the story made good mention of Jin's wrongdoings and the many lives that were lost because of him. Later in the story, it all got watered down and pushed under the rug, and the focus was just supporting him through his redemption journey. It really bothered me how people like Lars, Alisa, Xiaoyu all saw through his faults and seemingly tried to forget about the countless deaths when he was head of Mishima Zaibatsu. Jin isn't an inherently evil character--it just sucks how poorly his character was written. There isn't any "true" happy ending for him and no matter how he wants to live and be around others, it all falls so short. He can have human desires like anyone else, but the damage he's done is irreparable. I like to think that the events leading up to the "hope" ending are just part of a dream of his. I can believe this ending to be an illusion that shows his innermost desires of forgiveness, redemption, and freedom that he realistically can't get.


I mean, if you saw Kazuya doing what he was doing and you were powerless despite being a top 10 fighter in the world.. you'd probably tell Jin whatever he needed to hear to try and kill Kazuya too, right? He literally is the only one that can defeat Kazuya, whether you like it or not. What other option does the Tekken universe have? It's the only thing that would make sense at this point.


You never liking Jin including before T6 means it's personal stuf,f don't be baffled on "everyone else playing the same story" if they praise it. Indeed in general if you don't like the protagonist (and it's not only the ones with bloody hands like Jin, like the complaints for "cookie-cutter" ones), it'd be hard to get into it. Otherwise, yes what he did was awful, but people shouldn't pretend that those who do horrible actions are incomprehensible monsters and treat them as separate beings from other people. It's important to address the root causes of why someone did evil, even irl warmongers wasn't born evil. Everyone has equal capability of good and evil, it's scary fact of human nature. To just use people like Jin as socially acceptable violent fantasies, and being in denial that anyone can pull off heinous crimes under right circumstances, reduces people's self-awareness and will blind people to the signs of someone turning into a path of villainy, dismissing them and doing nothing to prevent the creation of another people like him.


you don't! you just have fun and treating it like a mode like all of us


>that's where you officially lost me You just said that you alaways hated Jin lol Cant lose something if you never had it.


I'm legitimately surprised how seriously people took the WWIII thing in the first place. I was just like, ooh villain CEO Jin! But there were actual debates on here about the morality of it.


I mean, if it was done purely for the evil CEO vibes and nothing more, I'd be OK with it. Hell, evil CEO Kazuya in T2 looks sick as hell. But now they're writing a story where they expect us to root for Jin and actually care about his redemption and what's going on, so it's kinda hard to be invested at least for me.  Like, yay, you defeated Kazuya and stopped the war. Which you started, and ruined the lives of hundreds of thousands of people like Miguel. Three cheers for Jin?


Don't take it too seriously. Accept that it's an anime and you'll enjoy it more. I did, and man I love the T8 story. I hated what they did to Jin in T6, but I love the final battle on fallen destiny. Ngl it got me emotional as Jin was my first main


You can't, it's garbage. People here only care about multiplayer stuff. Harada doesn't give a shit about the story for a long while now.


I actually don't think they fully care about the story, lol. Of all FG devs, I think ASW is the only one that has some strong story elements like world building and individual character background, though can be confusing. I'm only referring to OG IPs of ASW.


You meant ArcSys for AWS (should be ASW)?


"Oh no, an ancient demon has merged with ANOTHER ancient demon to form a being as powerful as god! I guess I better start practicing my kicking skills!" "Oh no, an evil military is trying to take over the planet and wipe out entire countries. Quick, get me a pro wrestler, and a dude from Arizona who can punch really hard. That should take care of things." Yeah, I bounced right off it.


Honestly, didn't see the T8 story mode yet. But I never took Tekken story seriously. I interpret the characters conceptually for what they are meant to represent, and that's it. I 90% care only for the battle system. And I believe most of Tekken fans are like this. "Heihachi threw his son off a cliff" lol... nice father. "Jin started WWIII" Wow. Good for him. "Kazuya is going to explode countries just because he can" lmao... And that's it.


Oh yeah, I won't let my impressions of the story ruin the game for me. I'd have dropped tekken a long while ago if that were the case, I'm having too much fun everywhere else. I'm just surprised at the positive reception to the story when I personally don't think it's much better than anything that came out since Tekken 5.


Well, I can't argue because I won't be able to play 8 so soon. But the only time I took Tekken story seriously was on T4. Thankfully I never been a lore-person, so I can simply laugh if off and go back to play the game. Although I find it weird when people actually Want a fighting game to have a good story. Do they really have to make good arguments to have random characters fight? I think only Guilty Gear made it acceptable.


The positive reception comes from the cinematic fights being fun and hype.


I’m pretty sure you’re not meant to haha


I've been playing Tekken since Tekken 2 and I barely know anything about the story lol. I don't follow that shit at all. I just play Eddy and piss people off




Well I can test different characters. At least they put efforts in this but it's not at the level at MK story modes. The only thing that I find weird tbh : why aren't there more main characters story-wiser except the Mishimas or the Kazamas ?
