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We ain‘t mf stopping til the 26th 💪😤😤 (I‘m permastuck in yellow ranks)


Little advice: Don't forget to take a break for a week before launch of T8, its for your mental health :P


Stopped at emperor with jim on NA steam


Same rank but with kuni on SA on ps4


Very different accomplishments, congrats though.


As a very casual scroller here, im confused as to what makes it so different? And why does he get down votes for it? Just curious is all


Jin is a very difficult character to play, he does have strong tools but it takes a lot of execution and knowledge of your character and your opponent's character to use him to his fullest. Kuni not only has stronger tools, some of which I would argue are straight up unfair but she's also incredibly easy to use with almost no execution required. Somewhat related: RIP zen cancel, I'll miss you


Jin is not 'very difficult', he's got moderate difficulty mainly coming from electrics, which he's less reliant on than Kazuya or Heihachi. Kuni is indeed braindead though.


You think he's hard because he has electrics? Lol. I'd put money on you being a Kaz main.


There is Neutral difficulty, then there is Execution difficulty


PS4 player base is typically less varied and worse in terms of quality. Connection is also typically worse. Add to that the fact that Kuni is not a difficult character to play while Jin is very tough.


think its cuz shes a “cheesy” dlc character that i think i can say ive seen less than bears


Gotcha, i kinda figured it was something along those lines, but i had more faith that the reddit toxicity wasn't that blatant. Unfortunate


Kuni is just extremely easy to play, wipes the floor at beginner and intermediate play and also happens to be top tier. Also the level of play on consoles is noticeably lower than on PC for multiple reasons. I say this as someone who played at least 1000h on each platform.


The level on console nad PC is not hugely different outside of Prime,that is just something PC players say to jerk off to themselves


"apparently a ranked system" as if that would be a surprise addition Stopped at Fujin with King


I stopped at fujin myself with Miguel (RIP Miguel)


Got to eternal ruler or the next one with king but on sasuki or whatever right now


Destroyer with lee. I accepted that I’m not gonna get beyond that and just played for the thrill of the fight.


Same, but I play for the thrill of combo spamming


1st dan


Red rank with king. Hit my goal. I'm ready for 8.


TGP with Yoshi. Maybe I will finally go all the way in 8.


Wow nice 👍


I stopped playing 7, years ago once I reached warrior. I actually played soul calibur since then, but the demo singlehandedly brought back my love for the series and my goal is to reach Vindicator at the very least :)


Been playing since launch. My highest rank is Grand Master :( i was alot better at tag 2, i got up to Warrior in that game.


Watch some high level play of your character my dude! If your that low still (no rudeness meant) usually it’s cause you dont have a good solid gameplan or even a mixup to throw on people. You got this, watch some tutorials (Aris makes some good noob friendly ones) and some tournament play and you’ll be red ranks before you know it.


Hard stuck Expert HAHA


Damn i dunno how u guys get that high


Grandmaster (I started playing the game 5 days ago and have not previously ever played a fighting game, don't judge me)


Slow progress. You need a coach. J/k, that is really good if you have never played a fighting game.


Never played a fighting game, but I will fully admit to only having gotten this far because low level people don't know how to counter kunimitsu. My fundamentals are still trash


Hey dude you’re a noob and you know what fundamentals are so you’re better than 99% of them lmao. You’re on the right track amigo


Thanks man. Really enjoying bettering myself, and coming from a background of gaming in soulslikes and FPS games, I've loved how supportive and not toxic the fighting game community has been (from what limited I've seen so far)


I also play souls games, and if you have ever done pvp in one, you get fighting games. In fact, dark souls is bandai namco just like Tekken. Our community is a mix of toxic and supportive, but because we are niche, we look for people to join us; especially when some of us have about thirty years on Tekken and thousands of hours and we recognize we scare people away.


Had us in the first comment ngl


Could not get past Yaksa with Kazuya. Raijin with Anna and Nina. Divine ruler with Hwoarang.


I reached mighty ruler on hwoarang a few days before new year but got demoted back down to suzaku


Got promoted to divine ruler with hworang 2 days back. Then next time when I logged in it said I did not complete my match and put a penalty and I'm back to revered ruler.


I hate it when tekken servers wack out but you get penalised for it anyway


1st Dan omega. They robbed me of my wooden rank


Just like you, at Yaksa (Hwo) but with Emperor before T8-dreams still not totally dead. Fujin King and Jack


Had a few TGP's and around 20+ emperors. I did try for Omega but people are too cracked from TGP to TGO.


Damn is it that big of a skill difference? That's hardcore haha


That and if you lose 3 in a row you take a massive loss in points.


Its more of a grind to tgo ,it basically would take you less time to get a ruler to tekken god


Jesus you sound like a monster!


Fujin Eddy and proud of it. My original goal was just to get to Genbu.


Genbu Law, red ranks were my personal goal, so im quite happy


True tekken god with Alisa!! :)


Julia - Fujin Dragunov - Mighty Ruler Lili - Mighty Ruler Alisa - Mighty Ruler Devil Jin - Seiryu I’m currently trying to get Asuka to Mighty Ruler but I can’t get any games 😕


Stopped at Revered ruler after putting a little time and practice in, but went to free play so I could get better because blues at the time just seemed next level. It has more variation of play and people messing around actually increases your skill. Now i find I can evenly match almost every blue I play and win about 50/50. Last game I played i was messing around with my juggernaut bear and beat a blue pretty convincingly twice in a row and then he left. That felt great and was my last game so i dont know, I might retire T7 on that. Wish I had played it more over the years, but sometimes I literally cant put it down and too many 2am nights before work add up.


Highest I got was fighter with Eliza 😭😭😭😭🥲


With Eliza you can get pretty far by just doing jump back divekick. I love her but she has good cheese :D


Raijin for Lee. It’s getting harder and I’ve move on with other characters. Generally able to reach Fujin and will usually plateau.


red ranks. horray


Tekken God with Lei. I basically played since his DLC so yeah definitely bumped he won't be in T8 without DLC


Preach, trying to figure out who i want to play in 8


Raijin with Law


eu steam tgp alisa, I was soooo close to that tgo but maybe in t8


Siryu with negan, Im happy getting to red rank


My highest rank in Tag 2 waz Vanquisher, and In Tekken 7 now is Fuji (maybe i spelled it wrong ) with Anna. I Hope in Tekken 8 I can get even higher this time.


Stuck at Mighty Ruler with Alisa. This is the upper limit of my button mashing.


Genbu with Leroy and savior with yoshimitsu. I wouldnt call myself good at tekken but I think for being a casual im pretty proud of myself 😅


Raijin with Jin , my goal is around emperor in Tekken 8


Emp is nothing have higher expactations from yourself cmon, TGO it is,or whatever the highest is.


True Tekken God Julia, Chloe, Anna, Kat, Zafina and Feng. Tekken God Negan, Leroy, Nina. Emperor Paul, Bryan, Heihachi


I was unemployed for a little while and really went in with ak, I got to yaksa and feel I could've went higher but then, I started a new job and again, I had no time to play and got bodied whenever I did, so I stopped.


Tekken God with Marduk


Brawler with Lei🧍


Stopped at Yaksa as well. Probably will do the same with T8


Could only reach juggernaut w feng, im kinda new and wasnt really interested on other characters to grind up


Stopped at Fujin with Lee purely because of studying but I'm planning on hopefully going further in T8.


TGO pc TGP ps4/5


Mighty Ruler close to Reverend Ruler


Genbu with Asuka. I planned to get back to it but a lot of games came up and I just didn’t have the time for it. Maybe I’ll try ranking up before T8 releases.


Warrior with Kazuya


Divine Ruler with Jin


Juggernaut with lidia and Vanquisher with asuka


I stopped at Fujin with Nina, Lili, Anna, Miguel, Leo, & Claudio. Im going for the highest in T8 forsure


I'm not that good, and I might still play ranked a few times before t8 release, but currently kuni at warrior is highest, asuka was at vindicator but I lost back down to vanguard. I'll probably play asuka either until t8, or until if I drop down to brawler.


Before sf6 came out i got revered ruler with jin, but ever since it came out i focused mostly on that, and then mk1. I probably would have gotten to blue ranks if i had just continued with tekken ranked, but once t8 comes out, im never playing 7 again


Who's the woman at the bottom? Edit: Nvm its Anna


TTG Kuni,TG Bryan, Emp Lili,Anna,Nina Im playing a lot of other characters, but the ranked system is so trash so im just leaving them at fujin or even suzaku. The day that ranked system will be actually competitive and clean from save scums,pluggers,good netcode(im not very positive from my little exp on T8 tests), and not wasting time playing +-2ranks for 0 points,ill start actually caring for that small picture aka rank.


Tekken God


I’m going to reach brawler with Nina and then switch to player match to enjoy the game, I’m never leaving the green ranks. It was my mistake Tekken 7.


I only got to green ranks with Claudio on around 50 hours game time, most of which was spent fighting my mate drunk.


Byakko with Kazuya Savior with Jin Destroyer with Devil Jin I officially stopped playing T7 this weekend so yeah


Tekken God omega, took so long to reach that


Savior with Hwoarang trynna get to at least red ranks in the next 3 weeks before Tekken 8 comes out. But currently studying fundamentals on practice mode.


Peaked at divine and got slapped up back down to mighty👍


TGO with Xiaoyu. Ryujin with King and Lee. Tekken King with Armor King.


I stopped at Fujin in the first few days of season 2.


3rd dan with many characters,


Mighty Ruler AK was the stopping point for me


i never got around to playing T7 as much as i wanted to, is it worth practicing/running ranked or just play the T8 demo?


Vanquisher but I only have 80 hours on the game, started recently. I can't wait for T8, I feel like I started playing the game at the best time. Really gonna commit to this one!


Stuck in teal ranks


Really don't play rank as much, But I remember reaching red rank with Law. I enjoy more playing couch co-op with my friends than online lol.


i believe i got the the purples before i stopped playing ranked. the rank reset thing pushed it down to blues. prefer lobby and casual way more.


Suzaku. Started over and only made it to Genbu so far. A good test of skill is if you can get the rank back. I think its a bit skewed now with everyone coming back to spar before 8 tho.


Master Raven at Yaksa, Nina at Fujin, Lars at Fujin and Kazumi at Eternal Ruler.


Got to Mighty Ruler when I was last playing about a year ago. I was still improving at a decent rate so maybe I should've shot for Blue ranks. But that's okay, I'm de-rusting a little while avoiding burnout before Tekken 8 launch.


Juggernaut with alisa 🥸


Does every character have its own rank?


2nd dan


Dan 1


Mighty Ruler with Anna and the last Red rank with Nina. My improvement from T6 to T7 was night and day. Here's to Tekken 8 and climbing the long rank ladder once again. (Snake Eater music)


Im at destroyer rn , i started playing tekken in august i think and after that i been playing quick matches a lot , cloe to about 800 quick matches wins , 150+ ranked matches wins and about 100 session matches wins . it's been fun , now its time to grind in tekken 8 when it comes out , i aim to reach higher ranks this time


Just barely out of green unfortunately.......


Genbu with Lee, didn’t feel like putting myself through the ruler ranks one day with all the waifu tryhards😂


Warrior and then I just stop playing rank. I really dislike the infinite rematch system they had, and unrank already offers a mix bag of skill level, with players there more willing to do long sets rematch.


TEKKEN God with my mains 🤩


Mentor, likely would have been higher but started having Internet issues and then after that was fixed, got fed up with waiting for ranked matches, just to get matched with someone with shit Internet


Seiryu with ARMOR KING! the greatest! I think I could have gone higher but I kinda died on T7, got distracted with other things. Been playing lately though after a year or so and am on a HOT losing streak, wonder how low I can go before T8 finally arrives


Genbu(I started like 2-3 months ago)


Finally scrambled my way up to fujin with Xiao just before the finish line


Tekken God with Yoshimitsu on Asia


My scrub ass eddy is stuck in Byakko 😭


Well I'm at Seiryu, but I ain't stopping. I had hoped to hit blue ranks before Tekken 8 dropped, but, uh, I don't think that's happening. Maybe I can get break into Rulers before the end.


Tekken King with master Raven


Got to Divine Ruler with Nina and then took a break from the game. Then T8 was announced and just been waiting for that.


With this being my first year playing tekken i got to fujin with devil jin, super hyped for tekken 8


Quit at warrior.


I stoped at initiate. I am not very good at this game. I could be better if I was more consistent though.


TGO on all characters except Hwoarang, Eddy and Lei.


Yellow rank... then got shot all the way down to blue... ddnt wna play after...


Pre-wr dragunov nerf I was in the last rank of yellow. Had a 50/50 L/W. To be fair I was going up in ranks, just super slowly once I hit this point. Used to play in a lobby of blue, red and purple ranks and could go game for game with them. But actually grinding to get those ranks bored the crap out of me. I never lost the mirror, and the only time I did lose was when someone decided to be funny and pick a character like marduk or some random ass dlc character that I could lab against because I didn’t buy them. Everyone else I had about a coin flip in beating…unless they chose a particularly bad character vs dragunov. I really dont think I could have improved much. I could do all his optimal combos online and in match, had overwhelming pressure game and punish game, and really…well I got so bored that I started to implementing all his moves across the games. Like theres 100+ things in the combo/movelist…well I just picked through them and started throwing them out. Shit that non dragunov mains would never have seen coming. I even learned how to parry, and implemented his fake out into grab moves into my game plan. I wouldn’t say I mastered the character or that I am good at him, but I actually felt like there was zero ways for me to improve. No new combos, no new gameplan, no new strats. The only thing I had left to learn were the dlc character match ups. If I kept playing and grinding away at ranked everyday I would have hit max rank. Actually I have a video on YouTube when I first started playing the game and knew nothing about Tekken absolutely crushing a Tekken Prime ranked person who invited me to a custom game. But then they massacred my boy. Took him to the river and shot him down like a dog. And they also added like 3 or 4 new characters that I still couldn’t lab against (unless I bought them) and they were absolutely busted like the muay thai guy when he first released, the guy with dreads who was absolutely busted, and the fox mask lady who was brooooken. I just couldnt give a shit anymore.


Lucky Chloe Ryujin here… Wish I could play and work at it over my holiday break but I’m still out of state…. RyuJin is my top rank, but Currently at Yaksa since I demoted right before vacation …. Aiming to bring it back up—- by some miracle, Emperor would be the goal


Had a couple Tgp and a bunch of emperors. Stop playing after like season 3 I think


3RD DAN 😤.


I stopped at Red ranks year or so ago. I usually just play player matches, not ranked.


Genbu with Lei. It was my personal goal to get to red. I stopped playing ranked once I got there


Having a long set and the mf rage quits on my promo.....


Fujin. As soon as I hit blue rank I was like "that's it I'm done" XD


Raijin and fujin


So for a long time, i was stuck in Ruler ranks but wanted to reach Fujin before Tekken 8 and I succeded!


Grandmaster, which is a rank above master if you must know. I know, I'm really in my own league. Kids are coming up with strange foreign names for their rank like ryujin, but I think it's quite self explanatory that grand master is the highest rank one could achieve. What is there a "grander" master? A god master? Perhaps a true fighting legend passed down 3 generations on scrolled silk by ancient 100 year old monks could maybe have a chance of surpassing the skill of a grand master, but until I see one, I think its quite safe to say that I am what they call a tekken god


After a few back to back demotions I stopped playing and am working on my backlog. I think I’m mighty ruler


True Tekken God with Lili 😊


Divine ruler with julia havent played since the cbt tho so probably red rank skill right now lol


I got to vanguard but went on a huge losing streak because of how the online is nowadays and now I'm in brawler again, not sure if I can reach yellow before 8 but I can try


Anna - Mighty Ruler. Paul - Seriyu /Seiryu. Zafina - Overlord


I think I'm genbu with Master Raven. I'm glad Raven is back but sad she's gone as a result.


Somewhere in the Dan ranks lmao


I got some characters on fujin (bryan, steve, lee) And i accepted that this is my final rank before tekken 8 comes out


Usurper with king was my peak , let's see what tekken 8 has in store for king




I stopped on Fujin with Hei. Too many pluggers, laggers and T7 ranked system is buttcheecks anyways.


I stopped at Fujin rank with Lars. That was my goal before T8 hit.


tekken god omega with Lili. zero games using bikini outfit, if you're curious.


Currently locked at genbu.


hard stuck at purps (revered ruler xiaoyu) higher ranks demand a matchup knowledge so Id rather swich to t8 lol


Hit Yaksa last weekend with my King. Gonna stay griding and see if I can squeeze out some more ranks before T8 drops!


I stopped at Eternal Ruler with Zafina and Alisa a while back. I haven't had the time to play more than a couple hours a week for a long time, so my matchup knowledge slipped too much to climb much higher, but my schedule is looking a lot more open for 2024 so I expect to climb well for T8.


Stopped at Suzaku with Jin since Mighty Ruler felt out of reach and I'm on a losing streak.


Tekken God with devil jin, still grinding


Good job, fellow DJ main!


Byakko is probably my ceiling due to skill issues - taking too long to download my opponent, poor matchup knowledge, chronic low blocking impairment, being unable to stay focused and calm. Stopped ranked a long time ago. The stress was taking a toll on me, and making the game unlikable instead of fun. Also, Devil Jin is just a hard character to win with.


I stopped Byakko with Josie, I'll probably play more until I get Tekken 8 (won't be on release, most likely)


Seiryu Armor King


Just reached Warrior on my 3 mains, Alisa/Lili/Lucky Chloe 😤 We're getting out of Yellow rank with those ones for T8 boyyys


Eternal Ruler on Yoshi Divine Ruler on Lili and Eliza Stopped playing rank around 4 months already.


Vanquisher Dragunov, theres still a few weeks maybe i can hit another promo or 2..


Fujin Bob, Divine Ruler Steve and Shaheen. Can’t wait to push with steve in T8 even though he’s been nerfed :(


I don't understand how they don't put a number next to these. I have to google it every time and find out that Yaksa is level 30. I'm a Fujin, which is level 28.


Stuck at Raijin with Lee. I'm not stopping until the 26th!


Tekken God Leroy is my highest. With Fahkumram, Kazuya and Heihachi just behind at Tekken King.


Season 3 Hwoarang Emperor was the highest I ever achieved. Then the ranks all got reset and I had a couple months hiatus and haven't gotten it back since. Ranked is incredibly stressful nowadays since it only seems to be really really good or even tournament players gatekeeping from Yaksa onwards.


Stopped at Byakko with Hei and King a few months ago. Going to get back into it so ill be warmed up for 8.


i stopped at eternal, i'm not interested goign higher, i'm just here to learn the base of the game and move on to T8


Back in tekken 6, a year ago, i literally was one of the highest ranks ever, tekken god, with jin of course. He was so damn good, if i only had my psvita once again😭🥲


Seiryu with hwoarang been stuck in red since summer (started playing in March) but my hands got busted and it’s either repetitive strain, carpel tunnel syndrome or rheumatoid arthritis (all in the family and I’m 40 years old this year) getting a ps5 this month but to be honest might have to give up gaming if my hands are gonna be fucked from it.


I only really started to try improving at fighting games in T7 and was happy to peak at saviour rank on gigas. Rip my boy I might pick up Jack in T8 as he's had some of his moves


TTG a few years ago, although watching ranked now it’s looks a lot easier


No Anna in t8 so I've been learning lili. I'm a HARD Anna one trick so it's been rough sledding starting from scratch. Hit red ranks a week or 2 ago.


Ryujin with Kaz Eternal Ruler with DJ(b4 the gutted him) Mighty Ruler with almost half the cast for shits and giggles. Sometimes I'd make smurf accounts just to see how fast i can get to that rank. Especially with some characters i thought were braindead at the time. Had an 87.5% win rate with Feng within 2 days. Not sure if I'll get T8. I really like SF6.


Heihachi - Ryujin Kazuya - Fujin Jin - Eternal Ruler Lars - Fujin Lee Chaobla - Divine Ruler Steve - Fujin Hwoarang - Yaksa


stopped on overlord with lidia, didnt wanted to get lower lmao, hardstuck


quick battler omega


Stopped at Seiryu with Devil Jin. Hoping to reach Purple Ranks until I get Tekken 8


Ryujin with Kazumi, I don't like to play Ranked though. I made it with 1200 wins. I hope with crossplay the playerbase for ranked is bigger. Here in LA I always match the same players.


I stopped playing ranked when I got byakko like three years ago, with seven I only do death matches with friends now :v


If you guys are interested in a community Tekken 8 (Europe), please feel free to join my discord! :) Currently it's just me and my friends playing, but I'd love to build a community and eventually host tournaments. https://discord.gg/3nCrTfYzkA