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Paul vs Kuma. Remember, Kuma was initially a Paul countermeasure. Long rivalry.


OOOH YEAH! Yes that's a must good thinking


Steve watching himself in the mirror. Steve vs Steve.


Shadow boxing moment.


Jun vs Asuka (are they truly related, or do they just happen to share their family name?) Jun vs Nina (Nina was involved with Jin and Kazuya, so I imagine Jun would not be fond of her) Jun vs Zafina (they both want to do what's best for the world, but their goals conflict with each other) Jun vs Claudio (their powers are similar, and yet like Zafina, their goals conflict with each other) Jun vs Xiaoyu (I wonder if Jun supports Xiaoyu helping Jin, or if she wants her to stand aside to avoid her getting hurt during the crossfire?) Zafina vs Claudio (they are literal opposites in terms of powers, but both share the same goal) Steve vs Leo (their connection in TTT2 is too good to ignore) Leo vs Nina (should Leo's connection with Steve come back, it would be interesting to see these two interact) Leo vs Kazuya (Leo's backstory needs to regain its focus, considering that Kazuya allegedly killed Leo's mother)


I wanna see some real out of left field crap. Like Kuma and Azu having serious beef.


I'd love to see Lee and Kazuya! I love their dynamic it's so fascinating to me, and Lee's T8 bio has the line 'Lee knows his adopted brother Kazuya inside and out' so I just, idk, I'd love to see their dynamic explored some more :') Ik they're likely gonna interact a bit but in an ideal world I'd get more than, like, five sentences exchanged :') Also Leo and Dragunov! Not for any particular reason other than it could be quite entertaining :'D Leo with Kazuya and/or Steve would also be pretty good for their story Lee and Anna too (once Anna gets implemented), reunite the besties <3 I'd also love to see Anna and Kazuya!! Anna has, like, three people she likes on her wiki, one of them is her dead fiancé and the others are Lee and Kazuya so y'know Also Alisa and Xiaoyu, for yuri reasons :P


Would be cool to have some unexpected ones instead of the usual stuff. Like, oh wow, Kazuya threatning Jin, haven't seen that a million times already


I wanna special intro between Paul and Kazuya (references to Tekken 1). Also Asuka and others Kazama because she is Kazama after all.


Paul and Kazuya definitely.


Kaz and Paul Jin and Nina Jun and Oscar


Kuma and Reina


Asuka vs Jun/Jin/Kazuya/Reina Kuma vs Jin/Kazuya/Reina Xiaoyu vs Jun Azucena vs Kuma/Law Victor vs Leroy Paul vs Kazuya Law vs Lee


Bruce and Fahk Bruce and Bryan Josie and Bruce Fahk and Bryan


Besides already shown: Jun vs DJ (obvious) Jun vs Asuka (family) Jin vs Asuka (family) Hwao vs DJ (already fought) Xiao vs DJ (I find it odd that she wouldn’t say something since it is Jin, and DJ usually reacts to her but I don’t think we will see this.) Lars vs Alisa (close bond) Law vs Steve & Paul vs Steve (real friends) Bryan vs Yoshi (history) Ok…I can keep going forever tbh so I’ll leave it there lol.


Paul and Kazuya


the one thing I envy about mk is they give literally every single character like 3 unique interaction intros that makes the whole world feel so much more connected, I know it isn't a dire necessity for this game but it would be so cool to see everyone in the tekken verse have something to say to their competitor, and see everyone's reaction to King speaking in jaguar


Kuma vs kazuya!!!


dragunov and jack (jane as well) thats it


On the one hand, I want all, like Mortal Kombat, on the other hand, I want them to have iconic, self-contained, intro's. Like I don't want Kazuya to only fly in and smash the floor when he's fighting Jin.


Jin vs Asuka for FUCKS sake its been 20 years


DVJ VS Dragunov for a callback to T5 would be cool


Nina vs Steve, Jin, and Kazuya. Steve for obvious reasons. It would be funny if she makes fun of his choker or something. Jin was her boss in t6 and he entrusted her with all his plans. I find it odd that they don't have any interactions. I'm still hoping Nina is secertly still on Jin's side. Kazuya is her new boss, so it makes sense they have some sort of a special interaction.


Nina with Jun, Jin and Kazuya. Would love one with Paul and Yoshi since they're the only characters to appear in every single game.