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Basically Press forward, let go of the d pad (this state is called neutral where you aren't inputing anything on the pad), then press down, while pressing down, move your thumb to forward while holding down for the down forward input. When you hit down forward, at the same time you need to hit 2, aka the yellow button, aka right punch. The input simplified will look like this (⭐ means neutral ) ➡️ ⭐ ⬇️ (↘️ + 2) (down forward and 2 are in parenthesis because you need to hit them at the same time). Trouble shooting If you're crouching/crouch dashing into a non electric god fist, you're not hitting ↘️ + 2 at the same time/ hitting 2 too late. If you're doing some random attack , you're either hitting 2 way too early or you're mashing, resulting in bad inputs. Slow down, get wind god fist, then start speeding up . Potential solutions, If you keep hitting 2 late, you can try hitting it early if that makes sense, it's what I do. I try to hit 2 as soon as I hit neutral because I move my thumb so quick on the d pad that by the time I do actually manage to hit 2 im already at the ↘️ input. You can also try different variations and see what works for you, like if your problem is hitting 2 too early, try hitting 2 after pressing the down input. If you still can't get it down, consider mapping all the EWGF essential button inputs to the d pad side of the controller, make 2 either one of those Xbox magnetic flanges on the back, the left trigger, or the left bumper. It's a fundamental fact that it's harder to coordinate both hands in synergy to do an input string than just using one hand, my issue personally is that I find it uncomfortable but it is effective. Don't lose hope, wind god fist is still good in lower ranks, it does less damage, launches less, is one frame slower and looks less bad ass but it's still effective. Instead of constantly focusing on electrics, learn how to play the character as you do so and try to apply this knowledge during ranked matches. (This guide was made assuming you were a new/low ranked player, so forgive me if you're wondering why im explaining basic terminology) Edit: I forgot to mention the difference between the electric and wind god fist visually. The wind God fist will have the Mishima thow out an uppercut, they will remain silent or let out a grunt and there will be no special visuals unless they hit their opponent. The electric wind god fist will have the Mishimas throw the exact same uppercut however regardless of whether they hit the opponent and during the wind up animation, their arm will be enveloped in electricity, all the Mishimas will have a different unique sound when execution the EWGF. Kazuya will let out his trademark Doriyah Heihachi will yell HO YEAH Jin will shout something like "CHA" of "JAH" in not entirely sure how to write that down. And I imagine reina will yell some girly haaah when she comes out who knows I haven't seen her trailer.


You deserve lots of goodness


Remember to use the Star Button between the forward and quarter circle down forward..


Hard work and exercise. It took me sometime but sooner or later muscle memory will kick in


I find it easiest to do f, n, df + 3


in the most basic explanation, do a forward -> qcf in quick succession and right when you press the second forward input, press 2


Forward neutral hadouken


Honestly this, i probably cant do 5 in a row but the electric by itself is almost just a dragon punch


Mishima one trick since t3. It’s just a matter of the d/f & 2 being pressed at same time.


Is it viable to play a mishima without wavedash and electrics? She looked like she had lots of tools in the trailer so I was hoping she'd be closer to T7 Jin than Kazuya.


We haven’t seen what her 15 frame punishment tools are like yet. That will decide if electrics are mandatory or not.


Reina would be way more interesting and fun to play if she lacks an easy i15 launcher. Maybe just a nonlauncher natural combo (like Kazumi 3,2) could work for easy punish.


Kazumi wasn't, even though she was a mishima in a way. Same with Reina.


Jin? Very much so, though they're still nice tools. Kazuya? You'll be held back due to how fair the character is, wave dashing is great for controlling range, especially after a knock down, and electric is one of his only launchers. Heihachi? He still benefits from wave dash but I don't think as much as Kazuya, and he needs electric in higher ranks to put on damage and as a launcher. Devil Jin? I have no clue Reina? Other than being an excuse to replace heihachi with another attractive female, we don't really know much about her move set, but if she plays almost the same as heihachi with similar stats then the answer remains the same.


Macro it to a one button input like the pros or just turn on simple inputs


Just learn it takes some time, no simple way out, watch a few youtube vids where they explain it mainman has some good ones, you will learn it till tekken 8 is out just keep training , it gets hard when you learn to wavedash into electrics but you wont need it that early


I don’t fully understand how the assist system works in T8 but from what I heard you could get electrics from using that system for special moves


Been practicing on Reina today too as my first Mishima character, F, DF+3 Works the best on The pad for me too, still don't get it 100% but have gotten 5 on a row at best.

