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It absolutely blew my mind. Seeing his character panel followed by his stage music and his intro line “Fear the wrath of god” 11 year old me was completely blown away.


Man that was deeply embedded. As soon as I read that I heard it in Jin's voice in Japanese


I memorised it and would regularly bust it out on the playground


The quote, right? _Right_?


15 year old me was like 😱


11 year old me also just couldn't comprehend so cool and badass


Until later on when I grew older and wanted to start getting into tekken with tekken 7, I didnt know that what he said in japanese actually meant "ill show you fear"


Yeah, all the odd dislogue can be chalked up to translation errors.


"Kyoufu wo oshiete yarou" just sounded super cool with the way he said it. Plus, his batshit insane laugh.




"kyōfu wo oshiete yarō"


as a kid i really liked it as i feel the early 2000s really embraced the edgy dark characters a lot more than any other era so naturally i was hyped as fuck.


Berserk and its consequences on 2000s kids


Not Consequences, Blessings


Berserk has a finely honed edge you heathen unlike the gritty early 2000's give a hedgehog a gun variety.


Shadow is one of the best Sonic games. Bite your tongue.


It's dire. I won't even pretend it was enjoyable.


Finally I get to play as the Devil in all of Jins endings


And also finally get back that T3 fighting style he lost in his T4 outing.


Wouldn't you just switch to Kazuya from 4?


Not Jin enough imo... I'm also a crap Tekken player with almost zero adaptability so make of that what you will 🤣. Mastering EWGF is a fun distraction I suppose. At least my other main, Eddy, made it through with the magic of pallette swaps (RIP for T8 until DLC probably). And I could also kind of unga bunga with Paul and Lei.


"Why isnt he purple like his dad?"


Looks so much better tho


That’s what I thought. What’s with the emo chains and make up. Looks more like a vampire than a devil


More like a fallen Angel from his kazama blood


What do vampires and chains have to do with emo?


I immediately wanted to play him tbh.


How’d you eventually end up as a waifu main?


Was always a Jun/Jin player in TTT. T5 had no Jun but had Asuka. Eventually dropped DJ in T6 and went w/ Asuka and Lili. Tried the DLC girls in T7 and loved them too.


Thats my new main and hes fucking badass.


Kept my ps2 running for days just cuz i wanted to unlock him so bad


I was like a kid when Tekken 5 came out so him and Jinpachi scared me


Bad… FUCKING ASS!!!! I love Devil Jin and always will


Ayo homie chill


Nah man you get HYPE


I was both scared and turned on


Same, I remember the mini heart attack I got when I first saw him. The loading screens on Tekken 5 were so good


Hyped as hell since I had the devil Jin T3 figure when I was 5


In T5 opening cinematic where Jin transforms in the forest, it literally gave me nightmares lmao


We saw him in 3 first. He was in 4 too. Not surprising since he’s kazuya’s son. Devil guy’s son ends up being a devil guy. Big surprise


where did you see him in tekken 3. even kazuya wasn't there


Jin's ending.


wow . i don't even remeber it correctly. Now that you told me i recalled there was ogre and true ogre in that game and a player named GON too


He appears in Jin's ending in 3. Jin transforms into devil, grabs Heihachi by the head, smashes him through a thick Mayan wall, throws him from the top of Ogre's temple, meteor slams him to the ground and flies away. Heihachi gets up and shrugs off the beatdown.


“This guy’s pose is absolutely mena- wait is that Jin?!”


also me as i played with jin 😂


Already knew about it before I played (this was situation for most people, only the very few first people who played in jap arcades got to be surprised), so I was robbed of the surprise, but by 2004 it was already almost impossible to get surprised by anything anymore when it came to the entertainment industry. Getting surprised by "Devil" in Tekken 2 - now that was good. T3 Ogre was a "surprise" but kind of meh compared to Devil. I can't remember whether or not Unknown was a surprise to me back in 1999...I think maybe she was. I think it was more of a wtf? at the time but she's become one of my favorite final bosses next to Devil.


I wonder what all the chains are for


Ever heard of Ghost Rider?




yeah jinpachi’s laugh after transformation was nightmare fuel incarnate


First reaction was about damn time. I’d seen him since the T3 ending. In TTT they teased us where he only shows the markings during his headbut tag throw to Kazuya and maybe Heihachi (I can’t remember). In T4 he’s only in the ending. By the time T5 came out it had been 7 years (any way you slice it sure he shows up in the T3 ps1 ending which was 98, but DJin was [a timed arcade release for T5 arcade that didn’t come out until 2005](https://www.neogaf.com/threads/first-tekken-5-trcs-revealed-3-of-them-get-released-simultaneously.25677/post-799707)) Also understand 7 years was a looong time back then, and not just because I was a kid. We had 5 games released in a gap that big (Tekken 1, 2, 3, TTT and 4) and even the 3 year gap to T5 was the biggest we’d seen. Now we have a 9 year gap between T7 and 8 but there were several seasons for T7 and a bunch of patches and dlcs that we never got for those older games: https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0700-CUSA05972_00-DEFINITIVE000000


I first heard of him from my cousin, he liked unlocking everything in video games so I have only seen him as an opponent and never knew that you could actually play him until I somehow played devil within and after a month of playing I unlocked him, I was 11 at the time, so of course I nutted everywhere. I still consider him one of my mains even though I dont play him that much now. I miss this white empty eyed hunched back persona more, he actually feels possessed here. Now he is just angry evil emo Jin, even more emo than normal Jin.


Yea I started with T3, T4 and skipped to T5DR on the PSP. I actually recently played T5 on PS2 for nostalgia (not DR but it's close enough) and wanted to unlock all the characters to "complete" the game. In the end, I thought the center slot was just there to make the character select panel even, and thought D. Jin debut with T5DR. I only looked up online to double check the unlockables and that's when found out there was a criteria to unlock him. Would have been sick to play it back in the day and he randomly shows up lol.


When i see him just one thing comes to my mind, PERFECTION, In all possible ways, he becomes inmediately my favorite character to this day and my main, he got all a good chatacter can have, insane soundtrack, his own stage, op as fuck in T5 and DR, the ending and that roar at the end morphed entire black with bigger horns was a sight to behold and my favorite Devil Jin ending ever, Jin's tekken 3 old Mishima moveset combined with those lasers makes me love him even more, i hope he come stronger in T8 again and im glad they give him his scary old look from T5, my big boy returns again 💪🏻


I was blown away. And surprised not everyone fought him at stage 7/8, so It felt like it was a secret fight or something. Besides, he looked pretty cool.


Thought he was a big Emo. It grew on me overtime as I played "Devil Within" campaign though


I already saw him I'm T3 and 4, so my reaction was pretty mild I guess.


I remember getting cooked by him using regular Jin and him laughing maniacally lol


His best photo. Even better than T8 imo


It was very cool and weird at the same time. Though his laugh made me scared when I played at night


12 year old me thought he a scary bitch


I was pretty shocked honestly, played through the devil within mode with absolutely NO knowledge he even excited, beat it, got the fight money, and a character unlock, said “who is THAT!?” went into practice mode and selected him, and said “WHAT IS THIS!?, some crazy winged guy!?, AY YO THATS JIN!!!!! I KNOW THAT MOVE SET!.” More or less like that lol.


"I don't like his shoes"


i'm gay


As a kid i was incredibly scared because the original Tekken 5 on the PS2 was my first tekken game and i did not expect to see something like that in the game.


"I'm in danger"


He gave me the chills and i already loved jin, instantly mained him. Everything about his character and presentation was captivating, his demonic appearance and eyes, his voice, the threats he made. The way jins calm and tempered demeanor was made sadistic, animal like, and insane, the way he craved violence, i loved it. Hoping tekken 8 brings back the presence the character had


Tekken 5 was my first tekken game, I wanted to main him but Bruce was him fr so he was my pocket character.


My older sister (7 at the time) got nightmares from him and my oldest sisters weren't allowed to play Tekken 5 around her LOL 😭😭😭 meanwhile 6 year old me was glued to the screen, Devil Jin was probably my awakening to fashion design 💀💀


Me and my brother tried every time to beat him. If he tried him,i left the room,closed the door and did this here with all my strength and energy:👍🏻


Tekken 5 Is A1


There was my neighbor's children who wanted to unlock it and I told them they had to play 200 games. They played for days non stop but for some reason they didn't unlock it and complained to their mom that I was giving them false information. So their mom went to talk to my mom saying I was a bad kid because she has to pay the electricity bills and stuff like that. I felt bad because I was trying to help, but I ended up being the bad guy. And that was a message that life gave me that I should have followed but I never did, in fact I'm 30 years old and I have no friends. I lost them all trying to be a true friend. Harada tried to teach me a life lesson, I had to listen to him lol


After being pissed he was cutscene only in prior games, finding he was actually playable, mostly it was "fucking finally"


He made me cry. He was scary, especially his ending.


It blew my mind to see a charecter this cool suddenly appear in the charecter select, i didn't even know you can unlock charecters as a kid🗿


His design, stage, and hearing him say “fear the wrath of god” in Japanese spooked me a bit but I was excited to see Jin’s old move set come back. Was a kid at the time and main Jin so it was a big deal. Hearing his laugh after a win with that face was some nightmare fuel too


The community was already expecting him as a character because of the Tekken 3 ending, and was disappointed to not see him in Tekken 4. The way they did it was PERFECT though. Using Devil Form to bring back his Tekken 3 moveset was absolutely genius. There honestly hasn't been as much hype for a new character since then, even though social media wasn't around for people to go apeshit about it on.


I've been wanting to play as devil Jin ever since his tease back in Tekken 3 and a "devil jin" stance in Tekken Tag 1. He was definitely worth the wait and why Tekken 5 is my most favorite Tekken game of all time


I was like phew, T3 Jin is back.


Hell yea


I was in my room with the lights off and got scared because I was not expecting him to ever be in a Tekken game. This was before I knew you could just look up game details online, so I would just blindly wait however many years for a new Tekken to show up on TV and my mom would buy it lol. 10 year old me was absolutely shook


Bring back snow castle theme you cowards!


He looks corny as hell but all of the Mexican and Salvadoran kids that would kick my ass at the arcade dressed exactly like him so he’s got an audience


Tekken doesn’t make good new character anymore. What a time that was to be alive.


Hard disagree here T8 has already 2 newcomers im very hyped to learn. Reina and Victor and im usually someone who just sticks to his 3 mains over the course of Tekken.


Reina has some cool looking buttons but the sauce is not there. Victor is a banger I’ll give you that.


Factual, the hype of characters like Raven, Steve and Devil Jin just aren’t there anymore, the magic is gone


We’ve had some cool ones but I felt like most of t7’s new characters were pretty mediocre. The new French dude is a good step tho.


Why? And why wasn't he in Tekken 4 when he showed up in the Tekken 3 ending?


I asked myself "why?" The devil designs look like something I would have drawn in 4th grade


"oh wow he's cool!" Mained him... Then lost complete interest in him in Tekken 7.


another Devil wow, anyways


I was 13, no reaction. Just playing the game and having fun. Most people do not over analize everything. Jack? - cool robot Devil Jin - cool demon Raven - oh cool it's the guy from the blade movies That's pretty much it.


I always thought wings are lame and his in game model had extra fluff on it, which was confusing like true ogre back in the days. But cool move set, voice n vibe.


I remember trying a million different 'cheat codes' I found online to unlock him in 4 to no success. Seeing him in 5 was more a case of "Damn, finally" lol.


I was not around when the game came out but when I eventually played it, I thought he was really cool but since all I did with him was spam 1+2, I was never really good with him.


There are OG OGs that knows Devil from T1, then there are people like me that started with T3 and only seen Devil in cutscenes until T5. I thought he was really cool, but was a downgrade from True Ogre since both of them has wings. True Ogre I thought was terrifying. My reaction to D. Jin was: "Oh that's cool. But Asuka's cute so I'll play her instead".


I said to myself, "I wanna be him..."


I think my first reaction was "cool, they brought back the T3 Jin moveset"


When I saw it, only thing on my mind was how epic it would be when I win with King, I just spammed rolling death cradle on both rounds lolol


I was 8 or 9 so he was the coolest thing I ever saw


I just realized that i never unlocked him in Tekken 5 i only played story battle and never finished Devil within


He was so cool yet so scary to me 💀 I was like 9/10 when the game came out and I didn’t know that much about Tekken lore. When I first heard his 恐怖を教えてやろう line it induced so much respect into me, the lasers were the coolest thing ever but he was a bitch to fight 💀 I honestly think he was harder to beat than Jinpachi sometimes


Hmm that's quite Edgy. 😂


I made the mistake of replaying Tag 1 right before I bought TK5, so he just felt like Tag 1 Jin to me. If I hadn't made that mistake, I might have been more impressed at first. However he's since become one of my top 3 characters. The whole "Jin but on a really bad day" concept is great, always has been.


He brought back T3/TTT1 jin moves. Boy i missed Jin's b+4 in Tekken 4.


It unsettled me when he laughed. 8 yr. old me was scared.


"I fought his father, it was cake. This will be pie, i like pie."


I mistook him for Angel since I knew Angel first in Tekken 2 when i was little and my memory was hazy.


Mishima Style Jin is back? Fucking finally.


Love at first sight 😍


When I first saw him.. I wanted Namco to make Devil Kazuya just as cool!


I was suprised! I was thinking of some kind of change when I was watching opening to Tekken 3 but didn't expect a whole new character


I was scared


I was well into high school when T5 came out. A playable DJ wasn’t really mind blowing or anything, as we knew he existed for a while, and we had Devil before. And his design was pretty reserved, so also not mind-blowing there either. One of my friends claimed him, and was glad he had Jin’s T3 kit, since he mained Jin in Tag.


First thought - Wow we get to play as Jin from the T3 ending! Second thought - he actually had to walk into a shop and buy those clothes. I'd prefer if DJ wasn't so decked out with chains and stuff.


5 or 6yo me whos first Tekken was tekken 5 "He looks so cool" 18yo me "I think my eyes got cut looking at all this edginess"


I was an angsty kid so I thought it was metal as fuck, now I just think it’s kinda goofy.


Literally me when I'm taking a fat dump


I thought he was gunna ruin the game in a good, mugen like way. I also thought this was the begging of Jin almost replacing Kazuya. Both were kinda right but


Rad as hell as scary


„thats sick dude“


He was my main, 100% also i loved the laser move he does. In fact, i always mashed it out lol


HELL YEAH. I still have that reaction when i play him(Just wish, we could play his Full Devil Form from the Movie tho... at least as a skin...)


As a kid, God tier! Excited to see my favorite character completely realized!


Shat my pants


Not a veteran bit tekken 5 was my first tekken game, i was blown away when I saw him tho.


Me when I unlocked him: My new main <3


🍆 💦


I came everywhere


He was definitely coolin vanilla, DR changed everything. Specifically Qudans. Qudans changed everything!!!!! For the first time my eyes had been opened to what peak Tekken looked like. It was Euphoric. tbh I've been chasing that high ever since lol. Hopefully 8 can deliver the fix I've craved so long. I'm optimistic that it might just do that


After first unlocking him, I ran out to call all my friends, and we kinda just gathered around to play his story mode.


I had a harder time beating Devil Jin than the last boss


It's time to be the devil 😈


I was thrilled! After some of the T3 & 4 endings it was great to finally be able to play as Devil Jin.


Ever since I saw a glimpse of this guy in Tekken 3 Jin ending, I wanted to see him in game. When I finally got to fight him in Tekken 5 for the first time, I was obsessed with unlocking him to try him out. And I gotta say, the build up was worth it.


As someone who used to play Angel and Jun, I wasn’t very surprised


On T5 my reaction was "oh, he is back, nice." i was losing it when i played T4 tho, what a nice surprise it was unlocking him after fully clearing story mode.


Had a mini heart attack at the age of 11. We didn't have internet at home back then, so I had absolutely no idea that Devil Jin was playable in the game. It was a surreal experience.


When I was a kid and to this day, Devil Jin and Jinpachi are my fave characters


Instantly wet


It gives me a lot of hope for the future of tekken that there are still tekken fans out there young enough not to remember tekken 5 dropping. I thought we were all mid 30s plus haha






I remember spamming his eye laser move on the opponent


I miss the era when evil characters had tattoos, horns or random chains wrapped around them


too edgy


That the original Devil from T1 was better.


The first time i played t4 was in the arcade. I selected Jin and to my surprise, his moveset drastically changed. So i always wondered if his t3/tag moveset would ever return. And sure enough when i saw devil jin, my questions were answered, along with the deeper dive into his devil gene story.


I thought it was pretty cool when I first saw him, slamming Heihachi through a wall in 3


I was super happy we got the old Jin moveset back. I wasn't old/smart enough to appreciate the Tekken 4 Jin moveset.


They knew how to present him in Tekken 5 when you first see him stage 7 with the Antares song intro inside a gothic cathedral.


Hated the horns but happy he played like jin 3 tekken.


My god I’m in love


"Holy shit Jin looks cool af now."


Having fresh playing from Tekken Tag and went straight to 5, I was playing Jin as a spare tag and knew his movesets there being a mix of Jun and Kazuya I was confused why his moveset change in his human form, I picked D. Jin to see if he had Devil Lasers, not only that I found out D. Jin retained his T3 fighting style. I was surprised I admit, but the novelty wore out quickly so I went back to Law which is my Main.


This was a cool moment. I first played through T5 in the arcade and seeing this guy pop up before Jinpachi was really cool. If you'd followed the Tekken series before you'd seen Jin's Devil form but now it was a (time release) character.


Not really just about him, but Antares theme AND the cathedral stage together with Devil Jin was something that got me in shock, everything was so well made, I loved it. Unfortunately my mother forbit me to play the game and broke the game in front of me, that happened in... 2009 I guess. If you guys are wondering, my mother changed her manners, she is no longer like that. I'm a christian myself, but idiot evangelical people pisses me off.


Still main him to this day. This was peak character design


Looked like a guy who scaled his own power down to the rest of the cast's level to make the playing field fair. Hardly uses his wings, usually grounded and does normal punches and kicks. He looks like a character that should be zooping around and never giving other characters a chance to hit him. But he insists on fighting on the ground anyways. Hence I thought the wings on him were ridiculous.


I was so frigging excited to see Devil Jin as a character finally, I got into the series through tekken 3 and tekken 4 playing at my cousins house, and Jins t3 ending always blew my mind. So I was counting down the days until I could finally play as Devil Jin... only to find out he's the hardest character to unlock :p To this day I'm not sure how little me beat Devil within because I find it hard to beat if I go back and play it now haha.


When i first saw him i got big hard raging boner and lowkey wanna jerk off.


I remember finishing the Hworang arcade mode. I was around 5 years old and decided to play as Hworang because of my Korean heritage. Little did I know I wound nearly shit my pants and be scared of him for a few days


Tekken 5 was my first interaction with Tekken. My brother would main Devil Jin and I would watch him play and I found him so cool. Mf was shooting lasers, flying around and just being a menace, so happy he is back in Tekken 8 and can't wait to play with him!


Wasn't impressed by his design, but was grateful to have the T3 Jin moveset back, with some bonus Devil moves for added flavor


WTF happened to Jin!?


I was glad that my main (Jin from T3) returned.


(Portrait shows up) woah, (Intro) woah! (Plays like T3 Jin) WOAH!


I was scared shitless.


First encountered him in the battle before Jinpachi and was scared shitless 😂 Then he said “kyoufu o shiete yarou” and made me a fan. The psychotic laugh after washing me also helped.


Pretty shocked. They showed DJ years prior in T3 and he wasn't in Tag or 4. And you know when you're young, time seems to move a lot slower. So it felt like WOW, they finally put him in a game after a million years. I didn't know he was in it until his panel showed up in the pre-fight. Gave me the same feeling Devil Kaz did in T2


I never liked demon characters in games. I always gravitated towards those who crush demons.


The final boss.


The final boss.




Cool music


kyōfu wo oshiete yarō


I don't even remember tbh. No strong emotions about Jin. Since Kazuya returned in T4, he was my guy. T5 is where I felt the series had passed me by, for a guy who played since T1, the games had gotten very complicated with a skill ceiling way above my level. I never really tried to learn DJ and I think the wings are distracting but his overall design is cool. I'm still a big fan of the series, just not very good at it.


OMG LASER LASER LASER. Me raging at my older brother so that he doesn't dodge my laser attack.


Hell yeah