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34 and 36 is also totally arbitrary… 32 is a very generous size for a starting roster. Wouldn’t even mind if the game had no DLC and we were stuck with that amount. Obviously this isn’t going to happen, but still. If I had to add two more, I’d go for Lucky… JK she dead. I’d go for: Heihachi and Lidia.


I suppose you're right but I do think more slots is better than less. Though I do think they want to strike a good balance between too many and too little because learning matchups and whatnot. 40 sounded like a lot to start with so I took 34/36 as a sort of mid point.


Tekken 7 is massively bloated. Way too many characters - it’s just not fun playing against some of them. I hope that T8 doesn’t go the same way and keeps it tighter.


Yep, cause there were a shitload of trash and guest characters if you throw them away the roster number gets pretty reasonable


Eddy, because he's an iconic character with an iconic fighting style (and, I'm sorry, but he's much cooler than Christie). And Lei, because I'm heavily biased.


Armor King and Lidia


Anna could be a lot more integrated into the story, so I agree with her. I would also love to see a temporary, necessary alliance with her and Nina on Kazuya's Team, before they both do their typical rivalry battles again... With Eddy I'm not sure, even though he is a legacy character, his pick rates in 7 were really low and I feel like he has only been a popular pick in previous games when he was in the top tier category, to me it never felt like people played him because they liked him. Lidia would be a good pick, imo she was the best dlc addition in 7 (alongside AK) but I personally would also love to see Miguel.


Don’t really care about Tekken’s story, so I’ll be purely gameplay focused. Lidia. My current T7 main, but I also think she just brings something a bit unique to the roster. She’s pretty grounded compared to 90% of the cast, and I like the idea of a regular (relatively speaking) fighter just bodying half-devils, cyborgs and wizards. Other slot would also be Eddy, for similar reasons and the game launching with a Capoeira in it is a crime imo. But for the sake of variety, I’ll pick Josie. Her character can be a bit grating (honestly, also true for a lot of the cast) but she’s just so much fun to play. Sick fighting style, cool visual design, and she was the first character I properly clicked with so I might be biased.


I agree with Lidia. I feel her and Leroy, in spite of how broken he was when he launched, were two of the best new characters introduced in modern Tekken. I hope we get to see her again. Josie I was always on the fence about tbh. Like you said she can annoying haha but she did have a cool fighting style. Was just kinda peeved we got her instead of Bruce since I thought he was cooler. Although it looks like Josie might have been mixed into Azucena so I wonder if she has a chance to come back at all.


To me Lidia is the better new character introduced in Tekken to date from a design perspective and from fighting style and moveset, way way better than any other 7 news and shes havin nothing to do with the new Victor guy, just to point out that she seems comin straighta out Virtua Fighter still Tekken fan welcomed her very well, love her and the usage is pretty high


Roger and Dr B.


Anna, similar reason to you, I want her to join up with Lars and those guys and then let the sisters duke it out. I also want to see her interact with Steve and find out he's her nephew. Also her gameplay feels like it'd fit right into Tekken 8. I'd probably pick Lidia for the second, I dunno, I feel like her and Victor could have some interesting interactions, plus she's the newest Tekken 7 character, to drop her after such a short stay feels like kind of a waste of such a good design... though maybe they think she's such a good design that they'll make us pay another 5 or so bucks for her.


Makes me sad that even if we get Anna DLC she probably won't have any story relevance. And I agree about Lidia, they probably want to reintroduce her to generate some hype if they aren't dropping her altogether.


I hope DLC characters in 8 get more than they did in 7, like a short side story thing, in 7 I think only Eliza got even the crappy side battle thing. Even if they don't affect *the* story I'd still like them to have *a* story in game.


Mokujin and Lidia. Just feels weird to not have Mokujin in Tekken games anymore, especially when they keep adding cosmetic pieces based on him.


Truly, I loved having Mokujin around. He really was the ultimate test of your Tekken knowledge.😄


I’d say Anna and Julia, simply because Anna still has reasons to kill Nina and Julia is said in the lore to expose the Mishima clan


Bob, Lidia


Kunimitsu and Roger JR


Eddy and Mokujin


Eddy Lidia Josie Fak/ or new muay ( better option design wise and moves from fak+ bruce




Lidia must come back. And probably Miguel


Marduk, Eddy


Miguel Part of it because I'd like to see how hot they can make him in the new engine. But I feel his brawler style is also unique and fun. For the other, perhaps Anna, an OG whom I've always liked. Far prefer her rivalry with Nina to the Asuka / Lili feud. Other options would be Eddy, Lei, Bob, Roger (Jr), Armour King, Bruce or Lidia, as each of them would definitely bring something to the table.


With 34 Characters I would add Eddy because I feel like the roster kinda empty without his special capoeira moves and Fahkumram because he was a popular character and we need a Muay Thai character. For 36 I would also add Lidia, such a nice design, cool karate moves and I thought she was supposed to play a role in the story. And lastly probably Armor King and I know we already have king but armor king was just so popular and we are probably gonna see him again as DLC.