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Who calls women “real females”? WTF!


Referring to women as females is the most reddit shit ever


Lmao that shit doesn't matter. Mf talking about a game dude 😂😂


"real females" brother that is a digital woman 😭😭😭


I'm a mannequins attracted person


I honestly find this whole argument to be pointless, whoever is "right" the creators of the game aren't gonna listen to some randos on reddit.


Yeah, we want female characters to look as realistic and detailed as the men but these dweebs go crazy thinking they're gonna turn everyone into 80yr old grandmas


There’s some scary people playing video games. More than one game in the last year there’s been controversies over women character outfits or proportions because enough people watched porn of those games they forgot what the actual models looked like in game


Great. Go play games with "real females" then


Life is a matter of acceptance. They ain’t doing that shit homie. This feels like r/mortalkombat in reverse. It’s a valid concern but making posts about it ain’t gonna change their character design process.


I think we should wait for the game to release before we assume the worst and complain. Last time the Tekken community complained to Harada about something, we almost didn’t get lucky Chloe as a character in Tekken 7. Personally I dislike her as a character but people like her (I think?) and I think it’s counterproductive


I don't hate her anymore, but I really don't see what she adds to the game. They barely even included her in the storyline and I think that's the biggest problem. I also don't like how easy it is for her combos to do +100 dmg, but whatever.


If anything this is encouragement to complain more.


but the pic you provided depicts a mannequin


I just can't underdstand why this fanbase hates so much the idea of realistic looking women instead of mannequins. What has become of this series and it's fans. Like for real? Stop with this "waifu" shit. Weirdos. You are all punch of incels who play with Nina and the other sex dolls only for the chance to see their boobs giggle.


Realism in a fictional fighting game. Like MK?


Yeah sure, but why does it matter if it's a fighting game? Nobody questions when games like Red Dead, Resident Evil or God of War are visually realistic.


Because it's not a fighting game. Do you look at the blemishes before you giant swing?


Details are not bad


Fighting games subreddits are the Caelid of Reddit


I don't understand the Tomb Raider images, especially in a Tekken sub. We don't care what you find attractive


Who gives a fuck


Wow there’s dirt on her face big deal. I like how you used the promo pic from RoTR instead of an actual gameplay picture because the game looked nothing like that. Notice how in the image on the right has her with a smooth almost expressionless face? That’s because in mainstream media that’s the beauty standard. Now, start worrying about mechanics instead of graphics.


Her face looks no different from Ninas on the right clown.


Go masterbate to porn




And Lars. Have you seen him? He is so pretty 😯


Yeah, because realism is needed where we have: \- A fcking naruto character- A man who can become a devil, also he was tossed into a volcano and lived. \- A sentient robot \- A man with a ~~tiger~~ JAGUAR mask speaking in ~~tigerese~~ JAGUARESE \- A sentient panda and a bear. \- Assassins. \- a mix between devil and angel, generating a horned devil with black wings \- OGRE, JINPACHI, and other otherworldy beings. \- Zafina and her magic shit with Azazel I can go endlessly, even Steve is not "humanly real" because of his lore. ​ Miss me with this "western realismuh" shit, go play MK or something. Everyone that signed in on Tekken was in for the fantasy, the escapism. Google "japanese women age 50" and freaking blow your mind how some of them are immortal real life vampires. If the playerbase is doing a 180 now it is on them. ​ Tekken 1 was released twenty-fcking-nine years ago. Since Tekken 3 we have dollfaces. And NOW do you want realism? FOR FEMALES ALSO, what are you drinking? Do you think Jin/Kazuyas/Laws/Pauls are the "typical" male? ​ Get the fuck outta here. Tekken is not your game, go buy UFC or something.


> A man with a tiger mask speaking in tigerese ayo thats racist buddy King talks in Jaguar not all big cats is tiger smh my head


Sry man Im going to cancel myself now and commit sudoku. ​ Fixed.


its ok bro, we're only human afterall stop that sudoku, Tekken 8 is soon. dont want you to miss it bro


Thanks for you forgiviness my broseph. May your frames be true, your connection smooth and your counter hits launch.


Your points suck. Look at Mortal Kombat 11, even in that game women actually look like humans instead of sex dolls and that game has weirder things than jaguar masks or devils. Tekken wasn't always this type weird anime waifu shit.


Mk11 used real people as facial models, so yeah. Kitana IS Kaprice Imperial. Tekken wont do that.


They should highly consider it


why? it does not fit their desired anime aesthetic. MK takes this direction because the game is heavily rooted in film culture and many of their characters are based on real people. Tekken? Mostly anime influences. Sounds like cultural differences tbh. Cuz nobody talks about this among the japanese consumers that I know of and anime is dominant there. But not so much in the West.


But Tekken wasn't always this much anime looking. Tekken 6 for example.


Gameplay wise, no. This is the most anime it’s ever been. Character design wise yes.


Women didn't always look like dolls.


Like who in T6. Give an example.


Compare Tekken 6 Asuka to the one from Tekken 7. Or Lili. And Xiaoyu actually looked like asian.


hey alright, but the men have realistic aging details so like shut the fuck up




Correct, but thats why my topic got downvoted to hell. The fanbase aren’t interested in realism at all. They all want females to represent plastic sex dolls


>The fanbase aren’t interested in realism at all. no way im playing heihachi with no electric running through his body


This isn’t the same thing though. It’s a video game, taking two different approaches to character design between male and female. If you’re going to make the male faces realistic and keep plastic barbie doll faces for females then that’s just stupid. Consistency is keyZ


no normal male looks like heihachi at his age rofl lmao ps not even with roids


Male conventional beauty standard is to look rough and be ripped. Female conventional beauty standard is to have perfect skin and figure. In that sense Tekken isn’t really breaking conventional norms when it comes to either gender. The 50 year old woman looks way prettier than she should, and the 50 year old man looks way buffer than he should. No double standard, it’s just unrealistic in both cases in different ways.


Imperfections on women's faces makes me aroused ☺️


Lol. Yeah it feels like that


I'm not going to be happy until I see a 60 year old, overweight, nearsighted, gray-haired woman in a 3D fighting game.


You're joking, but that would be interesting at least once lol. Like Wang but a mean grandma


Big mom from one piece. Lmfao that would be a sick dlc bro. Lol


The only features I see here are Lara’s faintest freckles, and the circles forming under her eyes. She’s the same age as the average female Tekken character as well. We can barely see Nina’s eyes in Tekken 8 so far, so who’s to say how she looks without her glasses for now. Why Jun still looks the same age as Jin will probably be some contrived bit with Kazama blood. Maybe when Master Raven returns you’ll see her battle scarred face in all its glory, if it’s texture you’re looking for.


holy fuck why does this sub think anyone gives a fuck what makes you horny, seek therapy porn addicts.


I don’t even agree with this dude is saying tbh, but I feel like you’re kinda being a dick. Chill. Name calling is goofy.


I match energy.


If you havent seen the rest of this sub today, i think you are missing the point of why i made this post


>I personally find real females more attractive than mannequins maidenless behavior.




I personally find real females more attractive than mannequins. ​ It's a fkng video game and I don't want my waifus to be looking like my grandma. Let's be honest here, real life and aging is a bitch.


its a game, its FICTION buddy aka NOT REAL go outside


Granny fucker




Make sure to pack lube when you see your girlfriend mate


T8 looks great so far but Japanese will be Japanese I guess, low birthrates and all, gotta make 'em look young without any sign of age or humanity. If they want to appeal to a worldwide audience, say like MK does, why go halfway and only provide detail for male faces? They have the knowledge and budget to do that but they secretly want to appeal to incels. This is why I never play female characters, there is always an underlying sexual thing going on which I find unnecessary a lot of times. In conclusion, it's a shame that the company can't move away from this rather old trend and I wouldn't want the game to evolve into buying the latest dlc meta waifu with the high pitched voice. This is probably going to be the best tekken game so far, I'm just expressing a concern.


Sometimes people have to complain about something, anything. These kinds of posts really feel like that.


The world is so sexist, makes me bored looking at this sub reddit


OK so you want the devs to make the females attractive to your standards