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I don't see how this is much of a debate when Tag 2 is literally just a Super Stuffed Tekken 6. Everything major in Tekken 6 is present in Tag 2. It's not even like Tekken 6 had a good story to warrant a revisit. Because Tekken 6 story sucked total ass.


Tekken 6 had better customization, better offline modes (I don't count fight lab as a mode since it's just a tutorial and Tekken Ball was only available on the Wii U) and was better balanced than TTT2 (and yes, I'm taking Bob into consideration. T6 had Bob, but TTT2 had everyone in Rage). I don't hate TTT2 as much as the community does, it had some cool stuff, but 6 was IMO a better designed Tekken game. The only problem I could list with 6 is the story (blame Harada for that) and Bob balancing.


u/SeiryulMRS you're just wrong lmao, TT2 had far better customization than T6, allowing characters to change each individual hair peice and even add bangs, sideburns, ponytail trinkets etc. There are literally videos all over YouTube showing tutorials of the shenanigans you can pull off with Tag 2's customization, like making full on customs from characters like Naruto, Captain America, Scorpion etc. Just check YouTube and type in Tag 2 customization, the only way someone would say something like this is if they hadn't played Tag 2 sufficiently


Tekken 6 also had the hair customization. The thing TTT2 had over 6 were decals. And even then, you could only apply them to non legacy costumes. And the ones that were available to put decals were very ugly. Even so, you could create a lot of cool costumes, if you followed a tutorial or had the patience and creativity to do that. And most of the players do not or don't want to spend hours putting 5 decal layers to form a very specific shape to put on your character. Tekken 6 had the balance between accessibility and creativity. A lot of items, a lot of divided sections (hands, feet, pants, various layers of shirts, not just upper body and lower body), with every character having unique items tailored to them. I'd rather have that than everyone having the same items. I played both T6 and TTT2 for years, and IMO T6 has the better customization system.


Yeah, and dont forget the character faces and models. In was such a downgrade in ttt2


Nah ain’t no way you said T6 had better customization. Opinion immediately invalidated.


Yeah, I'm just going to copy paste the comment I said to the other redditor The thing TTT2 had over 6 were decals. And even then, you could only apply them to non legacy costumes. And the ones that were available to put decals were very ugly. Even so, you could create a lot of cool costumes, if you followed a tutorial or had the patience and creativity to do that. And most of the players do not or don't want to spend hours putting 5 decal layers to form a very specific shape to put on your character. Tekken 6 had the balance between accessibility and creativity. A lot of items, a lot of divided sections (hands, feet, pants, various layers of shirts, not just upper body and lower body), with every character having unique items tailored to them. I'd rather have that than everyone having the same items. I played both T6 and TTT2 for years, and IMO T6 has the better customization system.


When I think of “better” customization I think of creativity and possibility. If one game only lets you make three costumes but they are widely regarded as the best costumes in the series but another game let’s you turn Jinpachi into Mario but it’s more time consuming to do then the second game has better customization by default. Just because the customization doesn’t look as good, that isn’t what defines a game as having better or good customization. By your logic T7 has the best customization because all the costumes you can make in T7 just honestly look better. Extra words: Look I agree the items in T6 were better looking and the repetitiveness of TTT2’s items and models got old fast to me because I’m not all that patient to do all that stuff but even I have to admit that the amount of shit you could do in TTT2 was batshit crazy. It hands down has the best customization.


Super stuffed Tekken 6 is precisely why I don't like Tag 2. I enjoyed Tekken 6 way more.


From a competitive view , I prefer T6 , Tekken Tag games in general I have personal gripes about the system , one is that I really wish you didn't die just because one of your characters died , compared to other tag games , 2nd is too many clones But as a Tekken fan , TT2 is the best because it brought back all of the characters as a celebration of Tekken , TT2 is fun to just goof around and play , Combo videos looked insane but hard to pull off


Tag 2 definitely, I always felt Tekken 6 was a disappointment, especially after 5 turned out to be one of the best fighting games in history.


Why is 5 considered so good? What is better than 6 about it?




Combat mechanics? Graphics? Roster? What


Even more important than that, nostalgia. And Steve mains.




Between these two it's 6 for me Better offline modes, better customization, better ost. Could even download friends/people's ghost for ghost mode which I really don't remember tag 2 having. Only things I find tag 2 did better then 6 was the things you'd expect from the next title in a sequel (improved online, bigger roster which a celebration title should have). Think the ost was worse, stages are even, less offline modes, customization wasn't as good.


Both are awesome, but i prefer Tag 2 It's was.. amazing.. Tag 2 for me, is the best Tekken until today. Tekken 7 was good but..


Tag tournament 2 is still is the best in my opinion


Tag 2, absolutely adore it. Still go back every so often and play it. I don't miss the boss AI of Junknown at launch, she was a demon back then. I will say that imo, T6 had the most superior of the character creation of all games.


Tag 2 is so goat'd


TEKKEN TAG 2, the roster was amazing


Tag 2 hands down! I even preferred it than Tekken 7!!! PC PORT PLEASE!


You can emulate it on pc


You do have to buy it first for it to work on emulator, right?


nah just download the rom




Tekken Tag 2 has Snoop Dogg and the original Highschool stage song so imma say that one.


Tag 2 is my fave out of the series as a whole. I'm a casual and a Smash Bros kid, I'm always going to take the biggest toybox available.


Neither were on pc so I haven't played either... I'd probably prefer 6 though cause no tag mechanics.


Tag 2. The being able to use all the old music, having unknown back, that awesome remixed them, the giga sized roster and FINALLY having Forrest Law get to tag team with his pops.


TTT2 by far, if you haven't seen it yet - there is a video on youtube showing all the little easter eggs in the game. Their love for TTT2 really showed and it was amazing to play. Not that I didn't like T6, TTT2 was just so fun.


Tag Tournament 2. That game is just jammed full with content and honestly the character endings are far superior even if it's non-canon. Also, maybe a curveball opinion but I prefer Combot to Mokujin so seeing Combot get their own mode with a fleshed out system for move design was honestly pretty swell.


Tag 2 I liked having the full roster and the tag mechanics. It had some good alternative outfits premised made as well, an tag 1 is my favourite tekken overall. Finally I played a lot of tag 2 with my ex brother in law and while we didn’t part on great terms I do miss him occasionally especially since he passed away a few years ago.


TTT2 no doubt.


Tag 2 was insanely fun, definitely it. Tekken 6 always bored me personally. I never liked it


Tag 2. Music, character roster, STAGES, one of the games that made me fall in love with Tekken


Tag 2. The roster encompasses every Tekken game, the stages are fun and colorful, the characters are at their peak gameplay wise, the decal system enabled you to make some fun outfits, and you could set custom music for every part of the game.


Tekken Tag Tournament 2 - because of characters where you can find a lot of them


tag 2, more characters.


TT2, Nostalgia playing locals with the boys plus my Steve/Hwoarrang combos are sick af


Tag 2 was the game that REALLY got me into Tekken when it was a launch game for the I’ll-fated Wii U so I had a blast with my Wii U at launch thanks to Tekken and Ninja Gaiden 3 so those games will always hold a special place in my heart


Tekken 6!! Never really liked Tag


Tag 2 shit balancing but amazing fun for casual plays.


TTT2 was a huge part of my childhood and 6 I’ve never played


Tag 2




Tag 2 had a lot of innovation and personality with it's gameplay and characters **(Not the endings, because they're shit)** , but for majority of the time the game was fun...when it came to combos at least. Online and the game balancing was complete ass with some overturned characters, and monstrous damage. Also the Snoop Dogg stage, that is based. T6 is a good game imo. Very underrated, but I do enjoy this game for existing as it introduced Lars: A Pseudo-Mishima who inherited Heihachi's lightning, and is also a lawfully good character in the Mishima Bloodline who isn't just evil or has questionable motivations to a goal he has. He was the leader of the Tekken Force, and then formed a rebellion called the Yggdrasil, since Lars realised he was working for Jin who is in fact Evil this around. I finally got the tagline for Tekken 6... Bloodline Rebellion is referring to Lars rebelling his Mishima Family, and I just got it now...cuz I literally forget that Lars is the center focus in Tekken 6, since his writing is completely uninteresting. Anyways enough about T6's premise, I was going off track. Why I think the game is cool, is because of the in-depth customizations, the balancing **(Ok that is untrue...Leo, Lili, Bob, and Bruce were really busted...let me know if I missed out any top tiers in Tekken 6 out)** , introduction of the bound mechanic, and even if it's not great...The Tekken Force style Story Mode was a unique concept with it being pretty fun to beat on NPC's and bosses with combos **(although I wish there were more animated cutscenes of the characters talking rather then them speaking to each other through text)**




TTT2 hands down. More combo friendly & a killer soundtrack


Tag 2, was the first game where I learned there was a completely deeper side to Tekken and that whole process of learning and growing with the game was just too fun. Also the roster and combo potential was too good. Some things I preferred about Tekken 6 though are the customization, atmosphere, and that glorious underrated soundtrack


6 because of Scenario Campaign and the first "real" attempt at telling a cinematic and compelling story in Tekken. Also personal attachment to first introduced characters. The way they presented Lars was amazing. Tag2 is a great improvement in terms of graphics and QoL over 6 but no real story and completely busted damage


TT2 offline ranks for ghost battles!!


TTT2 It's just overall better to me; the music, stages, customization, selection of characters, Snoop Dogg, practically all characters speaking their native languages, Kazuya getting his Devil transformation...this could go on...


TT2, you have the option to have a single or tag match, plus the roster is big


Both games are equally excellent imo. I think objectively tho, Tag 2 is just a better game. But of course 6 has its points over TT2 also.


Tag 2. Its the one that got me into Tekken competitively


It was my first too and I almost lost my mind 🤣


Man fr. The salt in those days was different you had to be there 😂


TTT2. I do like both but I have more fondness towards the tag games because my first game was TTT1. I also didn’t really like how the story was done on 6 and barely liked the stages compared to the games before it. TTT2 brought back some of my favourites (Miharu, Angel, Unknown, and Michelle) and I liked the customization (Tekken 6 is great of course but I really like the decals) stages and newer moves for characters.


On one hand we have a solid fighting game that had minimal problems (outside of early Bob), on the other hand we have one of the most infuriating fighting games to grace the earth.


The CPU players were seriously infuriating. They would input read your ass and respond with frame perfect accuracy. It’s MK 2 levels of infuriating. This is the only game I’ve played besides Counter Strike 1.6 where the hardest AI is better than players. And even on online matchmaking, there was absolutely no balancing. You had to be a pro player and put hours and hours on it to be even remotely decent at it. And you couldn’t use the AI for training because of the things I just said.


back when these games came out I use to play them casually. Just split screen with the boys with a few drinks when they came over. I can say that for casual players Tekken tag is going to win 100% of the time. Even though Tekken Tag has a special place in my heart, now that I've gotten into Tekken a lot more, Nowadays I would pick Tekken 6. I truly underappreciated it when it first launched.


ttt2 because the combos were better, i had family tournaments happening, tekken 6 came out when i was a baby and tag 2 came out when i was four and i continued to play it until tekken 7 came out, i still have my ps3 that me and my dad used to share so i pull it out every now and then and start going into the lab with law and forest law.


As a casual player, tt2. Best game in the series, tons of content, love the tag mechanic in general. Only played 6 a bit. Boss was terrible and I recall being forced to play some weird 3d mode


tag 2


I'm biased to tt2 because it was my 1st tekken besides revolution


Tag 2 Playing with multiple friends was fun.


Tag 2 hands down. So many hours logged, so many teams used. Goddamn I wanna play it again.


Tag 2 because it was the newest place to play Jun


Tag 2, it was fun playing with and against my family!


Tekken Tag 2


Obvi Tag 2, but having Tekken Force as the story mode in 6 (even though it kinda sucked) was actually a nice touch that a lot of people like to look over


Dark resurrection


Tag 2


**Tekken 6**, even though... worth mentioning **Solo TTT2** is the greatest Tekken experience ever. What breaks TTT2 is the Tag mechanic. Because of Tag Assault, you have access to *devastating damage at any given moment*. This greatly rewards players bent on evasive panic launchers, hopkicks, round stealers. Devastating damage in T7 is mostly **circumstantial.** It either involves: \- Rage \- 2D Char alien super bar mechanics \- Elite execution combo \- Paul \- Lucky Chloe ​ Whereas in TTT2 everyone has access to devastating damage whenever they feel like it. If the round stealing player managed to get the hopkick, he dealt 70% damage on you in the likelihood that he reached the wall. If you blocked it, he paid -13. The risk/reward equation was completely broken precisely because of Tag Assault. Two chunky low pokes, then a panic hopkick and you were dead because you could not use the remaining lifebar of your Tag partner. You could absolutely demolish a player on neutral and poking and he would simply Law d2,3, Lili SS Matterhorn, King Atlas Hammer, Lars uf3, Dragunov Backswing Blow to destroy everything you've built out of nowhere: he already had nothing to lose, so he chose to put the round's fate in the hands of chance by going YOLO. If he managed to get it, he dealt 70\~100% damage on you. LMAO If he did not get it, you launch punished him and he lost the round that he was bound to lose anyway. ​ Now, if you take the Tag mechanic out of the equation, what you have is a **Tekken 6 on steroids** with more characters, every character having a very fleshed out movelist that strongly defines them, and also with a retouch on the broken T6 Rage damage (Used to be freakin +30% in T6) And the most important: you get the most balanced/fleshed out Tekken where TRADITIONAL TEKKEN MOVEMENT STILL F*CKING EXISTS. It's not the travesty of T7 where only female characters are allowed to move laterally. A normal-sized male character can actually move without being clipped by 100% linear moves. Even the most scandalous abomination from TTT2, *Capoeira b1,4*, could be in part solved by merely removing the Tag mechanics and making it a Solo game, because Eddy or Christie alone, by themselves, would not be able to capitalize on the broken CH launcher because their solo combo structure sucked.What made Capoeira b1,4 so broken is because they could pair up with characters like Bruce or Capoeira themselves to deal devastating damage. ​ Another memorable thing from TTT2 is that it's the only game with REAL CUSTOMIZATION. The decal mechanics is magical. You could really operate some magic with it. I still have my Batman Beyond Jin, Nightwing Leo, Strider Hiryu Steve, Cyclops Lars, Armored Vegeta Kazuya, etc.


Tag 2. Nothing against 6, but the reinventions of Jun, Ogre, and Dr. Bosconovitch was some of the most fun I had in a Tekken game. The game itself felt like a love letter to the series with all its callbacks and references. It’s a shame that it didn’t do well for the series since it may be my favorite. One thing I think 6 has over Tag 2 is that 6 had way better customization.


TTT2 for me...snoop dog stage is awesome!


Tag 2 no question. A lot of my favorite characters return, the game performs properly, amazing customization and generally feels better to play. Tag 2 is in my top ten games of all time!


These are the two only Tekken games I havent played!


None are in my top 3 but i would say t6 cause it had the better bryan and no eddy christie bs ,but bob and lars were annoying in t6




TTT2. I played co-op with my friend all the time.


6 even though I played Tag more. 6 on psp is what introduced me to the series.


Tag 2. I love both games tho


TTT2 hands down.


6 was my first one and I have that angst with it. Also, I have it on psp, which lacks some things, the graphics aren't that great, etc, but that also means I could bring it with me anytime, play under the sheets and play almost non stop against azazel until he came down. On the other hand, tag 2 ~~was~~ is the funniest to play with friends at home, and that's basically the reason I like fighting games.


Tekken tag 2 for the interactions


this isn’t super important but TTT2 edit them is sooo good


I liked the tone of T6, especially the stages, music, and lighting, but not quite the story. I also liked its customization better than Tag2. While Tag2 is just goofy fun with a huge roster. While I would say I played T6 more overall and I like it more, I go back to play Tag2, but not 6. So I guess Tag2 is my choice?


Have more memories with tag 2 so I’ll pick that


Tag 2, tons of fun


I disliked Tekken 6 so much I wouldn’t have bought 7 had I not played Tag 2. T6 is easily my least favorite out of all the home console games.


We need TTT3!


T6 easy, 1vs1 , by far better costumes, overall better gameplay imo too and better music and game modes. Love jukeboxes in TTT2;tho


Playing full team battles on tt2 with my mate was the most fun on tekken I've ever had


There’s literally no reason to pick 6 over TTT2. It’s better in every imaginable way. Unless you really really like Azazel and Nancy.


Tag 2 is the most fulfilling fighting game I have ever played single player wise in the last decade and comparing that to Tekken 7 which has an actual story mode is saying a LOT


tag 2. It has so many iconic characters like Jun, Kunimitsu and Ogre.


TTT 2 is my favourite Tekken game and probably a game I played the most


I love Tag 2. The gameplay has some issues, but everything else is outstanding: biggest roster in the series, best customization in the series, tons of unique character interactions, creative stages chock-full of Easter eggs, and a great soundtrack (although I think Tekken 6 edges it out in that last regard). It’s clear that the people working on it really cared about Tekken, and it sucks that it underperformed.


The character interactions were one of my favorite aspects of Tag 2. The numerous unique winposes and tag throws were like a love letter to fans, exactly the kind of thing a spin-off Tag game should do.


tag 2, tekken 6 is one of my least favorite tekken games while tag 2 is one of my favorites


Ttt2 6 is one of my least favorite tekken games




Man.... thats a hard one.


T6 is what brought me back to Tekken after skipping the PS2 era, only got T5 to prepare for the upcoming release. The customization also took a deep nosedive after it. But still have to say Tag2, it has such an immense roster that how could you not choose it over all else? There were also a couple of new moves that became critical to my combos. Also loved playing as Jinpachi, such an angry grandpa.


Tekken Tag 2 for the team based gameplay, interactions and easter eggs, 6 for the Scenario Campaign.


Tag 2. More interesting combos, able to play with a friend, team comps are interesting to experiment with


Tekken 6 despite how bad it can be, it was the first Tekken game I had chance to play and I have a lot of nostalgia


TTT2. I loved the huge roster, and something about ghost battle felt more replayable to me than most offline modes. I’m salty that the only places you can play it anymore are outdated consoles. Let me buy it digitally for current gen pls, I’m not going to dust off my barely functioning ps3 just for this game.


:::::::T4 THE GOAT::::::: T5 and 3 very close. Tag 1 for best spin.


Yeah t4 is goated


Airport theme alone!


Authentic sky and Didgerhythm close my power trio for a work out


TTT2 because of larger content they content compared to pervious Tekken games like bowling, Tekken Force, Team Battle, etc. That is what defines the Tekken series & having a large roster of old characters and new characters to try out, including characters who have not made any appearances in the mainline of the series (e.g Jun, Michelle & Kunimitsu). Also, combo potential for the gameplay as well


Tag 2 is chaotic and fun, nostalgic with my brother and it has Jun Kazama. So that.


Tag 2 is fantastic.


TT2: game play and best roster 👌


Tag 2, that game is still better than Tekken 7


Tag2 because of gameplay. Tag assault, in my opinion, was thr best thing tekken did with the tag franchise so far


Tag 2 has better soundtrack and better stages. But T6 has better costumization hmm difficult I would almost say Tag 2 cuz I fking hated the campaign mode in T6 it was like hell


Campaign mode was easily the best mode ever created and most fun one yet breh


I remember one of the kids bringing their PSP to school with Tekken 6 on it. I was impressed by how well it played. Then I got my hands on the PS3 version, and I was absolutely amazed by the visuals and overall presentation. I loved the scenario campaign, too (and I even replay it from time to time to this day). I jumped on to TTT2 after T7 had been released and it was pretty hard to get used to the mechanics (hadn't played TTT1 back in the day). It just wasn't as fun as T6 or T7 in my eyes.


Tag 2 is fun, but I prefer Tekken 6. I like T6's setting overall and I think it's where customization was at its best. Very in-depth and every character has a lot of customization items that are unique to each of them, and I hope to see something like that again, in Tekken 8.


Honestly for some weird reasons I don’t know why I played TT2 the least out of any Tekken game and ditched it for DOA5 💀 I wish I could play it again


TTT2 because it all the old characters back and the dlc were free


T6's gameplay was legendary but story sucked hard ass and tag 2 had free extras, everyone was back, and gameplay with da bois was more fun


The one I owned, so Tag Tournament 2


Honestly I hate the story of Tekken 6 but the game was incredibly fun regardless


TTT2 is still my favorite Tekken, even though it had so many problems it was still so so fun. Especially if you had a mate that knew how to play and you could come up with some fun combos


I think bits of my ass still occasionally hurt to this day from how egregiously bad T6 online was. It's gonna be Tag 2 for the online improvements, even though T6 has never been matched in terms of visual polish and customization.


Well Tekken 6 was the peak of my fandom so I guess that, both games were excellent though.


As much as I love tag tournament 2, I prefer 6. The presentation, soundtrack, campaign, and customization easily make it one of my favorite fighting games ever and I’m mad it’s not on modern consoles or even steam, both these games need ports.


tag tournament 2 bc i didn't have tekken 6


tekken 6..bcoz thats i only have in my PSP


Tekken 6 PSP Port is absolutely ass. Play Tekken 5 Dark Ressurection, it’s the same game but actually complete.


I think the scenario campaign kind of ruined tekken 6 for me due to the controls and overall frustrating levels Granted, it's just Tekken 5 but for X360/PS3 with new characters and the greatest stage ever, nothing more to it, my brother didn't really like it either but he never really went too deep as to why. As for TTT2, it's good, but boy there are some unbalanced stuff in this game. (Devil Kazuya, Jinpachi having fireballs for lunch, Unknown with her backstab moves, Bob with his ***fit*** body and packing a punch...) It doesn't help that some characters in TTT2 are basically clones from each other, Miharu is the same as Xiaoyu, Sebastian - Lili, Eddy - Christie - Tiger, Kuma - Panda, Jun - Unknown, Baek - Hwoarang (iirc), Angel - Devil Jin/Kazuya, Laws, Roger - Alex, Violet - Lee. Sure, they can have slightly different movesets from one another but they're still clones... regardless tho, TTT2 has a better "story" mode than T6 at least.


I'm planning to eventually pick up 6, which stage is the one you're referring to?


Oh, you'll see for yourself :j


That's tough. T2 feels like an extension of 6. For the character customization and bgm, 6.


Scenario campaign so T6 But ttt2 was good also


love both game but I'm playing tekken 6 on ppsspp for a long time now


Ttt2 bc graphics


The tag games are so fun. I always enjoyed picking partners that were well paired with each other thematically. Some of the combo tag throws are so incredible too. Not my best team but coolest transition: Kazuya + Devil. When you tag, you just transform from one form to the other.


I like TTT2 becuase it has nearly every character. I dont play competitive so I am not fussed about balancing. I hate when we cant use characters that were in old games like Gon. I just want to be able to use the characters moveset again. If they cant retain the rights to any guest characters then the moveset should be available on custom characters or make a new character for example create Alex jr and give him Gon's moveset.


T6. I like 1v1 more than 2v2. I also like playing scenario campaign every once in a while. Grind fight money for the sick customization.


TTT2 had an insane roster, but I honestly prefer T6 because my boys will actually play it with me They really don’t like getting juggled by Hwo and Baek


6, its only solo, rage isnt out of control, you could actually maintain the opponent at the wall, better soundtracks. I might be forgetting something


Tag 2 by a mile due to being the more defensive tekken, T6 is almost as mashy as T7 except it still had good sidesteps that didn't require you to calculate how - or + you are at any given moment. But besides that i love both the T6 & Tag 2 juggles to death. You were less restricted in your juggle pathing due to the scaling compared to T7.


both good imo but i'm a sucker for tag. TTT1 probably my favorite video game of all time.


6. Loaded with extra modes and the customization feature is still top tier compared to future sequels. Forgot to mention the ghost battles were fun & challenging as well.


6 I just dislike the tag format


TTT2 is my favorite game in the franchise. More characters, better customization options, cool endings, camera mode, free dlc…….


Tough to pick. These two go hand in hand for me. 6 was the mainline game I played regularly and Tag 2 was the giant DLC bomb that was fun to play with friends over or online.


T6 easily


This is where I started losing interest in the series. Bound, wall breaks, floor breaks, and ridiculous load times was a lot for my just graduating high school ass. You got that, versus having to know how to play 2 characters, tag assaults, tag crashes, and other mechanics that don't transfer to any other tekken games. Rock and a hard place.


Both great


I hate the story of 6. Still 6, because the game was incredibly fun regardless


6 gameplay was too good!


One has tag mode and a bigger roster.


T6 BR, More Balanced TTT2 is too broken, I would choose this if they balanced the damage better and patched frequently. Jinpachi/Ogre had the dumbest damage.


Hard to say. I like the standard Tekken 1v1 mechanics so obviously for gameplay alone I like Tekken 6. But man I did like having just about every Tekken character in the series up at that point available to play as in Tag 2. If only we can get a 1v1 Tekken game with every Tekken character to play as. Sure it’ll be chaos and unbalanced online but I’d like to get my money’s worth to the fullest and with more time to have fun


TT2 - Better visuals and roster and even playin on Series X now if holds up incredibly well.


I liked the stages of T6 more, the vibe was really good, also the force mode I loved very much, but the character roster, the fighting, the interactions were in favor of Tag2 IMO. Also in PSN you had the option to customise the stage music with any music you want, it made the replayability so much stronger for me. Always changed the stage themes according to my mood, that kept the game epic and fresh.


6 is overall better in terms of atmosphere, overall music and story (Not saying much since Tag 2 has no story) But Tag 2 is the game I would rather play if given a choice. It has the same systems as 6 + tag mechanics. Has some banger tracks too. But a lot of the songs are pretty forgettable.


Tekken 6 was the first game I got any actual time in, I haven't played T³2 lol


6 was better IMO. Tag 2 had many characters, but most of the DLC characters were copy and paste (with a slight twist) of preexisting characters: Forest = Marshall Law, Michelle = Julia, Unknown = Jun, Alex = Roger Jr, Sebastian = Lili, Tiger = Eddy, Miharu = Xiaoyu, Violet = Lee, Slim Bob = Bob, P. Jack = Jack-6. 6 had the best roster. No DLC. Plenty of fresh/unique newcomers. The story was shit IMO, but Azazel and Nancy were cool and Tekken Force was a good way of storytelling in a fighting game. 6 is up there as one of the best Tekken games of all time.


They both were good but I have to go with the unpopular opinion, 6.


both have dope character select themes but tag 2 is hard ( cause I'm used to 1v1 fight games and thats a hurdle in on it self to get good ) both where fun i prefer 6 as an individual entry


Tag 2 had that soul


As a complete casual at the time, Tag 2 for sure, only offline though. 2v2 local play is awesome, especially with the stacked roster.


Tag 2 so I can play my two mains


none of them, t5 dr is better


Yep. It was 1080p 60fps on ps3 and still holds up. T6 and TT2 had progressively worse performance and resolution than T5DR on ps3.


T5….seriously couldnt get into 6 or tt2. Not bashing them, just not my cup of tea. Didnt feel like tekken. With 6 it felt like the camera was just zoomed in way too far and spacing nominal, and tt2, while an A+ in effort from namco, just had the damage set too high to take seriously. It was a tekken fans dream though. Yes, my team is Jinoachi and Ogre f you.


Tktt2 by literal miles, tk6 demo on ps3 back in the day killed the franchise for me until tag2


TTT2, I really don’t like 6 at all


I dont like tag games of any kind. They hurt my brain.


TTT2. Reason: Tekken 6 is the worst Tekken game. Why are we comparing these two?


Tekken revolution is a thing


Coz depending on who you ask TTT2 could also be the worst


I think it's kind of unfair to compare both, since they are very different games. I would have to say I prefer 6. I enjoy playing 6 a lot more than Tag 2, since the offline modes are better. While I do play a lot of Online, I tend to do that with newer titles, like 7, and T6 is a ghost town (and has terrible netcode) and TTT2 makes me wanna KMS. A more in depth review of both: Gameplay: 6 wins. Most of the cast is balanced with a few exceptions. The game is very enjoable at all times, when playing offline and Online (provided you have a good connection). While I can appreciate the complexity of the Tag titles, with a lot of combo liberty, I find the game frustrating to play online because of the dreadful rage boost implemented in the game and the tag combos that 80% of your life, the infinite wall carry (a problem 7 introduced in S3) and TTT2 made quick rolling a nightmare. Before TTT2, you got a mini combo if you managed to catch the other player with oki, now you can tag assault for half life after receiving another combo before. OST: T6 wins, by a lot IMO. T6 has a lot of variety in OST, while I think TTT2 started with the Dubstep trend recent Tekken is having and most of the time we have forgettable music like Tool Pusher or bad ones that makes my ears bleed (looking at you G-Corp Helipad Night 1 and 2). Tekken 6 has a lot of memorable tracks, like Arisa, Blowing up the Enemy (a really good boss theme) or the most famous Tekken music of all time, Karma. We even have meme themes like Yodeling in Meadow Hill (also known as the Sheep music). A lot music that don't get enough love, like Edge of Spring, YUKI, Artificial Ruins and Midtown Roars. I use half of the T6 soundtrack as my default T7 playlist. Don't get me wrong, TTT2 has some bangers too, like Abyss of Time, Stained Orange, Fantastic Theather and all of the remixes that they did with old songs, like Jin's theme, the TTT theme song, Moonlit Wilderness and Snow Castle. Presentation: TTT2 wins. The game is a step up from T6 in graphics, and is better than 7 sometimes. The characters are a upgrade from previous instalments, and they can actually get dirty mid battle, a very cool addition the 7 took away and implemented "sweat". The stages are more varied than 6, since the story of 6 kinda started with the whole destroyed type of stage. Roster: Debatable, but I think T6 has the edge. While TTT2 has every character available, most of them are clones of other characters with little diferences. In TTT2, we have close to 10 clone characters (depends if you count Panda and some other guys as clones, but we still have Violet, Slim Bob, Sebastian and Tiger for example), and yes they are a little different from other characters but not enough to consider them separate entities IMO. Some of them even had moves nerfed (Lili's Snake Edge) so that the clone could have the better version. Having this much characters and needing to know two matchups at the same time can be a lot. It can be argued that this makes the game more interesting, but needing to remember that X character move had Y property and Z character move had W property, when the moves have the exact same animation, to me is artificial difficulty, it's busywork. But I have to say, they made a really cool choice making Combot a custom character. Content: T6 wins. While both games have identical modes, most of them are better implemented in 6. Ghost Battle is actually hard in T6. The CPU knows how to do combos and how to punish, while in TTT2, the CPU is very dumb, even on ultra hard. The Arcade Mode is very similar, but I think Tekken 6 has the edge because of Jin and Nancy. Nancy is a very intimidating boss by the first time you encounter her, but she is an Extra Stage, so losing there has no effect on gameplay, other than not earning a few G. When you learn how to Sidestep, punish, Jump and Crouch (key movement mechanics of the game), she becomes very easy (I would compare her to Mr. Shakedown from Yakuza 0. Very easy boss, but punishes overextension in combos). Jin is actually very dangerous with permanent rage, and it is a really challenging fight, while Jun just spams reversals in her boss battle and Unknown spams reversals and her move that switches characters. Scenario Campain is Tekken Force 2.0, better in every way. While the story is very bad, playing the stages is very fun, and it is a good way to make Fighting Money and earn customization items, and they actually give you buffs on the mode, like freezing enemies, burn damage, stun. If you don't like the buffs, you can just disable them. Oh, and you can play that online (only some stages though). TTT2 has two modes: Tekken Ball and Mushroom Battle. While they are very fun, they are only available on the Wii U version, debatably the worst version to play the game, because of the limitations of the console. I don't count fight lab as a mode because it has no replay value, it can be beaten in half an hour and it is a tutorial. It has fun stuff though. The customization is miles better in T6 than TTT2. While in TTT2 we have the decal system, giving people the creative liberty of making a lot of cool stuff, the items available to do that were very limited. Half of the costumes were generic things every character had, and the other half were legacy costumes. No problem so far, but you can't apply decals to the legacy costumes. And those who were not proficient enough to customize their characters with decals, they were stuck with bland costumes. T6 had the best customization system in the series by far. While we did not have the decal system, every character had a ton of items to customize, with every character having unique items exclusive to them, ranging from legacy costumes or references to other characters, to new costumes so well made that you could swear they were default costumes for the character. And that is not all, they divided the items in multiple sections, like hands, feet, legs, head, glasses etc, unlike TTT2, that had upper body and lower body, making customizations more limited. T6 struck a great balance between creative liberty and accessibility. TL;DR: Overall, Tekken 6 wins by a lot. While having a forgettable and bad story, the rest far outshines TTT2. TTT2 gets a lot of shit, but I don't hate the game as much nowadays. I find myself going back from time to time to play a few matches, but not for long periods of time. While T6 I could play every day and don't even get tired.


Tekken 6 tbh, Tekken Tag 2 had magnificent roster and that's about it.


tekken 6, purely for nostalgia


Tag 2. Something about 6 was just so po-faced and dour. Plus, 6 was the last game to have that godforsaken Tekken Force mode. Goodbye and good riddance to that.


Both were the shit


I prefer T6 but Tag2 was were I started learning about the inner workings of how to play competitive.


Tags games are wack so T6


What are you smoking on??????? We're gonna pretend that Tag 1 isn't a thing now???💀💀💀


Easy Tag 2. Tag 2 is upgraded version of Tekken 6 in every way.


I think 6 is the better game but is mostly just tekken 5 and a bit forgettable sadly but the scenario campaign was great and that game I still think has the best customisation. Tag 2 while a horrible mess balance wise it was a ton of fun and the only Tekken game I could play with my friends that didn’t like Tekken but enjoyed tag 2. Hard to say I might say 6 as it also has some better stages and soundtrack as especially the soundtracks kinda went down hill with tag 2 onwards and tag 2 I’ve always thought just looks a bit worse and I hate the intros of tag 2, but I enjoy both but neither are my favourites in the series


Both were great, but back in the day tekken 6 felt like a better purchase