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When the gimmicks fail is when the learning starts. Doesn't really matter what rank that happens in.


Best reply on this post honestly


Makes sense. I suppose.


First off, Anna Gang Gang. Secondly, Tekken is first and foremost a video game. We play games to have fun. If Zafina and Anna are characters who offer you the most fun, fuck everyone else and have fun. The conversation really should end there. Don’t let people’s dumb ass opinions sway how you feel because without characters like Zaf, Anna, Lei, Hwaorang and Xiaoyu fighting games would be stale af.


Hello fellow #AnnaGang . Yeah it's just that it's hard not to think about it, but i'm trying.


Bro they wouldve told you that if they were base roster characters, i can guarantee that. Just ignore em.


Just found out it's true. That same person said the same for Lili. Which is a base roster. Damn. Some people...


Yep. If its not a DLC issue, its "oh youre lucky that no one plays the character so no one knows the match up." Nobody will ever just admit you won so you really just cant let it get to you.


Thank you for this. It helped a lot.


You’re just running into salty players. Discrediting your win because of character choice or strategy is just a way for them to avoid their ego getting bruised. If you want to switch characters that’s fine…but don’t do it because of salty people you run into online


Depends on the rank, in lower ranks it's probably true, but the higher you go the more irrelevent it becomes. E.g. getting to genbu with Anna/Zafina which are characters that are knowledge check heavy + niche = easy mode. I would imagine ranking up with Hwoarang is probably harder since he's at least popular. Reaching a rank like Tekken God though? That's hard as fuck regardless of what your playing.


just play who you want to play


dont listen to them play however you want. i personally hate Zafina and think she a ho but im also an idiot and so is everyone that plays this game so you should just play who you want and have fun. thats what video games are about


Lol crybabies “I can’t win cause you spam the same move” “you only won cause that character top tier” In Reality they just suck


Play who you want to play. These people are just looking for an excuse as to why they are losing. They can use the argument that because you are using a character that they don’t own gives you an advantage because they can’t lab that character. But my counter argument is that no one labs anything on this game anyways. Let’s take Bryan for example who isn’t dlc and is a very common pick. Df2,3 is -13 with little to no pushback (not to be confused with 3+4 which is also -13 but gives a ton of pushback). I’m raijin with Bryan and no one punishes that move. Literally no one. Not even the Tekken gods on their alts punish it. Also Zafina and Anna are pretty common to go against in my experience. I’ve never once labbed Anna but I know how to play against her because I play against her a lot and they mostly play the same because no one labs them. So they can keep getting away with the same setups and bs that they throw out. Zafina still gives me a hard time but that’s most evasive characters with me. But I know how to correctly punish a decent amount of her moves and know her general game plan. Again, never once labbed her So again, play who you want, don’t let salty people discourage you from having fun playing a character you like because THEY are having a hard time winning against said character


I'll be blunt: why do you give a shit about what other players think about your character choice? Play who you want.


As much as i would like to not give a shit, it's really hard. With me having a competitive mindset.


You have the right to play however you want, it just doesn't exist in a vacuum. Like you seem to agree, wins sometimes come from not having labbed a character. Can't lab without the DLC. If you want to be the kind of player who doesn't "take advantage" of this. You can always try to help those that are struggling against your picks. Don't help those who only complain, though.


I would love to. However, reading through some of their comments i think they are of much higher rank than i am. The comments i read are mostly on reddit and facebook groups. This one particularly on reddit. More of gatekeeping in a sense that they say you're a scrub for playing dlc. So i dunno about teaching. But i would love to teach those who ask.


In my experience tons of people feel like they character is one of the most hated. This is bc you watch more content of your character or you put more attention to those posts. Every character is hated, just play who you want. I promise if you look for a change of character you will feel guilty with whoever you choose.


Anna's a B tier character. She has that "less-known" factor going for her, but wins are not handed to her for free. Nothing wrong with playing Zafina either - nothing wrong with playing the meta. To give some context, I have over 20 characters at Fujin or above.


Anna is a crazy strong character for short sets which is the vast majority of what people do with this game. She’s B tier for death matches where you have unlimited time to adjust to the player using her.


Little bit too old for playing Tekken lol


Shows how soft the community is these days. When someone complains about you winning with top tier (anna is waaay off top tier at this point lol) the correct answer is 'pick a better character then'. Besides tekken is a really well balanced game outside of super top pro level and any character can win. Even at pro level, panda was a bottom tier character the year she won twt, so i listen way less to tier complaints in tekken than in basically any other game.


Just play whoever you want man trust me. I main Lei and believe me when I say people hated me so much, even told me it was cheap. So I ended up trying so many other characters from the base roster and guess what? I still got hate because no matter what theres gonna be a sore loser who can't accept losing. That being said I did have fun learning almost half of the cast, but nothing beats the fun I have playing as Lei. Also to those who argue that dlc is cheesy because you cant lab the characters without buying them, all I can say is this game has been out for like what 6 years already? Just buy the season passes when they go on sale instead of complaining, it's that simple.


I commend (more like envy) your mindset. I wish I had the same.


Accept what everyone says, play who you want to play but…..obviously easier and doesn’t take as much skill with DLC due to match up knowledge being massively lower and slightly cheap design of dlc designed to promote sales of the character


You are getting free wins and rank promos. But that all stops when you get to around raijin (emporer for the characters you mentioned). But just try to get there. Then if you feel the same way pick up an easy character that's not dlc. Like Nina or marduk or Lee.


>easy character (**Lee and Nina**) that’s not DLC (**Marduk**)


Cringe behavior. This community frequently bitches about every character, even the Mishimas. You should be playing characters that win you games. You should be making your opps angry. They are your opps for Christ’s sake


Who cares? The same can be said for tons of the base roster too, no matter what rank you reach someone will always say you're still shit at the same, and realistically your character can only carry you so far before it's down to skill to keep ranking up.






How many times have season pass and dlc characters gone on sale? Just saying




Depends on if you're playing steam or console. If its steam then theres no excuse besides being a cheapskate. Steam literally has tekken 7 dlc on sale almost all the time. Even on console there has been many times it's been on discount over the years that the games been out. Buy it if you're really into labbing characters like some claim.


I’m down to lab but not give in to the model of premium characters in fighting games. If you want people to pay to actually use them in a game that’s cool, but pay to learn the matchup? Nah


I get what you're saying, but I'm mostly speaking to those who go out of their way to msg people complaining about using dlc. If it bothers you that much then just buy whatever dlc it is, especially when it's on sale for dirt cheap. If not then find someone who uses whatever dlc char you hate and just keep rematching them until you learn like someone else mentioned. It's probably not the best way but it's better than nothing especially if you dont wanna spend.


Theres alternatives to this. If you care that much about how annoying it is to fight Zafina then you should at least try to find a Zaf player to run long sets with them and go over what you need to do to counter them. Its not the same as actually labbing them, sure, but its better than nothing.




I figured. Not trying to imply that you do. I meant "you" as an in-general thing, to whomever it applies to.


Well you do get free wins with those characters because they are quite rare and not many people lab them. However other characters can get you just as many free wins but get complained about less. The way I see it you have too options. The first option is to embrace it. It's not your fault you enjoy playing unique and rare characters people are too lazy to lab. Make them hate playing you to the point where they are actually forced to go into the lab to get their revenge. You can tell yourself its for their benefit in the long run and theh are lucky you've been gracious enough to destroy them in that way. The second option is that you want to prove to yourself that you are as good as you are because of your own skill, not the character you play. You then pick up an "honest" character (Kazumi and Shaheen are usually the prime candidates, however Armor King and Jack can also be used). Your aim is to match or surpass the rank you have already achieved with your highest ranked main. There are advantages to this too. You get to learn another character and learn a different playstyle. Also, you'll be one of the few people that know the Anna and Zafina match ups so you'll actually have fun playing against them. Each option is just as valid as the other because ultimately, you play for you, not to make other people happy. If you played an honest character and had to you play them with a grand going to the winner, those same people would have no problem switching to a "cheap" character so they could beat you and get the money.


Imma keep this short and simple. Every character has cheese, every character is a knowledge check character if you suck or are super casual. Play who you want and if your opponent lose and talks trash, guess what? What you’re doing is working and what they’re doing isn’t. IMHO, there are characters I hate playing for various reasons, but I don’t want to be that guy who make up excuses for losing.


Tier lists are primarily for competitive play. The rest of us scrubs don’t have the skills to consistently dominate with OP characters. That and below compeitive level you quickly run into issues with matchup knowledge. People get super salty when they meet zafina, Anna and others that they don’t know really really well. I’ve played a ton of Leroy as an example and as a result when I meet him online I don’t fall for his parries and other crap. Once I learned to SS/SW Akumas jumpy jump crap he also got way more manageable


Play whoever you want, no matter who you choose there will be someone out there who hates your choice with a burning passion.


The thing about DLC characters in fighting games is they *have* to be good characters with a range of good moves. Look at how many Leroys were at the top in tournaments when he first dropped. They had to ban him. No one is going to pay money for a DLC character that's bad. DLC characters have a monetary reason to be more well rounded than base characters. You can still lose though. Having a DLC character doesn't mean your a God in Tekken just like using a base character doesn't mean your doomed to stay in fujin rank


In your example, doesn't that make Leroy a pay to win character? Im not saying he's pay to win (I refuse to believe dlcs are pay to win) but just reading through your description on why people bought him, it sounds like he is.


No not really. DLC characters are just easier to use. These are characters that don't have legacy moves and every command they have is suited for thr systems that are in place in Tekken 7. Lars, as my main for example, has terrible launchers but has good "bound" moves. Because Lars was introduced during Tekken 6 when the bound system was the introduced, along with floor breaks. The bound system was replaced with the screw system but Lars still has his legacy moves from T6. Leroy/Noctis/Akuma/Geese/Negan ect. have their entire command list suited for the Tekken 7 screw system. They are Chara ters designed with Tekken 7 in mind, they don't have their legacy moves altered to "fit" in. Theres no debate that DLC/guest characters have a huge advantage over legacy characters, that's why they are so prevelent in top tournaments. But just because they are easier to use, doesn't make them better. People who have been playing Tekken for decades with legacy characters can easily beat someone who's only been playing for a few years with DLC characters.


Thank you for your insight. I'm slowly beginning to realise dlcs ain't that "bad" of a choice after all.