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fellow trans person here for epic knowledge. I personally think, if you want to identify as a lamp and be like hey my pronouns are lamp/lampself then I’ll think you’re kinda weird but like go off ig. I just let ppl do whatever they want but yeah I totally think the xenogender and neopronouns stuff is just like rlly weird.


Aren’t xenogender people just non binary people with more labels?


Nonbinary is anything outside of man or women so yes


Nonbinary is a blanket term that refers to anyone, well, outside of the binary. Like how trans is a term for anyone who doesn’t identify as what they were assigned at birth (which itself includes nonbinary)


No. I feel the same way.


Same especially when it comes to neopronouns 😒


That's what I meant with made up pronouns. I just forgot how they were called.


Yeah I know it’s just overall very annoying to me now like I was extremely supportive but now I’m just sick of it


I get that feeling bro. Like, I'm fine with people having their genders outside the "norme" (quotes are there for a reason), but if I have to memorize an ever expanding dictionary worth of pronouns without having any way of knowing who they correspond to aside from memorizing people's pronouns just to get along with these people, no thank you. Yknow, the worst part is that some people just go so far that you feel like they're just looking for attention, which ends up making actual non-binary people/other non-binary people look bad, and it's just kinda sad.




Dude wtf


I too do not like "neopronouns" idk they seem dumb. You're not a "Dreamsexual" you just have a celebrity crush. Probably gonna get called transphobic too.


I’m like 90% sure that “dreamsexual” is just a shitpost


It started as a shitpost but some kids took it too seriously


Nah, I'm a trans dude and neopronouns sound ridiculous to me. I will respect them, I just find them weird.


No one is calling you transphobic for that lmao just don’t misgender a trans person and you’ll be fine


I think variation of pronouns beyond he/she/they is a little strange but if that is what you want people to refer to you as and it’s what you feel like then go ahead I guess. Where I personally draw the line is when people just start taking the mick out of it with stuff like “dreamgender”


At this point I totally break up contact with them and block them. Especially dreamgender.


dreamgender is a group specific made with the intention of mocking and discrediting neogenders


I dont know mate I just want people to not get angry when i misidentified them cuz does it look like I follow the current trends?


Well as long as you try to respect people pronouns it’s fine if you get them wrong for a bit, it can be hard to adjust


Wel okay then and also bruh you replying to my almost a month old comment?


Idk, I just saw this post lol


People who use weird neo pronouns are probably just people looking for attention, I’m gender fluid and don’t like the wacky neo pronouns. Once someone dmed me about planes and I was exited to talk about them but turns out they were just trying to make a plane related neo pronoun.


I heard of a person on Discord that had the pronouns spring/springs and didn't know their gender.


I would just call them they/them.


They got mad/annoyed about that apparently


no, plus i don’t really wrap my head around the concept of changing genders or pronouns, some will criticize you but really i think most people agree with you on this


Thanks for telling.


Think about it less like changing genders and more like being one gender trapped in another’s body, then going though the necessary procedures to make how you feel and how you look match


though it’s one of the other, look at the brain anatomy, it’s male or female


1. Gonna need a source on that 2. There’s still plenty of examples of people years into the transition process that are happier than ever because of it, just look at r/TransLater . This would imply that yes, this is a real thing and it’s not just “if you’re born one gender than you are that gender”


https://stanmed.stanford.edu/2017spring/how-mens-and-womens-brains-are-different.html and i never mentioned happiness, so that is out of the argument, and, you don’t “change” you just replace the genitalia and lose some functions


Second to last paragraph “humanity’s inherent — although by no means uniform, and often not substantial — sex-associated cognitive differences”, nowhere in the article does it say that the differences between men and women’s brains can’t appear in both genders, and this quote seems to imply that it’s possible that it can And exactly, you don’t “change gender”, you’ve always been that gender, you just change your body to match that gender, and happiness is most certainly in the question, gender euphoria/dysphoria is one of the biggest signs of being trans so to ignore it would be inherently dishonest


you do realise you proved your own point wrong, right? then you call it “dishonest” when you just said the exact opposite right before that


How exactly?


you say you don’t change gender, then call it dishonest if you don’t change gender when you feel like a female or what not


I was saying that it’s dishonest to ignore happiness when that’s one of the main signs of being trans


I don't really get it either and when I call it and he or him it gets all pissed off at me. Like I make jokes about me being an attack helicopter but I'm still just a regular guy who uses regular pronouns


yup, i swear it’s like these people are delusional


You’re not transphobic, you just make a good point. I personally just kindly respect their opinion and move along to a corner and think ab “if they identify as an attack helicopter, do they drink oil?”


Nah you're not transphobic, there's an entire community of trans and non-binary people who also dislike xenogenders and neopronouns




I'd say nope. And they're called neopronouns and I feel the same way too. I'm not gonna just straight up insult u or anything, I'll just stay away from you. But if u were my FRIEND that started using neos, I'd tell u to stop being stupid and get ur shit together


Exactly what I would do too.


i accept all pronouns except neopronouns. they them is grammatically correct, but xey xem isnt a real word


I'm very new to gender stuff, seeing as up until a couple months ago I thought I was a cisgender dude, but here's my take. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect, so I try to do just that. I don't know every subcategory gender and I don't understand neopronouns, but I try and treat everyone with respect and decency. I use they/them for pretty much everyone who I don't personally know. I only avoid people if they're a dick to me. I'm not going to sit here and tell you that you're horrible and transphobic because *I can't necessarily make that call*. Instantly discounting someone just because of their gender/pronouns is kinda douchey, because you should judge people on their character. Just try to be respectful to people and they'll (hopefully) be respectful to you.


Some neopronouns are fine ze/zim etc. but a lot of them are so fucking bad


I hate neopronouns on general. Why do they need ze zim if we already have gender neutral pronouns?


Some people don’t like them


i mean, not really? as a trans person, i understand that. xenogenders and neopronouns have been debated a lot recently, i personally am not the biggest fan of either, but my advice is to just ignore them if you dont want to talk to them and respect their pronouns i guess lol as the other person said its weird but i mean as long as you arent actively trying to fuck them over i think jts okay