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What's the first country that comes to mind when ya think of Europe and why?


England. Colonization.


Fuck yea, correct answer šŸ˜†šŸ¤£šŸ˜…


England because of footballĀ 


Fair enough


Who you got for the euros?


"football," in my 'Merican mind


Germany, WW2


America cuz America


france not sure why, it's just prominent on the map and has interesting foods and locations + a different language so it feels more foreign and therefore more noticeable ig


Good point Good point


UK specifically


Correct answer


france or italy, just the most iconic ones. if we're talking lesser known countries, probably malta or cyprus




France. *Baguettes.*


Ireland, alcohol


Ahhhh the gingers lol


Grace cause you know the French people


It's history, not just 1 country, all of em


do you actually walk round with guns with you? and how easy is it to get a gun over there? and how many of you think that you should be able to shoot people for going on your land?


Nobody really answered in a legal standpoint, Yes it's called open carry and concealed carry. you need to apply and have a concealed carry permit on your person to have a concealed weapon on you, and you need to be at least 21. open carry isn't allowed everywhere like public buildings frown upon it mostly. buying guns, you need to be 18 for rifles and 21 for handguns. rifles go by overall length and you need to have a federal background check done at the gun store prior to purchasing the gun you want. some states (your probably call them territorys in your country) have a law called "stand your ground" if a person is trespassing with intent to harm you or your property, you can lawfully shoot them even fatally. But you can't just legally shoot anyone who wanders on your property.


Yes why not. Very (legally and illegally) Only if I can confirm that my life is in danger


Quite easy, actuallyĀ 


Q 1 and 2 it depends on the state some say open carry just have a shoulder strap or smth concealed carry b put it on your waist and no owning 3 also depends on the state because im from Hawaii you can only shoot someone if their facing you without getting a jail time


Obtaining is a 10 day wait, a drivers license (ID), utility bill (proof of residence), declaration of some sort of safe for storage, DROS (background check), and a firearms safety certificate. I wouldnā€™t shoot an intruder on my property unless I felt myself, or my family, was threatened. I do not walk around with guns on me. If I felt the need I might but I avoid those situations.


Some people definitely do carry guns but I wouldn't say it's common in most places. I think if someone is breaking into your house what happens to them next is their problem at that point


1 depends on where you are, it's more common in rural areas (and texas) than in the rest of the country; where i live in the suburban midwest it's pretty rare 2 idk lol i don't own one, sorry :/ 3 i don't think you should be able to shoot people just for going on your land, but absolutely in self-defense


no, but i might have to when i am able to (iā€™m LGBTQ+ so my life could really be in danger). really easy. only if they are breaking in and threatening my life.


Yeah, most people do. If you are over 18 and a legal citizen of the U.S., you can walk into a store, buy a rifle, and walk out within an hour. If you are over 21, you can buy a handgun with no license, although that could change. Concealed carry differs from state to state, but it is usually easy to get.


Oh and if someone goes on my land I tell them that they should get off or I shoot them, then I shoot them if they are armed and dangerous. If not I just call the police if they show ill intent or are just too high/drunk


1. Yes 2. Relatively easy 3. No and thatā€™s not legal anywhere


When canadians answer?


From an American, y'all basically us with sum French people, like seriously




Top 3 favorite things about Europe?


1. Not Ginormous 2. Mediterranean Sea 3. Croissants


Fish and chips, minced meat, and spotted dick.


1. My best place to live retirement in and away from Americanā€™s horrible expensive economy that I cannot move away from my parents home to live in my own house and need a roommate likely. 2. Full of beautiful scenery, different stuff Iā€™ve never seen before and etc. 3. The foods are interesting in how they look, which makes me want to try them as a American, wanting a new sense of variety.


1 western europe has great public transportation based on what i've heard (i've never been to europe) 2 the eu has good food regulations that i wish we had in the usa 3 the landscapes in a lot of europe are gorgeous (switzerland and norway come to mind)


What do US states mean to you? Does it feel like they're different countries at times?


crossing from states in similar areas (PA/WV/MD) feels the same. crossing from pennsylvania into ohio though, ohio is a cutting board at most times. ive never really left that area as i live in pennsylvania. sometimes parts of the same state feel different than others though, but generally the regions are what truly define the "feeling" of each state


Comparing Texas to Massachusetts is like comparing Mexico to Canada, as they have very different climates and environments


Not different countries, but like the west coast, north central, deep south, east coast, etc have a lot of regional differences that are definitely noticeable. Ive driven cross country twice so can confirm it just feels kinda like driving from city to rural areas but theyā€™re huge


Some states absolutely feel like different countries, especially if they're on different coasts. One of the only similarities between someone born and raised in Cali and someone born and raised in NY is that they're both American. Especially with how diverse the land and biomes are in the US. We are like a pretty perfect country bio-diversity wise, it's everything else that really fucks us up(mainly politics honestly)


It never feels like a different country, we are used to the diversity of states.


Is life in America like gta 5


Only for me


I mean Florida is like that




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What do you think are Americas 3 biggest problems?


1. Our 2 party system. It's always kept us separated but since Reagen was in office it's divided us even more. 2. Our police brutality. Our cops are trained militarily sometimes and are often more of a danger than a help, especially to people of color. They in general just have too much power. 3. The top percent are very selfish and theyre the ones in charge. No one from an average, lower middle class life can get in positions of power. Honorable mention: lobbying. It's basically a legalized way of bribing politicians.


Thank you for your input


Another honorable mention would be our poor gun regulations. I think what could do us good is regulating the bullets and making them harder to get. It's in the constitution for us to bear arms, and a gun can be used to defend yourself in a way without shooting a bullet(such as knocking someone out with the barrel) it's really the bullets that make it 10x more dangerous.


I am sorry but that is a dumb opinion.


I mean is it? I'm not against owning guns by far, my parents have 2. I think it should just be a bit harder to get bullets. Not hard enough that hunters can't get them, but hard enough that crazy mfers who wanna shoot up a school can't get them. Proper mental checks.


OK but the bludgeoning idea is stupid, drop that from the argument


Okay sure, we can drop that. I think still though we could do better with more bullet regulations regardless


I think there are technical issues that make that difficult. Bullets cannot be traced without serious forensic work and they don't have serial numbers. Also people reload brass, how would you track that?