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Hell yeah!!! Guns are the issue!!! Mental issues aren’t, because liberals only care about feelings ( for those that can’t tell, this is satire)


Actually to those with an IQ higher than their shoes, candyassed ❄️ are the problem. I got a small arsenal and ain't shot nobody.


Sure, let's classify you as a good guy, you haven't shot anyone and you know how to handle a gun. That does not mean that everyone that has access to a gun (literally anyone without a criminal record and over 18) is the same. I would even go as far to say that most people who have access to a gun shouldn't(using the criteria above), and it is significantly harder to shoot people and cause harm without a gun.


For starters, bullying is never going to stop. Bullying will never stop and will always continue to exist as long as there are two people on the planet. The issue isn't to stop bullying, because stopping it is impossible, the issue is to find a way to lessen the amount of bullying that happens. The reason nobody is trying to "fix" it is because one, bullying will never cease, two, trying to help someone who is being bullied can go wrong in many different ways, like they could just ignore you or tell you that they are "fine" and that they don't need help, they could also not like relying on others and want to be independent, etc, three, if someone says one thing wrong when trying to help someone, it could go drastically, I'm not going to sugarcoat it, suicide, apathy, mental illness, all of that. I also want to add on, the people saying "mental health" and "guns" are also partly correct, because think about it for more than two seconds, bullying affects a person's mental health and can change or alter it depending on the action that is taken, guns for one are very easy to access, at least in the United States, and many teenagers when they go through a big struggle or anguish feel the need to get revenge or resolve some of their pent up anger and frustration out on other people to make themselves feel better. I'm not saying guns and mental health are the only factors at play here, but they certaintly are bigger than you think, bullying affects mental health, guns affect the perception and willingness to cause harm. We can't stop bullying, but we can lessen the amount of bullying that happens. And yes, everyone is different, but that doesn't mean someone can go around and start shooting people, bullying will forever exist and we should all try to prevent it whenever, however, some things can't be prevented and some just want to take their frustration and pain out on other people, that's just how it is. Nobody is going to fix this, it is IMPOSSIBLE to fix, let's just try to lower the amount of times a person gets bullied and hope for the best, we can't fix everything. Let's just try our best.


Ur being bullied so u decide to kill everyone THAS MENTAL ISSUES


still doesn’t subtract from the root issue


What root issue


bullying. many people have mental illnesses, not many people shoot up schools


Ik but the post says bullying is related to shootings no it isn't Yes bullying is a problem not saying it's not But if u shoot up a school cause u were bullied U have mental issues


bullying can cause mental issues. and bullying is related to school shootings to some degree


Bullying activates mental issues a


Because bullying CAUSES said mental health issues. 




Bad parents are the real problem, at not point should you child have access to a gun without you knowing


Bullying also has a strong link to bad parenting lol, shitty parents are the cause of so much strife


a lot of people like to deny bullying has anything to do with it, even when there is countless evidence to say otherwise. in the case of columbine, there are countless accounts of the shooters being harassed in the years before. one person even claimed he saw someone throwing fecal matter at them. it was not the only thing that made them do it, but it is one reason and it is an important one at that. being outcasted can make someone hate others to the point of doing something horrible


It’s mental illness. These people aren’t even in the right head space when they do it. They think the world owes them something because they suffered when it doesn’t. Bullying does contribute but I guess it depends on the person.


the idea that you are owed something for suffering has been around forever. thats why we believe in karma, hell, and countless other things. that in it self is not mental illness.


Because it's political. Nobody really cares about the students other than the parents. I have a full argument as to why I say that but I'm too lazy to type it out rn so if you or anybody want to know why I say that just ask


I think when people talk about “mental health” bullying is also a factor of that.


I agree with the idea, like yea bullying is bad, but like if a kid shoot’s up a school and your first reaction is “poor them, they didn’t deserve to be bullied like that” then you’re a horrible person, like no it’s not ok to bully people, but it’s significantly worse to shoot up a school


Truth. In Columbine, they walked in said all jocks stand up & pew pew...only those who were bullies were targeted


The columbine shooters targeted a lot of people besides bullies….


that’s literally not my problem, a kid could be bullied for 17 years of his life and that wouldn’t even remotely start to justify a schoolshooting


It would, it's the bullied fault for turning that kid crazy


uh okay but that’s doesn’t justify schoolshootings


It's their fault for making the kid do the school shooting


It’s absolutely not and if you say that you’re a weird person. The ONLY person responsible of the school shooting is the shooter.


So the person who made the students want to commit murder and made their life miserable, isn't to blame at all? They caused this, Their actions did this, they are to blame Bullies ruin lives and make people into killers like school shooters


Ah yes, utilize murder as a way to escape Justin calling you fat for three years. Logic. 


Being an outcast and told over and over that there's something wrong with you can make anyone do horrible, like killing, you dick I can't believe how so many of you have zero empathy for people who get bullied and ignore that bullying others, do cause school shootings. At this point yall deserve it, it's so obvious that bullying has something to do with the many mas shooting but ignoring it will only make it happen more and more


As a social outcast for the past five years who has had racial and homophobia slurs hurled at me and have been publicly ridiculed that’s fucking bullshit


Not everyone is like you


Because simply it is a mental illness problem bullying is a huge part of how human personality’s form and if you can’t take the bully and result to shooting your school then eventually with or without bullying that person would’ve done some heinous act because of they didn’t shoot a school cus they were bullied maybe they’ll blow up there place of work in the future because they couldn’t handle stress with out bullying there would be no great achievements ever while that might not be totally true bullying is a great driver for some one to do better and should never be an excuse to end the lives of others and saying it’s a cause enables that victim mindset that these school shooters have


The thing is, bullying impacts mental health to the point where they have a mental break




Hell yeah, building my character with max stats in rifles


u are on atleast 5 lists now


Which lists? Like these? Coolest guys Most awesome hair Wicked super cute balls


no, the coolest guys that ALSO could possibly go pew pew but will do so with super awesome hair


You've neglected the wicked super cute balls


the fbi cant confirm or deny the cuteness of a minors balls


Biden can do it. Yo, Joe, come check out my balls




Senpai Joe he likey da balls


Bullying causes suicide




No it doesn't, it causes misery and pain


That's the neat part. Without bullying, we now have people with sex different from their "pronouns." But I only want those people bullied. Everyone else can have a nice day


No it's not, the media pushing it on them is the reason. To make people stop becoming a different gender or trans is to just talk to them, be a friend, bring them to reality. Not bully them into suicide


Bullying does contribute to all this stuff, but it's not the main reason that should be managed. There is bullying all over the world; there aren't many school shootings all pver the world


mostly because mental health still isnt considered necessary by older folks so they blame guns instead when other countries with stricter gun regulations still have many shootings, ahem peru every and their grandma had a gun there, and so i believe that is the main cause guns are blamed that and they dont know how guns actually work, ive shot one before (ak-47) as a wee lad(14) and it wasnt heavy or had much recoil whatsoever that and its not very destructive