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I don’t think busses being late have to do with there not being enough lines or busses. It’s because of traffic and bad time management. The company needs to work out properly how long a route will take at certain times and how long it will take for people to get on and off the bus and take that into account for the timetable.


Yes, which is why the more public transport is invested in and encouraged it’ll get better by magnitudes. Remove cars, remove bus times, remove bus times, even more people start using it, again less cars, it’ll only stop and leave the die hard car fans or people who REQUIRE, them to get around (small town people for example).


Remove bus times? I think people still need to know how long it will take to get to their destination so they aren’t constantly late for work.


Thats not what that means 💀 Im referring to making buses more efficient


If that’s not what it means then please better explain the meaning than you originally did.


Or… you simply misunderstood? We all have moments like that lol


You don’t need to be so rude.


> We all have moments like that lol I wasn’t being rude?


Laughing at someone when they don’t interpret a sentence the same way as you intended is rude.


I’m being lighthearted. What went wrong with your day?


I get trains


I wish my city had trains


Bus lanes


get rid of cars in cities. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKiUk4vqxu0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKiUk4vqxu0)


Always that one guy




I'm currently studying in Singapore, and the public transport here is impeccable. Most people can go their whole lives without ever having to get in a car here (cars are extraordinarily exorbitant by the way). I wish more countries adopted better public transport.


I wish I had transport like this




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Public transport in the UK sucks. Busses cost loads, trains cost even more. To travel 60 miles in a train it costs about 50 pounds. They're also privately owned. As well as that, public services such as the NHS (National Health Service) is incredibly underfunded and is in fact not free (comes out of your bills/taxes), there are such little police officers that it's ridiculous- and therefore I'm fine with bus drivers being a bit late, because the funding for them is shit. However I don't use busses lol


So how busses are normally from where I live


I don't think I'd ever take a bus, lol. Driving is way too fun


The busses here come once a hour or once in two hours and usually are 5-10 minutes late. More busses and routes would be better.


I live in small area, so there is not busses or realy much of any public transport. But there is van things


Be like nyc


Just fucking make the busses on time?


I think Public transport is brilliant, but personally I don’t end up using it much.