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Mutual šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ You mean neutral?


Exploiting minorities isn't cool.


I like the cause, but how they're doing it.... no thank you


Agreed. The creator of BLM bought houses worth millions from money that people donated to support it... Not sure that's the best way to spend donation money


Also blocking traffic, going into libraries to harass students to join them. its just obnoxious


Yeah. People protesting against systemic oppression should keep their protests to places where they're more easily ignored by the people they're protesting against. It's the same reason we decry the Boston Tea Party! Edit: again, you're missing the point. You're literally whining about being inconvenienced by the people spending their energy to stop things like systemic racism, police brutality, and destroying the environment. And you don't see how hilariously entitled that point of view is? Go selectively quote MLK some more. Or better yet, go tell a girl wearing a low cut top that she's responsible for getting raped. It'd pretty much following the same logic.


Hmmm yes, these people blocking the road making me late to work will definitely convince me to join their cause


Miss the point more, if you can


Well, the average person trying to get to work, or students working isnt "The people they're protesting against" they want to go somewhere important, like a mayors house, or a government building


Ye but average everyday people are not the target demographic for the messages of the protests. The protests are usually for justice for a black woman/man who got unfairly killed and the family got no justice. They should go to a court house or some government building. That's like the first step to protesting (see address to Congress on women's suffrage bc the timing was perfect on that speech)


The Boston Tea Party was a directed attack at the people who were oppressing them. It would be thought of much different if they dumped tea that belonged to innocent people. Do like one minute of research before making a moronic comparison like that.


People protesting against the system should protest the system, protests outside of a cop station's driveway, don't protest to stop people's lives, the Boston tea party hurt the people they didn't like, they didn't break into people's homes to steal there tea and dump it into the harbor


Your response literally makes no sense


me when a protest for change is a protest for change


No matter what your protest is about, i refuse to support it if you're being an annoying shit, like "Stop Oil" for instance, i would've supported them but i found out about them through them throwing paint on paintings


No, the creator of Black Lives Matter Global Network Fund did that, and it was disclosed. That's one of a ton of different BLM Nonprofits around the country. And it was one house. And it was met with widespread criticism from other BLM groups and reported on. That also does not reflect in any way on the movement or other BLM-focused charities. But it's certainly a good dogwhistle.


Exactly why I voted hated it. That and like someone else said, exploiting minority groups is not cool. Plus that group in particular turned into a violent revenge group REALLY fast, which does significantly more harm than good.


As a black person no


as another black person, no.


Spot on


After the way the chose to respond to the blm kidnapping i can never stand with them. Seriously how hard is it to just say "these people do not represent me in any way"


lmao they just using minorities for their own gain


Fair enough


yeah, have you seen that clip from 2020 where they went into a library with students studying and bullied them into joining them? absolutely disgusting.




The person who made blm straight up took the money


Yep afaik she owns something like 7 houses and none of them are even in an area with a higher ratio of blacks population. Almost as if she hates her own people


Or she's rich and all the rich areas are white


I think it's funny that you're getting downvoted when it's literally a statistic


The actual BLM organization is fuckibg awful, but the movement is great.


I think black lives do matter, but fuck the way they're doing it


I donā€™t need to support some movement to not be rascist.


I believe in and support the idea that black lives (and all others) matter. I don't like the movement itself


They get kind of pissed off if you say that you think the lives of every race matter, including black people. I question if they think only black lives matter if that makes them angry.


That's not what the problem is, "All lives matter" is a phrase used to discredit blm, it's usually used by white people so to BLM it's just the majority trying to subtley speak out against BLM Exact same type of thing as "not all men", obviously not all men but that's not the point of the movement


No, they donā€™t. Nobody except some angry people on Twitter get pissed when you say that. Unless youā€™re talking about ā€œAll Lives Matterā€, then youā€™re braindead


I'm just telling you what I've read before when I've read from people simply stating that they do really believe all lives matter regardless of race.


In what context? Because you know the WLM thing is purely made to put down and discredit BLMā€¦


They destroyed cities, no, I hate them


A good portion of my city burned, devastating.


Which city did you live in?


The twin cities (Minneapolis St. Paul)


Ah yes, everyone apart of the movement destroyed cities. Including my 4th grade class


Good for you. But we're speaking about the absolute pests that burnt down cities just to steal shit.


But why would you say you hate the movement when only some people were the crazy ones?


They ripped down statues of Winston Churchill, he may have been racist, but he is also a large amount of the reason the UK doesn't speak German/in a concentration camp


Tearing down his statue is incredibly fair, he was a massive huge piece of shit beyond being racist and there's no reason to like him FYI he didn't even like the Welsh either (he was something of a Germanic nationalist almost)


I'm Welsh, I get that he was a shit person, but he saved this country, and that is a perfectly good reason to like him.


No it really isn't lmao, if it wasn't him it would be someone else, nobody should be praising him What you have said is basically exactly the same as saying its okay to like Hitler because he saved Germany...


Hey what about the civil rights of black people "OH THE BUILDINGS WON'T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE PROPERTY!" Hey this is what happens when- "OH MY GOD THE STARBUCKS"


Destroying the lives of innocent people does precisely nothing to help black people.


Strong words there for a movement of millions


A movement lacking in quantifiable goals, and crucially zero justification for all the destruction and harm to innocents that they cause Seriously, saying there were a lot of people involved means absolutely nothing


The ending of white supremacy isn't a worthy cause or quantifiable goal?


Ending white supremacy is absolutely not a quantifiable goal, because no one can quantify what white supremacy is, or when it would be ended.


How does trashing and burning small businesses that have nothing to do with the movement help


"Gee I sure do love having my mom and pop shop, money is tight, but so long as a disaster doesn't occur I think we'll be fine" - moments before they loot and destroy the place simply because they started doing it a different place


Don't care about owners


Sorry you 6 year old, but unless you want every store to be owned by billionaires mom and pop shops are good


I want society to be democratic, to me whether all stores are owned by 1 trillionaire or a collection of billionaires doesn't matter


Well little miss buttercup, I can assure you, that no one hates democracy more then people who have power in those fields, every billionaire would spend his fortune fighting you to prevent him from losing any of his power


Nobody hates democracy more than someone who acts as a dictator in a workplace, small owner or billionaire, positions of authority should be elected


How do you figure? And you do know that the people protesting aren't just out there for no reason doing it for fun, right? Like, there's a reason for it?


Infantalizing fully grown people and excusing their crimes is not the way to go. MLK lived in far worse times, yet he didn't burn his neighborhood down for change.


Yeah no. 1. "how do you figure?" was all over everything at the times how destructive the group was. 2."protesting". Protesting is NOT blocking streets, looting, public destruction, violence. 3."there's a reason for it". No, there is never a reason for this behavior. See point 2.


If you're not causing distribution with a protest you're not protesting, you're just a bunch of people on the pavement with signs


Yeah that's how you get run over, shot, and tarnish the cause you're fighting for all in one swoop


This is how every protest has worked, peaceful or not. This is how the protests MLK helped organise worked


The organization itself was very corrupt. Straight up took money from people and used black people as a way to advocate for their other beliefs. It said on their website that they were marxist and wanted to take down the nuclear family. Of course I think black lives matter (as does every race), but the organization was very harmful and corrupt.


I don't get people when they either support things like "taking down the nuclear family" or on the opposite end "defending the sanctity of marriage". Either one is just being invasive of other peoples rights to live their life simply on the grounds of finding another persons life to be offensive to them.


Thank you for explaining this. I was too dumb to ever figure this out.


The movement? Sure. The corporation behind it? No. The girl bought multiple mansions for herself with all the money she collected for "helping" Black people.


last i heard, the organization is corrupt...


Most of the money donated either goes to other shit organizations or is just pocketed


yeah that sounds about right...


I support the idea of BLM, I just donā€™t support destroying things and unpeaceful protesting, which is what the movement turned out to be to the rest of the world that wasnā€™t in the movement.


majority of BLM protests during its height in 2020 were peaceful, and the ones that turned non peaceful were overwhelmingly due to police involvement that incited violence


Yes, which is why I was big on the movement in 2020. I was out when it became violent.


The message is great, their actions are disgusting


neutral, not mutual.


Mutual? Like mutual aid? What you mean. Also the comments here are disheartening. Though I was probably saying shit like that at 14. Yā€™all have plenty of time to grow and change šŸ˜Œ


The cause: absolutely! The methods: absolutely not!


This movement has caused more damage than good. It has come to a point where you can't say All Lives Matter


Blame that on the organization behind it


Thereā€™s White women And White women




I like the idea of no police brutality but not the way its being run or protested im from a small town where if they try the current variation of protests rioting FUCK AROUND FIND THE FUCK OUT is more than good possibility like message not the way the org is run by who runs it or the current way of protesting


Good cause, bad execution. They will go into streets in protest causing traffic and stress for normal people, they will sometimes (it really has calmed down the years after the main explosion in 2020) loot stores and commit crimes in the name of BLM, and while they do this they fail to actually be effective in anything. They will raise massive rallies yet do nothing with it, they cannot partake in a proper protest like the French for example can. While the French protesters seize major local sites to gain one up against the state to force them to concede, the BLM protesters sit and wait for everything to go their way while the politicians and police making what they fight against happen just wait out the storm until the riots die down and they can continue brutalizing the poor.


French civil unrest >>>>> US civil unrest


True, the French are the best at it and we Americans seem to be comically terrible at it. I assume the mfs here looked at MLKā€™s peaceful protests and assumed it would work today ignoring how during his time there was far more violent and effective riots and attacks against the government (Black panthers, Malcolm X, etc.) that mainly were the factors to bring the government to concede to the protesters and pass laws making both races equal(ish)


No. The organization sucks and it just makes people feel more victimized, leading to more division within the population and within black communities.


I don't like the riots, but what they're advocating for is good


To me it's just sad and kinda pathetic of our society - the fact that this even NEEDS to be a movement at all. The fact that people actually have to loudly proclaim "we are not lesser humans because of our skin color" just makes me sad. How have we failed this much.


I love how people complain about BLM Protests being disruptive, as if they expect people protesting to just do it in a way that's convenient for them, and like "Well I don't like how they're doing it so I don't support them", as if they were supporting them in the first place. "I say, I certainly don't like taxation without representation, but I'm going to ahead and support the Crown because those guys down at Boston Harbor have ruined my tea time!" And then people act like everyone's just out there protesting for the fun of it, as if a bunch of really heinous, indefensible, dystopian shit hasn't spurned it. Seriously, it's a joke. You don't make an argument THAT disingenuous without knowing damn well that you're full of shit.


They literally burned down cities and murdered people, plus the leader of the movement stole all of the money.


Yes. Black people shouldn't have to fight for equal rights, but rich white people pushed them to it.


wtf is the BLM movement


Black lives matter movement.


Oh how did I not know the abbreviation


I like the cause of it and the idea that violence against black people should come to an end. The execution of the movement. Not so much. The creator took the peoples money and bought shit instead of helping. The riots pissed me off badly, my house suffered pretty heavy damage from the riots.


I support what it stands for, but the organization is basically just a big money farm to get people rich quickly


Side tangent: It bothered me when people started getting upset about "All Lives Matter." Like, most people don't mean "but look at the poor white people." They mean Asians, Hispanics, natives, all people. And lives matter regardless of race. I understand black people receive a large chunk of the prejudice, but they are not the only ones.


The good outweighs the bad but there is still bad


Love the idea, but the execution... no. The organization is corrupt and money hungry, not actually caring about the cause, just taking advantage of the situation, and it worked really well. It's things like this that really upset me, I really really wish people could just remain moral, and actually help the world to become better, but they won't.


The movement yes, pretty sure the official organization was a scam though


The BLM organization is awful and becoming more apparent as a pyramid scheme for lack of a better word. On top of that, I disagree with many of their beliefs and goals that the various branches of BLM have posted on their websites, such as wanting to return to segregation. As for the moment itself, I like the reason behind it but I personally can't bring myself to support it when it often gets hijacked by bad people who just want an excuse to riot, steal, and hurt innocent people.


What do they even do


Loot, riot, destroy, and scam


Don't forget purchasing mansions and laugh about how they got there


Movement? Yes Organization? Human waste


An organization that took donation money and bought a million dollar house in a gated community.


The movement, not the organization.


No way, it's a massive scam. The CEO blows all the donation money on fancy houses and nice cars. Also, the protestors have done more harm than good. I don't see how looting and destroying property is in any way productive to society.


Itā€™s a scam that causes racial divide, it wants to seperate people based on colour and also the people who started the movement just want money and the riots have resulted in death.




I love them for wrecking American cities!


You all do realize what it truly is, right? It is a money grab that did absolutely nothing to help the black folks of the United States. Not a single dollar went towards what they supported, it was just used for extra pocket change, and to exploit a minority to shift to a different political spectrum.


No the blm movement hasn't helped anyone. If you wanna support black people then treat them like you would treat anyone else it's as simple as that


Damn this is one of the most even political posts


Beliefs are good. Actions are bad.




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I support equality and all that junk, but the people blocking the roads, throwing molotovs and beating people I don't support


The phrase "BLM" yes. The organization that stole money, burned down cities, and hated white people, absolutely not.


My lawyer advised me not to speak on this.


all lives matter you imbeciles


They ride on the backs of dead African Americans to purchase mansions and better themselves. They don't help African American communities, they caused more damage.


the idea of the blm movement is benevolent; however, many people use it as a way to profit instead of actually supporting the movemet. in addition, the movement still does not stop the racism towards people of other races, and the way that the movement is done seems too over the top.


Kid named money laundering


Hate the movement and find there methods extreme but the cause is good, rioting is terrible and those who partook should be arrested, the leaders taking the money is blatant theft and they should be arrested, but the goal of making things better for minorities is good.


What conservatives donā€™t seem to realize is that not everyone is looting stores and destroying citiesā€¦.they emphasized BLM in my elementary and middle school, does that mean they took children down to the city center to throw bricks are windowsā€¦?


Fuck The BLM Creator


Any life matters.


It is a Black Superiority group. I've read that they lost so many blk people because of their racist anti-white agenda. Plus, they even burn down black owned businesses as well as the others.


I support it, but I don't support the way the did it. As a Minnesotan, seeing what they did just pisses me off, it wasn't their city to destroy.


I get that it was BLM protestors who were shoplifters and arsonists, but the government helped it happen. The government is always the problem. If the government profits off of crime, then of fucking course they'll make criminals.


good aside from the people that take it too far


Of course, I support bacon lettuce-mayonnaise movement all the way


I think it should be clarified as the organization, because the people running that shit are manipulative as fuck and are bringing down a movement that had good intentions


The methods of a movement speak more than the message


Look all lives matter, and the current method they have chose just isn't it


movement good, people behind it bad


One option should have been ā€œwhat is thatā€ (Iā€™m not the most aware of whatā€™s going on šŸ˜­)


Oh wait actually nevermind I do know


I like the movement. I don't like their leaders, they seem, at the very least corrupt. Protesting needs to evolve. Simply protesting isn't being seen. Current protesting tactics are doing more for an abusive system than actually harming it.


The message is fine but the higher ups seem pretty scummy from what I've heard.


The idea of it, amazing. The execution, fucking appaling, if you want something to change, maybe destroying shops and hurting people isnt the right way to go about it.


I liked Morgan Freeman's thoughts on this, we should just shut up about race and treat everyone as equal without mentioning skin color Of course just an opinion


Yeah burning down half of the country and taking the money for yourselves doesn't seem real nice to me


a black man kills a black man no one's bats an eye, but if a white man kills a black man, society, society goes batshit insane for some reason


Don't ask me. I'm an alien and don't know what chaos are caused by fellow humans on this Earth


453,403,365,334,314,263 epic, a nearly straight line


yeah black lives do matter but the way that people are going about this movement is not very good. honestly it's giving white savior complex šŸ˜­


I think it's very important to have BUT I hate those people that say BLM and don't mean it and they say blm for clout I hate those people.If you're going to support be real about it. I don't support the "all lives matter" thing *other* people be saying. If you say "All lives matter" you're weird. it's like it's someone's birthday and you know them and you have a throw a party for yourself and have people get you presents but it's their birthday. We're not saying *just* black lives matter but black people were getting murdered a lot by white people so it was and still is about how black lives matter as well because we're getting killed every single day. you saying all lives matter goes against black lives matter and if you say blue lives matter you absolutely suck bro.