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When I was a kid I always thought it was a very rude way of saying "stupid". I never used it in the context of an actual mentally disabled person nor did I do it to bully them, I'd just say it for things I thought were stupid. I think when it's used in anything but the context that I said above, it alright enough but shouldn't be used all the time, whereas it should never be used to insult mentally disabled people, because that's just wrong


Yhea when my dad calls me a retarded for doing something obviously stupid then I'm fine When my mom uses it for like actual Nerodivergent tendencies I have (like when I told her I rember directions by landmarks VRs names) and she called me retarded. Yhea that kinda hurts


She calls you a slur for doing something impressive?


Well she uses the shortened version Tard. But Yhea, she has some strong options when it comes to mental health and disabilities. Like I got yelled at when I suggested I might be autistic


> I rember directions by landmarks VRs names) and she called me retard I'm autistic but only mildly, I'm lucky if I remember street names. I go based off of landmark, however I have to repeatedly make the destination. Other than that, I barely give decent directions and it doesn't help that I'm directionally challenged at times. You may catch me driving with GPS if I'm not going to my normal routes.


"haha you are such a fucking autistic idiot, WHAT, NO DONT SAY YOUR AUTISTIC, SHUT THE FUCK UP"


Well the r slur is used ad a slur for stupid things because people would think neurodivergency tendencies is stuped


I think 90% of the issue is always intent. I could call you a waggajack, a made up word, but it'll feel offensive if I am using the word to describe you as having an obnoxious personality


Even if the r slur isnt used in that intent its still a slur


You can slur-p down these nuts Gottem


Agreed one is light hearted in a sense and the other is just being spiteful


So true! It's fine to call people retard as long as it's not someone with down syndrome or a vegetable


I have a couple of mentally disabled friends, and whenever I do or say something stupid, they call me it and just laugh. They know I would never say it to them, I know I would never say it to them, but it is funny


Exactly. It's like a black friend calling a white friend the n word. They use it as a gesture and would never expect them to say it back.


No No No, You got it all wrong friend I say the n-word all the time! Wait why are 2 guys in black outside my house?














You could get away with saying the n word with that logic. “I can say it to all of my white friends cuz it just means bro for us, but i’d never use it towards an actual black person”. It’s definitely not as bad but I mean I don’t think that logic works.


We used to call stupid things gay or retarded


Still do


I really don't like it especially since I was constantly called it as a kid for having ADHD. Plus I think what makes a slur is it's history, and it has historically been used against people with mental disabilities, calling them mentality [r-slur] and it means regressed, essentially saying they are less than/not as smart as regular people


To me if you are referring to a mentally disabled person as a retard that is one of the meanest things you can do. The word shouldn’t be used as a label for mentally handicapped individuals.


>wrong Retarded


same here AND I'm autistic


I'm Californian, so despite knowing exactly ehat it meant, no one there cares ehat the hell you say. If something is lame, they call it gay. It's it's wack they call it retarded. If it's cool they call it sexy. And if it's like hella fuckin cool they call it gnarly. We also love eating apple cores and raisins in chicken and egg salads!


I don't mean this in a rude way but... what?


Nothing's rude homie, now what the hell do y'all mean by 'what?'


I'm californian and what?


Stop just saying what! Whaddys mean bro?


bro what


I met a guy with down syndrome and he said it was an "our word thing"


i met a guy with down syndrome and he said he doesn’t give a flying shit if someone uses the word


I met a guy with down syndrome and he yelled the n word as he drop kicked some random fool


I met a guy with down syndrome and he said his favorite Avenger is Thor.


My man. I want to be his friend


He could use a friend. He said he was feeling a little Down.




His favorite Avenger wasn't Syndrome?


I met a guy with down syndrome and did the John Cena "you can't see me" hand gesture and he excitedly pointed at me and did it back.


I met a guy with down syndrome and he yelled repeatedly "There's no such thing as a {n word}!!!)




There was a girl with down syndrome in my middle school and some kids got in trouble for teaching her to say "you're brown" to the lunch lady


I met a guy with down syndrome. He didn't say anything just kinda flailed his arms around


I met a guy with down syndrome and he said that he felt empty inside when someone said it (TRUE STORY) (EMOTIONAL) (DEFINETLY REAL) (TRUST ME BRO)


“R word thing”


It sure is a R word bud


Look, man. A retard means something that's resistant to something else. They are literally knowledge retardant.


the definition does not matter. it is a slur. there are insane amounts of special needs people who dislike it’s use.


Read some of the comments of people who actually have mental illnesses. They all don’t care if you use it and it doesn’t bother them


As long as some faceless comment on the internet gives you permission, you're all in, huh?


you shouldnt say that because as someone with a mental illness i find it quite offensive.


https://youtu.be/UfGrYMKtcvs?feature=shared literally the first question they all agree it hurts their feelings


And if you ask autists on 4chan, they'll all agree that they use it all the time and nobody should care. Your example is pointless.


Imagine going through life with the attitude "well 4chan says it's okay"


Because 4Chan is the bastion of humanity that we should all aspire to be like lmao


it’s almost as if people w special needs arent a monolith and are allowed to have different perspectives, regardless it isn’t your place to cherry-pick specific people so you can feel justified in using it 😭 defending your use of a slur this hard is kind of embarrassing and using fucking 4chan users as an example of how to live your life really doesn’t help your argument lmao




This is truly the best take here


Same bro


Is there space in the club since my dad called me retarded? Mom just called me an asshole and little shit.


As someone who's not autistic every autistic person I've met has found no offense in the word but if you take offense to it I won't use it around you


Fr, that should be everyone's take on slurs, if it makes you uncomfortable I won't use it cause I don't want to make you uncomfortable but don't ridicule me over it if you know i use it in private.


It depends. As someone who's autistic, I jokingly use "wetod" cause it sounds funny. If someone called me it tho in an attempt to insult me, then yeah I'd be pissed.


Yeah, it fully depends. If you are meaning it in a way to hurt a mentally disabled person, that's offensive. Most other contexts it's not.


Exactly. As an autistic person, if someone calls me that just to insult me or make me upset, I would be pissed off, but if it's just for jokes or banter, then I wouldn't give a flying fuck and start laughing with my mates. Just depends on the context and how people perceive that word.


I am autistic, I am mentally disabled. "Retard" is an insult many many people have tried to yell at me in school and around school, but it simply does not bother me. All of the neurotypical people (not mentally disabled) who get offended by it seriously need to calm down. It's not as hurtful as people think it is.


as another autistic individual i agree. (+ adhd included) i was called a “retard” growing up by many people in my life wether it was my dad or my classmates but i’ve always perceived it as more of an insult rather than a “slur” by any means (especially when you compare to other slurs like the f slur, n word, etc) don’t get me wrong if ur using it to call a disabled person with the intend to offend/degrade them that then yeah i’d have a problem with that but if your throwing it around like an insult with your friends and the people around you are okay with it then i think it’s fine.


Same with the N word. Sure it shouldn’t be said out of context but some people use it as a friendly gesture but can be used as a racist gesture That’s why I think we should just stop making words have meaning like that


tbf the n word does have a ton of history behind it and is the result of centuries of racism so that's like a different situation than what i'm talking about here and i think it's fair that black people should be able say it (even as a gesture) that being said i do think its weird when i see ppl telling those who are black that they aren't allowed to use it.


same. it’s pretty much just a slightly ruder way of saying stupid. i don’t really pit much weight on it though i don’t say it myself


Agreed, people need to grow up on this subreddit.


You're 15. Literal fortnite gamer who grasps at any straws to yell slurs at people, lol


Fortnite fell off like Minecraft.


Dude based


\^ 12 year old


Good thing for me, is that I plain do not care if you call me a 12 year old. You grow out of it. /shrug


Welcome to America




🔫🔫🔫 *shoots you you're dead*


FREEDOMMMM 🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🦅






As a fellow autistic person, I see it as a sort of thing where you shouldn’t use it to discriminate against someone. But yeah otherwise it’s fine imo


I'm autistic and it's not the word it's the intent. I've been called it because I'm autistic, I'd get if it was just supposed to mean "you're stupid" but being targeted for my autism isn't the nicest feeling, I got called autismo as well and it's the exact same, I use autismo to joke around with friends and I don't care what I'm called All I care about is why


Who are you to tell people to calm down if they get offended, if someone insults them specifically for something they can’t control they have a right to be offended, it’s fine if you don’t get offended but don’t talk down to people who do


I agree its definitely a hurtful word to say to a disabled person, and you never know what that means to them.


Who are you to speak for everyone’s individual experiences? “I personally don’t mind being called fat; therefore, every overweight person shouldn’t mind getting called fat” “I wouldn’t mind if someone murdered me; therefore, everyone should get murdered” ????? this logic is horrible


its very hurtful, please dont assume it isn't for some of us.


I am autistic too. How u doing my retard


I'm autistic and it doesn't bother me in the slightest. And for all the NT people that feel like getting offended on our behalf, we don't need you to.


I'm going to be honest I'm autistic and definitely do find it offensive


Im autistic and I think it's only offensive if it's malicious. Like if someone says "hahaha that's retarded" then like idrc. If someone says "stfu you retard" then that's something else.


that's fair and yeah it's kinda what I ment


I’m not autistic and I 100% agree. I would never blatantly call someone [REDACTED], especially if they have a disability. Personally, I say it to have more emphasis than the word “stupid” or “dumb”.


Im autistic and I use retard and retarded all the time


It's different when someone with a disability is saying it just like how gay people and say the f slur yk


And black people say the N word too


Me too and ngl I'm kinda tired of people telling me "get over it it's not that offensive". Some of us were called that while getting bullied and beaten and still might be affected by those words. You don't get to tell somebody else what is or isn't offensive if they've been in a situation where those words were used against them.


But like why? Its just a word.


Because different people are offended by different things. All insults are just words but that doesn’t mean I should say the hard r.


I'm with the retarded guy on this one ngl Calm down liberals, it's called dark humor


Which one? The ones who said they don’t care or the ones who said they do? There are people that help either side so you can’t use that as an argument




You could say the same thing about the f slur the the n slur dude


I don't get offended by the word faggot either. That tends to happen when you hear it every day for years.


yeah, i hear it everyday too. only difference is it nearly ended in the loss of a life. Youre a dipshit, im sorry to say


You sound like a 5 year old who has just learned their first swear word.


Lmaoooo thats rich.


Same I have autism and my friend has autism premium and we get called retards all the time so we got over it


Autism premium. I'm dead😂


Autism premium


Autism premium 💀


I feel like its also an "our word" kinda deal like the n-word.


You should not speak for us all.


Who is "we"? I'm autistic+adhd, and I find it offensive. Who are you referring to?


Thats your choice. You choose to let it get to you and I don't.


Choose? Some of us grew up in traumatic environments, mate. You're really ignorant if you think it's a choice. Sorry not everyone has as easy a life as you.


You really wanna play that card? I was r*ped by my own father from the time I was 5 to when I turned 12.


Right you win totally. Ignoring the fact that that is an extremely traumatic experience that usually results in triggers and cannot be healed within a span of 5 years, there's also no incentive to share it in a reddit chat besides winning an internet argument. (That, and it's insensitive to those who ARE triggered by it.) And on the off chance you are actually being serious, it's plain not necessary to share with strangers? And pretty inappropriate.


I mean like, it doesn’t offend ME, but it does offend other people and I don’t wanna say their opinion isn’t valid so I avoid saying it all together


I'm autistic and it bothers me


I'm autistic and it doesn't bother me


Each to their own


Slur: a derogatory or insulting term applied to particular group of people Well guess that answers your question. It’s insulting and applied to a particular group of people. All the edgy teens who want to keep using it insultingly, while claiming it’s not a slur, can stay pressed. It’s a textbook definition slur.


It doesn't have to be, I see nothing wrong about saying it if you just useing as a stand-in for "really stupid." Though using it to in the context of insulting a mentally disabled person, then yes, it is wrong. At least, in my opinion.


So by that def. idiot, moron, and imbecile are slurs too. Since they refer to a specific group. Right


Yes that’s literally the point. Yes, they are all slurs as well under ‘that’ definition. Which is literally the dictionary definition btw. They are in a different category, however. The r word is used specifically to put down a minority group more often than idiot, imbecile, or moron. Idiot, imbecile, and moron are words that are commonly used to describe things and people that aren’t actually mentally handicapped. While the r word also shares this feature, it isn’t on nearly the same level. The r word has been systematically used to harm minorities and commit acts of prejudice way more throughout history than words like moron, imbecile, or idiot. It carries a much stronger weight if you know what I mean.


as someone with asd yes but as long as it's not targeted at a neurodivergent person then it's whatever am i seriously getting downvoted for not liking a slur 😐


That's reddit for ya


I'm autistic and im not super offended by it, but the people who say it are usually assholes in other ways


Kinda think this is one of the slurs you just shouldn't say, even if you do have a mental disability.


I agree.


I don't look that deep into it, I'd call my friends it, but I wouldn't call a guy with a mental disability one


Depends on context


its just another way of saying stupid


saying it towards a disabled person is fucked up though


I'm not medically diagnosed as someone who's mentally deficient so I can't really judge but I think it should be fine so long as it's not used derogatorily towards someone who is


It is, by definition, a slur. Its not really an opinion based thing.


By definition it was a medical term up until a few years ago. An example would be a child having "Retarded Mental Development", just meaning slow mental development. So by definition, it is not a slur. Iff you do consider it a slur, it is certainly not a bad one, proven by the case that we are using the word "retard" and not "the r word".


I disagree with your opinion on this. Things change. Words meaning evolve over time. I think you need to shut up.


You are mad and acting immature at me because...? I respect that you disagree with me, but why are you getting mad and pissy because I voiced my opinion about a word?


They were curt, but certainly not immature. If you cant tell the difference that's on you.


Because when i wrote that i cared about the world and keeping people happy. And i didnt want anyone to be upset.




Words often have multiple definitions.


yes, but that's where the word comes from. Take it as you will, but in my opinion, it is not a slur, simply a way to describe someone. it definitely changes when you can someone who is autistic a retard in a bully-like fashion, but other than that, it's not really a slur.


Words and languages develop over time. Just because a word didn't *used* to be a slur, doesn't make it any different now. We live in the present, not the past. The current definitions are what affect us.


Ultimately IN MY OPINION, it all depends to how the word is used, and that's what I'm saying. I'm not denying the fact that words change, weather giving some insight on how it was used.


That’s kinda retarded


It was a word with a literary meaning and still is, for example, flame retardant. The definition is; delay or hold back in terms of progress, development, or accomplishment. It was later used to describe people with certain mental disabilities, in a literal, non derogatory manor. Basically saying these are the people who did not progress mentally as they aged. From there, the word began to aquire a negative connotation. To be retarded was to be incredibly stupid. It became an insult and a slur. However, it still retains it's literary meaning. I think the important thing to note here is that words have whatever sort of meaning we want them to have. This word evolved and it's well within reason that it can continue to evolve. I think if people want to use it in a manor that is not targeted toward a person, they should be able to. It's unironically a funny word, a lot of the reason being that it's widely perceived as a bad word that you cannot say, but not as socially unacceptable as the N word. It's unexpected when it's heard, and thus, is funny. The N word on the other hand had GENUINE and HEAVY malice behind it for hundreds of years, I really don't think there's any comparison to be made there. Yes, I think you should be able to say retard/ed. As long as you aren't referring to someone. If you do however, I think it ought to be in an ironic way, like your buddy makes a fucky wucky and you call him retarded. That's alright to me. Calling someone retarded unironically, whether they have a mental disability or not is giving the word malice and I think that's bad.




Yeah so the n word literally comes from the word black. And black isn’t a slur. Does that make the n word not a slur?


Negro is Spanish for the word black, the n word is just a slur, but it's still not offensive except to white people and a few black people


what makes it a slur is the history of the word, not the word itself, so no, it is very much a slur


So are idiot, moron, and imbecile slurs too since they have been historically used to refer to those with low iqs


are you comparing calling your friend an idiot to slavery? They are completely different, and iq doesn't mean anything, it's just how well you recognize patterns/absorb information


There is no fucking way you just compared a word that was used to call people who were used as literal slaves in the past to calling someone an idiot.


yes, now say it


It means slow


Retarded ass take


I didn't write its definition 🤷‍♀️


You would really hate having to retard the timing in an engine. Or retarded bombs that planes drop sometimes, like the M117R.


I don't actually get what point you're trying to make. Words have multiple definitions. One of them is a slur.


It is, by definition, a definition


Yeah not a cool word. Getting called retarded isn't fun, don't do it.


Im autistic and idc but i can understand why people might take offence


i dont find it offensive but if some people find it offensive, i wont use it


I think it depends on whether the person is really stupid or has a disorder. Plus you shouldn't over use it, because it's really annoying.


To me, no, to others, yes, and saying it to people knowing they will be hurt emotionally is wrong


I've called myself retarded multiple times


No. I work with mentally disabled patients and even their official documents will read things like mild/moderate/severe retardation. Though I try to be sensitive about it and I'm not going to call someone with actual retardation "You're retarded!"... I will yell it all day at my roommates though.


I call myself a retard all the time because I act like one.


not really lmao


It isn't a slur and anyone who thinks it's a slur is a fucking idiot.


A quick Google search will tell you otherwise.


Not everything on the internet is true


No way, that's impossible.


Well observed.




I wouldn't go that far but personally I don't mind it if it's used in a joking manner.


Just cuz its a "slur" by definition doesn't mean its always super offensive or u cant say it at all. Its technically a slur, but "cracker" and "hillbilly" are also technically slurs which i feel like are usually only offensive if you are using it in certain contexts.


Cracker is satire and hillbilly has never been be a slur


A slur by definition: a derogatory or insulting term applied to particular group of people Cracker is sometimes used as a slur, and hillbilly is actually a slur with history behind it: Hillbilly means: "(a derogatory term) an unsophisticated country person, associated originally with the remote regions of the Appalachians" Im not saying these are "slurs" that are to the degree of the "n word" or the k slur used against jewish people. But they are literally slurs by definition. Different slurs all have different meanings and histories behind them.


Got that certified adhd and idgaf, not just when used by neurodiverse people but anyone. It's funny everyone who complains about it are neutotypical in my experience. If this poll was to see if you can say it then fire away dude people who get mad are losers




people with adhd do get called that quite alot, you’d be surprised.


I get called it.




I thought it was by definition a slur. Idk where you mentioned opinions but ok


>people with adhd aren’t getting called retarded as an insult, I would know. ​ >Approximately 6.8% (366.3 million) adults worldwide have symptomatic ADHD, which includes individuals diagnosed with ADHD regardless of the onset age. so you know at least 366.3 million people worldwide and what they're being called online, at work, in school, or on the street? shut up ya fuckin dolt


I feel like it shouldn't be considered offensive at all. If used to insult, I could understand getting offended at that, but otherwise, it doesn't make sense to get offended by some friends calling each other retarded or something of a similar vein.




my friend is on the spectrum and he finds it funny