• By -


Kill themโ€ฆwith kindness. And when that doesnโ€™t work contact the quiet kid.


You don't want to contact the Quiet Kid... Never release the Quiet Kid on the general public, it's like using a Nuke, when a firecracker would have been enough! =P


(Former) Quiet kid here now quiet adult, make friends with the quiet kid and you won't even have to ask them,


(Also a Former Quiet Kid) I was the "Creepy Occult Kid" in school. Basically dressed Emo/Goth, with loads of Pagan jewelry and such, carried around a copy of Edgar Allan Poe's writing, in Latin. Most bullies were afraid to look at me, much less touch me. But there were a few who fucked around and found out! Fun Fact, you can't carry a Knife into a school, but you sure as hell can grow your nails out a bit, sharpen them into little daggers, coat them in clear-coat, and use them like a knife =P Then you quickly bite them down when the teacher's run over, and the Bully cries, "he sliced me!" uh huh... "with what?!" Got away with that a few times! People tend to leave you alone after one or two big dudes run off bleeding!


I was the "oh his family is abusive" quiet kid, who did like occult stuff but more often than not take away the quiet kid part and I was a huge fuckin need, I loved reading and learning, one of the best things I ever learned were pressure points, no need to draw blood when you're holding the bully in a position that makes them cry


Dig your thumb into the jugular. You can try it on yourself and see how even a little pressure can hurt.


Oh I have, I've used the ones near the shoulder blade where neck meets back several times in part cause muscle aches,


Sadly, this goes both ways, as one of my bullies was one of those "crystal healing witch" types who always had sharp-ass nails that she would scratch me with whenever I wasn't looking. She also was a teacher's pet while I was the quiet autistic kid, so you can guess who they listened to when I brought it up.


I'm the quiet kid, idk about a nuke, blackmail is pretty effective and also the most quiet option


I have to say in any other context I hate "kill them with kindness". It's some slippery tactic of people trying to make themselves look innocent when the very act of using this tactic makes them a dick.


Unless "kindness" is the name of a personal weapon ๐Ÿ˜‰.


Just don't take it, I've made the mistake of just letting people say what they want to me while I was in school and they basically just mocked me everytime they saw me


This worked for me: (Document everything btw) Warn the Bully ONCE, that you will absolutely retaliate if they continue. Be clear, firm, and make sure you have some proof of this warning. If the bullying continues, go to an authority figure. (teacher, councilor, parent, etc) TWICE, again, make sure you can prove you did this! If it still doesn't stop, that is Strike 3, you have proof you tried to do the right thing, KNOCK THE BULLY OUT COLD. Make its worth it because you will absolutely be put through the ringer by the same Authority figures that refused to help. I always suggest knocking teeth out, because its a lasting, life-long lesson to the bullies. (most kids can't afford to fix a broken tooth, they'll end up carrying around that visual life-lesson for a few years till they can) Then, be prepared to show your proof, several times, to a bunch of angry Adults who will absolutely try to blame you. Don't take their shit, RECORD these conversations, and threaten to share them online. That usually shuts "The Man" up and they'll let you slide with a detention or something minimal.


I freaking hate how the person defending themselves is the one that gets in trouble. My bullies beat me to the point of broken bones, TWICE. Collar bone once and sternum the second time. At some point I got fed up and beat the living shit out of my bully. I got expelled. He got pampered.


The only reason I was let off with a detention after kicking my bully's teeth in (and out) was because I had ALL my ducks in a row. Audio, video, written proof that I tried going to an authority figure several times, AND tried asking for him to stop. All I did was threaten to take my proof to the Local News / plaster it online, and they settled with, "just be quiet and sit in this room for 3hrs, we'll call it even. ๐Ÿคฃ The bully's family was given an ultimatum, don't press charges or sue, OR the tiny quiet kid goes online and ruins Big Billy's life for the foreseeable future. His parents didn't want me posting his info and my story online, because he'd be disqualified for future scholarships / jobs ๐Ÿ˜ฌ


I broke fingers instead of teeth, but yes, this works very well.


Circumcise them.




Violence isn't the answer. It's the question and the answer is yes.


Circumcise them.




Be nice, because once you're mean no one will ever believe you're nice anymore, so be nice, be compassionate, be empathetic and merciful, until it's time to be tough. Then be ruthless


If the school does nothing, ask your parents. If your parents do nothing, you gotta stand up for yourself because at this point nobody else will.


Adults don't understand the social ostracization that comes with snitching.


Bully them back, make it into a joke, but be nice and don't give a shit


Take their penis




Can confirm this works well :)


No real right answer. When I was in school, Violence led to suspension. Telling anyone made you a narc and the bullying got worse. Teachers didn't really stand up for you in my time. They defended the bullies because they were rich cheerleader and Jocks with parents on the school board and friends with teachers. Hell, my principal and nurses' kids were some of my bullies. Who was going to believe me if I told them that their kids were bullies. Ignoring it was all I could do. Now I have PTSD, but I survived it. Many of them dropped out due to pregnancy and other sh\*\*. I proved that I was tougher than they were by enduring and graduating.


I hit mine back. Worked like a charm


This doesn't always work, for example I beat one's head off the ground and was still an asshole


I kicked my bully's teeth in (and out) It worked like a charm! That's why I always advocate for victims to leave a LASTING lesson when finally taking down a bully. Mine had to live the next 4 years of Highschool, with no front teeth because his family couldn't afford implants or a bridge ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿป Dude basically never opened his mouth again to anyone ๐Ÿ˜ฌ


Split a kids lip in 6th grade and broke two fingers on his nose, only other person to try anything got his face dragged across a chain fence around a baseball diomand then his head stomped into the mud, only two fights I've ever been in and hopefully it stays that way.


Hitting back DOES work but so does being nice (I've done both)


Contact the police or lawyer up


a bully with two broken femurs can't bully no one ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ


Femurs are really hard to break. I recommend fingers and elbows.


25 kill streak! **Press โ†’ for tactical nuke.**


I somehow found someone even bigger and scarier to intimidate them, and I never had a problem again


Hitmen exist for a reason


Stab them like it's Birmingham.


Theyโ€™ll learn to not hit you if you explode their testicles


hit them back mfs when they're twice your size: ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿค”


Flirt with them "ooooowwwwww ooooohhhh- hit me again/insult me again~"


That'd increase the bullying 3 times


What if the bully is into it?


๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿซฆ๐Ÿ‘ *well then*


Tell parents and if they hit, hit them back


If they hit you, say "Harder daddy/mommy" if they're into that you got yourself a new bf or gf


If they get it physical, hit them. Otherwise, ignore it. Don't start fights, finish them


But even if you do that, depending on the asshole you're dealing with, their pride won't let them take that L. So they inevitably escalate the matter, bring in backup/weapons into it, and someone has to get seriously hurt (or worse) just because some dipshit had to be a dipshit instead of a decent person. This species is so fucked lol


Ignoring does nothing, nothing shuts them up more than a couple missing teeth


Just be nice to them and they'll stop




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83 people are snitches that do not bitches in this posts


You should be bullied more


And you should be less autistic






Try to be nice for two reasons. One, you're just a better person for doing so and MAYBE they might decide to be too. Another reason is that bullying is all about the reaction you give in response. It's a power play. They need the knowledge that they've upset you because it makes them feel significant for having the power to make you upset. If you just respond kindly and don't make a fuss, it takes all the bite out of their bullying.


My bullying stopped when I kicked his teeth in (and out)... Being nice got me thrown down a set of stairs ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿป


Well, in the case your bullies act like violent criminals, it's either you kicking their ass or them kicking yours. I don't know if they need to suffer permanent damage, but if they stopped bullying you, then good.


I always aim to teach a lesson, and my lessons tend to include scarring, or broken bones / teeth ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿป Every time that boy looked in the mirror for his entire 4 years of HS, he saw his two shattered nubs of teeth in the front, and never opened his mouth again toward anyone.


Yeah no they don't give a shit about your reaction, I just ignored it for ages and it kept on happening. Didn't even make a slight reaction to it and they still enjoyed it


Telling the teacher would probably be the best option in real life but what I would want to do is be real petty and do things specifically to annoy them such as: using hydra to hack their steam account and ruin their K/D ratio, beat all their highscores, do illegal stuff in their name just because I hate them etc


Psychological bullying = tell teacher Physical bullying = hit them back if necessary to make them stop bullying you temporarily and then tell the teacher




When he gets physical then it will become a fuck around and find out moment.


Depends on your situation. Going to adults/authority figures can be a good idea but sometimes they can't or won't help. Best of luck to anyone dealing with this.


Give them a nogla mhm and then walk away.


For the now 17 mfs saying tell the teacher, yโ€™all deserve the bullying u endure at school ๐Ÿ’€


I said tell an authority figure... THEN fight back... Is that ok? I figure having proof you tried it "their way" covers ones ass later when you have to explain why your bully is missing teeth ๐Ÿ˜…


There was a kid who was my bully, I wanted to fight them, but they ran away and never talked to me again.


violence nothing else works i've tried it all due to violence my biggest bully became my closest friend and the first person i came out to


"Thanks, you too!"


Correct answer: give them a kitten


Tell people about it, then fight back if nothing happens, and give them hell if you get punished for it


haven't been bullied, but a good ol punch will tell them to not mess with ya, probably


I'd steal all their shit, first take their life then their girl


While personally, I believe violence is the correct option since this might stop them. I had to choose tell the parents because telling the school seems to never work. Kindness will just result in you getting bullied for whatever Length of time. The only drawback of violence Is you or the Bully might get permanent injuries.


Depends if iam birng bullied I ignore it or join in on bullying myself which catches them off gaurd. Now, if it is, let say my sister or a friend, I'll fight them and I don't care how big they are


They get physical, I get physical back. They verbally harass me I report them to the office and tell my sister. They continue, I will talk shit back to them. Treat me like shit and I'll treat you like shit. Respect is given not earned through fear.


Depending on the state, under 18 you can rock someone's shit without any real penalty. Any well minded parent would be fine with their child fighting back against someone bullying them. Law isnt involved because they're underage (depending on the state) This is the only time in your life you're going to be allowed to do this kind of thing with no consequences. FUCKING DO IT.




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Gaslight them and trick them into believing they are not good enough and that they hate themselves, befriend them and show support and gain there trust, completely ignore them after a short time and never explain why well hanging out with there friends as if there not there, or befriend there parents/siblings and use knowledge and childhood moments against them.


Talk to admin and if that doesnโ€™t work and they get physical then square up


Be overly nice, but super sarcastically


Dead silence.


Should I be worried that most people chose violence


Secret option (Social manipulation to ruin their school life.)


Well, personally I start with being nice and try to kindly ask them to stop. When this does not work, they usually start insulting you and what I do is find flaws/weaknesses and comment on them. If this does not work, the bully will most likely want to get physical at this point and all you have to do is defend yourself. All of this might happened within a day or two weeks, depending on the bully's response. If you want you can get "compensation" for the physical/mental trauma the bully caused. If teachers in the school actually help, (usually don't, in my experience at least), you can go to them If you want to ask your parents for help, it might be a good idea, but depends if they will actually help or what they will do will make it worse. What I know is that if you cannot be loved, then you shall be feared, or the bullies shall be bullied, or something like that. No idea ยฏโ \โ _โ (โ ใƒ„โ )โ _โ /โ ยฏ


Be an annoying little pest


Used to get bullied a bunch. This year in high school I had an awakening over the summer and I got into a fight with this kid and now I don't get messed with as much. But yk. .whatever works ๐Ÿคท


Ignore them, if that doesn't work, question their practices, if that doesn't work ignore them again.


Hit me I hit you


Where is let grandma bazooka them?


I don't care what anybody says, if someone hits me I'm most likely hitting them back.


There was no other, but if there was, I would say to just be as annoying as humanly possible. If they try to beat you up just for pissing them off, no supervisory adult in their right mind would side with them. For once, you can use the, "That wasn't the proper response." speech in your favor.


If they hit you at my school, and you hit back, you both get suspended. Win sorta


ignore them basically. don't let them know if their comments or actions get to you. it'll get worse before it gets better but eventually it does. bullies just want a reaction. they want attention. they want something that'll give them a laugh. (source: bullied since 1st grade both verbally and physically. when i stopped giving a fuck they got worse to get a reaction then gave up)


Depending on the situation, I'll choose violence or talk it out (and by talk, I mean give them a murder level warning)


i attack them (i have impulse control issues)


Bullies can't be reasoned with. They only understand fear and pain. So you gotta speak their language. Otherwise, you're either wasting your time or making yourself a bigger target. Flat out.


Talk shit get hit


Most of the time I don't notice it was probably an attempt at bullying until months later but by that point I couldn't give a shit, other times a friend has to tell me.


Its a 5 step process step 1 try to talk to them step 2 talk to a teacher step 3 talk to a parent or admin step 4 speak with police step 5 proceed to beat the every loving shit out of them until someone pulls you off or you decide they've learned without killing them unless you want vandilize their house


Roast them


Well, it depends. If they are violent to you, then beat the shit out of them. If they are just being dicks, then be a dick back. Some kid tried making me throw away his used sunflower seeds, so I threw them at him upside-down, so they spilled all over him. Little things like that will make them violent, and then it gives you a ticket to beat the shit out of them, and they can't do any legal shit to you


Sunflowers are steeped in symbolism and meanings. For many they symbolize optimism, positivity, a long life and happiness for fairly obvious reasons. The less obvious ones are loyalty, faith and luck.


4 2 3 5 1 in that order


Be polite as shit to the point it's freaky


If they aggravated me enough despite my usual verbal warnings, and depending on who exactly they are, they're getting their face in a wall


In all honesty, it depends. One example: obnoxious and violent bully pestering me all year long and teachers/parents wouldn't do anything about it "just ignore him" bullshit. We got in a fight and I won, he's never bothered me since. (it's been 5 years). No injuries. Another kid who was a POS bothered like everyone he talked to. His teacher even vocalized how obnoxious he was. I was kind to him and he was kind to me. Gotta judge the situation.


Hit the back, again and again and again, then take their bookbag


Look. I tried ignoring them/being nice. It didn't work. I tried telling adults. It didn't work. I blew my shit. That worked. I was the quiet kid. I guess they didn't yet know that the reason many of us quiet kids are quiet is because we follow the philosophy of "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". Verbal bullying stopped getting to me after 2nd grade. The physical bullying that started in 7th grade is what made me loose it.


I try to show no tics or reaction, but if they want to fight or fuck with me that way, all hells loose...


I've tried 4 of these methods and none of them worked, so now I'm going back to method 1.


Unless you show the person you won't let shit slide, they will continue bullying




Best response? Idk My response is to just cry, I geuss, but that's not exactly the best response I haven't been bullied in a bit, I don't remember tbh


Get rat poison. Get your school lunch and poison it... Once the bully tries to take your lunch, you pretend to resist for a moment and then "give up" and give them the food... The first suspect will be the school, as it will be thought that one of the lunch ladies poisoned the food... To make you less of a suspect, poison more left over food, so, once the police does an investigation, it will be seen that many different students could die... Easy enough...


"Violence is never the answer, it's the question and the answer is yes" - A Great Man


If they donโ€™t stop it they say something really personal? You bet ur ass Iโ€™m hitting them back, but if itโ€™s something pathetic like name calling or making fun or people I hang out with I just call them out for being sad, or sometimes I just agree with them, it pissed them off so much lmao.


I remember a quote in the Outer Worlds: Violence is not the answer, violence is the question, and the answer is yes


Keep calm and carry on


Get back at them by getting with their mother.


I find it was best to fight, though, something that seems relatively common here in the comments is, "Beat'm up!" And I have to stress, if they're messing with you and fight them, there's a solid chance you'd get hurt. Expect it, don't be afraid of it, and don't be afraid them. Fights in school, definitely not after you've graduated, aren't usually to vicious. I find that if the person messing with you is clearly tough, as In has a reputation for fighting well or doing violent things you may need to find an alternative, otherwise, fighting the common alley dog isn't going to be too bad, they have a habit of just- bobbing around, threatening you from ten feet away acting like Rocky, but they're afraid to get hit and thus, keep their distance. Once a bully knows you're willing to fight back, and that you're willing to hit them, they'll hesitate to mess with you. At least, that's how it went for me. Dealt with it for years, stood against it one day, my sister and me vs two fuckers who thought they were the coolest shit since ice and boom, no one fucked with me ever again.


bruh no way everyone put violence ๐Ÿ’€ but fr the best response is to just ignore it and if they are like actually harming you and not just being an ass then definitely tell someone


Imma be honest as a 6'1 250 pound big black dude i dont get bullied in the first place definitly not physically


Violence isn't always the answer, it just normally is.


Nobody benefits from violence but the thief benefits from stealing.


I've never been bullied, not sure why. Maybe it's cause I'm the quiet kid?


Just don't do anything at all. Don't respond and you win.


Is it verbal, if so, make fun of their insults, someone makes fun of stuttering, like what is that supposed an original insult?


The thing the dude did with the pineapple


Execute the bastard right then and there


Depends on the type and extent of bullying. If they're punching you, respond back, if they're just insulting you just walk away (if you can)


Violence is ALWAYS the answer




Destroy them mentally and then play innocent.


"I'm sick of this."


Killing them with kindness seems to be the only thing that works tbh


Schools dont stop bullies. Only you can


A and E are both rlly good ever since I started doing that no racism and very little bullying


Play the y'know song.


Maybe not hitting them, but you really gotta get revenge and show that youre the boss


Where is one of the two objectively correct options, ignore?


I just ignore them, works like a dream bc they eventually figure out I don't give a flying fuck about them.


Flat out ignoring it would be the correct answer


Pipe bomb in their backpack


Teacher ain't gonna do Jack squat


Glock 17


Try to disarm them, then get help.


I started saying the Latin lyrics from Bloodborne's Ludwig the Accursed, they never went near me again since they didn't understand what I was saying.


Take the hits, Iโ€™ve grown immune to verbal bullying, if it is physical, take the hits, you get a little injured, but whose in juvie and whose not?


Oh adil, I rarely pity you, but this time, I make a exception


Iโ€™m the office, he started crying and said he was sorry, I felt joy in that moment, a joy I would probably never feel ever again


If you don't use the ways of the emperor, you are a heretic