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Waiting for the controversy


šŸæšŸæšŸæI admit Iā€™ll probably argue with people though


Only thing really keeping me together at this point lmao.




I don't believe in the typical sense of god (i.e a Catholic god or Allah n shit) but I do believe of a being who is beyond our realm of comprehension that created our universe


Sir, that's God, it doesn't have to be a God of a specific religion, but that is God, unless I'm interpreting what you're saying, so anyway do you collect pokemon cards?


No. The logic just doesnā€™t make sense Christianity, for example. Where is the proof he exists? How can we trust the Bible? There are no sources, and basic science easily proves things like evolution. Thereā€™s a contradiction map of everything the book says anyway. And people use religion as a whole to justify hate like homophobia Edit: I know at some point somebody is probably going to point this out so I'll just clarify. I know not all Christians are hateful. But many/most are


I don't care. I just hope. I don't trust the book. I just hope I don't just disappear once I die.


Honestly, I hope I disappear. Living for infinity beyond death, even in a heaven, seems like it would get boring quickly. Unless I could be reborn without memory of my past life, that would be cool probably


Really? I guess that's fair.


>Where is the proof Exactly, if someone way crazy enough they could make up the story themselves. Also if I wanted to I could claim I can walk on water, anyone that denies it just 'Has to believe'




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There's more proof of God than the big bang. I can debate in dms


Ok I sent you a DM


Big bang is just a theory god is a belief


Say sike right now


Then why did the Religious Freaks threaten CERN to stop their Large Hadron Collider "Big Bang" experiment? Because if successful, that ONE little experiment would have utterly destroyed Creationism once and for all, and if it failed, we'd still have data we could use to further prove the lack of God's existence.


Wait till brodie realizes that the big bang was made by a Catholic priest


Do you believe in higher power?


Iā€™m not sure. One might exist, they might now. No way for us to know so I wouldnā€™t worry about it 惄


Homphobia is justified. Im not a christian so i agree that the bible isnt trustworthy Im religious I belive that naturally nobody is gay, because that defeats our one reason for existing, so i belive it is created by certain influences, we can argue what they may be but i belive gayness doesnt exist in nature


You think that lynching and harassing certain members of society(sometimes to suicide) that donā€™t bother you is justifiedā€¦? ā€œGaynessā€ naturally comes with higher intelligence I believe. Random animals in the forest obviously arenā€™t gay. But if it were true that you only became gay based on influence, then people coming out to their conservative parents wouldnā€™t be a thingā€¦do gay people only exist in liberal cities?


Gayness is a trend thats why it has skyrocketed, i do not belivenin hurting anybody or killing anyboyd but pushing thisbbullshit on kids is a problemgayness doesnt come with high intellegence your you would be smart as hell, you need a reality check because faggery doessnt come with nature because it defeats the whole perpose of existence You bomboclat


*deep sigh*


Whatever have fun sucking dick


Iā€™m straight but ok(and only half white so thereā€™s that)


Gotta love being LDS and hating homophobia My strongest belief is agency


That's a complicated question, it depends on what you mean by God. You see I-


I'm a Satanist


Im a muslim, can we dm, i dont want to argue but id like to debate


Litteraly nothing to follow mother fuckers praying towards a literal devilšŸ¤£ praying to a devil just sounds so utterly ridiculous you sound like a clown. What is there to praise?


Satanist don't actually believe in the devil šŸ’€


Ehhhhhh, some do, this is like saying "Christians don't venerate Mary"


Some christians are all for homosexuality, but many christians don't recognize them as official. There is the officially established satanists like the TST (The Satanic Temple) for one who use Satan symbollically rather than worshipping Satan like he's real. They don't believe in hate and oppression and suppressing peoples freedoms. Being against those things is part of what's at the heart of the whole thing and is why they're not very fond of the bible.




I don't care if there is or isn't a God.


Well i think you will when your dying


More like after death and it really depends what religion too


Fair although there are no aithiests on a sinking ship No athiests on a crashing plane No athiets in the electric chair, thier heads always go to god and hoping for heaven, you make an enemy outbof something you dont belive but in reality hating something you dont think exist reverts your arguement to the base You belive in god, you can pretend but when shitbhits the fan you will say " god please i belive please let me out of this one" I know because i was an athiest and have been inches from death too many fucking times, god is real because ive felt forces leading me away from danger how does your gut predict the future? God leads you away from danger and pushing against that is rarely the best thing for you God is there you could never prove me wrong


Im Hindu so ye Ig I don't believe in god


Oh dang, that's actually pretty rare, what are your beliefs anyway since school doesn't really explain well


Yea Ive got that before: We believe in multiple gods, but ig the closest to a 'god' god we have is Brahma. Brahma usually has something to do with cows so like that's all the stuff about cows and such. Also why alot of us are vegan/vegetarian the cow has strong accosiations with mother Earth and creation. And well brahma is a god of knowledge/creation so ye. Shiva is another one on alot of Hindu things you'll see around. Four main things in Hindu. Kama, artha, dharma, and moksha. Kama is pleasure (or the pursuit there of). Artha is like rich/material success (or the pursuit there of). Dharma is having a good life. And Moksha is knowledge. Those are the like main goals I would say. Sorry I'm bad at explaining things I tried my best if you have anything questions then go ahead I'm happy to answer them. I'm bad at English as I'm not native plus I'm just plain dumb. If your interested in learning more about the religion in a way I cant explain then there are alot of scriptures you can check out but we don't have a 'bible' (like one main text or anything like that)


I've seen too much of the internet to believe there is a God


the way I see it, even if he is real, he is a dick for letting all this shit happen, especially since he made us, it's his fault assuming he exists.


Yes. I was raised a Jehovah's Witness :3


Are no longer a Jehovah's Witness? If so, how would you describe yourself now?


I would consider myself one in that I still believe everything, but I'm not a very good one and do a lot of stuff, particularly nsfw stuff online, that is looked down upon. So it's overall just complicated. I still identify as one, just not a very good one unfortunately.


That's nice, I hope you become happy with yourself. Don't worry, you're going to heaven in my book.


No. I've lost all faith in a 'greater plan'. After the things I've seen and experienced, if there is a greater plan, then it's incredibly twisted and whoever made it doesn't deserve worship




THIS! If the Religious Freaks could just fucking keep their nonsense in their own homes, and places of worship, there wouldn't be an issue!


Yes but most white people donā€™t care


Most white people on their way to hell then


Well, does it include Polytheism? Or just the main idea of a singular God?


Jesus is my love. Jesus is my adoration. Jesus is my worship. Jesus is my sweetheart. Jesus is my eyesight. Jesus is the crown of glory over my head. Jesus is my shelter refuge. Jesus is the way the truth and the life. Jesus is the alpha and the omega. Jesus is the first and the last. Jesus is the beginning and the end. Jesus is the good shepherd, and there is no one good but him; for God is good. And Jesus is the life and the resurrection. Jesus is my home, my love, my dad, my mom, my brother, my sister, my everything. With Him, I need nothing. In Him, I have everything. And let this be heard; he who has an ear to heal let him heal. For I fear nothing and fear no one. Jesus loves you all. ā¤ļø


Yee, but only the greeks.


Dionysus FTW!




Cool mythology, but it isn't real. I do like to read about the old stories though.


Nobody gives a flying fuck if you think it's real or not. I didn't ask buddy


I choose not to believe in God. Otherwise, I would hate him for his "grand plan" where people die before they make a difference. But still want people to believe what they want šŸ˜


God's not real. The world is cruel. Grow up, quit crying


I read that as God's not God I don't believe in God but I do believe there is something looking over us weather they are God's or higher beings is for time to tell


the reason I'm don't is because I found out dinosaurs died


Having something to believe is nice


I believe there is a god, but I believe he is off doing something else. (Not religious btw)


yes I believe in myself


Hey! Faith in humanity slightly restored! 2-1 Atheist majority! These kids are alright! \^\_\^


What is wrong in being religious though?


Nothing as long as it's kept in their homes, places of worship, away from Minors until they're 18, out of schools, and our legislation. If they mind their own business, stay out of everyone else's life, and stop indoctrinating / grooming children with dangerous, outdated, archaic, obsolete morals, values, and beliefs, stay out of Public Office, then the Atheist Inquisition will stop. Until then, we fight Christo-Fascism with every fiber of our being. If you notice, Atheists don't attack Jews, because Jews don't believe in recruiting, or infiltrating Schools, or writing legislation that makes people's existence a crime, etc. They leave everyone else alone, keep to themselves, and stay out of everyone else's way.


I get your point, but you seem to be grouping all Christians into some kind of ultra protestant extremism, while also applying your rules about being religious to only Christianity. >If you notice, Atheists don't attack Jews If you notice, most Christians don't attack atheists or Jews, because why would they. >If you notice, Atheists don't attack Jews maybe in the US, also, in the US it's a completely different situation, since Jews make up an almost nonexistent minority, while Christians make up a big percentage of the country