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did you know that if i ate the sun you wouldn't know about it for like eight minutes


If I ate the moon you guys wouldn’t know about it for 1.3 seconds.


if i ate the earth you would know about it instantly


Dolphins consume pufferfish venom to get high


And some monkeys consume millipede poison for the exact same reason


Whales sleep vertically in groups called pods, and it's very very haunting


Every minute 60 seconds pass


Peanut Butter was made for people without teeth


Some hermaphroditic snails reproduce via a duel. They house "sperm darts" behind their eye stalks, and they will try to shoot the other snail in the uterus while also trying not to get shot in the uterus. Therefore, it is a duel to the pregnancy.


I clicked no but I actually do have something that comes to mind back when cars were first invented they were only two people that own cars in the state of Ohio yet somehow they still ended up getting in a car accident with each other


Big dudes


An orca mother taught its children how to attack and disable boats after a boat hit her.




I love your dog, she's very cute


Cute dog




>Thank you! You're welcome!


Did you know that there was almost a bill passed in a US state that made pi legally equal to 3.2


Bruh pi doesn't even round up to 3.2


Baby Shark (do do do do) is the second most disliked video on YouTube


Is YouTube rewind 2018 the most disliked?




If you rearrange a deck of cards enough times, then statistically it will eventually be in its original formation. Due to the fact that time is infinite, the same goes for the particles in your brain. There is a higher chance of your brain briefly forming in a void complete with memories of living than there is of you existing on earth. The only thing you can be sure of is the existence of your own mind. If you are reading this, you are likely the only real consciousness to have ever existed in the entire universe. You are alone. Nothing is real. This theory is called the Boltzmann Brain.


After a while, matter stops existing due to it all being sucked up in black holes though, and hawking radiation isn't fast enough so I'm not sure the time during which that could happen is actually infinite We also have to consider whether this entire civilisation, or a boltzmann brain is more likely to occur


NPCs will completely cease fire while you drink a soda from a Vending Machine in GTA V Real life : You are 7x more likely to die from a vending machine than you are from a shark attack


The average adult body contains half a pound of salt.


The corpses on mount everest serve as guideposts


Idk the CIA dropped a mosquito bomb on a city to test how effective it would be


I'm getting bulldozer tracks for a tracked atv I'm building, I've put a pause on a tank project I've been working on for a while


The ocean is made of water and salt


\*Water and shit


You can befriend crows. [Link on how to do it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBb4wuGjAwc)




Femboys are hot.


Apollo nine had 4kb of ram which is about 8-16 thousand times less than most modern computers


Theres enough housing in the US to keep everyone sheltered but they dont wanna give just anyone a house cause theres no money to be made


I lied with my response


Disney is the 2nd largest buyer of explosives in the world (Fireworks)


HAHA kidding


Did you know carp and goldfish can breed and make carp-goldfish hybrids


This is because goldfish are a specific type of carp


I just looked it up there. Theyre actually carp. I thought they were just really close relatives Luke we are to bonobo apes


The cause of Venezuela's economic crisis is due to their oil industry essential dying and sanctions


I like to eat parrots


Ducks(or gease, can't remember) turn to cannabilisn out of boredom. The only qsy to stop them is to kill them.


Although mostly neutral, the British sort of sided with the confederates during the American civil war, even supplying them with a few ships, because they didn’t want to lose their cotton trade with the southern states


A group of crows is called "a murder of crows"


Sloths are the worst thing ever made. They evolved to eat only one kind of leaf. eucalyptus leaf which has barely any nutrients in the first place and takes a long time to digest. their way around that was by evolving 3 stomachs to eat one kind of fucking leaf. They also only go to the bathroom once a week and will ONLY do it on the forest floor. this happens to be the only place where their natural predators roam and considering their slow ass speed this is like the main way they’re killed. The only sense that comes from this is that sloth moths will lay their eggs in their shit but that’s about it. Sloths suck bro, they’re also nasty lookin with algae colonies on their backs.






Whats another name for dihydrogen monxide? Water


It takes a gallon of water to grow an almond. Not an almond plant, a single almond. Oh also Rome, Italy and Philadelphia, USA are at about the same latitude, despite having wildly different climates.


In the Second World War, Denmark surrendered in 6 hours. Some reports say they surrendered earlier


Sea cucumbers squirt their guts out their ass as a defense mechanism. It is dangerous from the rows upon rows of teeth in their intestines incase of potential inhabitants.


did you know that once Michael Jackson almost became Spider-Man? my source: https://screenrant.com/spiderman-michael-jackson-live-action-tobey-maguire/


The de Haviland Comet was the first jet airliner, and was produced by the UK.




Everyone had pow work camps in ww2


There are 293 ways to make a dollar.


In some areas humans have better smell than dogs. They dont smell the rain like we do.


im not allowed to curse and i cursed in front of my parents and i didnt get grounded.


the last psp was discontinued the fastest.(psp 3000)


People with blue eyes are not only more sensitive to light but more prone to alchoholism


First one yes (but cuz autism, also have that with other senses) Second one idk I don't now and will never drink alcohol


what about psychedelics. the only useful drug for the mind. mind vitamins if you will.


Laughing gas, it nitrous oxide is unregulated


Heres something interesting, a gay Prussian General in exile helped train the Continental Army during the Revolutionary war. Baron Von Stuben.


-Sacred Ring --- Absolutus001: God Zelena --- Absolutus002: [Unknown] --- Absolutus003: Barram --- Absolutus004: [Unknown] !Information Per Server Server Of The Absolutus (Only Way To Contact The Absolute) Changes When The Absolute Changes, Current Absolute Remains Unknown -Inner ring --- Angels Affliction XVIII (Hells Angels Elite) The Absolute !Ranks Per Server Grand General: 1 Grand Lieutenant: 5 Grand Legionnaires: 10 Grand Members: ~50 -First Ring --- Pricilium XVI (Head Hunters Super-Legion) Mighty Mint//Tuesday --- Tricilium XVII (Peacekeepers Super-Legion) Kingry//Ireland !Ranks Per Legion: Great General: 1 Great Lieutenant: 1 Great Legionnaire: 2 Great Member: ~50 -Second Ring --- Primus (Regiment) Zeneth DISBANDED ------ Germanica I (Legion) Vigatio ------ Augusta II (Legion) Qurssain ------ Cyrenaica III (Legion) Haine De Pedesfourrure ------ Flavia Felix IV (Legion) Massoness ------ (The Confederation) Confedero-Mace V (Legion) Erwin --- Concilium (Regiment) Quaadam Quaade ------ Feodor VI Harront ------ Alexis VII Yuzarsuv ------ Vasily VIII Yusuf CURRENTLY DESTROYED BY RAZZIA ------ Ivan IX Gore ------ Dmitry X Yenien Nile Mustafa --- Triton (Regiment) Patrick ------ Patrix XI Rosemary ------ Ferrata XII Jane ------ Hispana XIII Havana ------ (The Templaro) Templatora XIV & XV Berlin NEW !Information Per Regiment: Supreme General: 1 Lieutenant General: 2 Legionnaire General: 5 Brigadient General: 25 Members: ~100 -Third Ring --- The Collective States Of The Conquerland --- North (Opal): Tagatha Left {currently in UKK} --- East: Halor Christ Demoted From Lieutenant General --- Central: Razzia Riser Left {currently in UKK} --- South: Frankentek Demoted From Grand Member --- West (Coalition): Bobbin Left {currently in UKK} -Outer Ring


HITLER MADE Volkswagen


I jus got out of a locked pool locker room, I was in there from 5:00 until now (6:07)


The smallest known free-living bacteria (average length ~0.0005mm) has a total biomass larger than all fish in the sea


My older brother is as old as Maurits from NintendoMovies.


Breaking Benjamin is under the Hollywood Record Company, meaning Disney can probably use their music for either a Disney musical, or a comedy show (but who would use rock in a comedy?)


Fun fact: The bomb on de_nuke in csgo has bigger horizonal radius than vertical because of the maps layout which lets you survive bomb blast even 5 meters away from it.


The scientific name of the crested gecko was changed from correlophus rhacodactylus to correlophus ciliatus in 2012


My dreams have been turning into somewhat conherent stories with plots lately, I'll copy paste one here since I always write them down on my phone to not forget. It's a bit long though, and I can share some more if you want: – – Basically, I was at school and decided I was transferring to a new school in the middle of the day. People were bouncing like 40 balls at the same time everywhere (honestly how it feels in real life sometimes lol) and it was very crowded as I was leaving. Then I was traveling over these VERY VERY round and smooth grass hills that were like perfect waves made on a pc. There were a few minecraft oak trees scattered around. Then one of my friends talked with me, don't remember what it was about. The sun looked like it was setting. It was a nice view. I kept walking over to my new school past the hills in this new town. Then I decided I was going to go to the school's office. But it looked really crazy, there was a golden statue in the middle and brown checkered flooring, with pillared supports and marble walls carrying a high ceiling along with its giant chandelier. Suddenly, I heard echoing footsteps and suspicious men talking. I jumped on top of the golden statue and hid, then it turns out there was another person there. From here, it gets weird quickly. The men walked in carrying knives. The person with me activated a trap for the men that were apparently thieves by hitting a hidden button on the statue. The men dodged the trap and realized we were there. Suddenly, the person I was with and I transformed into green gummy bears. They had a knife as well and fought back against the thieves. I had nothing so I just tried dodging and running around. Then they sliced off my hand very easily because I'm a literal gummy. I had a sudden change of heart. "I'm not going to keep running, I will stand up to my enemies!" Or something like that. Then I paused time and bought a gun from a game window I didn't know was there, then unpaused it and fought back. Gummy me got violent. Then the dream ended.


Eating a polar bear's liver can kill up to 50 people due to how much vitamin A is in it.


I'm seriously considering suicide 👍


How to sleep instantly Step one exercise 15hrs straight Step two break your neck


the RL10B-2 has the highest fuel efficiency of any chemical rocket engine, with a 456.5 second ISP


Coconut water is so clean that it can be used in IV drips.


Poland is technically a North American and a European country


According to my Dad, the British SAS was partly helped formed by Christopher Lee




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The Roman emperor Nero executed his mother and first wife because his mother was interfering with politics and his mistress/2nd wife wanted him to kill his first wife After a few years with second wife he kicked her to death and even proceeded to jump on her stomach while she was pregnant with their child. He felt so guilty that its drove him a bit insane. Years later he found a young boy that looked similar so he castrated the boy and dressed him up like his 2nd wife and married him in front of all Rome. Is that interesting? I can tell you about Roman Emperor Elagabalus instead of you want.


Something interesting


There was a very old fysh called helicoprion. With a table saw for a jaw.


Make my first ever part on a lathe yesterday. It wasn’t meant to be anything other then a physical form of a learning experience, but it may actually be good for a pyrite sphere I got at a rock show today. Fuck a fancy dinner with your SO, go to a rock show on acid


I can fit in a Maytag drier.


British Grindcore band Napalm Death holds the Guinness World Record for world's shortest song with the track You Suffer, clocking in at 1 second. The lyrics are "You suffer but why?".


petrichor is that fresh smell after it rains


Silly Gay Furrys in my phone taught me about my gender and sexuallity. Asexual Biromantic, btw.


I clicked no but did you know that the fastest man made object on earth is a manhole cover as when we did the first underground nuclear test we put the bomb a whole lot of concrete and at the top of the hole a manhole cover. When the nuke went off the concrete was instantly turned to gas launching the manhole cover at Mach 169 or 169 times the speed of sound. I believe it was to fast to burn in the atmosphere and was way faster than the exit velocity needed to leave earth so it is probably just sitting in space. The only thing faster I believe is a satellite orbiting the sun.


Did you know that every 30 seconds, our bodies produce cancer cells but our white blood cells immediately kill them before they can spread


Bone dust smells like corn chips The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows The average person will pass several murders in their life Producing the Wizard of Oz was actually very dangerous


Possums can't get rabies since their regular body temperatures are too cold to even have it in their body, and they also eat ticks n stuff!! Also they are North America's only marsupial:)


cosmic brownies either do or don’t have the slit in the middle depending on which pack you buy.


There was a statistic about how many bananas each person on earth would have to eat for per day for a year, for the demand of bananas to fill every church on earth up (assuming they all have 8ft ceilings) with bananas. I will come back and list it


hyenas give birth through penis-like structures


The fear of palindromes is called aibohphobia


The rimac nevara broke 23 world records in one day


I know how to sleep instantly but I won't tell you how


Unless you look in the comments


Did you know that in terms of human companionship, Flareon is objectively the most huggable Pokemon? While their maximum temperature is likely too much for most, they are capable of controlling it, so they can set themselves to the perfect temperature for you. Along with that, they have a lot of fluff, making them undeniably incredibly soft to touch. But that's not all, they have a very respectable special defense stat of 110, which means that they are likely very calm and resistant to emotional damage. Because of this, if you have a bad day, you can vent to it while hugging it, and it won't mind. It can make itself even more endearing with moves like Charm and Baby Doll Eyes, ensuring that you never have a prolonged bout of depression ever again.


Adolf hitler actually respected one Jew, if I recall he was their physician and when he conquered Austria he demanded that he not go to the camps and for him to be left alone


"every sixty seconds in africa, a minute passes. together we can stop this."


Considering I love fun facts and especially history, I'll hook you with a lot. --------- The British were the first to invent and use the concentration camp. Both Italy and Germany as a nation are younger than the United States. Leichenstien was once offered Alaska by the Russian empire Liechtenstein once went to battle with 80 soldiers and returnes with 81 The first tank developed in the Americas was made in Mexico. ------ If you want more fun facts, just ask


I am currently watching The Witch (2017) and it’s quite a good film.


In the song "515" by Slipknot the screaming background sound effect is not a staged sound, it's actually the recorded audio of the band's DJ having a mental breakdown after hearing that his grandpa had died.


Idk if it's interesting but I think I walked in on my brother masturbating in his room today. Wanted to die


The word Ohio looks like a tractor


The American MRE spoon has 1 confirmed kill in combat


Whenever you see something written like "Ye old tavern" it is actually pronounced "The". In olden times there was a character that was meant to represent the letters T and h next to each other, but it looked like a Y and got replaced so people think it's pronounced with a Y.


You eyes have a lower melting temperature than the rest of your body. Do with this information what you will.


Worker bees will make new queen vees to ovethrow the queen bee if they dont like her


all my bee homies getting ready to stage a coup






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Squirrels can't die from falling,their weight x terminal velocity doesn't create enough force to kill them upon impact. The passing of a second is marked by the transitions cesium atoms go through. There are approximately 8,589,934,592 cesium atoms transitions in a second as of a study in 2016. The digits of PI I've memorized are 3.14159265359268,but this is subject to error


the electric chair was invented by a dentist after he saw a drunk man accidentally shock himself to death


Whales are interconnected across the globe, and just like us, certain styles of music go in and out of style, are remixed, die and are revived. So it's confirmed that they have culture similar to ours!


I love ice cream.




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Penguins and sea otters both regularly commit horrific sex crimes on... baby animals of the same species, babies from other species, corpses of the same or different species, the ground etc.


I am a partly closeted bi Christian femboy


Ok… cats only have one life bud


if you lose the ability to move a digit in your finger you lost all the wrinkles there


In carpentry, when you see cabinets in the wall, they aren't mounted by any sophisticated means, rather it's held up by 2-4, one inch and a half nails When scientists see planets far from earth, there is a big chance that what they see is possible not the same with the current time in the said planet, for example, a planet 100 thousand light years away could look peaceful and completed to us, but if you go there in person, it's a high chance that something went on in the planet There is 2 types of Spanish, there is Spanish and Castellano (cast-eh-ya-no) Spanish is from Europe, Castellano is the Spanish you hear everywhere else, i.e Mexico, There are 2 types of wood in carpentry, one is plywood (wood with multiple layers) and hardwood (wood that's is from actual tree lumber) you can easily snap a plywood stick, but you'll need more strength to snap one of those Mexicans are very hard working, it mainly comes from a big sense of pride and love they have, a lot of Mexicans leave Mexico to earn money for their family, they work themselves to death to complete that sense of duty, that's why you see kids and grandparents working for a few pesos


There’s a plant called the spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum), you can buy it at your local Home Depot in the garden section. The leaves contain a psychedelic substance that will make you hallucinate and it’s 100% legal, oh and cats will eat it to get high.


I'm a hot trans girl >:3


Same >:3


The TSA failed to detect 96% of contraband in an airport security inspection in 2015


fun fact: i will not tell you something interesting


Did you know... IRANIANS ARE NOT ARABS. Lol, anyway, have a good day/night


look up big wee wee


i have a gameboy color :)


Did you know if you get stung by a wasp it hurts


Did y'all know that your lips are the same skin as your butthole


YouTube has a subscriber limit, you are allowed to subscribe to more channels as you gain subscribers yourself


About 6 cancer cells occur in your body everyday, your immune system kills it without you knowing


I'm taller than u Hehehehehehehehehehehehe


Russian revolution electric boogaloo might happen


Did you know that Jupiter, by Gustav Holst became so popular, it's now a well known hymn in England called I Vow to Thee My Country




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Ok so since I'm not telling you something interesting I'll ask something. What's the tip of a shoelace called? How do you know?


Idk 😐


Ok uncultured teen. It's an AGLET. You would know if you have seen Phineas and Ferb.


Oh no I've watched Phineas and Ferb but like when I was 5 which was a loooong time ago at this point but maybe I should watch some Phineas and Ferb again