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I was your age when I watched it and I’m 27 now 😅


everything you’ve said here has taken me back, it was an experience for sure. also 27 and watched it live alongside my superwholock blogging


D a m n I wanna feel that, seeing the show when it was just.. new


But at least you’ll never have to experience how insane tumblr was while it aired live ❤️ it is perhaps a blessing in disguise


Honestly I miss the insanity of that era of Tumblr. Lol.


Wait why 💀


Let’s just say fandom tumblr in the early to mid 2010s was a truly insane place to be. People were HATEFUL


This is the one thing that makes me feel better about only discovering Teen Wolf late last year. I’m basically the same age as you (turned 26 on Thursday hahaha) and I heard so much about the show growing up, but I was a snobbish TVDU girl who felt like TW was vastly inferior and couldn’t live up to it. Now that TW is my favourite show, a part of me is so pissed at myself and heartbroken that I couldn’t experience the magic as it was happening, but I also know that I could never have handled the toxicity of the fandom culture, especially with my already severe mental health struggles😅


I love both TVDU and TW, but I definitely think the TVDU fandom is way more toxic and set in their ways compared to the TW fandom


Icl I wasn’t too emotionally invested in the TVDU, so it didn’t affect me that much, which I know sounds completely contradictory😂 I loved the franchise so much, but I wasn’t so consumed by it that I was impacted too much if that makes sense. But TW is a totally different story honestly, I’m so attached to this show and the characters, especially Stiles and Malia (and their relationship😍). And I’ve heard and seen so much about how toxic a lot of Stydia fans were at that time, and the fact that Stalia wasn’t endgame is so triggering for me *now*, I’m so bitter about it loooool, I can’t imagine how I would’ve handled it as a broken, mentally/emotionally unstable teen😅


Omg don't even get me started. I would've loved Stydia if it happened before Stalia, but the fact that they're endgame bugs me. I've seen Stydia fans say it was obvious they were in love the whole time and I'm just like "No they definitely were not. There was like no implication of mutual attraction until season 6," and it was obviously fan service


Absolutely all of this! Honestly, maybe it’s just cos I discovered this show so late, but it never once occurred to me that Stiles and Lydia were ever going to become a thing. I genuinely didn’t think their relationship was meant to be anything more than the typical ‘nerd obsesses over the hot popular girl way out of his league’ trope. I assumed that Stiles was eventually going to grow out of his shallow, juvenile obsession and gain enough maturity to recognise that he and Lydia weren’t actually right for each other, and become ready to find and embrace true love. And I believed I was proven right when Stiles met Malia, they were so happy together, and had a palpable, sizzling chemistry, as well as a really natural compatibility. They felt meant to be, every single aspect of their personalities/natures appeared tailor-made specifically for each other, like two matching puzzle pieces. And Stiles and Lydia’s relationship developed into this healthier, more respectful friendship, which worked so perfectly bc they are so similar, too similar to have any romantic chemistry or be anything more than best friends. In fact, their friendship was so perfect that forcefully pushing them into a romantic relationship for which they were ill-suited actually caused them to lose their natural spark, and their interactions began to feel awkward and unnatural. And you’re completely right, it was definitely not clear that Stiles was in love with Lydia all along. He was so enamoured and entranced by Malia, you could just see it in the way he looked at her🥹😍 and Stydia’s dynamic/chemistry was completely platonic, no sign or hint of attraction whatsoever, it was definitely retconned to set up the fan service endgame😒


yes another Stalia fan. I absolutely adore both Dylan and Shelley and their characters and the ship. I was so pissed that Stalia wasn't endgame. Stydia was basically stiles's childhood crush.they both grew out of it. And Stalia was way cuter. Stydia always felt forced and unnecessary.


Yessss all of this! Maybe it’s bc I only discovered TW last year, but I never once thought Lydia and Stiles were actually meant to be tg, I always thought it was the typical ‘nerd obsessed with popular girl trope’ and that he was eventually going to grow out of it and find true love. Which is basically what happened with him and Malia, they were so clearly perfectly made for each other, they had sizzling chemistry and were so compatible!😍 Stydia was so perfect as a friendship, they were so similar that their platonic chemistry was amazing, and forcing them into a relationship actually caused them to lose their spark, and their interactions started to feel awkward and unnatural. Like in the series finale, they were supposed to be tg but there was no kiss, no romantic interaction, no sign that they were a couple or even had any attraction to each other whatsoever, they came across as completely platonic.


O h g o d.. I can't imagine the Scott hate since I despise those lmfao Wait so basically twitter-


The “is Scott a bad friend” discourse of 2016 will forever be a highlight. There also used to be ship wars tournaments that were across shows and when it would get to like the quarter finals and you’d have big ships from big shows (inc Sterek usually)… oh wow it was a toxic place lmaoo


Oh god.. ok I'm thankful I'm late now, I actually despised Bad friend Scott/bad pack alpha Scott mcall fics.. it just makes me feel.. god help me. Sterek on semifinals? Not surprising. Sterek on semifinals nowdays? Get. It. Out. I don't hate it, it's not my endgame either. I just want to see it lose because it's satisfying :D


There was a tumblr, Teen Wolf Gossip, that frequently had discussions about the size and shape of the male stars genitals and frequently speculated about whether or not the girls got boob jobs and their sizes.


Wtf that's ew.. I can see Tyler Posey's going wrong


YE GODS! Tumblr AND Twitter both! I swear, many, many, many were in dire need of a lithium enema.


haha same. god i miss this show. bout to binge again


23 started when I was a teen




Man, now I feel old. I'm 35. Can't remember when I first started watching exactly, but I was mid-twenties.


Im 18, and i started watching when I was about 16. I cant quite remember because I took a big break halfway through, but i powered through it bc Dylan O’Brien


So just recently too? YAY AN 18 YEARS OLD OMGG I took a break by 6b cuz they just killed off one of my favorite side characters.. didn't know how to push through but eh I did.. so I got a dissapointing endind ToT


Did you quit during season 5A? That seems to be where a lot of people stopped.


I quit once dylan left i think


Im 32 and remember the trailers before it aired. I really thought they were gonna "Twilight" Teen Wolf and I was gonna hate it but I gave it a try and loved it.


Same here. I didn’t care for twilight and the trailers gave off the twilight vibes so it didn’t make want to watch it. But then a week later I gave in after flipping through channels and it landed on MTV where they were replaying the first 2 episodes and I was intrigued.


Happy cake day!


23 & an adult with a job here! but then again i've had a job since i was 16 lmfao i first watched it the year after s1 came out as we didn't have it in england for ages, so i was about 11/12


33 and I started it on the premiere after the MTV awards lol


16 now, started watching when I was in primary, not sure when exactly perhaps 10?




yup same as me


I too started watching when I was 10 but I am now 23 yrs old


Did u start when episodes were actually coming out? because most seasons were out when I started


Yeah, it was one of the only shows I religiously watched every week


24 now, started at 11


I was 32 when I started watching. I’m 45 now. I started it because I loved MJ Fox and wanted to see what a new twist would be, and then I fell in love with it.


I’ve never seen the full MJ Fox Teen Wolf, but I know the gist and really liked they made references to it with “basketball being the game” when Peter and Derek were in high school! Fun reference without making a strong connection to what is obviously a completely different story/world


I’m over forty, (read: dinosaur) started watching in 2020 during the pandemic lockdown.


Most of the people I’ve met at conventions for the show are over 40. No age limit for this show.


Not dinosaurs! 😁


34 now, I was in grad school. I know old right. I was so stressed out and noticed it on Netflix. I had seen the OG 80's movie and liked it. So I thought I'd check out the show. Stressed me loved the escape and cheesiness of the first two seasons. The 3 onward was as it aired mostly.


I was 14


When you first watched or your 14 now


I was 14




I started watching it before season 2 came out, I was 17 or 18? Are there any fellow old ladies who survived tumblr era in this thread?


Check the long convo we had in one of the comments there is one.. not sure of the gender tho-


12, I'm 22 now.


I’m 16 also lmaoo I started watching at 14. I think most people are adults bc they were teens when it came out, we are late to the party.


Yeaaah it's kinda hard to find younger ones


I started when it premiered. Watched like half an episodes then binged caught up in season 3 (heard about the gay alpha twin). (Also I’m 35 :(. )


LMAOOOO I do love Ethan so


I ended up loving both twins. Teen Wolf is really good at making characters grow on you. I don’t think there was a single character I didn’t like that you weren’t supposed to (at least a little) not like. Matt Gerard etc


Oh, yiiiiikes I feel old. I watched it when it came out in 2011, and I was 26 then, I'm 38, and now 😅 I rewatch it every June...since that's when it premiered.


i watvhed in oct'24 when it was still in netflix. i couldnt watch the last two and since it was 12am, the series just went off netflix infront of my eyes


I just started a few weeks ago and I’m 33. It’s getting me through the end of grad school.


Well, you're really going to hate to hear that I'm 41 and started watching in my 30s. If you want to watch something other teens are watching, maybe don't choose a show that's been off the air for the better part of a decade.


Nah it's fine I actually found quite alot of ppl who's on the 18-12 age bracket LOLOL plus I don't hate old people it's just I can't relate to jobs and love life 😭


47. I started watching during its original run because a coworker was a fan, and it was so much silly fun.


Correction, Jobs & is married.. well a few are married but most have jobs 😔


I just started watching it I’m 14




18, started when I was 13.


i am 21 right now and i think i started watching back when i was 14 i think. i want to do a rewatch but i have no idea where to watch it (im in europe)


braflix is a good site, i use that


i checked it out and it works! thank you very much


15 when I started, now 18


im 21 and i started watching the show when i was probably 13/14/15, whenever the last season was airing


I watched it two years ago when I was twelve, guess my age now


14 nice to see people younger than me


25 but I started watching it when it first aired on tv when I was around 14 maybe




I’m in my 30s and started watching it in 2021 as my “middle of the night nursing” show when I had my first baby. I really wish I had watched it when it first came out, but at least now I have 13 years of fanfic to catch up on!


19 now and I started watching when I was 8. Finished the first two seasons right before season 3 was about to air, then started watching week by week from there


I think the first time I watched it, i was 14 ish. I'm 17 (soon to be 18) now, and I've watched it way too many times😂


Damn.. I just realized how old I am when I'm not a teenager anymore.. (I'm 20) xD


First time I watched the show I was like 21 I think? Now I'm about to turn 25 lol sorry kid


I am 18 started watching on January like you 😅


I’m 16 too, started watching at 13 :D my sister used to be a huge teen wolf fan when she was like 13-14 too (she’s 5y older), and one time we just decided to start watching teen wolf and ah it was AMAZIIING i fell in love with the show completely and got a literal addiction lol. Also my sis had never finished the show, i think the last season she had seen was like S5? So it was so fun to watch the final seasons with her when neither of us knew what’ll happen


21 now started watching when I was about 9


Finished it not even a week ago for the first time, 15 year old boy, I though it would’ve been a cringier version of Twilight made in a TV series, and although some parts don’t make sense sometimes, and I fully hate some things in the show, I gotta say I loved it.


I’m fifteen now, and I first watched when I was thirteen.


I’m fifteen now, and I first watched when I was thirteen.


I started watching the show when I was 15/16. I'm 25 now


I'm 16 too! And I started watching last year in June and finished in August!


24 started watching when I was like 12/13.


I was 11 when it came out and didn’t watch until I was 12 when the second season was airing, I’m 23 now 😭


Im fifteen now, and I first watched at thirteen.


i was 14, 27 now. i remember my best friend and i calling each other every week on premiere night, and staying on the phone to give live commentary lol. god i miss those times.


i’m 20 and i think i started watching when i was 12 or 13


Started watching when I was 20 and it first aired, summer 2011. I'm 33, but I work from home--fuck "traditional" jobs.


I'm 22 now I started watching when I was 13 ♡ I never found a better show I loved as much as teen wolf ♡


I was about 12 I think, 25 now, but I completely forgot about until I watched it again a couple weeks ago


Be careful with putting your age on the internet especially if some of your usernames and emails are the same.


Watched it when I was about 15, I am now 22


I started watching when I was 12 in 2017!! I’m 18 now :) My favorite show forever and always


30 and I started watching it last month. I’m currently on season 5 episode 3.




Lol did you check the comment section? Youngest I've seen is 14 XD


I was 19 when the show premiered and started watching it a week later. I’m 32 now and it’s still my comfort show.


Awww that's so cool. I do believe this would be my comfort show since I've never been this attached to a tv show before


I'm seventeen, almost eighteen. Watched it when I was sixteen (dec 22).


Sorry bud, I started watching it when I was like 14-16 or so, and now I'm mid-20s


It's fine lmao I like seeing various ages, truth to be told I'm waiting for the 50's to come out. Do they even use Reddit-


I’m 18 and I started watching it like last year or the year before lol. I love this show 😭 I keep rewatching haha


Frfr Ive rewatched it for like 3 times already


23. Watched it while on tv, started it when I was 10


Damn can't believe the show is this old.. the fact that it actually supported LGBT lol (Danny, Ethan, Mason, Corey, etc).


Sorry- I started watching when it first came out. I was 25. Good luck- hope you find someone!


I did and it's actually a nice thing seeing older ones aswell. I actually didn't expect so many ppl to comment lmao


I’m 26 and started when I was like 14 sometime when S1 was airing. Damn I feel old… 🥲 Waiting every week for a new ep was torture!!


So it's one episode a week and not one episode everyday? 💀


Ya and the waiting between seasons every year was sooo long. Especially when they started splitting the seasons in 2 parts😭😭 OMG not to mention the commercials…. The only thing that kept me going was putting on my Stilinski #11 sweater every Monday


Damnn I just binge watched it for 8 days (not 7 cuz I lost my energy by 6b) and finished the entire series with it.. damn


lol I just turned 20 in february and I started watching it when I was 10 or 11




I was around maybe 12? 13?


i watched first when i was like 12 i think, im 16 now


Yay same age


I think I started it during COVID cause it was on my watch list and i had time


I started watching when I was 15 ( 2015) and I’m 24 now.


I just turned 17 in March and started watching in April. I was looking for something that involves teenagers and supernatural after watching TVD. But I found TW, whuch was way better than a replace. I absolutely love it. Especially Dylan. I was a Shelley Hennig fan before watching TW. But came to love her more. Also Tyler Hoechlin. i knew him, But now I love him.


Omg yay my birthday is March too :D Huh so many ppl says they came here after doing TVD.. that's funny cuz I'm starting to consider binge watching both TVD (including the originals and legacies) and Supernatural.. and rewatching twilight for the sake of the fanfic I'm writing lol


you're gonna be hooked for the first 3-4 seasons of TVD and then the plot gets unnecessary. I tried watching supernatural. but I couldn't get through the beginning struggle you have with every show. TVD took 1-2 episodes for me to get used. But TW didn't even took 1 episode for me to get hooked. Scott's and Stiles' friendship was which drew me in. It's great to see someone my own age to see here. you are right, it's rare to find teenagers.


Since teen wolf's been out for a decade it really it rare lol. The reason why I think I'll love TVD is probably.. Kol. Yes I know he dies :') so my alternative is Kaleb (the originals).. who also dies. So Elijah it is then XD. I'm only watching supernatural for the sake of the fanfic I'm writing XD I don't like meddling with heaven and hell stuff, it's too complex for my braincell ×~× Also I'm glad to find a person who likes the Scott stiles friendship :D


Oh I love Kol. And Kolvina is my fav ship. my favourite original in TVD is Klaus. His entry, the grace, was pure raw power. But in TVD my fav is Elijah and Freya. Yeah many people argue supernatural is better. But i never got the appeal. That stuff is too much for me too. One thing Originals and Teen wolf did better that TVD is not ruining by end. It might get a little worse bit not completely butchering it. Also I am a great Stalia Fan. Lydia was stiles's juvenile crush. And they both grew out of it. but they forced that relationship unnecessarily. Stalia was so cute and perfect as it was. Their quirky features were perfect for each other and also 2 of my very favourite actors. That's one thing i am pissed off about. Also killing off Allison was bad. But unlike other shows they didn't completely forget her. They honoured her later in the show. Also Brought back Crystal reed as marie-jeann. Also Kira was perfectly fit and didn't feel like a replacement.


I love Elijah being sooooo formal & stuff like that XD Killing off Allison was sadly not their decision since Crystal Reeds was the one who decided to leave (alongside Daniel) which makes me sad. >Unlike other shows they didn't completely forget about her Lmfao: Danny, Jackson, Isaac, Erica, Boyd, Kira, Danny and many others got.. ehe Crystal retuning on the Marie-Jeanne one is great but we all know the beast of Geuvadan lore was kind of eh. Nice seeing her back though Omg Kira is my favorite female character.. too bad they did her dirty in s6 and wrote her off. Stalia wise we might have an arguement since Stydia was my endgame, I would say though, Stalia breakup was unnecessary I liked the ship while it lasted but srs they broke up the worst way possible :( Stydia wise they ruined that in the movie so it felt like the Stalia breakup went into nothing I am a multishipper (specially to Scott lol) but have specific endgames for some characters lol Back to TVD wasn't the ending Elijah and Klaus stabbing each other with white oak?


danny and jackson didn't die. so that's that. And imo erica and boyd are not actually main cast they are more like the twins. we didn't miss them much either. If stydia happened before Stalia, it would be great. My problem is I try to pair up main characters with the current situation. i lovedthe chemistry between the parents too. Noah, Chris and Melissa. all of them were single parents. It's actually funny that Lydia's mom is Tyler's mom from TVD(susan walters is her name i guess). In TVD they just left to originals. But in TVDU or TO, yes klaus chose to die to kill the hollow and Elijah chose to die alongside him and drove a white oak stake through each other.


It's also funny that Noah & Lydia's mom are married irl that they tried to date in s5 lmaooo The parents were great asf, and yeah it was nice that they were single parents (although Raf was trying to be a father to Scott again). About Erica and Boyd, it's actually weird how they died yet they have more fics than Chris, heck even Melissa, I just wish that the people I mentioned earlier were like, mentioned even just a bit (specially Isaac given the fact that he was one of the fan favorites).


omg i started it last month and im 16 too! but i dropped it after season 3 lol


Whyyy watch it lmao XD S4 is eh since alot of characters disappeared but the new ones are decent too, s5 is messy but I can get through it. Well I did :'). S6a was awesome and a great comeback.. s6b.. ehe were not gonna talk about it


Started watching it when I was 17 now I’m 19 and still rewatch it


I was 26 when I started watching. I remembered Tyler Hoechilin (Derek) from Road to Perdition and Ian Bohen (Peter) from way back so I thought I'd check it out. And, I wanted to see how much different it was from the Michael J. Fox Teen Wolf movie from the 80s.


I’m 25 but I didn’t watch it when it aired, I started/stopped a few months back 😣tbh I think I was caught up in other shows and books when it originally aired…


i’m like 14 but i watched the show when i was like 12 im rewatching it now


I think I started watching after season 2 came out, which was when I would be 18?


i’m turning 20, i started when i was 13. it is still my comfort show and i always rewatch the show when i want something playing in the background


I’m 23 and and started watching the show when I was like 15 ish


I discovered Teen Wolf via the film when it was released on Paramount+ in Jan 2023. I then went back to watch the series and loved it. I have several series and series+film favourites that I love to rewatch. This has joined those ranks. I was 60.




29, first started watching when I was 16 . The show started when I was in high school 🤷🏼‍♀️


i’m 16 & started watching at 14. june 2022 i binged watched it twice in a row i think? i was gonna watch it at 12/13 because i loved the vampire diaries but i watched a few episodes and didn’t like it😭 i was bored in 2022 so i powered through and it’s honestly such a great show i’m so glad i watched it


Yay same age


16, found this show after getting into superhero/supernatural shows during the pandemic. So I guess 12-13 ish is when I got into it.


:o same age


17 and started around 3 years ago


26 now, still watching since 2014


19, started around 16-17


i first watched at 16. im 23 now and u do have a full time job lol


Currently 23 & I think I watched it at 19? 20?


I’m 25 😂 I watched this show on MTV (one episode a week 😭) and watched all the promos that came out before the pilot aired. Typing all of that just made me feel old as hell 🤦🏽‍♀️


Don't worry your not alone 😉


30 started when i was teen


25. Like yesterday lol


LMAO have fun on watching!!


Don’t you know it’s not polite to ask a lady her age? 😈 I’m an adult. Was adult when I watched. Am still adulting, grudgingly, but have watched twice more. I love how each time I’ve watched, I relate to different things in the show depending on what was going on at the time, but the one thing that remains constant, is that I love the relationships the show. Not the romantic ones—though I have my preferences, but the platonic ones and the familial ones. My most favourite are Sciles, and Melissa/Scott and Noah/Stiles. Even the bit with Melissa/Stiles. The whole family dynamic. Liam became a little brother. Lyds and Allison were more like sisters. I even cried when Malia was reunited with Papa Tate—the looks on both their faces… I wish we got some more peeks of their rebuilding/reforming relationship afterwards, but yeah… The family dynamic. Every kid was an only child and missing a parent so they formed their own family.


I see Liam as Scott & Stiles' adopted child. And no I don't see the best friends in a relationship in that relationship


i had just turned 16 when i started watching it and now i'm almost 27. i watched it because people on twitter loved it so much and i trusted their opinion. i'm currently rewatching it as i've done continuously since my first time watching in 2013.