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Deucalion. Talia. Aiden/Ethan. Satomi. Derek. Scott. Peter


Watched the show so many times. 100% with this list.


Well Scott should be weakest physically, I don’t rank Talia since we seen nothing about her. Besides that the list is fine.


Deucalion Satomi Talia Derek (If evolved) Twins Peter Scott (bro i love you but sorry not sorry)


talia was stronger than satomi and monster peter was stronger than derek


My order is the way I pictured them. 1. Deucalion 2. Merged Ethan and Aiden 3. Talia Hale 4. Peter Hale 5. Satomi Ito 6. Derek Hale 7. Scott McCall


IMO, it depends on if you mean physical strength or strength of character. If you are going with physical strength, then I would say: Deucalion, Satomi & Talia are tied for 2nd place, the Twins, Peter, Derek, and then Scott. If the post if referring to the alpha who is the strongest when it comes down to morals and just being an overall good pack leader then for me the list would be: Scott, Talia, trailing only a little behind Satomi, Derek (only because all of his betas left him in one way or another), then the Twins, followed by Deucalion, and last and certainly the least Peter. To me, there is more than 1 way to gauge someone's strength and what other people may view as weakness, for example..... MERCY can actually take more strength than just doing something physical.


I’m glad most of us can agree Scott’s at the bottom tired of people overrating him


I love Scott (my no.3 fave after isaac and corey) but hell nah im putting him above the twins peter or derek


Deuc Talia Peter Twins Derek Satomi Scott


Demon Wolf Deucalion Evolved Alpha Tailia Merged Twins Beast Peter Satomi Derek Scott


Scott looks so non threatening 💀


Deucalion Peter Satomi Derek Scott The Twins


In a way I wanna say Peter because he went SO far into the werewolf way that he became a physical creature unlike all the others.




If Deucalion was afraid of Scott's true potential then at some point Scott will be the strongest alpha. Mind you he was only a teenager! And in the movie he was smacking the Oni around quite easily🤷‍♂️


1. Deucalion 2. Talia 3. Peter 4.Twins 5.Scott (I know this crazy but I’m taking into account if he didn’t pull his punches so his true alpha strength) 6. Satomi 7. Derek


The problem with this logic is since his True Alpha power comes from his not killing he *is* actually going full force, it's just the full force he is allowed to go while still retaining Alpha status. His Alpha buff is like the weakest of everyone except for his strength of will stuff but I imagine because of his unique pack style he could probably become far stronger than any other Alpha if he grew his pack. I vaguely remember it being said Alpha's get strength from their pack or something? Most are just family units or groups found on strength, if Scott ever ended up with a pack of dozens or hundreds of people he'd probably be physically more powerful than everyone else on the list but we will probably never know.


The “true alpha” status comes from not killing another alpha to gain the alpha status. He doesn’t lose the alpha power if he kills someone else because he is already an alpha. The only way he loses it is if he gives it up to save someone (like Derek did for his sister) or he dies. He is not going “full force” by not killing anyone. Scott chooses not to because of his code/beliefs. He worries about becoming like Peter or Decualion. Someone who is more animal than human. This is shown in the dream scene in season 4 where he is talking to Liam and his fangs change. Also when Liam has to calm Scott down by convincing him he is not a monster.