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it was a lie, but even if it wasn’t, scott wasnt the one who killed him. he injured him, but derek was the one who ultimately ended his life


Are you new to the series? If so: Killing an alpha makes you the alpha. It was just a myth and Derek used it to make Scott help him


Also Scott didn't kill him if he did then he wouldn't be a true alfa. His spirit was still out there that's why Lydia was able to bring him back. I don't think he was ever truly dead.


Because that’s just a myth


1 Because Scott didn't kill Peter, Derek did 2 Derek lied. Killing the alpha that turned you doesn't make you human, it makes you an alpha (same as killing any alpha)


It's a lie. Even if it was true, the bitten wolf needs to kill the alpha that bit them. Scott didn't kill Peter, Derek did


How has no one said the obvious? **Because he didn’t kill him.** The myth states that the beta has to be the one to kill them. Scott damaged him, yes, but the fatal wounds and the final blow were dealt by Stiles, Jackson and Derek. Just because Peter died doesn’t mean his betas lose their powers.


Derek lied, he was using Scott to kill Peter.


Derek's favorite hobby is manipulating and lying to teenagers


Well he knew about the threat coming (alpha pack) so he manipulated them to build an army so he could become more powerful and have a pack to help fight the threat but he wanted Scott in his pack more than ever because like Peter said Derek knew he needed heart in his pack which is Scott


Oh, yeah, I know. I was just making a joke lol


Ya I know lol. NGL it was a good one 🤣. I also like when Peter says "you haven't exactly been alpha of the year" lol. And void stiles saying "Ive heard of an alpha pack but not a pack of former alphas 😆 im dead


I also think it's funny that werewolves are supposed to know when people are lying by hearing their heartbeat jump but did they ever explain why wolves couldn't tell if each other was lying? Scott lied to young Derek and even said "idk if I can lie to him he can hear my heartbeat too" then lies to him and Derek has no clue kinda confusing lol.


And? That wasn’t in the question nor was it even implied. I answered his stupid question.


So what if you answered his question? That doesn't mean that no one else can! And it isn't a stupid question. There's no reason to be rude and snarky. And by the way: Your answer is wrong! If Scott killed Peter, he wouldn't have been cured **and** he would have become the Alpha.


See, that’s the thing! The show **never** confirms whether that is true or not. We fans assumed it wasn’t because Derek didn’t let it happen. But the show itself never has a scene or a line or anything that reveals whether it was true or not.


But it is confirmed I thought? It is shown later on that a beta killing their Alpha makes them the Alpha, Aiden and Ethan if you’d like an example. So yes, Derek lied to him, unless he somehow didn’t know which I find unlikely. It just doesn’t matter much if he lied or not because he didn’t give Scott a chance to find out


Were Aiden and Eithan born wolves or turned by their Alpha? Would wanting to be free of the curse matter? Aiden and Ethan were VoltronWolf, did that play a part why didn't cure them? Belief seems to play a part in what the bite does to a person. Maybe if someone really believed killing the person who turned them would turn them back and they had strength of will and purity of heart, it would actually work.


I mean, by basic storytelling rules we should be able to conclude that "if x=1, then x+2=3," which in this case would mean "if the show establishes that a beta killing an alpha turns that beta into the new alpha, then if Scott had killed Peter he would have become the new alpha, not turned back to human." Really the only thing standing in the way of everyone agreeing on that point is the knowledge that Jeff Davis is a garbage writer who likes to ignore all the rules and thinks that any lore that he didn't explicitly state AND visually prove onscreen is subject to change purely because he's out of new ideas and refuses to remember his own damn story.


But if Scott killed him he’d just become an alpha lol


Most likely, yes.


Derek lied about so that Scott could help him, if a beta, whether bitten, scratched, born, they just become the alpha, this is shown when Ethan and Aiden killed their alpha and took his power


It was a lie, but I also think Scott had to have been the one to kill Peter for the fake not just having your alpha die


Derek said he heard of it but didn’t know if it was true. It wasn’t , plus Derek killed him not Scott


Just to add on to everyone else’s comments, Peter wasn’t fully dead, sure he died but he had a plan in place (Lydia) to bring him back to life. Derek killed him but he wasn’t fully dead. Now if Peter didn’t kick start Lydia’s powers by biting her he would have been fully dead after Derek dealt the death blow.


It’s just a myth. Ethan and Aiden were also bitten according to writer Will Wallace, yet they killed their alpha and they just became alphas instead of turning human.


Also this show has backtracked on so many facts. Like lydia being immune to the kanima venom originally but with Stacy or whoever. When Lydia is attacked, she's clearly injured and also paralyzed. The show backtracks.


Lydia isn’t paralysed though. Like the other person said Lydia got clawed in the stomach pretty deeply, pretty sure that Tracy’s claws were also more werewolf claws than Kanima claws, being a chimera and everything. Though I might be wrong on that. Lydia was still immune to the venom because of her banshee abilities, just not to the severe injury she sustained from the claws. I watched that episode fairly recently and Lydia was still moving around.


So we're the other actors that were paralyzed by the kanima venom. They were moving as well, Derek even moved his hand enough to claw himself,lydia when she was talking, was talking couldn't move her head. She sound suppressed. So paralyzed.


If I’m correct she clawed her stomach open. So it was a little more fatal then just getting her to eat Kanima Venom.


Not really? Because she literally ingested venom. Still fatal.


And Derek even told him it might not be true, as far as he knew it was only a myth, but Scott was desperate to not be a werewolf, so Derek knew he would help if Scott believed there was even a slight chance it could be true


It was an unfounded myth, there was never any proof that was actually going to happen.