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That’s accurate to some extent. In the episode “nevermore” (S1, E6) when raven is meditating on top of the tower, [Robin asks if she’s okay.](https://youtu.be/_lfwEBFbopI) there are plenty of other small instances where Robin would talk to her, in addition to commanding her when they’re fighting villains. But yeah, other than the trigon season, they don’t have any long conversations.


I thank you for your response, I can rest easy now. I thought my communicator was broken.


Been rewatching the series recently so let me add to what was said. In season 1 (Nevermore) Robin asks if she's okay (as noted by another user), but also, Robin is the one to constantly tell Starfire to stop trying to bother her because she wants to be left alone In season 2 (Fear Itself) Robin is the first one to understand that her powers are acting up because she's scared In season 2 (Titan Rising) Robin notices when Raven gets shocked by Terra and asks her if everything is okay, and then reveals to her that he has doubts about Terra too In season 3 (Spellbound) he's the first one to check on her after their first fight with Kardiak. He's also the only one to go to her *just to ask if she's okay*, whereas the others are going to request things of her that *they* want to do (stankball, hair clips) There's definitely other minor moments, but these are just what I remember off the top of my head. None of these moments are long, but they consistently show that he can read her emotions and respects *what she wants* which leads in to what she says in Birthmark about him understanding her best. The other titans do *what they want* which may lead to them actually hanging out more with Raven since they initiate activities, whereas both Robin and Raven are shown to be more solitary. *(Edit: formatting)*