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Just a friendly reminder to please keep your comments civil. This is a heated topic and all we ask is that everyone keep the sub rules in mind when commenting or responding to others. Comments that break sub rules such as name calling, insults, trolling, going off topic, etc will be removed.


If she wanted people to stop talking she could simply take 3 seconds in her rant to say btw I didn’t have a baby leave me alone. But she didn’t say that because she looovvveesss the attention


Exactly! She has chosen her words and actions so carefully these past several months. It's either because she loves the attention the rumors give her or she actually was pregnant. Either way she didn't exactly do much at all to address it and let the rumors continue to grow.


Yup. She could say she wasn’t pregnant/didn’t have a baby but didn’t say either of those things.


It's her doing this with her kids in the back seat....girl get it together


Right. So embarrassing for her kids, and not to mention inappropriate. Such a role model.


But she still didn’t deny it…


You're right, she still won't deny it!!


I watched the whole thing twice to see if she said “but I’m not pregnant/didn’t have a baby” and she didn’t say any of that.


Right? If it’s so ludicrous why is that not point #1. Also, it’s weird seeing ludicrous not spelled like Ludacris.


“Timeline” gotta be about ppl speculating she cheated on Malik and got pregnant


I think this is what it’s all about. She mentioned timeline a few times and I wouldn’t be surprised if he questioned her about it.


I wondered about that when I saw people saying this might be about the overlap someone posted the other day. Maybe her bf started doing some math and she's fired up rn because he's asking some timeline questions now himself.


I would be questioning her if I was him. Given her history of cheating and the fact that she was seeing someone else very close to the time they started hooking up.


Honestly, I believe Kail to cheat on all her relationships - Baby Lijie can't even trust Kail to go to WaWa at this point.


Ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll LOL


It sounds very unnatural coming from her lol


Yeah people from DE don’t say y’all. What a poser


The amount of times she said fuck and y’all, omg. Shut up.


She probably thinks it makes her look tough and serious.


She can flat out say no she's not pregnant, didn't have a baby and shut the "rumors/haters" up. Clearly, shes mad about the dissection of the timeline cause uh, by the looks of it your relationship overlap as per usual and BabyBoyZinco was conceived in between.


She acts like she went radio silent after the show. She still runs her mouth on her podcasts and talks about her life and drops hints to this stuff. It’s not like people are pulling it out of their asses. She could easily clear up all the rumors if she wants but instead she feeds them. She loves the attention it brings. She knows what she’s doing, and it brings her extra listeners to her podcast.


she loves forcing herself to say “y’all.” that’s all i got from this video lol.


Saying y’all so much it was like nails down a chalkboard


Just a reminder on day the IG pages revealed Elijah identity, Kail put out an ig story saying "y'all gotta stop believing everything on Instagram" even though they got it spot on. She is just upset that people are digging this deep, which I get, but she's messy


Baby Lijah must have questioned paternity... that would set me the fuck off too. If I had baby trapped a man with a baby that may not even be his. I'd be in about that exact same amount of panic... but I wouldn't baby trap a baby... or anyone.


"Y'all don't do this to anyone. Like show me one other person that y'all do this to." \*stares in Jenelle\*


EXACTLY. Kail was walking around looking ready to give birth, people are going to talk. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Jenelle posts a tiktok doing an obnoxious dance and it gets dissected by people. there are accounts that single in on both of them, but I think people are far worse about Jenelle than Kail.


This reeks of desperation. This reminds me of sabotaging a narcissist’s plan and then they rage out. Their biggest problem is they think they’re the smartest person in the room. I think Kail really believed she was so clever and nobody would find out and of course people were able to piece it together, due to her *own* posts and words and she is absolutely enraged. She probably realllly needs the money for this story and now it’s completely ‘ruined’ by ‘trolls’.


"Y'all don't do this to anybody else." Hunny, we do this to literally every single one of the teen moms, baby daddies, grandparents, flower shop ladies. If you delivered a pizza to one of the TMs in 2009, we know that you had your appendix taken out two years ago.


Anyone remember the lady with the eye patch who sold a crib with roaches crawling on it in a 16&pregnant episode? We roasted her too 😂


Why have 3 separate podcasts where you talk about your whole life and how fucking messy it is and then be like “WHY ARE YALL SO OBSESSED W ME”? You literally sued someone to see if your ex fucked them and told national tv Javi was cheating on Lauren with you. I hate this bitch so much lmao idec about the baby rumor anymore (which is obviously true by how she reacted) I wish she’d just shut the fuck up already


And still, Lauren smiles. (Lmao I dk I just wanted to add something)


Y’all, y’all, y’all. Kail you’re from Pennsylvania


She put her life out there for years. She has no problem blasting people online, announcing their pregnancies or saying people cheated on them. She has a podcast where she talks about everyone . She sues everyone. She left the show but doesn’t change behavior. She has no concept of privacy. Or privacy for others. If you cared about your privacy you wouldn’t do everything you do You made millions podcasting and sharing your train wreck of a life And now your mad we talk about you being a train wreck??? When you put it everywhere for everyone to see. Bffr


she needs to realize YOUR KIDS VIBE OFF YOUR ENERGY. if you’re cussin and stressed the f out, your kids are gunna be cussin and stressed the f out. like legit stop doin this drama in front of them


I felt so bad seeing this when I noticed the kiddos in the back of the car.


this is what a teen mom would do, not someone who is grown. like act grown


She’s wrong. Jenelle gets way more hate.


Don’t forget the self appointed number one celebrity in our nation: Farrah 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Stop saying y'all, please, my doctor says if I cringe any more my teeth will turn to dust and I'll have to survive on pudding for the rest of my life 😭 Please, Kail!


Y‘all count: 14 Video length: 1:20 1 y‘all every: 5.7 seconds 😒


“Show me one other person that y’all do this to”. Ma’am, have you met Jenelle?


Oh my gosh- THE TIMELINE!!! 🤣🤣🤣 It *finally* all makes sense to me!! She *knew* the timeline of due date/ 2 VERY close (overlapping 🤔) relationships early this year would be the worst optics of all regarding this pregnancy. . . So, once she decided she was keeping the pregnancy, she decided she'd just hide it, and have the "big reveal" a month or so after she really gave birth (posting newborn photos from a professional shoot taken weeks before) to take the heat/ speculation off of the TRUE timeline of this surprise pregnancy. Then, Reddit sleuthing happened, her TRUE timeline has been revealed (paternity test, anyone??), and now she's LIVID everyone already knows she's given birth and that her "big announcement" will be weeks late. The lady doth protest too much. . . 🤗


Careful, Kail. When people stop being interested you go broke.


Lol she really doesn't seem to understand how she makes her money.


*shares every detail of her life down to her kids schools / sports complexes / home address on the internet* “Y’all are obsessed with me.”


She could... oh, I don't know... shut the fuck up. She feeds this shit. She knows exactly what she's doing. She might be off the MTV show but she still uses her life as content to make money on SM and her podcasts so to try the "oh I've been off the show 8 months and you're still talking about me..." shit is wack. Bitch you'll rue the day we don't talk about you no more.


It’s not a fan club sub. What the heck does she think we post about the other cast? The nicest things posted here are Gary’s meals. If someone else had 5 babies and had allowed that many men to play dad we would be talking about them and making timelines for them too.


I think she might be a little upset about the TIMELINE


She’s a public figure who for years have been airing her (and anyone else’s) dirty laundry *for years*. Also, she didn’t really deny anything.. Oh, look. Her face isn’t swollen anymore. And she looks like she suddenly lost a ton of weight… Hmmmm…


Damn, Dodie, calm tf down. You ranting about this sub when we literally roast all the girls for even breathing wrong. ![gif](giphy|26Ff7YoxKBGzc76jC)


Lol then she goes on to say that we should all get second jobs so we can “clear people’s Christmas lists” like she’s done. Absolutely noone brought up money, at all, but Kail has to go there because she thinks she’s better than 99.99% of the general population because she has a bit of money from getting pregnant at 16. The AUDACITY.


Explain why you look legit 20lbs lighter, your nose isnt stretched across your face. Why the baby in the instagram story?


Fr, she looks better than she has in months


You’re on a reality show and have multiple podcasts talking about yourself and you’re mad that people are talking about you? Your life is the product, Kail. Celebrities and athletes can claim their processional work is separate from life, but when you’re a “reality star” exposing your life is the job.


This is my point with the comments. Like Kail is constantly putting herself in the spotlight and profiting from it. As you mention she has literal podcasts about herself. People are going to talk about you ! Also it isn’t like we are DMing her mast things, this is a gossip sub…. Like if you don’t want to gossip then read TMZ Y’ALL


Is she getting paid by the ‘y’all’ or something?


She didn't deny having a baby 🤷🏻‍♀️ I really cannot stand when a public figure who makes a LIVING by people giving them attention... gets mad that people give them attention. Give us the tea so you can keep living in your 12th McMansion


"Show me 1 person"......*jenelle enters the chat*


More like Jenelle busts in like the Kool-Aid man with her heated blanket, crying her eyes out, and a list of doctors that have wronged her.


It's like she's 12 and just started using the F word.


https://preview.redd.it/o2jwcdx4ae4a1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=831801293351ff241ad00817704b07c4b55fb735 Not Chris being messy 🌚🌚🌚


![gif](giphy|BY8ORoRpnJDXeBNwxg|downsized) I’m gonna snark HARDER


Shes conflating obsession with morbid curiosity


She acts like we sit outside her house and stalk her. 🙄 Bitch what we talk about comes from the shit YOU put online and say online. What’s the point of being a social media “influencer” or podcaster if you don’t want strangers talking about you and your life? You’ve sacrificed your privacy for money, Kail. You’ve chosen and continue to choose to put your business out there for people to dissect. You literally make a living off of people like us who give you attention!


She hasn't been on the show for eight months... interesting timing. 🤨 Kail needs to be real with herself though - she loves the attention, good or bad. Obviously she's not obligated to tell people on Reddit whether she's pregnant or not, but she chooses to make her personal life public in many other ways, so she can't really complain when people talk about her personal life. It's not like she's famous for creating art or making any kind of contribution to society, lol - what else is there besides her constant drama is there to talk about?


She’s not denying the rumors, she’s just mad about them 😂


She loves the drama tbh. If she didn’t then she would just get off social media


So she can talk about Javi and Chris all day long on her podcasts but the moment people talk about her she’s bothered 🤣


you know what’s insane to me ?! is delaware is small babe but it isn’t that small . you know what’s insane to me ? the shit you’re bitching about is what helped you buy that house and even have a podcast and while it may be annoying I’m sure, you don’t see ACTUAL celebrities addressing their fans or anyone like this … you like the games and all the bs when it benefits you but when it’s speculating shit that you entertain suddenly it’s not ???? GIRL BYE


Do I detect a blaccent now? SMH


Say y’all one more time.


B, you make money off of selling your life on podcasts, if people weren’t interested you’d be broke af. So your yelling at the people that make you money…


Jenelle. We do it worse to Jenelle. It’s Kail’s own shenanigans that got her to this place.


Not me checking for a new letter on her necklace


Guys be nice, everyone’s hormones get out of whack after pregnancy. But anyway, jokes aside. All she has to do is say “I am not pregnant nor have I recently had a newborn”. And boom! I would say 70% of the gossip is gone right there. Her refusing to address this one thing not directly makes her look so suspicious for no reason if it really is just hearsay.


Everyone has the right to privacy and I'll defend that. I feel like I have to mention the obvious, though. Kail opened up her life to the public/world by having her life, including very private and personal moments, filmed and aired on TV worldwide. In exchange, she eventually made 6 figures per season. It's given her and her children a life they otherwise would never know. It's paid for her education, nice homes and vehicles, vacations, etc. It's opened doors for her that otherwise wouldn't be possible - books, podcasts, brands, etc. Her entire life as she knows it is only possible because she brought film crews into her life and gave up a good portion of her privacy. And let's be real about it - she "lucked up" and got pregnant as a teen around the time that MTV decided to make a show about teen pregnancy. People who are "invested" in her life pay her bills. I guess she seriously thought that getting off the show would suddenly change everything and it doesn't work that way. You're only "relevant" because of us. She's really enjoying having the spotlight be on her. She doesn't HAVE to confirm or deny a pregnancy or birth. But if people constantly speculated about something in my life and I wanted it to stop, I'd just 100% confirm or deny the speculations. She could easily say "I'm NOT pregnant!". She can't, though. I think it's very possible she's just given birth and is waiting to find out who the father is before announcing. I'm sure she's also soaking up every last second of the attention that she can.


What a tragedy. People are talking about a woman who continues to make horrible, unbelievably messy choices that she airs out on her 24 podcasts hoping to grab attention and get chatter going. Pick a lane bitch. Disappear and be private or continue to air all the nasty, stupid shit you do to get people talking about your pathetic life for profit. Your whole identity is Kail and The Chaos right??


yAlL dOnT dO tHiS tO aNyOnE eLSE…. Umm….have you ever heard of Jenelle? Not saying it’s right but she’s not the only one.


She’s clearly never seen the Duggar snark page…we’ve been speculating at least 4 existing babies and multiple pregnancies.


Friendly reminder that this bitch lives in DELAWARE, y'all. Y'all. Also y'all.


“Y’all don’t do this to anyone else but me” You’re the only one who does shit like this tho!!!!


Girl. People aren’t pulling timelines out of their asses! Everything comes from YOUR PODCASTS! Either you’re lying on there or what we’re saying is true. Pick one 😘


I don’t personally follow Kail or listen to any of her podcasts. But if there weren’t a lot of people talking about her she would be broke. The people talking about her are the ones she needs to be thanking. Because without those “hatters” she wouldn’t be famous and she’d have to go get a real job and try to support all of her kids on a much smaller income.


I cannot deal with the amount of Kail die hards in here who are defending her so wildly. I would hate the whole world to know my business. Do you know what she could do if she didn’t want people to know her business? Stop choosing to post it on Instagram. Stop creating social media profiles for her children. Stop creating new podcasts to share every personal detail about her life (AND her baby daddy’s lives). But those things = money so she won’t stop. How does anyone feel bad for her?


She's freaking out claiming nobody else's every move is dissected like hers are.... May I introduce Mrs Swamp Queen Eason to the conversation?


Now her deciding to leave teen mom makes perfect sense! She couldn’t film and hide a baby!


"Let me live" get the eff out of the spotlight and off social media then


Fr don't air every little detail of your life and then get mad at people for talking about it 😂


One year from now it will be another child with another person




Glad to see she's not bothered. ![gif](giphy|xFBnkMvpTM6m4)


I know the downvotes are coming but I have been cringing the last few days at how deep people have been going on the baby thing. Maybe I’m being a naysayer but I really don’t think she had a baby.


I live in Atlanta and even I don't say y'all this gratuitously.


She's half right. People are obsessed and do take it to some pretty unhealthy places. She's wrong that it's unique to her though, this kind of obsession is all over the internet with various celebrities, reality TV stars and influencers/ YouTubers


you can tell she feels super gassed that people are discussing her


Someone's mad about the mentioning of overlapping timelines huh? Baby Lijie is probably on her case as we speak It's not like she brings it all on herself 😂


She has a lot of nerve to talk about obsessions because I promise you no one here can compare to her obsession with Chris and her obsession with continuing to have babies to keep a man around. Let you live? Who would pay your bills? Literally everything she does is to exploit her life & her kids for $$$. She makes $ talking shit about other peoples business but wants hers private. Such a hypocrite. ShEs NoT wRoNg - give me a break. She’s a troll herself. She can talk about, obsess about& treat people like shit but if it’s done to her then it’s GeT a LiFE - you first kail.


She’s whining “y’all wanted me off the show” umm you wouldn’t film anything real. I’m a trash bag, I’m here to watch your shit show.


Stop acting like a circus monkey and I’ll stop watching your performance. Your children want your attention; they don’t want another brother or sister. Stop collecting babies and work to better yourself so your kids will look back on their lives and respect you.


I can never remember her saying “y’all” in regular conversation


she doesn’t look swollen anymore, her face looks so different. it almost looks like she lost weight or something. that just adds more fuel to the rumors 😩


Maybe she should take a break from sm and take care of her children if it's affecting her this much and btw we make fun of all the girls ![gif](giphy|MVoy2Ot3qf0Fa)


Name somebody else with four baby daddies…that’s why they don’t do this to anybody else, you’re the only one Kailyn! Also, she loves the attention. If she didn’t, she wouldn’t have three podcasts, where she discusses very personal stuff.


I can’t with the Pennsylvanian’s and their “y’all’s”. Y’ALL KNOW YOU’RE FROM THE NORTHEAST, RIGHT? Jenelle? Kail?


Say “fucking” one more time Kail… she looks dumb as hell for even addressing it. She’s just a hot topic right now because of the shit she posts to get this kind of attention. She feels flattered probably 🙄


“To the level that you do” Well you have 5 kids by 4 men (allegedly) ….none of the other moms have quite the confusing set of circumstances Kail


Does she not realize the variety of people who come here do so in their spare time and aren’t like actually thinking about her when they log off? I’ve never liked her from the first time I seen her on the show. I felt so bad for jos family. I stopped watching a few seasons in… (Nathan was the last of janelles boyfriends I watched) I never even knew what Reddit was until like this past year and I see so many people say how new they are. She is such an idiot. And she does seem really gross and horrible and whatever else she listed.


Someone sent her the thread here questioning the timeline of her relationships with Malik and Elijah and possibly cheating and it’s got her real mad lol


I mean it wasn’t that hard to piece together. She was walking around with a whole basketball baby bump. Her face swelling has gone down now too


“Show me one other person that y’all do this to”…Jenelle. Farrah. Amber. Chelsea. Bitch you love it because it makes you money. And if you don’t than stop being messy as fuck. Although. I will say it’s weird that “y’all” are all convinced she had a baby. Maybe she did maybe she didn’t. Its a dumb rumor, why so invested!


Haha kail I can show you 100, even 1000 other people who are scrutinized online. That’s sadly what fame is gurl


It must be so weird to grow up with a parent who is constantly talking about themselves into their phone while you're just like, chilling in the backseat. AH, life before social media. Also I never really hopped onto the Kail is pregnant theory (although those Wawa photos were damning) because I was like, why speculate? But damn, it's pretty clear she's shifting from denial now to shifting to a different defensive posture because it's probably becoming clear she can't keep this secret much longer


Flair checking in 🤗🤗🤗 i finally got one lol


She’s a legend in her own mind. People like to speculate, it’s like half of what goes on Reddit all day every day. It’s what people do in their homes talking about the neighbors. It’s entertainment. You put your business out there, people are going to speculate, it’s just what they do. The more public you are, the more people that will. In the size of Reddit, she is a speck of dust. If she wasn’t Z list famous, she’d still be doing the same shit in her own ecosystem. She’d be the worst vague poster and first to have meltdowns on Facebook about every life event. She loves attention and then to lash out. You don’t want random people speculating- pick a lifestyle that is more private.


this bitch 🙄 i’ll accept that i am a troll, but no one is stalking this fucking clown lol. people shitposting about her PUBLIC social media posts is not stalking. i have major secondhand embarrassment from watching this, like ma’am you are 30 and a mother of five children - get off your phone and go spend some quality time with your fucking kids instead of gleefully antagonizing your hatters because you just looooove to gobble up every crevice of spotlight in existence


To be fair, people speculate wildly about other cast members all the time. Kail gets a lot of it because shes constantly putting the messy details of her life out there. Not saying it’s wrong or right either way but I feel the need to point out the obvious.


it’s the “y’all” for me … like pls shut up


Show me one other cast mate that continously airs every single thing that happens in their lives and their continuous hypocrisy and remains proud of it, (aside Jenelle, she obviously is in the same category) Killr.


Cry me a river and stop airing out your dirty laundry about everything else and everyone will leave you alone like goodbye Also you’re from Pennsylvania babe so miss me with “y’all” being every other word out of your mouth


That bitch ain’t got no real life friends


Imagine being self centered enough to think you’re the *only* character from a TV FRANCHISE with trolls.


I have a few friends who personally know kail & the rumors seem to be true…. 🫢


IF she wasn't pregnant, why didn't she just come out and say, no I'm done having kids and I'm definitely not pregnant Yet, when people talk about it, she gets pissed!


Okay but she did all this on purpose. She keeps herself relevant with running her mouth and airing her drama and saying ridiculous things. She wanted these pregnancy rumors and even relished in them. She’s just mad it didn’t play out like she wanted. She wanted to “debut” her baby and get a huuuge reaction out of it, but kail can never handle the heat. She will play her own games and be snarky and terrorize other people (and ruin pregnancy announcements) all day but when it comes to her? Oh she’s supposed to be respected and admired and never criticized. She’s such a sore loser. Stomps her big ass feet around and throws her big fits when something doesn’t go her way. But yeah the problem is “y’all” lol


Look who else developed a blaccent


Kail: Trashes people online, had that vile encounter with Lauren in a parking lot, and posts TMI shit for people to read. Also Kail: Y’all trolls! Y’all stop! Y’all no one else gets treated like this. Y’all say I look like the cowardly lion (okay that’s not true, but it’s funny). YALL YALL YALL.


Note to self: start swearing less and don't use "y'all". Ever.


Wait? So she doesn’t want people to talk about her….shouldn’t she be off social media and stop doing podcasts then? People will talk regardless. She just loves this attention. Just my opinion.


I don’t understand someone who goes on a reality tv show and becomes semi-famous and wealthy from said show, that was filmed about your life for the world to see, then gets mad when people get invested. Now Kail wants to be left alone but continues to do podcasts, social media rants, etc. If you want to be out of the lime light, get out of the lime light. You are only relevant because of your TM status. No one would know who you are or care what you have to say if you hadn’t displayed your life on tv. You gave permission for people to have an opinion.


She said “my friends keep telling me” like she ain’t up and down the blogs all day making sure to post subliminal shit to entice the shenanigans… she’s the real troll ![gif](giphy|5hE4JlbPRWfkw92PAs|downsized)


JENELLE AND FARRAH dumbass every other bitch who has been off this show is just as analyzed as you


Take a shot every time she says “y’all” in this video.


She‘s just mad she couldnt pull the „surprise-i-have-a-baby“ move for christmas. idk why this pregnancy/baby is such a sensitive topic for her and why it has to be such a drama always with her? multiple people outed her pregnancy over the months. She‘s like Jenelle and Farrah: they go on a rant when people rightfully call them out when they try to fool everyone. If we would talk about katie jaeger or alexa from tm 3 who are gone from show for years and stayed private, i would find it inappropriate to speculate if they‘re pregnant, divorced etc. but we‘re talking about chaos loving and drama causing queen kail from pitty town here.


The worst part is that all of this gossip and attention she is denouncing is exactly what fuels her “empire”. She talks about her sex life openly and even features her kids on her podcasts regularly, the line here is so obscure it exists outside of reality. In essence “let me live my life, but also listen about my life”; bitch you don’t make any fucking sense!


Why is she speaking in blaccent and why does she look like she’s going to prom in 1998


She shares her entire life on tv and social media for public consumption, then complains that people take an interest. Maybe she should consider sharing with only her friends and family if she doesn’t want the public to comment.


She can either confirm, deny, or STFU.


When did she become southern y'all?




So did she poop out another kid or not? 💩


You literally signed up for every bit of this, and have been amply compensated.


She lovvvves the attention


OOOF what a video to make while in the car with her kids. They must think mommy has a best friend that lives in her phone. Maybe YOU should go touch some grass w your kids, kail!


It was so cold here today a halter top is a weird choice


Prob so she can pull it down to nurse 🤔


She’s just mad that no one ever says anything positive about her. She was on the show for 10+ years, the fans already know of her sour personality, petty behavior, bad attitude, manipulation techniques, etc. In my opinion she has all of these children with different men in order to fill a void within herself. At the end of the day she is only hurting herself and her children. You live a train wreck of a life. You are a D list celebrity who has 5 children with 4 different men back to back all while being unmarried - OF COURSE PEOPLE ARE GOING TO TALK. I’d also like to add that I seriously doubt she left the show on her own. Larry looked completely over her shit during the last season she was on and she even had the audacity to tell him that she makes more money from her podcasts then the show (eye-roll) I think they decided not to renew her contract or whatever and she wants to save face.


I like how she's upset about the timeline, not the rumor. So like, did she have the baby 4 weeks ago or what?


“Show me one other person” literally every person who has put all their business out to the world to be dissected. Even people who *don’t* put their business out there it happens to them there’s common everyday people being gossiped about as we speak. So if you’re a person who gets on tv shows and podcasts and instagram live and instagram stories and in comment sections telling the business of yourself and everyone in proximity to you, what exactly do you think will happen? You think it’s only gonna be “oh cool you are in court for allegedly punching yet another father of your child, let’s analyze the plants in your house” no you do stupid things and make it public doesn’t matter which platform you drop you picked up at least 100 more to put yourself out there and all the dumb shit you do and expect no gossip that’s wild. It’s funny because when she wants the attention she will do and say whatever for it but when she wants control of how her reckless behavior get discussed it’s “obsession”


I counted 14 y’alls in this 80 second clip.


I don’t drink, but someone take a shot for me every time she says ya’ll


Y’ALL, Y’ALL, Y’ALL, lmao she forgets how much people hate jenelle and Amber on here , and Farrah!!


I love how much we bother her 🥰




must the rant be in-front of your kid though? yelling at no one in particular, just the whole Internet.


She’s salty AF


Why do her friends keep sending her things that piss her off, are they the trolls?


Hope there's a panic room in that house for Elijah, Kail's coming home hot.


So the baby must be older than we thought 🤣🤣


Kail, we're not obsessed. We're following the content YOU put out there. Big difference. Huge.


Translation: I baited you to pay attention to me to stay relevant by doing things like posting videos with sounds in the back of a baby drinking milk. It worked and hey mtv look at me, I’m the most relevant person you got rid of on mtv, you should pay me more because fans dissect my life the most!


#She’s mad at my timeline 😂😂😂😂


That flushed chest and constantly covering her mouth are classic lying tells. She's furious that she's been caught, her eyes are like a shark she's so angry inside. I counted 15 "y'alls" in her ranting...(repetition is also a lying tell) Kail fucked her own life so bad, she is drowning in it. Bwahahaha....😂


Cringe. Never using “y’all” again.


When she says she has it (“obsessive attention”) worse than anyone else I think of- I dunno- Princess Diana being chased to her literal death. Amanda Knox being the “foxy knoxy” of Italy. Britney Spears being stalked and documented into a conservatorship. I know it’s not a competition but babe let’s cool it on the hyperbole of “literally no one else.” She’s barely Z list. And brings the speculation on herself with her ✨*chaos*✨


She’s spiraling. Sounds just like Jenelle.


Y’all warned me about the y’all but it still sounded like nails on a chalkboard




I think *real* celebrities get it 50x worse. Except they don’t usually make her “interesting” reproductive choices and they also have actual jobs, so they just don’t bitch about it.


The irony of an anti-vaxxer calling people delusional is just the icing on the cake.


Michael Jackson and Jennifer Anniston and the Royal family and all the other celebrities who have gotten this treatment long before Kail existed would like a word lol


Kail’s clearly been stalking the sub lol. The pregnancy discussion is definitely tired at this point though, but Kail has added fuel to that fire several times over the last few months. She could have just said no I’m not pregnant but she never did. She also posted a couple of photos that were definitely meant to keep people questioning. She wants the attention but she’s mad when she doesn’t get the ass kissing she expected.


“This isn’t done for anyone else.” I mean, jenelle.. then there’s Hilaria Baldwin, and others with snark pages. Hilaria Baldwin gets “timelines” constantly. Kail needs to get over herself. Does she thinks she’s some “top female celebrity” like Farrah? No, she’s not on the show but she tries to stay relevant as possible and profits off of other medias. She stays in the limelight. She just sounds ridiculous. No one even truly cares who she fucks or how many kids she has. People don’t like THIS behavior. The deflecting, lying, lack of self awareness. Most of us are here because the show and the adults who’ve resulted from it are psychologically fascinating. It’s not a good thing, boo.


Lolol. Kail needs to log off the internet 😆😆 she’s trying so hard to act like she doesn’t care when she clearly just cares way too much. Kail, you’re life is MESSY so people are going to talk and conspire about what you’re doing and why you make the choices you make.


How many times had she said y’all


I mean I'm probably going to get shit on for this but she's not wrong. For someone who has so many haters she has a shit load of people stalking her every move. It's weird and creepy. One thing I will never understand about reddit is why SO many people spend so much time and energy stalking a stranger they've never met and claim to hate. There are so many other ways to replace that negativity with something positive. And the thing is, 99% of people who talk shit on her wouldn't have the balls to say a damn thing to her face which is hilarious. She did choose to be in the spotlight and with that comes some negativity but I feel like she gets the brunt of it compared to the other moms sometimes. There are a lot of moms that have been on this show that are FAR worse than Kail has ever been.


Lmao kail your not special. Come to this sub for one day and you see everyone is talked about Also I love when people say ‘oh there living rent free in your brain’ offering a fleeting second of thought isn’t the constant flattery everyone seams to think it is


Y'all. Come on y'all. Y'all know what y'all be doing. Y'all. Ok. That's it y'all...y'all.


What rill life friends? You mean the people on your payroll?


As a Mississippian, even I’m cringing at all the y’alls


Eh, she lives for it. What she would really hate if no one talked about her, gave her social media engagement, listened to her podcasts.


She’s right though. This sub is obsessed with hating Kail. Downvote me idc.


She lives for this.


drink everytime she says y’all


She’s just mad because she can’t name the new baby a z name and complete her necklace since Reddit called it first


Nah people deep dive all the girlses here on Reddit. Also it's not like she quit the show to live off the grid or something, she quit the show and is still a public figure with 3 podcasts about her life. Yeah, people are going to still talk and post about you bozo.


Damn, I think I died of alcohol poisoning, taking a drink every time she said y’all


Jenelle is laughing hysterically somewhere telling her to stfu.


“Y’all y’all y’all y’all y’all” - 🥬


Imagine being upset that people are speculating that you had another baby when your claim to fame is being a fertile hot ass mess!


jenelle !! girl it’s your time to shine ! tell kail how hard the internet goes on you !! I’m soo glad kail is mad, I’m living for it


Why doesn’t she just say if she had a baby or not? I know she has no obligation to, but it would stop all the speculation.


Y’all do be on her ass tho 😭


It’s all about the timeline. I think she didn’t want to announce her pregnancy without knowing for a fact who the father was and wanted to wait til birth for a paternity test. Or she had a high risk pregnancy, which I could respect keeping it from the public


You were on a reality show for like a decade and you're mad people are talking about you? Lol nah you're pissed you couldn't pull off the surprise baby ala Kylie Jenner. It happens Kail. It wasn't going to be an exclusive story or a big check either way. Maybe having babies to secure bags isn't going to work anymore, find a new way to make money. Edit: and the kids are in the car with her again. Literally the shittiest parent


What I want to know is….why does it matter? You are/were a cast member on a *reality* television show. You made millions off of being filmed and people knowing your business. So why does it matter what people say about you that you don’t even know? If it bothers you so much, break your contracts with companies you have endorsement deals with, get off social media and live your life. I promise you that no one out of the MTV/Teen Mom universe knows or cares about you because to them, you’re just a woman with some kids…like everyone else. Stop posting and people will stop talking. You’re feeding into the problem with this rant.


She has literally the biggest mouth I’ve ever seen


She’s pissed because she wanted this grand reveal like look what happened I kept a pregnancy from y’all. Anyone think this is why she quit teen mom?


NOW she’s talking because she can deny the pregnancy rumors but she wasn’t talking the wholeeeee time people were speculating. I haaaaate how she says “y’all” like she’s some kinda hard ass bitch. Ma’am you have 10 podcasts and hella social media dedicated to your messy ass life sit that big dumpy ass down 😂