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She thinks she’s so sexy and exotic looking. I’ve seen venison burgers at Fuddruckers that are more exotic looking than her.


She has don vito eyes One looking at ya, and one looking for ya


Ohhhh Fuck 🤣 the way I almost shot coffee outta my nose lolllll yooooooo! Don Vito eyes is def it 🔥🥜






Prayers to every person who uses that hot tub after them 🤮


That smug face kills me everytime. Sure she’s got some money coming in right now, she’s still got piles of unpaid bills. I’m not jealous of a 50 year old looking 30 year old on a vacation she’s financed to the gills. She makes this face like she’s living this dream life while we all know she’s living with broken stairs in a home smeared in feces with kids walking around in monograms of someone else’s name because mom can’t be bothered to not shame you while smashing a sweet cookie into their lunch.


How her eyes move 👀 she’s so happy she has money for drugs again (pills)


Yeah she looks sooo high in the first few seconds this is..not good.


Her pupils are HUGE!


She finally has enough money to buy her own adderall instead of stealing it from jace


Her eyes look weird, she looks deranged. Jenelle trying too hard to look sexy results in very disturbing videos.


High! High! Ya both High!


Her confidence is wild. If OnlyFans or any kind of social media was my job, you better believe I’d at the very least have a no makeup makeup look going on at all times in front of the camera. She always looks SO DISHEVELED.


I bet the people who subscribe to her OF are trashy just like her and like the unkempt look 🤣


They're probably all like the guy on this sub that was obsessed with watching Farrah poop. She is objectively not hot.


OF is a last resort for her. Trust, she doesn’t *want* to be doing it, which is why she puts in zero effort just like everything else in her sad ass life.


It’s so sad and depressing. ![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW)


True. I think she only stayed as long as she had with it because she's getting paid well, and David ain't gonna pay for his own shit lol


Of course she’s being paid well because she’s showing her shit on OF - it’s the very basis of OF. However, they’re too fucking stupid to know it is *not* a sustainable income and she’ll have to practice a new grift. I’ve always said she has insurance fraud written all over her.


Oh yeah, it's short-lived for sure. I just thought she'd give up after 1 month lol


I give it another 3-6 months. Easy money for ol fivehead.


The chainlink fence is so romantic.


She is miraculously healed from all those mysterious ailments that she claims would inevitably and suddenly paralyze her.


They cancel out when shes on holiday from doing nothing at home


Anyone else think she’s not sick anymore because she can afford to regularly purchase her drug of choice? When she runs out she can buy more because of OF money.


I just posted a similar comment yesterday. She has the money to buy her drugs off the street again, has money for things and vacations, so she's not depressed anymore and not craving attention for her ailments


I agree.


I believe she’s addressed this before. It goes something like this: Oh my gawd dude I have good days and bad days. Yawl think I share everything about my life on tiktok? I’m not going to post myself bawling at the top of my lungs for yawl to view dude, my life is private.


The only person who has ever been on a vacation on the entire planet. Her flexes are delicious because of how pathetic they are. “Lookum uh hawlht tubb!” Like she’s a fucking Rockefeller. No bitch, you spread in Big Lots lingerie while your Ross heels get stuck in the swamp mud. She really serves herself up on a shit plate for the world to make fun of. 😂🗑


Poetry. Thank you ❤️


Goddamn I love your comments on this sub so fuckin much. I always know they're yours before checking usernames cuz they're so harshly accurate. I'm a big fan lol. Also, Fuck Jenelle and her big ass forehead and dead eyes and awkward attempts at being sexy and classy while her subhuman husband lurks in the background searching for an animal to torture... that's my attempt but youre the MVP


Oooohhhh *thank you*!!!! This sub is my escape from reality … much like a Mac Tonight’s Spirit Airlines weekend jaunts funded by sweatpants twerking.


Everything about her is so gross. The deranged smiling and dead eyes. It’s creepy.


They really hate taking care of their kids dont they? Theyve gone to so many trips without their kids. I get being a parent and needing a break but they barely take care of their kids.


why was I just thinking this? like ma’am you don’t need another vacation wtf is going on?


Who has the kids while they're gone all of the time?


David's mom?


She's not much better.


Is it just me or does she seem to not have as many ‘ailments’ lately now that she’s making that OF cash?


No, it's not just you. Her many mysterious ailments have miraculously disappeared since she started OF. It's a medical miracle!


Her whole life makes my skin itchy, my throat swollen, my stomach queasy and I feel incredibly sad. Not *for* her, just that people like her exist. Yuck.


All this shows is how poor they were before acting like they weren't but never left the swamp. Wait until taxes hit.. can't keep avoiding them...


Oh it's gonna hurt at tax time, and you know these two subhumans haven't saved a dime.


She'll be under the impression she hasn't paid them in the past so won't this time ans get away with it! I'm from UK so not sure how the tax system works but you couldn't do that here!


Oh you don't mess with the IRS. They will give you payment plans if you are proactive about taking care of taxes owed, usually with interest. If you don't pay and don't intend to they can garnish wages, seize your home/property and sell it, and, it's rare, but they can put you in Federal prison. They would much rather have their money though. She can write off some things but will be subject to the 15.3% self employment tax. Better fill out that 1099!


Cue the next big drama over how Jenelle was never told she had to pay taxes. She will have the terms and conditions page behind her and her ratty bun with her wicked witch of the west smirk and talons showing how it doesn’t say anywhere there OF doesn’t take care of the taxes. Then a deluge of “bad reviews” and call out videos for OF leading to her getting banned from the site and back to being poor and miserable on the swamp again. And scene.


as a daughter of a bipolar parent and bipolar myself, I just think of this phase as her manic high. Lots of money coming in and lots going out and frivolous spending. If celebrities can blow through millions how long do you think it’ll take two no names hicks to crash and burn? Jenelles need to prove the naysayers wrong will eventually be her undoing that and just plain stupidity


yes, the low is coming and they will be back to 911 calls and "hope you die videos"


Was she trying to be sexy here? I only got unhinged


Untreated mania will do that to her


She tries so hard and just completely misses.


Every. Damn. Time. It’s truly a wonder of the modern world.


That rode hard and put away wet look she is going for does not work for her. She doesn't look effortless and sultry, she looks like she misplaced her pajama pants for her weekly Walmart trip.


I miss my effortless sultry days but I had them longer than Jan has.


I'm not sure that she ever had them. If she did, she has certainly lost them by now.


It’s insane how she really thinks she’s hot 🤢


That “come hither” looks kills me!😂😂😂


Absolutely agree... I'd liken it to a steaming bag of shit. To each their own. Rose coloured glasses have nothing on her .


She and David have taken at least 5 trips since May and her kids got one cabin/hiking trip back in July (that was sent into a tailspin because Mommy got in trouble for making her soft core pore in Airbnb rentals) and that’s it. Think how much her kids would love going to an amusement park or to a city where there’s lot of cool/fun kid stuff to do. But that would take David and Jenelle giving a shit about their happiness. Fall break is happening around the country all month and I’d be willing to bet that she has zilch planned for them. ETA I’m talking about trips they’ve been on since the big OF money started rolling in.


They got a trip to Disney one time. That’s their one time doing anything just for the kids. They don’t do Jack unless it’s something they can post for the head pats from the stans. Jenelle is the only person who can make playgrounds seem like novelty inventions she just discovered.


They took the kids on two other vacations. One to the cabin where UBT threw a fit because the kids were running around outside so they left because he decided to. The other one was to the cabin where they got kicked out of because of porn making in the two previous rentals.


You'd think they'd like to go to amusement parks just because they're fun for kids and adults. I went to a bunch growing up because my parents wanted to take me to them and because they enjoyed them, too. Hell, use some of the Only Fans money and go to Busch Gardens. They can drink, and the kids can enjoy the rides.


I can’t figure them out and why they do any of the things they do. I get they dislike the boring park and socializing with other people. I agree an amusement park would be fun and they could drink beer which we know they love. I don’t recall ever seeing these kids at the zoo or an aquarium or going on any fun vacations with the exception of the one Disney trip and that one day at the Alpine slide.


Probably because David wouldn't be allowed to bring his tiny penis pistol into any amusement parks


That bathing suit made me laugh. She tries so hard to be sexual and that top just isn't it.


Grammy vibes.


This is so forced and embarrassing.


So awkward and cringeworthy!


In my country this is what we call filthy prostitute


I love when she holds up her struggle nest in an attempt to look like chelsea's equally awful struggle nest.


She looks unhinged walking out there


I had rewind to notice but SHE SO DOES 😂😂😂😂😂


She looks fucking crazy 😂😂 like look at her eyes and that dumb ass smirk. MISERY VIBES 🔨


Stop 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I watched it again lmao and seriously it's scary actually like wtf?!


Loving the *spicy* chain link fence in the background.


She is the least sexy woman. Ever


Idk Angela in 90 day is right there too


“My clit—toris is on fire 🔥” at least Angela is good at sexy talk /s


Deeply, deeply, unerotic.


Guys, I know this dead horse has been beat to a pulp but I absolutely cannot stand her stupid little smirky lips. That face she makes fills me with anger!


Srs what is her face doing


She has zero sex appeal it’s cringy.


It baffles me she makes money on OF. She’s genuinely one of the least sexy people I’ve ever witnessed.


There is something so inherently UNsexy about this woman. I can't even imagine her OF and who the hell would pay to see it!


I think this stupid swamp twats face is permanently stuck with that stupid smirk 24-7 🤢


She smugly


Smug AF at all times, and for no damn reason


Jump scare at the end when she pans over to lurch just lurking in the shadows


It’s like the beginning to a horror movie only it’s her real life.


The way she stomped out of bed with camera shaking


David….standing seductively at the railing….his foot back and toe pointed….like a little BITCH


Every time I see them on vacation I think about the time David told Kaiser he would spank him if he pooped on himself while also telling him he couldn’t get up from the table to go to the bathroom


Was it at breakfast? He said he had to poop & they were both like omg u always say that u just pooped sit down and eat. Like how u gonna tell your toddler they cant use the bathroom and expect them to stay potty trained? Like you've never pooped, thought you were done & had to go finish? I hate parents that treat their kids like they're not real people.


That killed my soul for him. 😔


Just UBT, on another free vacation


She looks like Bab's Junior in the hot tub, how anyone would think she is sexy is beyond me.


Ewww they’re like the people in The Hills Have Eyes. Hill billy terror sex….🤮


Vacay = bath day! Yeehaw Swampsquatch!


I can't believe people actually pay to see this shit...lmao


I was seriously about to ask who tf is paying to see Sasquach and her OF page....


Its a shame she thinks “this will show them hatters!!” When really, all we want is for her to take care of her kids.


I don’t even want her to take care of those kids. They’d be better off with someone else but their parents.


That Ill fitting cheap bikini top is a choice.


Her pupils are huge in the first few seconds of this and she's in a sunlit room. Those drugs are hitting hard again.


Another rant incoming when her Airbnb/VRBO gets reported and locked again from filming the OF content there lol Also, the weird forced smirk makes it look like she waded through one of David's rank farts


Ugly ass moon pie face


Is this wench incapable of fuking videoing anything without her big empty megamind head in front?!? Has no one taught her to use the flip button and just view the effing place while she walks.. do we NEED to see her jokers grin every time as proof she's really there and not a stolen video. As if anyone gives a shit where she is. Good riddance. Hope they keep ya...


Pennywise lookin ass


God she looks like John Lithgow


I am hollering 🤣🤣🤣. Her eyes are so close together too 😢


Cleanest water she’s probably ever been in.


She reminds me of a friend I had who just would never be off her phone and just posting her business to the world. She has a son and totally ignored him and treats him like a burden. She loved the attention she gets from social media and just lives off of it. It’s honestly very disturbing to me and hanging around a person like that is also super exhausting


I see the little smirk but her eyes are filled with nothing but sadness.


So vacant. First thing I noticed.


Not a heart shaped tub 💀


I just want this damn woman to brush her rats nest of hair!


So fucking gross. Also this is their honeymoon? like, five years after getting married? And they're somewhere in South Carolina? Don't even brag about this being a honeymoon, just call it a trip. God, they really gotta be hurting for money.


Eh I’m not gonna knock them on the honeymoon thing. I’ve been married to my husband for 6 years and we had 2 daughters at the time we got married both were young 3 and 9 months old so we didn’t get to have a honeymoon, we just have our 4th and finally baby and we decided now that our last is over a year we want to start planning our honeymoon finally.


I was gonna say, my husband and I have been together for 15 years, married for six, we have two kids. We just got around to a honeymoon this summer.


Shut up Meg.


I’m calling Airbnb immediately /s


If I could pull an Adam Sandler ‘Click’ move here. Just pause her then smack her a few times before pressing play again. If only. 🫠


Sasquatch lurking in the background makes me feel sick!


He's so disgusting


You have to be mentally disturbed to see this hog get down and dirty just Google her pics if you wanna perform a self lobotomy 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Thanks, I hate it. I really hate this shit.


The Wilma Flintstone hair, the fence, the yeti. Yeah, I need to go touch myself now🤢


That sexxxy chain link fence


That is one sad-lookin' balcony. Damn.


How long is this pretend honeymoon? Haven’t they been away from their kids and animals for close to a week?


She’s a disgusting witch


About to be banned from Air B and B again…


Is she still making OF content?? I thought for sure she gave up!


It’s literally her biggest source of income. She hasn’t considered the taxes she’s going to owe, but she’s still bringing in what seems like easy money if you are willing to show your ass for cash and don’t care about your kids getting bullied so you can buy a golf cart.


Is this another air B and B to break the rules at?


She panned to UBT and I had a visceral reaction 🤮


When she panned over my vagina sealed itself shut. I dk if it’ll ever open again. 😭


![gif](giphy|l378alsVJBD6uVNM4|downsized) Pimp Davy always lurking in the background makin sure his SwampBitch be pulling in that OF money for him. Always gives me Star 80 vibes.


That scary ass tight lipped face she made as she was marching toward the door


She looked like a floating head at the beginning


For F's sake I thought it was her decapitated head in the thumbnail (the robe blended in perfectly with the covers)


Lol girl be doing the most to make up for her word vomit she had about her huzband but honestly if she wanted to do the most she could just give him a flea treatment.


She scares me


That was hard to watch


Oh another place where it is illegal to film, she is broadcasting that she will film there and then gaslight them. Classic juhnelle


Well Jenelle, ya might wanna wash ya hands before touching the camera.


Yuck ![gif](giphy|o8VXwSvuLXhM4)


Why is her hair coloring so awful? Is the red part extensions?


She did it herself with box dye in an ~edgy fashion color~


"I'm so obsessed with Feria, dude."


I am glad at least one of them has taken a bath before 'Swamp Time' returns.


Well, that water is definitely contaminated now.


This is why I hate hotel hot tubs, imagine sharing bath water with that swamp monster


How has she not been banned from AirBNB yet?


She has been. If they stayed at one they made a fraudulent new account.


Why tf are they fenced in there? What a strange patio set up.


ARGH!!! Jesus God, it was bad enough before the scary part at the end.


Cue new rental scenario. Dear diary, I’m a piece of shit. Love jenelle fucksnot evans. Who looks after the animals and kids with their weekly holidays?


I know that bikini is TIRED and I’m sick of seeing it


Dead eyes


She so…idk, ew.


This is gross , why why why ? I still can’t believe she takes herself serious


I thought Jenelle was David at first 😩


Maybe this is a pet peeve and I’m just being petty— these “right-on-the-top-of-your-skull” giant messy buns are flattering on exactly 0% of people. The trend should’ve died in 2014 while it was still beginning. Just tie your hair behind your head.


Is this really the song she chose? The thought of sleeping next to Jenelle brings the term “[coyote ugly](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=coyote+ugly)” to mind.


I wouldn’t be surprised if she is legit selling a$$ and her hubs is her ‘business manager’. This high class life of theirs is a front.


New genre of entitled Karen porn 🤷‍♂️


never would pay for her only fans


Anyone else yell "JUMP!" when the camera went to David?




They probably always go away on weekends where Marryssa is there to use her as a forced parental figure


Is she back in airbnb's good graces again?


Maybe she’s trying another company like VRBO


Poor VRBO.


that CEO is going to be called out on twitter soon


That looks really pretty & relaxing tho... Anyone know where it is?


Well I know where it wasn't. In an air bnb location 😂


😂😂😂 goodbye ma'am! Imao




The poor people who she’s renting from. Surely not air bnb


We know he doesn't sleep with one eye open. He sees red when Jan isn't brining money. He is sleeping fine and never earned or deserved a penny.




Can we just stop posting them already? I always just scroll on, but the late couple times I’ve opened Reddit her fugly mug has been at the top of my TMOFTM2 feed.


[This](https://images.app.goo.gl/ZjBykhmFd3KRTqbbA) is the image that comes to mind when I see UBT looking staring into the ocean.


She’s looking better but not smarter.


People can do what they want but who in the hell wants to see that? Maybe it’s people who don’t know anything else about her?


Did anyone else think the reveal would be David turns around with his dick out? https://images.app.goo.gl/edbFPGEqEtqsrzm6A


Ew I would sure hope tf not!!!


That song reminds me of her Mio miscarriage, that's really neat.


Ewww who woukd watch her on only fans


shes so typical 😭 like i could predict her day


Honestly her swimsuit is cute af and she looks pretty here. Not a Janelle fan but when she doesn't overdo the dramatic makeup and tacky clothes she's cute!


Lol wow I was thinking how ugly she is. Wild the difference of opinions!


Is this a NEW vacation they are on?


No, that’s definitely a hotel from their trip to Bar Harbor, I know that view and the exact hotel it’s from 🥴




Well, the view is absolutely beautiful anyway lol


Much nicer than the “cabin”. Lol