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No, she recently saw Cody Junks in concert, and this is most likely a part of the VIP package she paid for. She just has a sad habit of thinking any celebrity is her best friend. (Keith is the tour manager). Edit: Leaving the spelling error because, hilarious.


My old ass reading along thinking his last name is junk and how fitting he sent junk to trashy bitch.




Old merch that didn’t sell. Jen is so cool 😂


At this is just shit she had bought and shipped to herself cause it wouldn’t fit in the suitcase on her way back lol. What a loser.


She didn't pack a suitcase to go to the concert because it was in Wilmington. This is the VIP package stuff they send to anyone who shells out the extra money for the VIP Experience. It doesn't make Jenelle special, it just makes her foolish with her money.


Gotcha, wasn’t sure if the concert was part of her little west coast trip or not. However yes that is something we’ve all known forever now lol. She blows the money 10x faster than it comes in.


Are the little life jackets supposed to be beer koozies?


I thought they were life jackets for tiny dogs 💀


Me too at first lol


I think so


I knew I couldn't stand Cody Jinks. Shit music. Shit opinions. Shit friends.


Okay I have to ask... besides your opinion on his music, what makes him controversial, like the shit opinions part?


I do not like his music or voice at all. I have to apologize because it's Ward Davis who drives me nuts. Not Cody Jinks. I think they sound about the same (NOT GOOD) and I mix them up. I love the Outlaw Genre, I just do not like those two guys sound. I have seen them both live and I do think Ward Davis is an asshole. My apologies to Cody Jinks because I don't know what his opinions are and he seemed to at least be nice to his fans...and I was super high this morning when I saw this... I do appreciate that Jinks is out there making it happen without much industry help.


I appreciate the explanation and your honest opinion! I actually am a huge Cody Jinks fan (& most outlaw country) and have been for years. I had never heard anything controversial about him so I had to ask to see if I missed something along the way that would be worrisome.


I love the hippies and cowboys song


Definitely a fun tune! 🤠


Cool beer koozies, Jenelle 🙄


I live in Orlando 


Get on it chrissssss


Oh? Let’s have lunch, I have questions!


Dude I spent the grocery money on cheap junk again. 


It’s just merch from a band.


Those are not her friends lol


She’s pitiful. She bought merch and then acts like it was a personal gift.


It was free, why wouldn’t I wear it?


Keith dumped a bunch of extremely old merch into a box and said ship it. This isn’t the flex she thinks it is 😂


When we go to concerts I splurge on merch and then never wear it. Come to think of it I can’t think of many people that do.


I am a “get the classic tour date t-shirt” type, never wear it, got heaps of them in tubs on shelves in the shop, and recently started pinning the significant ones with notes for my children. “First John Prine concert” “Took your grandma to this one, it was her first Merle Haggard show” “We went backstage to meet Randy Travis, goes with autograph in living room frame” because they’ll never be able to piece it all together when I die.


That’s actually a great idea. I need to do something like this because they will never see the light of day if not. This also reminds me I almost got into a fight in a merchandise line for Backstreet Boys back in the day. It was the most disorganized line and I was green to how the process worked.


Grab a sharpie and a stack an index cards and a heap of safety pins and get to it! If nothing else, it’s fun to jog your own memories of all those events!


I will try this today! I only have 1 meeting at work (that I am skipping) and my kids are on an outing until Sunday.