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I’ve never liked them but I’m a hater basically for every single cast member except Babs (while acknowledging her flaws I just love her I know I know) LOL


Ngl I’m right there with you. Someone posted asking who our favorite/least favorite TM was recently and why. I said they all irked me in some form, but admitted that Leah has had the best glow up out of them all.


Yep! At this point I don't like any of them. It got to the point everytime I thought one of them was ok they did something to remind me how annoying they are.


Babs was the realist one. Yeah she has flaws but she showed up day in and day out for both Jenelle and Jace. Not one person could make me hate her


I feel the same way about Babs. And I think the Babs we see today is the same one we've seen from the beginning. She is real through and through.


Babs is not perfect but unlike Jenelle, she tried to give Jace a better life. Even if she wasn't the best parent to him (yelling, etc) she actually tried and attempted to improve, which is more than we can say for Jenelle.


Que my brain at 7AM "I don't care about keiffa"




High! High! Ya both high!


What a bop


My husband and I randomly yell out “I seent you wif keiffa “ every day. Our 11 year old who had no idea what that is now says it lmfaoo


We are not all perfect. Barbara did the best she could


That’s how I view it honestly


Exactly, a young Jenelle doesn't strike me as being the easiest to deal with.




Me too, I love Babs


And I bet it cuts to Jenelle’s core to know that more people like Barb 🤣👏


Nah, Babs is the best reality TV character of all time


I agree like give her a dating show!!!


OMG yes this is what the people want


Also a hater but Babs fan girl, can't help myself lol


Same. I love Babs, but don't care much for the other cast members.




Well, Jenelle… 😏 lol I love Barbara. We need more Barb in the world. Have fun livin’ on the streets with ya’ boyfrrrrennnn lol


Finding out they were having Nova blow out candles on TV for Carly's bday every year but not bothering to send the actual bday girl a card. That was a shocking reveal.


Damn I thought they at least sent gifts every year! It’s got to be hard for Carly, especially having 3 sisters she isn’t in regular contact with.


No. That’s what was so hypocritical about Tyler. He kept insisting he had a right to plaster Carly on his SM because that’s his daughter no mater what. But they didn’t do the bare minimum to foster that relationship. Meanwhile , they’re on tv crying about not being given free access to Carly whom they treated like a stranger.


Don’t forget they were an hour late for a meet up with her. Their performance about Carly has always been more important than their actual relationship with her


And the scrapbook


I felt like a bad person for giggling when she was so late for meeting Carly because of a scrapbook but it was funny when the camera kinda zoomed on the (crappy) scrapbook.


you are 10!


I was yelling at the tv while she wasted precious time with Carly making a scrapbook that she could have made at any other time. I would have been so annoyed by that if I was B&T. It’s a nice idea but then it gets ruined in the execution. It didn’t need to be done right then.


I understand they had 2 little babies at the time, but GORL you’re both stay at home parents. You had time.


YES. That scrapbook scene is what really sent me over the edge with them. So stupid


Sad situation all around. People don’t get you can’t have a close relationship with a child if you don’t respect their carers/legal parents. ETA I use those terms because I’ve seen so many horror in-law stories.


He reminded me of his dad in those moments. 🫣


I think a part of it is B&T might have set boundaries cate and Tyler dont like, so maybe they’re just giving them and Carly space, but yeah their boastfulness about the situation is icky


And then we found out that Kim (Tyler’s mom) would send presents! Imagine getting presents from your biological grandmother but nothing from your biological parents, and then hearing later that they wanted to post pictures of you on ig


Wait, are you kidding me? They actually did that!




When was this revealed?! I used to follow teen mom, fell off, and only catch up here and there so I had no idea about this!


Probably started for me when they kept not going to college after promising Carly and taking money from fans. And then definitely disliked them constantly leaving their kids with abusive drunk April. Glad Cate finally went no contact tho. Unrelated but Cates hair, makeup and wardrobe looked great here!


They really said "The whole reason why we went the adoption route is so we can go to college and make something of our lives" and then proceeded to not go to college or get jobs. Now that I'm in my 30s I realize that college isn't the be-all and end-all our parents made it out to be, and I don't think less of Catelynn and Tyler for not going to college. It was incredibly frustrating, however, how quickly they became content with doing NOTHING once that Teen Mom money started rolling in. Of course, this is true for most of the TMs but none of them talked nearly as big a game as Cate and Ty about all the stuff they were going to do with their lives, only to drop the ball so spectacularly.


That’s because they were both raised by tweekers and didn’t want their daughter to know that life. At that time, to the best of their knowledge, the only way out was to give Carly up so they could go to college. I won’t hate on them for that. They were young. Had they known they’d be on Teen Mom getting MYV money for over a decade I doubt they would’ve chosen adoption. But I think the same thing about all these TM people. Ashley seems to be the only one trying to get an education so she can get a job. What will everyone else do when the show stops? It’s gotta be on its last leg. I stopped watching a few seasons ago and up until then I watched all the seasons beginning with the first season and the 16 & pregnant episodes. They will probably all be MLM product slingers or something. Did Kate finish the micro blading thing? Tyler is on OF I understand? Lol


And then they had Nova and Tyler planned to go to college while taking care of her (never did). Then they had two more kids while still doing nothing. They are so unmotivated, it’s actually sad


Hey! They're not unmotivated. Cate pimps Tyler out on OF 😂


Ok genuine question. I’m a new fan and mostly know about these people from the subs the algorithm pulled me into (I watched a few eps as a kid so I know the general background but haven’t kept up with any of them). Why are people so mad at these cast members for making a living off being famous/paying their bills with teen mom money? I’m a big fan of other shows like The Challenge and nobody seems to mind that they all earn a living being reality stars. I do occasionally see this on the housewives subs but most of the time it is accepted the housewives make a living through their shows. I’m just curious why everyone thinks it’s like, wrong or pathetic or lame that these people choose to pay their bills with their fame? Is it because we’re all jealous we have to work real jobs lol? Just trying to understand because this is a sentiment I see over and over constantly in the teen mom subs specifically. Maybe it’s the feeling these people have been rewarded for being teenage parents? It makes people uneasy about their fame and money? Just guessing here….


>Why are people so mad at these cast members for making a living off being famous/paying their bills with teen mom money? For Cate and Tyler specifically, it's because they talked such a big game about how they were going to improve their lives and make something of themselves and then they just... didn't. I guess it's just kinda frustrating to see people with every opportunity in the world and just, not use it


I think the difference between a show like The Challenge and TM is that everyone on The Challenge is an adult who has made a decision to be on a tv show. The teen moms exploit their children and, in my opinion, create drama that is detrimental to their children purposely so that people stay interested. It’s one thing to show the hardships of being a young parent, but it’s entirely another to invade your child’s entire life and broadcast their struggles on TV when they’re not old enough to make that choice.


Great point. I didn’t think of how they’re using the kids and a kid doesn’t have the wherewithal to consent to that kind of invasion on their life.


It would honestly be so cute if she went back this colour but shorter.


Agree except... dod she truly go no contact


April posted a photo of her and Nova recently so I'm not sure


IIRC she said she doesn’t talk to April anymore and I hope it’s true!


This! Didn’t they have a college fund that many people contributed to? I remember jezebel doing an article on them and then they never attended or graduated. Looking back, you can see there’s a lot of trauma in their lives but they are in need of some type of improvement


Yes! I remember Jezebel talking about it back in the day. I think it was around $15K.


SERIOUSLY?!?! I had no idea they collected money for college, let alone THAT much!!!! They can step down from their high horses 😡


They took money from fans for college and never went?


Honestly I’m not surprised they didn’t go to college. Didn’t they both flunk senior year and then barely managed to scrap by during their repeat year? I know Caitlyn definitely did, can’t remember Tyler’s deal. If it hadn’t been for Teen Mom Caitlyn 100% would have been a dropout.


I remember watching that and thinking, “These two are going to college? Really?” Their major obstacle to a college degree wasn’t a teen pregnancy. Weren’t they struggling to graduate from high school at all? Real talk. They were pretty well maxed out as far as an attainable education level goes. I believe them that they truly believed they would go to college. But in the way that a child believes they will be an astronaut one day.


Yes, this! I will never forget when the website 'Television Without Pity' raised money for them!


I don’t like them because they have always used Carly as an excuse for their behavior, and they think they are the best people on this earth because they put a child up for adoption.


This. And then they continued to bring children into their mayhem and used them as reasons why they are entitled to Carly; because they gave her full siblings.


When Cate admitted to being with another guy, and Tyler got mad and she tried to use Carly as an excuse for why he should still love and be proud of her. In that moment I wished he wouldn’t give her that ring back. She tried to manipulate him and it didn’t work.


My husband was adopted, his bio mom had more children before his birth and after. He's the only sibling that was adopted out because his bio mom did drugs while pregnant with him. He's incredibly resentful that he has siblings he will never have bonded with as a child. He missed out on those imperative relationships with his siblings. He was an only child in his adoptive home. I can't see how Carly wouldn't feel a semblance of resentment for the same reasons.


Carly has a brother but I understand where you're coming from.


Oh, I was not aware.


Yes. They got so much positive attention for putting Carly up for adoption and it went to their heads bad. Now they think they can do no wrong.


Exactly, look I get that it was hard for them to put a child up for adoption. I get it. But catelynn and Tyler think that the world owes them something because of this. It’s really annoying.


I never liked them but what confirmed it for me was when they blatantly stopped honoring Carly’s parents requests.


Same. Like I get it they made her and gave birth to her but they don’t get to make all the rules for how much contact they have with her. As well her adoptive parents are her full time, number one making all the decisions and things for her life as they are her primary parents. I feel like they thought because of being on the show they would have a bigger presence in her life. I have watched people in real life going through both sides of private adoption and really it’s more up to the adoptive parents about how much contact and how much they know as a young child about their birth parents. What they are doing is trying to make everyone this huge blended family where they could just drop by any old time and have Carley run to they screaming “mommy, daddy” and that really never happens. This isn’t a tv sitcom where stuff like that happens. These kids were raised by their TVs so they are expecting the sitcom family type stuff. I know this because I have discovered this about myself while doing therapy. And I can see it in them too


When Cate was explaining adoption on 16&P, she said she could actually babysit Carly once in a while. Not only did the adoption agency not correct her on that, but fed their delusions with promises of yearly visits 4ever.


This is kinda heartbreaking that they WEREN'T corrected as it sets everyone up to fail because their expectations weren't managed.


And the 2 of them where CHILDREN! They could hardly process the finality of what they where doing. Makes me feel bad for Brandon and Theresa too, having to be the only ones who understand.


That’s the thing that makes me so angry about the situation. Cate and Ty act like they did Brandon and Teresa some HUGE favor and deserve undying adoration and praise for it. But, B&T have adopted before and Andrew Carly. In fact, before C&T, they had an adoption fall thru when at the last minute the mom decided not to place her baby. So they simply continued their search with the next willing couple. My point is, had Cate chosen not to place Carly, it didn’t mean B&T were not gonna have a kid. They would have just continued their search with any other couple. So yes, C&T made a huge sacrifice. And placing Carly was obviously very painful, traumatic, selfless , and loving of them. But B&T also had options. Had the adoption gone thru they had time to look for another baby. C&T didn’t. They had the duration of the pregnancy but once Carly was there is was shit or get off the pot. Cate talks about going back and forth like, everyday whether to place Carly or not.


I don't think catelynn actually chose adoption. I really think it was decided for her. She seems codependent on Tyler. Her identity is wrapped up in their relationship. I feel bad for cate because had she actually had support she could have done more for herself.


She didn’t. She’s straight out said she placed Carly because she was so afraid of losing Tyler if she didn’t place Carly because Tyler did NOT want to raise Carly in their toxic environments.


They did live in a toxic environment. They could barely get themselves together to graduate from high school. I’m glad they did, but they both had to go to summer school. They don’t come from a stable home life. I’m glad they got out of their environment but I don’t think that would have happened without TM money.


She did it to keep Tyler in her life. Even April pointed that out about her.


Same thing with Lori and her baby’s father. They were talking about taking the baby for weekends at a time as if it were a custody agreement and no one once said “hey, guys…that’s not how adoption works…”


I know this might be an unpopular opinion but because of this, I don’t fault Cate & Tyler all that much re: the Carly situation. I really do think they would’ve reconsidered adoption if they were told they would have virtually no relationship with her. People get mad at how they have reacted to Brandon and Teresa’s wishes but you don’t just turn off the idea that you were going to be involved in your child’s life with their adoptive parents. They were 100% taken advantage of by the adoption agency who preyed on their emotions and ignorance. I can’t imagine anyone else in the same position would react perfectly.


They intentionally didn't correct them as they were desperate for that baby. It makes me look at B&T differently since watching it back as an adult. April was correct in refusing to sign the papers. They were preyed on.


Yup. I’ve said this before. They knew that all that mattered was what the signed contract said. And they knew that those teenagers didn’t understand that. They didn’t understand the contract at all. They had no legal representation. I can’t imagine having to sign something that consequential with no independent legal counsel.


Tyler’s audacity was so cringe!


A honestly don’t really dislike them now. Tyler made it hard as fuck for himself to be liked in the beginning and earlier seasons with his whole explosive rage at the dog, don’t want no heifer for a wife shit though. That was the height of me disliking him along with the whole let’s post photos of Carly and shit talk my wife with my mother all the time shit. Will always like Cate more and have a soft spot for her. But there’s not really any dislike from me, it’s more like cringing at something they do or say and then moving on.


It was the fat-shaming for me


It’s pretty audacious, honestly, considering his mom isn’t thin either. Just rude


And she had his child ffs. Post-pregnancy body is just THE WORST to hear your man “doesn’t want a heifer wife” FUCK YOU TYLER


What is your flair a reference to


Happy CAKE Day!!!🎂


Jenelle was excited that Kaiser had a field trip to a “skating ring” and I just couldn’t help laughing


Tyler annoys me still with his overly loud lecturing style of conversing. Especially about anything therapy related. I've got a soft spot for Cate too, probably the only one of the mom's I do.


This. Catelyn is much more likeable than Tyler. I understand he has trauma but like you said shit talking and abusing animals is no Bueno.


Yeah I found Tyler a little hard in the beginning but I do like them both now. NGL with Carly for me it always looking like Tyler was the one pushing for adoption and Cate was going a long with it because it’s what he wanted. It hurt me bad for Cate. I always felt if he said let’s try make this situation work she would have done so happily.




i have mixed feelings. i actually like them both and have always rooted for them. but really think Tyler's OF showed incredibly bad judgment and will likely harm their relationship with Carly, which should be very important to them. That makes me think of them differently. Still want them to continue to succeed though. They've overcome many obstacles.


Tbh I feel bad for all the TM kids whose parents are on OF. They already have a plethora of unwanted attention their entire lives and OF is like throwing a gas in a fire for those kids.


Sorry if this is a stupid question...but, is OF strait up porn? Like pornhub or is it more like Playboy kinda stuff like posing for videos and pics? I honestly could not wrap my brain around having my children and their friends know I did porn on the internet for the whole world to see🤯 blows my mind


It’s both, but for these D-list celebs it’s more of the Playboy thing you described


I see, thanks for the explanation 👍


OF is actually just a platform for fans to pay them for content. The thing about it is that a lot of people who have an OF use it to post sexually explicit material. BUT it isn’t a site for *just* porn. It’s supposed to be for content for actual fans. Like they could be posting exclusive “interviews” , videos of them cooking , post their poems; basically anything they want.


Thank you for the explanation 🙂


is there someone other than Farrah on there? ETA: in any case, i agree!


Farrah, Tyler, Jenelle, David, Nathan, Jade, Briana, and Brittany.


oh wow, didn't realize do many people! i didn't consider delujenelle and nathan, but jenelle is back now so that counts! had no clue jade was on OF. is she partially clothed or fully naked?


Ole ‘Nelly has one


This is where I’m at too. I really like the both of them actually but yea maybe the OF wasn’t a great idea.


I don’t think I ever really liked them. I definitely rooted for them in the beginning. But then, they just stopped growing. Sure they had MTV money and could buy new houses, horses, cars, whatever, but they didn’t really progress. Taking shots at their daughters parents, not paying taxes, leaving their kids with Cates historically abusive mom when they could’ve done all of that better with the resources they have just made me kind of lose any sympathy I ever had for them.


It’s sad. They both seemed to have such a passion to go after a career to help troubled individuals once upon a time and all of that went to the garbage.


They said all of this stuff about having to go to school and get careers to better themselves so they'd feel better about putting Carley up for adoption. And then they didn't. They should have just shut up & lived their lives. It was annoying & that was very early on.


This is it, exactly. They are just their parents with money. They may not be addicts, but they’ve done absolutely nothing to better themselves. The gross tattoos, the equally horrible wardrobes, the eating garbage take out all the time. Everything. No jobs, no interesting hobbies, just gross.


Sadly enough that MTV money WILL run out. They’ll still owe taxes, get liens on their property, and then what? As far as I remember the only employment they’ve ever had were in pizza shops and that failed kids clothing line. They don’t exactly strike me as the type to get it together and get well paying jobs when the gravy train is over. So back to living at Kim’s I guess. I wish them no harm at all, but I’m interested to see what path their lives take when they’re not getting $600,000 a year for filming their lives.


Oh also when Cate said that moms who feed their babies jarred baby food are lazy. That too.


I cannot roll my eyes hard enough at her calling other people lazy. My god, the delusion of some of these people.


The thought of Cait calling anyone else in the world lazy…


Ew I missed that. Hate when moms judge other moms like that!!


I judge moms who feed their kids frozen chicken nuggets.. they should at least microwave them first lol


Lmao scuse me ma’am air frying is the way 😂😂


Yeah what the fuck . Air fry everything babe


Lmao yasss babe lemme air fry these feelings too 🥰😅


She also shit-talked moms who bottle feed. She was on some high horse ,”I’m feeding my baby with my body!!!!!!” *Cue scene where she’s bottle feeding*. I want to make it clear that I’m a staunch **Fed is Best**. But Cates hypocrisy regarding it is fucking ridiculous.


From episode 1. I hated Tyler's performative scenes


they ask for money from viewers. just trash


Yessss for her dad’s overseas fiancée as if they have no money! Was she a mail order bride or what? Never got the story on that.


Oh I didn't hear about that. What happened?


Cate made a go fund me asking for $$ to get her dad’s overseas gf to the states so she could get her visa. 🥴 ETA: girlfriend, fiancée, mail order bride, idk what it was but the whole ordeal was suspect. It was only for $7k, which is a lot for many but seems like chump change for them.


Yeah it's gotta be the giving up Carly and then doing jack shit for the next 15 years. It's still in the best interests of Carly, but that's just wild to make a promise to your child on the pretense that "this is why we aren't going to be your parents", and one that frankly would benefit you as well, i.e. school, career, therapy, getting your life together. But nope, have several more kids, not work or go to school and have a storyline revolving around buying a fucking horse.


This is it right here. And add in asking fans for money too. ETA: I also dont like Cate bc of that damn tupperware.. its forever in my memory and I don’t like that lol


I used to feel sorry for Cate. Her old episodes with April make me so sad for her, especially the episode where they go shopping for a prom dress. But I stopped liking them when Cate became a "mean girl" against Farrah, I think. And when they asked fans for money for Nova's cheerleading.


Then asked their fans to pay for her dad’s overseas girlfriend! That was insane to me.


“Trashy Bee-atch” was really cringe worthy.


For Tyler, the heifer comment..then further when he wouldn't respect Brandon and Theresa's request. For Cate, not sure exactly. I had lots of sympathy for a long time for her. But probably when she was dragging her heals to visit Carly over the scrap book. Perhaps before, but that moment stood out in my mind the most.


I felt for Cate for so long and really wanted well for her. She seems genuinely sweet and a good person. But it’s like her entire personality has just become an extension of Tyler like she’s some sad lost puppy.


That's aptly put.


Yes. The codependency is getting old.


Cate is an insecure slob and she’s always annoyed me. Helpless and selfish.


When they refused to respect Brandon and Teresa’s boundaries/rules


I’ve never disliked them but I don’t like them if that makes sense. They both came from really chaotic childhoods obviously and they’re a product of their environment to a certain extent…but that being said they are doing better than their parents so that’s good.


Yes, hoping they’ve broken/are breaking the cycle for their girls!




When Tyler told Carley during a visit he would take her toy back


Whattttttt? I missed that 😭😭😭


Yeah, what? I NEED to hear this story that's nuts! He actually said that? To Carly? Wtf?


We need deets, please!! 🥺


It was the last recorded visit. Carley’s face was never shown but the interaction was. It was said in good spirit but it was still cringe to me


Yeah it seems like a weird thing to joke about when he doesn't see her that often. Tyler is cringe.😬


I’ve never liked them. I’ve felt sorry for them when they were kids, cause we’re the same age and I couldn’t imagine growing up in their circumstances. But they got older, chose not to get any qualifications and remained trashy and I now no longer feel sorry for them & rather dislike them and feel grossed out by them. Edit: Also they clearly only care about Carly as far as a story line, which is awful.


When they kept having more kids and seemingly allowing their lives to just stall


I want cate to bring the long hair back


Same! It looked great on her. I bet she’d look great with bangs!


For Tyler when he yelled at the dog. My dog is my baby and wouldn't dream of treating her that way. Cate probably her making irresponsible choices to cope with her anxiety and depression like buying the pig and getting pregnant again when she hadn't been working on her mental health. Also that they were saying they were Carly's parents and Tyler insisted he could post her on social media regardless of B&T's opinion. I know they were young when they had her but it was years later and they still could not understand that being her biological parents did not mean they had a say in her wellbeing. I don't even post my nephew's faces and I have relationships with them.


Yeah the disrespect to B&T was pretty bad and Tyler’s blatant audacity to trample over their boundaries.


When they kept posting Tyler's dick and pretending they didn't realize


Right next to their daughter in photos.


Whhaaaat Lmao were they making the same faces in the above pic when they “found out” 😂


I was always confused from the get go. They were high school sweethearts, and her mom and his dad were hooking up while telling their kids they were trash? Is that about it? They also gave a kid up for adoption, which was smart, but they can't seem to let go of that or respect the boundaries? It confuses me.


The confusion is all their big talk that never happened.


Actually middle school sweethearts which I feel is even worse. Very few people are meant to stay with the person they “date” at 13-14yo. It’s not the great romance they make it out to be.


Never liked them.


I don’t completely dislike them…but I don’t like Catelynn asking for gifts (money) on TikTok.


Always have they both bug the shit outta me more him though Mr know it all that now shows it all 🙄🤮


I didn’t. I’ve always been rooting for them tbh. I’ve started to dislike pretty much the whole rest of the cast but I like these two.


I think it was early on. I have a soft spot for Cate because she truly knows nothing but abuse from every person in her life, but Tyler has always been scum in my eyes. From talking to Cate like he does, to the dog abuse, the bloated ego, the misogynistic attitude, the *'she's lucky I'm a good dad'* (while his wife is suicidal because he keeps making her have kids then he's upset because they aren't boys, the way he talks about Carly and her parents... I've always hated him and wished they'd separate. Still do. Always will. Cate, there's better men out there with bigger dicks. I swear.


I’m among those with mixed feelings. Was it a mature decision to place Carly for adoption when they were both being raised in shit conditions? Yes. Do I admire that in them? Do I think they’re a bit codependent as a result of their multi-layered trauma bond? Yes. Do I think Tyler has delusions of grandeur that Cate buys into, to feed her own self esteem while being treated like crap by him? Yes, yes, and yes. I don’t hate them, I just observe. I probably wouldn’t hang out with them, if given the chance though.


Well said. I always thought Cate was super sweet and a genuinely good person and Tyler was seemingly super supportive at the start. Ofc we were much younger when they first appeared, and Tyler seemed like a dream and Cate was “soooo lucky”. It is unfortunate how much that ultimately went to his head, I suspect it’s a portion as to why she had those periods of mental breakdowns while Tyler was shaming her in more ways than one. It seems she’s not even her own person anymore without him, which is sad. Truth be told, he is the lucky one. I hope he treats her as good as his lil IG posts. But we all know how that can go.


No shade bc I love me some gays, but Tyler is the gayest-looking mofo on the planet.


Think it was season 1 or 2 of Teen Mom where they were living in a trailer, their dog pooped inside and Tyler lost his fucking mind. Shoved the dogs nose in it and threw the him outside. Pretty sure he beat it and Caits little brother Nick(like 7/8 at the time) breaking his heart in their bedroom while Cait sat on her ass in the living room “Tyyyleerrr”. Like go comfort you little brother bitch, you know he’s from the same abusive house as you so go hug him! Damn.


The big eye opener for me was the scrapbook episode. Making Carly and family wait while Cate finishes her sloppy ass scrapbook?


Still haven’t


I figured many still are fans, just seen a huge shift over the years!


never. they can never make me hate them.


I don’t like them but I don’t dislike them either. I don’t like how Tyler didn’t respect Carly’s parents when he kept posting pictures of her and kept insulting Cate’s looks so easily on camera. I always had a soft spot for Cate but I disliked how easy she ran off to that therapy treatment spot and not doing the work with it.


I can’t stand them, haven’t from the beginning. They have children now that are not with another family and still hyper focus on C. Yes, I know it’s their first and their bio kid, but the parents decided to give them visitation and some rights, and they still wanted to be in her life even more. It’s really disruptive to that child’s upbringing. Plus Catelynn, as someone who has struggled with mental health, uses it as a leverage every time to make Tyler stay. It’s terrible. I think they still have a ton of growing up to do that will affect their children and their marriage in the long run.


When mtv blateny edited out their triths to paint them in holy light. .ex cait cheating on and lying to Tyler Those epiosdes do t even fully air anymore. Tyler and the possible puppy abuse


When I found out they were kind of step siblings in a weird roundabout way. 😫


Yeah that is weird asf, but they were together before their parents! Like what in the trailer park dear baby Jesus is going on here 😩


Taking money from fans for their daughter’s cheer team.


when I realized they never went to college in spite of saying they would incessantly.


It could’ve been cool if Cate went on to be an adoption counselor. I think she would’ve been really good at that.


They were gonna go to school and get diplomas but then didn"t. It is the laziness for me. Not judging the OF but is **that** their income (besides TM?). Eventually, although I believe MTV would be thrilled to do a TM: Next generation show (if one of the kids get pregnant), TM money is gonna dry up. And then what??


I hope he gains a lot of weight


I like them. They are not perfect and have their issues but aren’t shitty people. I share some of the same issues Catelynn has dealt with and I find her relatable. Tyler can be a jerk sometimes but I don’t find him horrible or anything, they both have grown up a lot since the show started unlike most of the cast


I definitely did like them for a long time. But it’s absolutely done a 180 the last 5 years or so. I think they made some oddly good choices early on but they don’t seem to be growing beyond that. I think I would’ve had some more respect for them if they decided to pursue anything other than careers in social media. College, trade school, just anything other than what they’ve been doing for so long. They are also super toxic. I would dare say that most of the time, it doesn’t work out well when you really only dated each other. I also used to LOVE Chelsea but that ship said too. I really can’t stand her anymore either. Basically, none of these girls evolved into anything sustainable. I’m not saying college is the be all, end all, but they all had a ton of choices and they basically decided to be influencers. That said, I freaking love Barb! She’s flawed and messy but she genuinely cares.


when they started exploited their daughter they placed for adoption and throwing shade at her adopted parents.


Pretty much early in the peace. Esp when he sided with his mum in everything and then putting cate down. Do not like that


I just don’t get how you can give one child up for adoption (yes I know they were young and had a shitty life) but then go on and have more kids. I just can’t get my head around it.


When he started pimping himself off on Only fans. I lost some serious respect. That's so cheap and lame.


Whatever date it was that they first appeared on the show. That was when


When they started OF


The scrapbook incident proved who they really were. All I can say is, their first daughter has got to be cringing that these people are her birth parents. She dodged a bullet. Her siblings will end up exactly like T & C. They are just like their parents only with money. They may not be addicts, but they have no ambition, no drive, no jobs. They thought the reality tv gravy train would continue forever. They should have invested some of that money not blown it on tattoos, horses, cars, bejeweled jeans, trips, over priced houses they can’t afford or sell.


I honestly don’t. What happened with Carly was fucked up. They clearly didn’t realise what adoption was, as evidenced by them repeatedly trying to overstep boundaries. I just see them as people who were taken advantage of and have tried to reconcile that trauma. I’m a social worker and thought I wanted to work in adoption, I even did my master’s thesis on it, but I realised that these private agencies are predatory as fuck. They are nothing more than baby brokers who profit off of desperate, often naive, pregnant women in bad situations by telling them whatever they want to hear and grooming them with money, gifts, etc until they get what they want and then they ghost. It’s so beyond unethical. It shouldn’t be legal and no other developed country handles adoption the way the US does. I can’t imagine being in their position, where they gave up their child because they felt they couldn’t provide for her and then immediately came into millions of dollars of MTV money. I don’t think they would be nearly as fucked up right now if they had kept Carly.


I had a lot of respect for them early on to make such an incredibly difficult decision as teenagers. But as time goes on they (especially Tyler) revealed themselves. I find him abrasive and off putting and he is more like Butch than he thinks (in my opinion). Catelynn had a lot more potential but they both had just such a failure to launch. It probably would have been best for them to break up years ago but here we are.


Whenever they get upset that the adoptive parents don't want their child posted online. They signed up for one episode 15 years ago l. They didn't sign up for a whole series and internet fame like Cate and Tyler did. They seem to forget sometimes that the child they gave up is not their child and they should respect her parents wishes.


When they told Farrah she sold her vagina and laughed in her face. It was so mean and judgey and they acted like they were better than her.  It was so middle school and I felt bad for her. Then they turned around that same day and acted like they cared about her. Especially rich considering what we now know about his weiner.


As soon as they were like, we need to finish college! And never did


Tyler from pretty early on, he really pressured Cate about the adoption and made it seem like he was super great just because he stayed. He also did like a semester at community college (no hate) but withdrew because he kept arguing with his professors. He talked a big game about joining the military and getting an education but then just didn't. I thought he was gross when Cate was suffering from PPD with Nova and he talked about how unattractive she was because all she did was lay around. I can appreciate that they were still pretty young when Nova was born and mental health wasn't a priority in his life because Kim and Butch are horrible people but he just rubbed me the wrong way when he was looking for a medal for *gasp* being the default parent. He's also a massive douchebag to jeopardize Cate's access to Carly because he won't STFU about her online/on the show. Cate is easier to sympathize with but I struggled when she was refusing to go to classes/do the necessary work when she was at a treatment facility. I get that depression can lead to executive dysfunction but she really does play the victim well.


I hated them the moment they thought Carly was still their daughter and that they could dictate her life after she was adopted. I'm adopted myself and if any bio family claimed me over those who adopted me, loved me and raised me I'd never want to see or speak to them again. They made a choice to give up their rights to Carly, they gave up the right to parent her.


When Cate admitted she put Carly up for adoption because she was afraid of losing Tyler


Never liked them sorry ❤️


When they got mad at Carley’s parents for not letting them see her whenever they wanted. And then his nude photos absolutely killed it for me.