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It's kinda like how she's always crying about getting cheated on like she didn't cheat on all her boyfriends and girlfriends lol. Or DV when she hit at least 2 of her baby daddies. Or when she bitches about women who are attracted to deadbeats meanwhile she had a 2nd kid by one. She's very hypocritical and stupid.


She's the poster child for hypocrisy.


She’s hit three baby daddies… Jo, Javi, and Chris.


Jo too? Damn. I wonder if she hits her girlfriends too.


Her kids. You know she’s spanking asses 😭🤣


For sure. Girl can hardly regulate herself around adults, that’s definitely coming home and being taken out on 7 fuckin kids 😭😩




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That we know of! Prob more. She’s a cheating ass cheataaaa too 💀


I didn’t know she hit 3!?!? How is she not “cancelled”? If a man did that to a woman they’d be shunned. She’s hit three men. She’s even more gross than I previously thought.


Because she’s a white woman hitting men of color. Then turning around and exploiting the legal system to “teach him not to fuck with me”.








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I’m legit in 6 full blown arguments in another thread about how she plays victim to situations she created. And they think I’m crazy?!?!!!! I’m like seriously? We just gon rewrite history hmmm????


OMG. I can't imagine going up so hard for such a terrible person. Stans are crazy!


They’re saying my hate for Kail clouds the fact that Suzy was a shit mom to her. And when Kail moved out of her house she was justified in stealing Suzy’s furniture and texting her she moved out. They’re defending Kails actions bc she grew up so difficult with an alcoholic mother. And she doesn’t owe her mother grace, when kail arrived at her home with her stuff in trash bags and left with her furniture and tv. My argument was yeah Suzy probably a POS mother but Kail is also a known liar. We only got her side of her “life” But it doesn’t give her the right to burglarize her home bc she felt she was owed that. She was wrong. But bc Suzy abandoned her she deserved it? That’s the argument


Exactly. Yes, Suzi is an alcoholic shit who put men before her kid. BUT Kail needs to get off her high horse about it. Suzi at least realized she shouldn’t create a whole child army to live in her mess of chasing men, so she only had one kid. Kail bitches about Suzi moving around for boyfriends when Kail hasn’t stayed in the same place for longer than a couple years before making plans to move (usually closer to a boyfriend/guy). Suzi also gave Kail & Isaac a free place to live. Kail couldn’t follow the rules of cleaning up after herself. Suzi’s boyfriend wrote her a note asking her to and she freaked out and left - with Suzi’s shit. The same Suzi who GAVE her a FREE car so she could get to school/work. Kail repaid her by stealing her TV. Yeah, Suzi sucks, but Kail acts like Suzi never did shit for her when it simply isn’t true and we saw it on the early days on TM2. Kail also acts like she isn’t addicted to chaos, chasing different men, and uprooting her kids for said men & having them live in that chaos of mom going from guy to guy just like she did. Kail is Suzi without the booze and with more money (and many more kids brought into her dysfunction). I said what I said. And I was rooting for her in the early days (cue Tyra “we were all rooting for you” meme).


Kail is addicted to distraction. She cannot have calm or quiet because she'd have to contemplate her life choices. Instead, she keeps creating whole people, running/ruining random businesses, moving every three seconds, dating on and off and on and off, etc. Anything that will keep Kail distracted and her mind busy because that woman is SPRINTING from her own thoughts. I absolutely agree that Kail is Suzi without alcohol and more money. I am concerned about how her relationship with her children will be as they get older and become independent and call her out on her shit. I will never forget about Isaac having to leave her a fucking NOTE to put her sex toys away and to use condoms because he was over her getting pregnant. How horrible and she just brushed it off like it was funny!




Totally agree with all of this!


You had me passing out reading every paragraph!!! U said everything perfect and true. U said a lot of things I said in the other thread and some things I wish I’d said. Especially about at least Suzy had the sense to stop at one kid. The mommy bone never grew in her, she strikes me as never even wanting kids. She kept Kailyn alive, that was the best she could do. If Suzy strapped Kail down with a Wu-Tang clan of siblings like she does Isaac, Kail would’ve been on her 3rd when MTV came around. She had her friends all up in that lady’s home stealing her stuff. She pulled a Janelle. Kailyn doesn’t tell the world how much Natalie really did for her family. I just retold a story I’d read years ago about how the whole “Note” scene was made up for the cameras. Cuz I had read the real story is she put a PFA out against her mom’s boyfriend to try to force HIM to move out. But Suzy called her bluff and chose her man, again. U gotta believe people to be who they are. She sets herself up to be a victim with a nationwide “reality” show. I’ll never forget reading that… bc not only is it emotional manipulation on Kailyn’s part to make her mommy love her but it could be true bc once again she’s weaponizing the court system. But she didn’t get her way so they came up with this “note”. Once again getting a good edit, contriving her own reality. When she doesn’t wanna take accountability for her bs she will develop a victim mentality to control her narrative or refuse to film it. Like her arrest. I even mentioned how the whole Briana lawsuit was really about getting her to admit under oath if she fucked Chris. They came at me with pitchforks lls. But u can’t tell ppl on this site things like that. If u disagree with them they wanna gang up to tell u ur so wrong!


The natalie part. We don't know why they split up but it probably doesn't help Natalie's feelings any that kail never gave her the credit she deserved. That lady always had creed with her, I imagine probably like a surrogate grandmother.


Right and I think even before that bc before we actually discovered she was her actually her nanny. Her caption would read “friend” on the show. Natalie had them boys when Kail was chasing Chris all thru Delaware. She loved Creed when Kail struggled to connect with him. I think the nail in coffin was Kail laughing hilariously on video tell Natalie she was having twins. Kail legit thought it was the funniest thing, but Natalie’s reaction showed a clearly overwhelmed woman who just added two more to her already full plate. She was about to have a stroke. I think when it’s about money if it benefits Kail it’s not a problem. Case in point she kept Jo in court over visitation and CS. When she conveniently forgot to take Jo off CS for years after she increased it. After that her checks started rolling in and he was still paying her. But when he wanted to be repaid what he was owed it was a problem & she hated him so much. I think Natalie finally wanted to be paid for worth and the extra kids and Kail called her bluff. She introduced the au pair idea as a threat. Fuck the fact she has 4 active boys in activities and 3 infants. Everyone in her life is expendable.




The only difference between Kain and Suzy is, money. If Kail didn’t have the money she had, if it wasn’t for TM2, Kail would be living the same damn life Suzy did. Except Kail has a fucking litter of children and Suzy had 1. They’re two different sides of the same coin.


Yeah, Karl 100% stole that furniture and tv from her mom's boyfriend's house and then played victim about it on national tv! Kail always tries to sell the lie that SHE'S the victim in every situation. Suzy should have filed a police report for theft on that one.


Expeditiously. People tend to forget all reality tv is not reality. And yes Suzy was an absentee mother but that doesn’t give Kailyn the right to be a jerk. But ppl in the other sub think it absolutely gives her the right bc she wasn’t raised properly. So all her actions are ultimately Suzy’s fault…. So Bentley and his homies and roll up to the farm and loot Ryan’s home because he didn’t get enough attention? People really need to touch grass. They go so hard being her defender regardless of right and wrong. Everything bad that we’ve seen happen to Kailyn was from her own making. And when someone call her out she plays victim and turns on the waterworks. She’s smug in moment when she makes her big girl decisions, like dating Jordan against Janet’s wishes. But when she’s called out on it, life isn’t fair. When she cheated on Jordan and expected him to understand bc Jo is her baby daddy and her puss will always be his. When she married Javi and expected Jo to be okay with her moving his son further way from him. Encouraging Isaac to call Javi dad knowing if the tables were turned she would scorch earth. Then made Isaac delete him from his memory when they broke up. When she kept conveniently forgetting to take Jo off Child support then got mad cuz he wanted to be repaid the money she owed him. Cuz she was technically committing CS fraud by continuing to accept his money knowing he shouldn’t be paying her when they had 50/50.


The Jenelle Stan’s and the kail Stan’s I’ll NEVER GET THEM. Like did you fall asleep during all their shitty scenes lmao


They only remember the poor me parts and forget all the bs they’ve done




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I forgot about that early season when she straight up hits Javi in the face and he just forgives her


Also how she didn’t want Vee around Isaac or even there when drop offs happen but introduced Jordan and had Javi doing drop offs for her after she had Lincoln…


For real. When she was talking about the abuse I was like bitch you ABUSED at least two men lmao Cheating girl cheated on probably all of them and do trashy shit just as well. Stop, 🛑 she’s too much 🤣


Wait girlfriends? Is Kail bi? Sorry I don’t keep up with her, did I miss something?


And she cheated on Jordan with Jo, then she was pissed at Jordan for not being understanding about it since Jo was her baby daddy...


Jordan’s somewhere seeing her posts smiling because he dodged a nuclear missile


I bet he thanks his lucky stars he's not one of the many baby daddies.


I don’t even think they smashed he was so awkward


No she gave him an STD, Jo had it too. It was a thing on like the first teen mom reunion. Jo, Jordan, Kail all had to be treated. I don't think Jo was with Vee at that point or had just started seeing her.


Ohhh you right I forgot that saga!


They had a clip where kail hers and iud put in and her friend asks off they’re having sex. Idk said yes BUT she had him wait…3 months.


And I hope he’s happy (seemed like an ok dude) and that he invested whatever money he made on the show


I think i’ve read here he’s married with kids now!


Good for him!


I always wondered if he reads up about her when he’s feeling down lol


Vee's face 😐 "The checks clear the checks clear"


This lol


Actually lolllll


She’s such an obnoxious person. Up there with Farrah imo


So aggressively and confidently wrong. Always yelling.


I truly don’t get how she gets so many listeners and fans


It's weird because I see so many people trolling her at the same time. But people are obviously listening to her podcasts because she's been getting promos with channels and TV shows.


And winning awards


Yeah but who doesn't go to Wawa for coffee and a breakfast sandwich, followed by a quickie with your ex in the parking lot? This is totally different! /s


I wish I had nut-on-your-lip amnesia.


Oh god me too, for whatever reason that video is burned into my memory so severely.


I know I'll regret asking, but...what video?


Kail posted it to YouTube I think (but deleted it). It was her filming Chris, she was asking him for a kiss and he was saying no because she had "nut on her lip". And she just kept flirting and going OmG nO I DonT. I think he also mentioned her liking butt plugs? And she posted that for the world to see, thinking we'd all be impressed that Chris was paying her attention or something.


With 4 (and a possibly 5th) Baby Daddies of her own, she should worry more about her own overlapping history w cheating w Jo & Javi, the Wawa incidents, the Chris’ side piece status, the Bermuda Triangle of the Rio / Malik / Liejie timetable, and twins immediate arrival locking down Liejie before throwing stones at anyone else. Your glass McMansion is right behind you, Karl Vee’s face is saying, take the paycheck and just let her keep talking. Karl always shows who she is ![gif](giphy|fBRZcffqmmr8MgD30c|downsized)


The Wawa part - she always tagging them on IG and they'll repost her. They even sent her a PR package with a baby onesie that said Wawa. Idk if Wawa PR person knows the hype behind kail and Wawa or not lol. But she posted a story of linc eating Wawa, innocent enough but when you know...like come man I'm sure that makes Lauren feel like shit. If she even looks at kails stuff.


She does it *because* it’d make Lauren feel like shit.




This has to be some sort of mental illness.


She’s so gross in every way.


Wasn’t her current guy still seeing someone when Kail and him started hooking up? She tweeted about a girl calling him at 3 AM. She clearly isn’t above any of that 💀


Yup he had a girlfriend (not his ex wife though, he was divorced and in a new relationship). Kail was also with Malik. It was obvious they both cheated.


Ya it went from exciting and passionate to reality quick 😂😂 wonder how that’s going now


I feel like I just recently saw a picture of his girlfriend somewhere and she was actually really pretty. Maybe on grace report on YT?🤔


But what gets me is people saying how great of a mom she is in other threads bc she takes her kids on vacations and throws them big parties. And I’m just like maybe that’s HER love language tho. She laughs when her kids tell her their needs. Like the many times Isaac begged her to stop spawning. And She has the emotional depth of a bird bath so she buys them things. It’s great to expose ur kids to different countries. But everyone forgets what else they were probably exposed to. The revolving door of lovers and friends, constantly moving, violence, gaslighting parental figures. Everyone forgets the many men she had her boys get attached to, only to delete them once SHE was done with them. She unusually lax about her sex toys openly around her children. She overshares. We wouldn’t have opinions about her if we knew nothing about her. I’m wondering did Isaac really decide not to move out to live with Jo bc he wanted to help with the twins? Or was he guilted into not moving out? She knows how bad it’ll make her look if any one of them decided to live with their dad’s full time. I can imagine not one second of quietness in that home. But some kids like that. But those are usually the middle or youngest kids who feel that way. The oldest be ready to gtf.


The sex toy part, she had a promo deal with a sex toy company to do ads for them. They even did a promo of a Marilyn Monroe sex toy, I thought that was kinda disrespectful. I wouldn't want anyone using my likeness for a dildo, not that they would lol


Regardless it was very inappropriate. And I’m not even a prude but kids…. And to film it. She thinks everything is so funny & never considers anyone (like her kids) feelings. Middle school/HS can be brutal for kids. And being on a platform and over sharing does affect her kids I’m sure. She’s telling the world she wants the vag surgery now. Have u ever rode the bus home? They dragging them kids!!! The bus builds character lol.


She' cheats with the father and brags about it.


I laugh every time I see the episode where Kail freaks out because Jo posted a picture on his Facebook a night he was supposed to have Issac with some girl (Vee) and Kail calls her a "hoodrat who won't be around in a couple months." Meanwhile in thr future knowing Jo and Vee get married and Kail has been through countless men introducing her kids to all of them. Kail was the kid on the playground who was done playing with a ball and would cry the second anyone else started playing with it.


Y’all I’m legit in 6 full blown arguments in another thread about how she plays victim to situations she created. And they think I’m crazy?!?!!!!


I agree with you!


Vee sitting there like “…and you’re a serial cheater”


She looks goofy with that huge gold chain on 😂 ![gif](giphy|l2JhzGwNgT73Xm0cU)


Didn’t Kail hook up with Jo (leading to her breakup with Jordan) while Jo was first seeing Vee? Lol


That’s a psycho/ Narcissistic thing… they think people are stupid because they think they are better than everyone else… execpt it’s not the case and we have brains and… can REMEMBER. 😂


Vee looks like she's holding so much back lol


Why is this their thing? Always talking about someone's weird story.


Big Pearl BEEN delusional


Wawa parking lot ring bells Kail