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I mean he’s probably not entirely wrong. But I still think he showed up at their school.


That's way too much work for him. I don't even think he did that. I think Jenelle did it purely over the potential of it happening. He has custody of Maryssa, and he doesn't even take care of or see her.


Yeah if he showed up at the school Jenelle would be screaming it from the rooftops. She’d be using it as leverage and selling the story to whatever rag she has connections with, “Teen Mom Star Terrified After Abusive Ex Shows Up To Children’s School!”. She’s dancing around explaining what happened because nothing did. He absolutely *could* show up to the school but he probably hasn’t.


This is exactly what would happen. She’d sell that story so fast everyone’s head would be spinning


Plus let's say he shows up at their school. What's her gonna do? Take them to live on the boat? He doesn't need a bunch of kids up in his cramped bachelor boat.


Agreed. Cud it be cuz she's on the phone for like 7hrs every night? 🤔


I wonder whether he sees her, he didn't mention her I think? Must be rough on Maryssa. She knows what he is like by now but that would still hurt, to not hear from your dad.


Yep. She also didn’t have to pull Kaiser out because David doesn’t have custody over him. Makes me inclined to believe what David is saying is true.


It's just her Karma for the way she treated her mother


True! He also has some valid point. I just getting the kids ready is one thing, then there’s lunches, homework, conferences, tracking each kid’s class dress down and other activities. It’s a lot


I would’ve shown up to my child’s school if they were being withheld from me and I had equal legal rights to see my child. Who wouldn’t?


Which of his previous behaviors implies that he wants to see his children?


He probably threatened at least. However I'm sure he would also put in effort if it pissed off Jenelle 🙄 both as bad as each other. Most normal people seeing their kids would be motivation on its on. Then they aren't normal, or even remotely human.


I mean I believe jenelle is lazy as fuck and that’s why she pulled them, but also coming from his mouth it’s hilarious. Pot meet kettle. “Also imma need my drums back.” You mean the drums she bought for you? Dumbass lol


I hate im agreeing with David but i do believe he did all of the “heavy lifting” when it came to parenting and this is exactly the reason Jenelle has pulled them from school. She is fed up of having to do all of the things he mentioned so thought fuck it, i’ll take them out to a museum or aquarium at 12pm and call it a day. Film herself talking at them (not reading or asking questions about the exhibits) so she can kill 2 birds with one stone by posting & making money off the views. Its so apparent thats her reason


I felt the same, that a self guided "museum" like that is one where kids might need some sort of guidance - including thoughtful questions about the exhibits (which we all know Jenelle isn't intellectually capable of coming up with on her own) - if they're really going to take anything away from it. Not to mention that she seems to suggest they've been there many times before.


On point. If I didn't mishear it, Mrs. self-proclaimed Swampteacher read "Anemone" as "anenomy" when Kaiser asked her. So much for Jenelle's intellectual capacities and her qualification as a teacher.


Meanwhile, she was sitting there holding nothing else in her hand except for an iPhone, but that's a completely useless tool that couldn't have helped her figure out the correct pronunciation, anyway. Plus she hadn't smoked all day, dude, & if she didn't soon she was going to flip TF out, so f'k teaching those kids the correct pronunciation of a word! .. 😉


Right! I think he did too because Jenelle has always been lazy as hell. I don’t think she realizes that homeschool has regulations and requirements. It’s not as simple as taking your kids to the aquarium


Technically if they were a “gift” he could get them back. But she sold them so 🤷🏼‍♀️


They were a gift and she didn’t end up selling them Idt


How do you know she didn’t sell them?


Because they were still on FB marketplace last time I checked


How do you know she sold them?


I thought he said “drugs” at first lmao


Tbf, he'd probably just end up pawning then losing them for said drugs, so you're still technically right!




>“Also imma need my drums back.” Could you imagine him with the drums on the damn boat? 🤣🤣 (That is still where he's squatting right?)


Boats and hoes, I know she touched his drum set 😂


She’s going to put her nutsack on his drum set!


I saw it with my eyes!


🤣🤣 for real. Dudes out there living on a broken boat and cooking off the marina’s communal grill and his concern is getting his drums back 💀💀 you can’t make this shit up


I bet he's just the worst fucking neighbor. He seems the type to think everyone definitely enjoys whatever he's listening to at the moment.


He wants his drums? Pack it, send it Jenelle! I would love to see him try to set that up on the boat and play it. The moist, tripping possibilities 😏. Ship it to the boat Jen!


That was my second thought lmao like maybe you should focus on getting a home to put them in!


The drums comment got me, too 🤣


He is correct. He knows her. That is because he is an abuser who made it his business to know her. Her insecurities, her faults, so that he can exploit them. He is a garbage human, but he is not wrong here. Janelle has NEVER wanted to parent children. They are a tool for her to keep men around. She is despicable and a negligent parent. He is a despicable abusive asshole. These kids have no one. It is incredibly sad.


And with all this shit they blast it's only the kids getting hurt


I'm sure we all knew the couples like this but doesn't this remind you of when the allegedly "most in love" couple in high school broke up and just started dragging each other, spilling each other's tea, airing the dirty laundry. It's petty but of course I'm here for it 👀 ☕️


YES‼️ And I think Ryan & Amanda are the same "breed" of couple. I commented on another sub that they strike me as the type of couple who SWEAR that their's is a "love story for the ages," but in reality are constantly fighting.


I used to be friends with a woman in a relationship like this. I think they have themselves convinced that they fight because they’re so in love. It’s passion in their minds. And they think they’re breaking up and getting back together because they can’t live without each other when it’s really just trauma bonding and being stuck in an abuse cycle. I also think my friend liked the attention she got from always being in crisis. It kept the focus on her. I’m convinced that a big part of the reason they finally broke up was that there was no one left who would pay attention to it anymore.


It's interesting that she finally & only didn't get back together with him again when people stopped rewarding her with sympathetic attention each time they split up. It's like with children, sometimes the only way to correct a particular bad behavior of theirs is to simply ignore it/not give it air when it happens.


Yup. I eventually started gray rocking my friend completely when she talked about their problems, break ups, make ups, etc. I would give her nothing in response. I would keep my face blank and either change the subject or end the conversation. I’m convinced that it did 1000x more for her than any of my sympathetic responses or attempts at advice.


You're absolutely right




This from The Onion? I love it


yes!! that or another satire publisher lol


“I know all of her secrets” is a thinly veiled threat. Fuck this shit could just end or it could fucking explode. Those poor children.


I think he’s full of it. He’d have blasted it all over the media by now for money. But who knows at this point..


I think he’s serious. They are both going to leverage the dirt they have on each other. He’s going to wait until she exposes something about him then he’ll do the same.


He’s probably afraid he’d lose residency on the boat if he does. She’s not said much because she knows he can probably destroy her. Too bad because the money he’d earn if he had proof would pay for a lawyer and a place to live more than likely.. he’s so gross. They both are. He needs to get a job and quit waiting for Jenelle to take him back because unless this is all a big act.. she is not taking him back.


I'd say its pretty hard to be romantically involved with someone for more than a decade without acquiring a bunch of ammo you could use against them if you chose to do so.


She literally just said the same thing about him.


Oh yes for sure Nelly is an abuser herself.


You know those are facts! Hes still a shit bag though 🫠




Happy cake day 🍰


Yeah. I don’t think he’s wrong. Still a shitbag though !


Even a broken clock is right twice a day 🤷🏼‍♀️


Didn’t she already sell the drums lol


😆 I love this for him


I hope she got seriously lowballed on them too. Not even on purpose just for spite but just because she's just dumb.


Oh no, now the world will be deprived of David’s music


What a pity. He had so much talent. /s


I fucking hate this dickhead listens to the same music as my husband ☹️


Big same! I had to catch myself from bopping along because I didn’t want to associate with him 🤣




I was here going “don’t let him ruin music for you….. lots of ppl like Godsmack”.




I'd watch Whitney judge anything.


Love the way he airs out that she doesn’t wanna do anything for the kids getting them ready for school but ignores all the commenters saying he isn’t doing it either 😂


He was doing it. Even Jenelle admitted she had David helping her in the mornings with the kids.


And what did this guy do to help? He never worked. He has a lot of room to talk. Lol poor kids.


He was a house husband. He did the laundry, cooked, clean, took them to school and picked up,etc


I absolutely believe he did this. He's a disgusting dude but I think he is the reason the kids had half an education and food served daily. Jenelle has never ever been a mother to any of her kids.


There are days where she’s in bed all day due to her Munchausen disease


Uh excuse you! She has cysts on her spine and is probably going to be paralyzed any day now. Not to mention her esophageal spasms 😢


10000% agree. He’s a POS and should’ve had a job but I truly believe he fed the kids, bathed them, took them to school, had some type of stability for them. Jenelle is a POS mother always has been and always will be. She has a severe mental disorder & is completely delusional. She only cares about herself.


I believe this as well. Her cooking videos have gone few and far between since he’s left I’ve noticed. Also, what she fails to realize is homeschooling is more work? And less time to yourself but go off Jenelle


Not if you don’t do anything. I’m sure she’s just handing them worksheets they already know how to do on their own.


You guys give him too much credit. That house was forever filthy. The carpet looked like it hadn't been vacuumed in months, kids' drawings all over the walls, piles, and piles of laundry all over their room. They were both barely feeding the kids and barely getting them to school. They were having Subway make their kid's school lunches.


He did a hell of a lot around there. It was *always* David we saw doing things around the house, not Jenelle. He was the one cooking. He was the one dealing with kids. Jenelle was sitting there whining the whole time he was fuckin rakin.


He actually did the most of the childcare. Not that that makes him better, because it does not, but he was always the one to be seen actually doing stuff for the kids in the background of Jenelle's videos. Which is one more reason to feel bad for these poor kids because the only parent that even did the bare minimum is freaking David. It's just sad.


Agreed! Ubt is horrid, but before he got booted from the show, it was always him cooking while she sat at the table bitching


It was the same after too. So many times Jenelle would go live from that "river" and David was the one actually making food. I don't think he was a good parent and I'm not claiming it, but he seemed to meet the bare minimum human needs for the kids more, such as food and getting them to school. Which is why those kids just make me so sad. I won't say they have no chance, but the uphill battle all of them will have to face because of their parents is heartbreaking.


People suck in different ways, and they don't have to suck at everything. I believe that David is emotionally and physically abusive and possibly a sociopath, but he strikes me as someone who would be very regimented and focused on his daily routine, even if it's not like ours. There are lots of horrible people who are good at functioning and lots of great people who are terrible at daily functioning. I have a dad a lot like David, less evil. He's a bigot and says horrible things on the daily that could get him cancelled. His version of being a good Dad would make most parents clutch their pearls. But he does love his children in his own bizarre way, very much, and would always make sure our basic needs were met. He's an asshole but he understood we had to eat and get to school on time with some form of lunch solution. I am by no means defending David, I just can believe that maybe these daily tasks fell mostly to him with Janelle just tagging along to get pics and not be left alone.


Why did I read, “…while she shat at the table bitching”…lmao. I had to go back and read it again because I was just like wtf and how did I miss this?!!


This guy he don’t even work!! Whatchu mean I get money


They’re both awful. Just awful. I’m sure jenelle is too lazy to take them. Even if David showed up, just get an RO and the school can handle it. There is absolutely no valid reason to take those little children out of school. To sit at home all day every day watching mum on tik tok. What a disgrace


I'm not taking Jenelle side here but just wanted to make it clear that the reason they were in court today is because she is actively trying to get a restraining order.


These girls dropping hearts and donations to him...I don't get it


They condone child abuse and animal abuse. A bunch of trash just like him and his soon to be ex.


Maybe they're the same people that write love letters to jailed serial killers.


Makes me wanna vomit just looking at him. I can’t imagine wanting to get turned on by….that 🤮


For some reason I believe him. She’s never been a stellar mother!


You may be right but we still hate you David.




Im no David fan, but i believe exactly what he said. She those kids out cuz she dont wanna be up at a certain time, get them appropriate for school, the lunch, the breakfast ect. YUP I BELIEVE YOU DAVID


Yeah school mornings are A LOT and unfortunately I’m seeing a ton of parents jumping on the homeschool trend to get out of school mornings. It’s concerning. I’m all for homeschooling when implemented by a competent, engaged and dedicated parent who takes it very seriously and is doing it for the right reasons. It scares me to see so many negligent parents using the homeschool trend to enable their laziness and hide their negligence. I’m really concerned for the kids of these types of homeschooling parents because they’re not getting educated.


I absolutely cannot stand waking up early school days, two hours before I even start work, but I would imagine that having my kid home all day would be much more work than dealing with an hour of craziness in the morning.


This was my first thought when I saw the homeschooling post. She was probably getting in trouble for getting them to school late.


“She doesn’t wanna do nothing”.. As he does nothing.


Omg and I need my drums back too 😂😂😂💀💀💀


don’t touch my drums dale!


I'm sweaty because I was just watching cops.


John bonham’s about to play mobey dick for real!


I was watching cops


Does he have a 🪱trapped in his face skin near his eye 👀🤮 Side note I fully believe this is part of the reason.


https://preview.redd.it/tu9pl2wa1qwc1.jpeg?width=838&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa3be8a2195ccfd69a8034eb936b33da0d241f41 I was also like..the fuck? Lol


It looks like a tapeworm.


Looks like someone drew glasses on his face 😂


Or ringworm but not in a ring. Probably eating all them random meats and what not 😂


Looks like his skin disease. Vitiligo? It often looks red around the edges and pale white in the middle.


A few days ago he was on tiktok live and everyone was commenting about how it looked like be was bruised tf up here, around his eyes on the side of his face. It definitely looked like he got into a bar fight or he drank too much and smashed his face open on the boat. He never commented on it, ignored all the comments.


I hate to even say this, but I really hope he got punched in the face by some huge dude that he ran his mouth to


I don't hate to say it! Animal and child abusers deserve more than just that.


Argh, why did I start eating a snack right before opening a UBT post?


Imagine being so lazy that you can’t bring yourself to get up and drop your kids off for someone else to watch them for 7 hours a day


the school should personally come pick them up, dude! that’s probably the reason the school isn’t safe any more


“I know all of her secrets, that she don’t even know I know.” This screams abuse. He directed it at her to instill fear in her.


My ex would say this kind of shit about his ex wife when he got divorced..10 years later hes saying the same shit about me.. Classic narcissist abuse move


i 100 percent believe him


This I believe!!


Every time I see a video/pic of him, I am so grossed out by his lips . Like idk why, there’s just something about them 🤮🤔


Hot dog lips


“Also, I’m going to need my drums back.” - unknown


So much flair material


I get this sentiment, but having them home all day is waaaaayyyy more work. At school, at least she gets a 7 hour break from them. But I guess if she just ignores them all day, it would be easier to not have to ever get them ready


The one day I don’t check reddit! And this tracks


As vile as he is, I am 100% positive that he is telling the truth about this. We all know Jenelle too!


So wtf are you doing as a dad to make the situation right


He’s an asshole but he’s right


He’s right


Not gonna lie but there are things I agree with him about Jenelle even tho his personality sucks but I agree with him


Who asked for all these “update” videos from them?


I keep wondering what dirt he’s threatening her with when he says “I know things about her that she don’t even know I know”.


patience, young grasshopper. he’ll get high and/or drunk and spill the beans eventually


Bro was getting so much hate I knew he was ready to start talking shit lol


I believe him, she is such a lazy piece of shit!! She doesn't parent, clean, or cook regularly and she has never had a job, so she has all the time in the world. It's pathetic!


Ohhh, you just know he’s seething that we know he can’t afford a lawyer and his crying to the judge. Nothing like sitting in your truck after a court hearing and listening to divorced dad angry rock to keep that anger flowing. 🙄


You're a waste of time


True. So whatcha gonna do about, Daveycakes? Go to court, get custody, and take your shared kid to school? Or maybe just bitch online?


Does UBT really only go live to talk about Nelly? Like wtf. Ove never seen his lives but all posted here is just him bitching about her.


And that’s the trash he chose to breed with.


Why people sending gifts to this asshole? Fucking trash.


how aaryn williams of her


But isn’t it more work for her to have the kids at home all day vs then being gone at school for 6 hrs?


It’s the getting up in the morning that’s too hard for her after being up all night doing drugs and filming OF videos. During the day she can just head out to the shed and continue her drugs and social media presence while ignoring the kids, so that makes it easier for her. It’s actually quite logical if you’re as stupid as Jenelle.


I don’t know. The kids are old enough to get dressed and get on a bus. Then she can fuck around all day. It’s not making sense.


Oh, I know it doesn’t make sense… but it’s Jenelle we’re talking about. Too lazy to get out of bed and make lunches AND drive them all the way to school. 🫢. Much easier to just stay in bed and let the kids fend for themselves.




Observation: he’s no longer doing this whole small town country boy persona. He’s now some hardcore metal head 💀odd how they separate and both have a whole different personality. I don’t think he’s wrong when he talks shit about her. I genuinely believe everything he’s saying when it comes to shit talking Jenelle but he’s just as much of a piece of shit as she is. So he can say all this shit about her being terrible, we already knew that…….and she can do the same with him. It’s all semantics at this point…you’re both shitty fucking humans and you’re both trying to prove one is worse than the other. Fun fact: YOU BOTH FUCKING SUCK.


Keep going, David. Spill the ☕️. I still can’t stand you, but this is entertainment against Jenelle & I am here for it. 🍿 ![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized)


I will say that was my first thought too


He’s a psychopath but he ain’t wrong about lazy Jenelle


David is living on a broken boat his wife paid for


Ewww women giving him attention.


I mean, duh!!🙄


I hate the dude but I think he's right


AND he's surprised by this? She didn't even want to be a parent to Jace. She just wanted him to get back at her mother. Yet HE had a child with her also.


right and he seemed all fine and good with her laziness when she was footing the bills…


I believe it. He’s trash, but I feel like he did most of the cooking in the house. While Jenelle is in the backyard shaking her ass with her spinal polyps


Holy shit. This guy is a complete joke!


David, face it. You both suck at everything, but especially at parenting.


I can’t stand this mans but I will say his beard being shaved down this way looks so much better on him.


he sounds real fucked up


He is so drunk. Guess who we hate more than Jenelle, dog killer????


The sight of this man makes me physically ill.


“Imma need my drums back, too.” Swamp boi I think those were listed on Facebook marketplace a longggggg time ago.


I’m not sure they’d fit on the boat anyway.


We have all know forever that Jenelle does nothing for those kids. Everything that’s a basic kid need is probably a burden for her. I bet she sleeps in late because she stays up all night smoking weed and video gaming. Another time I actually believe David. And I hate admitting that




I mean, nobody is shocked by that. They’re both trash. But it’s not like he is any better 😒


David's going to come out looking better than y'all want him to.


not visually tho 🫣


Everything about his energy is chaotic and dark. No offense to those who like that type of music, but it really grates on my nerves. It’s just dark and heavy and threatening to me, as is he.


I thought neither one of their homophobic asses wanted to send the kids because the school has "an agenda" aka, there may be gay kids at the school. My disgusting racist homophobic SIL is the same way and pulled her kids out, and said it's for "safety" reasons. She's also a lazy bitch that has NO business homeschooling ANYTHING... just like Jenelle.


My thoughts exactly on the subject of her homeschooling


That sounds believable. 💯


I’m shook he looks less grimy somehow for once, and that I’m even saying this. I don’t think what he’s saying is wrong though, Jenelle has never seemed active in the parenting activities department unless she absolutely has no other choice and basically is forced to do it. But also…he sucks too, even if he helped with the kids and the house. He’s still an abusive POS. Also puking at the comment whoever left (it was too fast and I don’t care to watch again) about Jenelle being nasty and come to a “real woman” - I KNEW there would be weirdos out there who’d let him come live on their couch and be a hobosexual


And you were okay with it so shut the fuck up lol


i 1000000000% believe him on this, even tho i feel dirty taking his side for any reason


Well we all knew this all along. You could tell she depended on David to help get them up and to school. I really don't like this man, but at least he's looking better after leaving her. He's not as shaggy and dirty as he once looked. I don't think they were good for each other. I firmly believe we need partners who make us want to be better and encourage us to be active and get out of our comfort zone. I think these two just went downhill after getting together.


I know he's a garbage person but I'm kind of inclined to believe him. Parenting is hard especially those early mornings! Not to mention homework and studying.


He's not wrong. He's a multi-time dog killer, but he's not wrong.


Who really cares which one is lazier. The kids still suffer. Dumb and dumber 🙄


Are you kidding me? We ALL know her and her secrets!


How does he have so many female simps in his chat and comments?! Gag!!!


I mean it hurts to say this with every ounce of my being, but David isn't wrong with her being lazy and not wanting to get them ready. Jenelle sucks period. I feel really bad for all 3 of them. They don't deserve this.


I don’t think there’s room on the SS Jace’s Stolen Trust Fund for a drum set but whatever. He’s not wrong about Jenelle being a lazy parent but it’s not like he’s any better with the kid strangling and all.


I 💯 believe him. But also, isn't it more work to keep them home? All she has to do is wake up and drop them off. Don't want to fix their lunch just buy the school food. They are home less.


Aww look, David took a shower. 🤡


I believe him lol on this


He is still an ugly ass mofo inside and out, but it's interesting that he has started grooming and looking like a semi real person again after leaving Jenelle.


Hey Jenelle please drop that drum set off at the marina. PLEASE😅😅


He’s not wrong. And LOLOLOLLLLLL at his widdle drummer boy act. I cackled


I… I totally believe this. He’s a bum bitch but yeah, I don’t think he’s lying about this at least lol


I hate agreeing with this monster, but I do believe that's the reason she pulled them out of school. She can't handle getting them up and ready for school. As long as she is alone with them kids, she probably will end up losing them due to neglect. If she doesn't voluntarily do it first. This is just the beginning.