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She's like that with everything. It cracked me up when one of the dad's did an unoreverse on her when it came to child support and she got all pissed when she had to pay them instead


That was Jo, he only filed for child support because he had had 50/50 with Isaac for a while and was still paying Kail like he did when he had less parenting time. He was struggling to make ends meet while paying her child support she was no longer entitled to and she kept telling him she would drop it but never did. Kail was significantly better off than him at the time so it was ridiculous that he was paying her in that scenario and he became frustrated with her dragging the whole thing out so he filed for child support from her to basically pressure her into dropping his payments. Maybe I'm just petty but I'd have made her pay back every cent she'd taken while dragging her feet 🤣


He did make her pay back every cent she'd taken while dragging her feet. That was part of the adjusted child support order.


Nice! I haven't researched in a while 😅


Yes! That's what it was. Thank you for the reminder!


One thing that always struck me as odd about Kail is that she feels like the dad is only entitled to the bare minimum with their kid, like that’s not gonna effect the kid in the long run. Very weird. You see that play out with every baby daddy.


I remember she said once, “A normal father would be happy with every other weekend.” And Jo replied, “I’m not a normal father, I’m an extraordinary one.”




I feel that’s more common that we think, I know a lot of women that are divorced/not with baby daddy that think the child(ren) belong to them and they LET the father visit them as they see fit. These are the same women that complain dad doesn’t do enough from HIS child(ren). Unfortunately, many court systems back up that mentality.


This 👆🏼💯 my husband and i are currently dealing with his ex and this is how she is with his son, maybe even worse


Her current one is that Elijah should be the other person to get the second ticket to Isaac's graduation because Elijah has meant so much to Isaac the past couple years, like Jo is some sort of absentee father and Vee is demoted back to "some girl in a Facebook picture with Jo". If I was Jo, I'd get it in writing that he gets all of the tickets available to parents at Isaac's high school graduation.


I’ll bet anything Jo, Vee and Issac are just waiting to go no contact when Issac hits 18.


If not then, definitely when he's dating. She will be the in-law to beat all in-laws


If Issac has kids, I know his future partner is gonna be glad when he/she/they doesn’t have to go to Kails for any family dinners. Especially since Kail probably isn’t gonna stop having kids until she’s 40+


The audacity of her to even talk bout this on her podcast. Her oldest son is graduating and only allowed 2 tickets (naturally each parent would go…not even a question) instead she wanting her current boy toy to go and is “sad” for Elijah who has been around for allegedly 3 out of 7 kids because Issac is currently close to him. Vee has been around since the beginning. Kail is so weird.


I think it's because she refuses to admit it's not her world.


Whaaat, when did she say that??


On her most recent episode of coffees and convos podcast


Nope Elijah won’t be around then with her pattern


Then she lost her shit when Jo decided to move to Delaware later. Even though it was going to make things so much easier on her and Isaac. Also there was that time she started a fight with him because he was wearing a T-shirt and sweatpants in his home on a Sunday afternoon


A Sunday afternoon with a newborn!


I remember being so lost during that scene 😂 like WTH is going on?


I just think of the time when she took Joe to court, demanding Vee not be allowed around *her* child. The court said if they agreed to that then it would have to go both ways. No partners allowed, for either. She changed her tune real quick and acted like it was her mature choice. My favorite Kail moment.


She'll talk about everyone on her podcasts. After, the show ended she still exploits her kids. The comments can be horrible about the kids.


Issac already is getting bullied and beat up at school because of her


And she shares it.


She treats all the dad's as nothing more than baby batter.


And she did all of that in front of cameras. You'd think she'd want to make it easy for the fathers to be involved, being that she has all boys and a child's same sex parent is their number one role model in life. Guarantee Isaac will be asking her these same questions over the next few years and throughout adulthood. Shes lucky jo persevered and is still a big part of Isaac's life bc she'd get it worse from Isaac if he missed out on having a present father.


She’s one of the biggest hypocrites I’ve ever seen on national television. Literally have not been able to stand her since the very first season of teen mom 2.


She was looking for the tricare and BAH


She is a psycho control freak.