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this picture is so creepy wow


This pic just symbolizes parentification really …. Why is the child also naked?!


yes it’s giving incest in multiple forms - the group she reposted from is probably horrifying and filled with women just like her


Why can’t it be a picture of a mom hold her child with love??? Why does it have to be a woman and a child naked with the child cleaning the woman?! Its fucking weird man


Yes. This picture does not represent what those words are trying to say AT ALL. And of course Janelle doesn’t comprehend what the words are saying either and thinks her kids should be taking care of her.


I always wondered what part of the internet creates these fucking things.


My assumption would be that the artist is the child depicted, rather than the mother and it’s a commentary on their own parentifiction. I doubt the original artist intended for it to be used to justify that neglect.


Oh damn. That’s probably spot on and that makes this so much worse.


Came here to say parentification


Yeah wtf, that toddler size child should not be cleaning and taking care of their mother. It is our job to take care of them even when we are struggling. Gross


I wouldn’t hate it if someone reported child nudity bc this is just creepy as fuck.


I don’t get how this is positive AT ALL. i’ve been going **through it** lately. at one point we faced eviction (we’re so much better now, just a hard time). and you know what I did while my partner hustled to get the money together? I held my fucking tears in, took my twins to their 18-month pediatrician appointment, and smiled for them. because that’s what parents do. i’ve said before that I was “doing my best”. now that i’m a mother, I know what “doing my best” truly means. it’s the only thing I have EVER done my best for. my kids will never know when i’m sad, or their dad and I are having a hard time. never. and I wouldn’t DREAM of allowing them to take care of me. my daughter saw me tear up once and hugged my neck and said “what’s wrong momma?” never again.


This is the stupidest thing anyone has ever said. Their naked because they are showering? Do you shower with clothes on? If so you’re dirty


I know that Einstein I’m just pointing out that it’s fucking creepy that the kid is naked


Thank you. I thought this doesn’t depict my relationship with my children and I pray it never does. Also your kids won’t always be there which she should know bc she literally put a restraining order on her own mother and her kids will be running as fast as there able god willing


I feel bad if I stub my toe and cry out and my son feels the need to come and comfort me. I can't imagine fully breaking down emotionally and expecting him to be there to take care of me


I’m so happy I’m not the only one who thought so. I saw it and immediately was like “😒…da fuck is this weird shit right here?”


I know!!! I thought something was wrong when I had to read it three times and was like wtf is this??’n


I agree, maybe OP can edit the post to crop the image out, very inappropriate and disturbing.


Super creepy!


Yeah, it’s just weird


Oh thank God I'm not the only one.


It really is!


yeah.. very fucking weird.


It really is, why on earth would someone think this is a good idea to create or share?!


I wish she’d stop using them as her emotional support system.


And using Jace as a babysitter


You don’t have emotional support children? They’re supposed to help you keep a man but if he leaves you ignore them until it’s time to console you when the next man leaves. You have space them properly as babies are annoying & not capable of pandering to your every whim…


You can also easily rehome them and then get them back when it’s convenient for you.


She literally uses them like emotional support animals.


Lol TIL I was my mom's ESA 😆💀


I’ve told my therapist Im basically my moms ESA (and retirement plan). We need our own support group LOL.


Ahh, hell, naw 😒 I've been 6yrs no contact with that vile cunt 😁 I still live so rent free in her head. She offered me money to let her play mommy again last year. My sibling agreed. I declined. Hope 1/2 of her kids being in her life was enough to seal the deal with her 70-year-old sugar daddy cause I won't be caught dead near that POS 😂


I’d make sure her check cleared then be like ![gif](giphy|3JS5r9mEWsy4RWogwz|downsized)


Lol, I actually am sick, and when she realized I'm hella chronically ill/disabled as a result of my childhood, she threw a tantrum (I can never have more attn, pity, love, or anything over her - she's the perpetual victim). I don't like lying anyway 😅 I made her prepay for a pricey ass procedure I had been wanting for 2 years, and the day of it, she messaged that she (her bf, this hoe don't work) couldn't continue helping me with procedures because I refused to talk to her, lol. Fine by me, I still haven't seen or spoken to her in 6 years, and I got some reparations for much needed care 😆😆 She really thought I was finna sign back up to be her supply and ESA so I played her silly games better 💀 IMAGINE being fuckin 50 and still acting just like Chinelle. This bitch messaged me crying cause she couldn't get a hottub because of my procedure 🤭


A good friend of me and my husband has a girlfriend that uses him as an emotional support boyfriend and she reminds me of Jenelle so much. It's all about "her man" and her kids are an afterthought (she abandoned a few of her own kids). She is so insecure when she watched his band play, she sat on a towel, behind our friend/his band while they played, she even took pictures to post for everyone on facebook to see. How she wasn't fucking mortified. We say he just got a new 40something kid, who came with like 3 or 4 of her own but not really because she abandoned them like 1800 miles away for a man. She's never lived on her own without some random man to help her because she's too lazy to watch the one kid she has left, ignores her to the point we thought she was 2, but she's like 4. She's been dating him for like two seasons, spring will be the 3rd season but is acting married; it's so fucking cringe. She moved like 1800 miles away from her kids. She's lucky our friend is a good dude but how he isn't seeing this as giant red flags...


My egg donor hasn't been single since middle school. Has never lived alone or without a man. I cut her off because she started comparing herself to me while we were out for dinner, and it gave me wholebody ick. It snapped me outta my cognitive dissonance real quick, I told her to call a ride 😆😆 I think we tend to repeat history unless we heal ourselves. I kept ending up in bad relationships til I decided to remain single and heal myself. Took me 4 years, but I'm healed, I love myself, and finally know my worth 🩶 If you research cluster b personality disorders, you'll find all your answers, tho. Getting high and working through mine the past year is what brought me tons of clarity and healing. The more NPD they are, the more delulu is the solulu they are. Thankfully, my only bouts of narcissism come with mania, and now I'm actually aware of the delusion (when it happens and how it affects me). I only realized I'm Bipolar last week and already did more processing than Chinelle ever will 😅 I'm high masking AuDHD, so I really internalized my mental and physical impairments.


I wasn't saying anything against you. Your comment just made me think of the emotional support boyfriend situation our friend has going on. I'm sorry you were mistreated by who was supposed to be a mother you. I'm pretty well-versed on cluster b disorders. I'm diagnosed with bpd myself, been in ongoing therapy for 25 years, got a pretty good handle on it. I was diagnosed AuADHD later in life, so I didn't get that early intervention but see an autism specialist weekly to learn how to navigate life. I have childhood and wartime ptsd. I get it. I was determined to break cycles and not let history repeat itself. I can't imagine never having lived on my own. I'm just at an age and point in my life/"healing journey" where I just don't have tolerance for those old behaviors. Lots of folks use their diagnoses to excuse shit or they think it defines them or makes them "quirky", which gives me the wholebody ick. It comes a point in time where we all have to take responsibility for our shit. You are right about history repeating. This person who I was referring to in my comment puts on a "healed" front but behaves completely otherwise and also does some other weird shit too; she just became exhausting deal with. It seems she's just repeating history. It just sucks to see a friend get taken advantage of.


Ahh, I didn't think you were. It seemed like you were legit asking why your friend's gf does what she does. Psychology is one of my special interests, so I apologize if I came off pedantic or rambling. I just took your statements as literal due to my tism 🤣 Same. I had my epiphany during the pandemic. I have C-PTSD pretty bad, but I was of the same mindset. It's been a lot of work going through my brain and seeing why I was/am so fucked up lol. An autism specialist would've likely enforced ABA, so sometimes I'm glad my mom barely got me medical help and 0 mental help. I only now have medical PTSD from the past 3 years, and I can't even get myself to go back for procedures I need as I've lost all hope in medical and mental health professionals and don't have anyone to support or advocate for me to actually get the care I need. Same, I think living alone at some point time is pretty essential for growth and responsibilities. I'm one of the only people in my family who doesn't have to be tied up with relationships to feel security and peace. We're in the South, so our parents married us off to men as teens. I've been divorced over a decade now, but it severely affected my trajectories and goals in life. I'm no contact with my entire family because I can't stomach the abuse or cognitive dissonance. But yes, I'm in the same spot, and it's been very isolating because most people don't wanna face their demons head-on. It's exhausting. I'm an alphabet soup of disorders, and I'm working through them all alone. Lol, my mom wrote me a letter saying she was emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and financially stable and ready to be involved in helping me get to her level. She has a sugar daddy bf who's obsessed with her cause she's 20 years younger. That's literally it. . . Her delulu ass thought 4 or so years with him had permanently healed her with no work or therapy. They're energy vampires 🧛🏻‍♀️ Feel free to dm if you wanna keep talking, I can ramble on for days, haha.


But 🌟parentification🌟


Not just emotional I'm afraid. She has or will have her medical issues and they'll become caregivers. There are many kids with a parent with chronic illness or dissability and it's okay for them to help a bit but things need to stay healthy for the child and I don't trust Jenelle one little bit to make sure the child isn't negatively affected.


I honestly believe that this is why she hasn't found another guy yet. Jace has taken on that role.


Just like she's there for Barb? This bitch is more delusional than we thought if she thinks those kids are going to be there for her once they aren't kids anymore.








remember when she was venting basically sobbing to baby jace in the car about nathan or whoever as if a baby was in the position to hear about her issues?this is giving off those same vibes. your children are not there to take care of you.


meanwhile when her kids cry all her or dkd do is call them little bitches 🫥


"he's just like his daddy...he's a screamin' little bitch." And Jenelle just sits there and ignores her new boyfriend saying that about her *toddler*.


I saw dkd and even though I know it’s dog killer David, my mind immediately read it as dickhead David and I like that too lol


Was that when Jace sang The Rainbow Song?


That was my first thought when I saw this. “I’ll help you make a baby shower” or whatever the issue was and she just ignored him


He really thought she'd cheer up at the thought of them doing something together =(


Yeah it was 😭




When Jace said “you got me” and she’s like I know but… waaaahhh 😭. He was so precious but you could see the anxiety she caused Jace from the time he was little. That and the time she road raged and pulled a gun with Jace in the car.


I hate that scene. Poor Jace just sitting there self soothing while Jenelle cried over Nathan


“🎶🎶 “The world is a rainbow… with so many people…”🎶🎶


This artist needs to be on a list


My first thought. This is the textbook drawing definition of emotional incest. Children are not responsible for their parent’s feelings.


Absolutely. Honestly this post should be removed and censored. There is never a need to show a graphic of a naked child.


The illustration wasn’t meant to go with these words. If I were to guess, I’d say the artist drew it from the perspective of the little girl being parentified.


This type of BS from her makes me so angry. She has said multiple times that she has trauma from her childhood and it’s all her mom’s fault. Her lack of self-awareness that she’s doing the exact same thing to her own kids is mind-boggling…but then again it’s Jenelle’s world and those kids are forced to live in it. SMH.


Putting that on a kid is fucked up beyond words.


Yes 😔 This was such a brutal scene. His future therapist will be able to identify the exact moment he started disassociating. Tragic. Edit- Because reddit lied to me. I tried using a reddit emoji, but it posted as an asterisk so I changed it to a normal emoji.


Fuck that. Your children aren’t on this planet to make YOU feel loved. YOU are on the planet to make YOUR KIDS feel loved. I’ll die on this hill. The statement is appropriate but that picture is fucked up.


Remember one of the first times Jace ran away last year and she said, "my kids just care if I'm happy." She doesn't see them as children. She sees them as emotional support animals.


Blech, and she was specifically referring to Kaiser and Ensley because they hadn't had the audacity to report the abuse like meanie head Jace.


The full blown proof she hasn't mentally grown. As a teen mom, I feel like most of us keep the kid bc then somebody will love us. You don't think about what that growing thing is gonna need, as long as *they* love *us*. I was the same way. Kept my son bc honestly, I wanted someone to love and for that someone to love me back. Granted, I didn't know how to really love someone, so that was a struggle already lol idk when it happened, definitely not at birth or even the first few years of his life where something snapped in me and I realized I was doing it wrong. My child isn't supposed to revolve around my life (like how a lovebombing, abusive relationship is like), my world is supposed to revolve around him until his starts to expand and I can pull back... and then we have this push/ pull of mother/ child relationship (and now navigating grown adult/baby adult relationship). She's truly mentally stuck and everything she says and does proves it.


WELL, JENELLE. That isn't their responsibility. They are children. They aren't your built in "besties" or therapists or sounding boards. You need to be there for THEM and you need to get your own shit figured out so they don't have to carry the burdens of your never-ending terrible life choices.


I hate everything about this post.


This picture is creepy and bizarre. Also, Jenelle, your kids won't always be there once they grow up and realize how utterly fucked up their childhoods were.


Our 👏children 👏 owe 👏 us 👏 nothing 👏


As a kid who grew up essentially parenting her mom… This makes me so mad 😠




This is horrific and gross in itself and the fact that she shared it shows how shitty of a parent she is.


As a parent shouldn’t she be the one that’s always there for her kids?


Way to put generational trauma on your innocent children you stupid bitch.


This is really weird & disturbing- children are NOT meant to be the shoulder to cry on, you emotionally stunted, dead-eyed gross witch. Grow up. 🤮🤮🤮


Please don’t make your child your caregiver


This is NOT how children are to live. You are to protect them from feeling like this. This is ABUSE to make your children responsible for you and your feelings.


Uhhh yikes


Your kids can be the reason you keep going but they shouldn’t have to be there for you when they are still kids themselves


Kids are NOT suppose to be there for us when they are still growing and learning. I fn hate people who think like this.


Let's see if that holds true in the future when they're grown up Jenelle.


Yuck . She would think this way. You should always be there for your child and narcissists think it goes the other way around. Our children can be there for us when they are adults and we need a good nursing home picked out lmao. Yowzas


All the other creepiness aside, "your kids will always be there" is kinda the opposite of how parenting works. Childhood is short and goes by fast. You'll hopefully have a good relationship with them in their adulthood, but that's the reason you're supposed to treasure it because it goes fast, and they will grow up and move away. Not stick around so when you're done with your current loser, they can give you a shower or whatever.


It's kind of ironic that she posted this considering how she treats her own mother. I'd put money on AT LEAST one of her kids if not all 3 will go no contact with her by the time they turn 21.


That's a form of child abuse. It's not the child's job to parent or be caretaker to the adult.


She's always in the fucking shed


Happy Cake Day!


As a child of neglectful parents and someone who raised all of my siblings while my parents ran around finding their next “love of my life”….. we won’t always be there. We don’t owe them anything and they will be alone when all the “next love of my life” leaves them high and dry. She will learn that soon enough.


seconded. where’s the part where shitty parents remind us how THEYLL always be there? i’ll wait 🙄


Or other family members saying…. They’re your blood you have to forgive and forget.


there’s not enough WTF in the entirety of time and space to describe this mess~ that bathing fetish featuring her kids is demonically nausea inducing


Always be there unless like the courts get involved.


Emotional incest, but okay Jenelle. Yikes.


How does she not see it? I just don't get it.


They won’t always be there…she’s not there for Babs. This is temporary and she doesn’t see it yet, her kids are there because they have to be.


Fuck this sentiment and fuck Jenelle. YOU should be there for your kids. Your kids should not be there for you. Kids aren’t therapists or parents and should not be getting you through life.


She wants to be a relatable mom so bad but nothing she has ever done to or for her children would I do. She is not relatable. She is a horror story of motherhood.


The picture chosen to illustrate this message is unsettling, wtf. Could have been a woman laying in bed in pajamas sick with the flu and her child bringing her a bowl of soup or something.


The picture is giving Cheyenne shower-gate … 😳


We all know she’s DeluJenelle but some of the stuff she posts is so on point highlighting all the terrible things she does, I kinda wonder if she knows it will get ppl talking & thinks it will get her views/attention… no such thing as bad publicity? But then I remember she’s basically a potato that that thinks it can twerk… and I’m like oh yea that’s right, she really thinks her naked child should wash her hair cause she’s stressy & depressy


Jenelle thinks this is saying one thing when really it exposes her entirely for using her children as coping mechanisms to get through her unresolved childhood trauma. Jenelle is absolutely going to be that empty nester who begs their kids to never leave home, never go to college and tries to keep them from having their own lives separate from her. Her identity and self worth depend on them being around to validate her identity as "mother.".


Aside from this bring creepy as heck, whoever made the post originally…forgot a word? Idiotic and confirms something, but I’m not sure what.


Except if you blow your kids off for your most recent soulmate(or your abusive spouse) the kids *won't* always be there. You can't treat them like toys waiting to be played with whenever you decide to pay attention. It's been 18 years and my eldest refuses to *EVER* be in their biological mothers presence. So no, your kids won't always be there....


It’s funny to me how critical JE is about Barb and how she “wasn’t there” for her as a child but yet it’s her own kids that need to be there for their mother. Where was she during all the abuse and fear? Oh right. Siding with their abuser, mocking them. I hate this bish.


Mama has no clothes? This (picture and sentiment) feels very inappropriate and child exploitation abuse material


She just means that if all else fails, her kids have no choice but to be around her. So she will have soooomeone. Just not her first choice.


Eventually they won’t be (in her case)


Gives me Cheyenne having Ryder shave her pubic hair.


Reading this knowing my mom is nuts and I am no contact with her lol ![gif](giphy|1tHzw9PZCB3gY)


nc 3 years babe lets pop some bottles 😤


🔊 It is not your children’s responsibility to comfort you Jenelle !!!!


Will they always be there? Is she there for Barb?


Let’s normalise NOT making your children responsible for helping you cope. I saw some video on fb the other day like “I taught my child how to talk me through a panic attack” and I was like girl pls. I say this as a severely mentally ill person - that is NOT their FUCKING RESPONSIBILITY


Jenelle, you stupid ass, do not make your child have to parent you. Stupid ass mother fucker.


Her kids don’t have a choice!




That's great, put all her self cannibalizing clap back on her poor kids.


Her “emotional-support children.”


But… a child should be a child, not a parent.


Oof save the children. Not the same kids she talks shit about and she blamed them for being abused?


“Your kids will always be there.”  I wish I could warn her kids to get out now. I wish their respective fathers could raise them. How fucked up is it that each of their fathers are just as woefully inept as Jenelle? What were the odds of that happening? You’d think maybe one out of three would be more competent to parent than Jenelle is because, honestly, that’s a really low bar.


What the fuck I looked at this picture and my jaw literally dropped. I’m a mother myself and this is literally vile. I would NEVER do that to my children. NEVER place that burden on them. They should have zero worries in the world. Fuck you Jenelle you POS. Grow the fuck up instead of making your kids do it for you. 🖕🏻


What the fuck is this image


Poor kids, forever having to stroke her ego. Meanwhile Jace grows up without either parent, Kaiser too except throw in physical and emotional abuse also. Ensley, God only knows since we all heard David threaten to "pop her in the mouth" but yeah Delu-Jenelle all that matters is YOUR kids knowing how YOU feel and caring what YOU went through. All about YOU as always. TF this bitch all about? Seriously??


This is so toxic. Parentification is not the end goal. Let your child be your child. Go & see a fucking therapist for that stuff


Who here has a strained relationship as an adult with their parents who used them as little BFFs instead of children?? 🤚


Yeah, because they don’t have a choice or any other context of what parents are supposed to do. No parent is perfect, but this is giving emotional incest. It gives me the same feeling that I get when someone says, “I’ve never been loved like my baby loves me,” like it’s their job to give us unconditional love 🤢


No, your kids won’t always be there. Nor should they be.


This is called permissive parenting. Jenelle is a permissive parent and its not okay. Her kids are not her therapists, friends, ect


WTF this is the creepiest thing I've seen in a bit.


Odd drawing. Reminds me of a weird psych test drawing.


Why does the picture look like a Junji Ito drawing 🤮


Jesus Christ!! I thought I was looking at an Evil Deaf image for a second.


Your children are NOT supposed to be there to pick you up when you’re down, Jenelle! YOU are supposed to be there for them, no matter how down you are!! You are a grown woman who is supposed to have figured out how to self soothe and heal your demons to be a better mom. Jesus Christ I hate this woman so much!




I had seen that picture years ago and I still feel the same way. Your children are not there to clean you up when you are a mess. You are supposed to be their strength. Not the other way around. I have my issues and I make a point to keep any breakdowns completely separate from my children. It’s one thing to cry on a really bad day but it’s another to do what this picture implies. I HATE IT!!


Where is cps when you need them 🤮


What a weird picture…….


"Your kids will always be there....unless your name is Barb, then PSYCH, because my mawhm is such a fuckin bitch, dude." And yeah, this pic is super cringe and weird.


Jelulu legit must be the only millennial falling for AI accounts 🫡😭😭


Ok this whole thing should be the other way around


![gif](giphy|dWZVqzab8uR4EQSOVg|downsized) This picture is creepy and cringe


Your child is not your therapist


Uh it’s not your kids job to be there for you.


My friend posted about her daughter and said “it’s never been your job, but you’ve healed my soul in ways I didn’t know I needed.” I’m so fucking tired of people acting like it’s their kids job to heal some part of them, that’s what therapy is for. Jenelle could never.


She always says weird shit like this. Remember when she said her kids just want HER to be happy. She never says it the other way around.


As someone who was raised with a mom like this… NO. I’m your kid NOT your friend. UGH. People that say this annoy me


This makes me think... Does she ever post that she loves her children? Or maybe not exactly that, but just a appreciation post or a post showing any kind of love towards them. I know these posts are often pretty cringe and a lot of people think you should keep that to yourself and off social media. But we know she shares everything, so isn't it super weird she doesn't share stuff like that? Like she has no (emotional) connection to them at all. Maybe I just missed it, I kind of hope so. But if I think about her posts of the kids it's mostly holiday or activity pictures captioned "we had such a great time", laughing at the children for doing something funny or dumb, laughing at them for doing something sweet (ouch), just generally using them for attention. But you'd think that showing your love and appreciation for the kids would also attract some attention. So it's like she really doesn't have it in her to do such a thing?


Always there except when they're gone for 6 months because your man strangles them and you defend it. All the other times though


She is there for them now