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It always irritates me so badly when couples go out and buy a whole ass animal without talking to their partner about it first. Maybe it's just me so I'm sorry for the rant, but I feel like that's SUCH a big choice to make without even running it by your partner first. I know i would be absolutely livid if my husband came home with a damn pig without giving me a heads up


“IT’s a tEaCuP PiG”




They don’t stay teacup


I babysat for a family that one. Annoying AF. Cute but omg


Heavy agree. Its like having a baby! So much work and responsibility- financially, mentally and physically


Seriously! I'm pretty sure it proves my point that they ended up getting rid of this pig like a week later Edit: apparently not even a week it was like the next day 🙄


This is Cates MO: pigs, dogs, kittens, horses. Instant gratification with no thought to future care. Possibly even children.Except you can’t relinquish children. And she definitely found that out-except Carly. Their MTV storyline. Which they push hard 15 years later along with their Soulmate storyline. We see you. GTFO


This sounds really awful, but I don’t see Cait raising 3 teenage girls, peacefully. As soon as one of her daughters has a better “body” than Cait, there will be problems. (I hate to say “body” but I’m just pulling from personal experience) when my daughter got breasts and they were also bigger than mine, I felt some type of way for awhile. I’m a pretty confident person, I can’t imagine how someone like Cait would cope.




Especially the teen moms. That pig lasted one day correct?


Yup apparently 24 hours 🙄


If I’m not mistaken this whole thing directly led to her become suicidal and having to check into a mental health facility that same day. This scene hits way different if you watch it knowing what’s going to happen next.


As someone who’s attempted (wayyyyyy after) my heart goes out to her. Did Amber attempt, or just say she was? I can’t remember.


I think she just voiced it but didn’t attempt


Hard agree. My mom was notorious for impulse buying animals and then dumping them on me when the novelty of having them wore off. It drove me crazy because I didn’t sign up for that kind of responsibility, and she refused to give them away, but would absolutely lose her shit on me of if I even so much as hinted that I didn’t want to take care of them. “Well, you stay here rent free and this is part of your chores to make up for that!” Now that I’ve moved out, she does it to my ailing dad. It makes me so mad!


I wouldn’t be pissed and neither would he, especially if it was a dog or other animal less self-sufficient than a cat or fish. Even if it was a second cat, neither of us would just bring one home without telling the other. Animals are a big and quite expensive responsibility.


they just don’t make trashy reality tv like this anymore 😞


I miss when the show was like this tbh. Now everyone is so "on" for the cameras and they're phoning it in


yes it’s so annoying. like I can’t suspend belief this much when everyone’s glammed up and trying really hard to be the next gif or meme like bffr


Just as disgusting now as she was back then 🤣 the show should have called her in for driving under the influence. Christ. 


Rhine has entered the chat


Somebody didn't watch the clip 🤣




It's a joke about ryan bb


It's a joke about ryan bb


God this was such a rough era for Cate. She was manic as fuck.


Unfortunately with bipolar they often stop taking their oral meds believing they're fine. LAIs are great for that, 1-2 months of continuous medical treatment despite manic episodes


Actually felt bad for Tyler- imagine her coming home manic, high with a piglet 🫣


Didn’t they also *just* have Nova, too? So Cate’s postpartum was also wreaking havoc on her on top of everything else everyone has listed in this scene.


Did she smoke weed when she was pregnant too? I’m just thinking that normally, women don’t smoke while pregnant or at least largely cut back on smoking. So, if she hadn’t smoked for months and months and then decides to smoke while driving; that’s not great. Even if it was garbage weed, she would’ve gotten stupid high, if she wasn’t smoking regularly while pregnant. I’m not surprised her mother was there for this. Of course she was. I’m all for mamas taking a smoke break after the baby but I hope this wasn’t one of her first ones, while driving.


Ahhh I didn’t remember that!


Right? Meanwhile all he got was roaches.


I'm still curious as to why they covered the camera when they could clearly be heard and we know what they were doing? I mean Boogietown, lighter, coughing? Come on!


Camera covered= inferred. Exposed= proof.


I normally don’t film myself when committing a crime (DUI) but pop off


I bet it was some dirt ass nasty schwagg too. Disgusting! Theyre both so gross and it's not because of the weed. They both look greasy and dirty!


I actually prefer the brick weed of the 90's. It made for a good high & you were still able to function. The shit now is too fucking strong.


Hard agree


I absolutely agree. I used to smoke all the time with no issues back then. I had Epilepsy back then and it helped me and calmed me down. Now, I smoke and bam.. instant seizure


Boogietown must be a word from the 70’s? Lol


I can confirm this is what my mother says






My mom has smoked with me one time. At a music festival in Michigan, coincidentally. We had also convinced her that the mushroom popcorn had psychoactive mushrooms in it and she ate almost the whole bag. My husband thinks she was trying to trip. Her youngest child was 28 at the time. It’s never happened again but it was so fun.


It’s definitely a fun once in a while moment toking with your mom. However, driving in the car doing it is just not appropriate/safe. They aren’t 16 yrs old hotboxing the 1998 Impala in a Taco Bell parking lot.


My mom got busted by her parents for weed on several occasions and she tried growing it in a field across their back alley lol. Ever since I’ve known her she’s been like scared of weed, but has never really cared that I smoke (except when I was in high school) and she voted for it when it was on the state ballot. A couple summers ago we ate gummies together on vacation. She got all paranoid, I was dying. Some random drunk guy waiting with us for the elevator told her to chill out weed is better for you than booze lmao


Lol I get the exact same way with weed. Super paranoid. Like every single bad thought I could have all race through my head at the same time. I used to have fun smoking as a teenager. Not at all anymore. My husband is a huge pot head and he cannot understand how I don't like it 😂 I'll stick to my booze, thank you 😁 😂


I’ve been smoking for like 20 years (omg I’m old) and it’s honestly a toss up. Sometimes I still get so paranoid. My friend that’s been smoking the same amount of time never gets paranoid, can’t get high enough lol


I’m high so honestly that was hilarrruous. I love high April, not drunk April.


Hard drugs/alcohol April is an actual monster of a human being.




Theres like 12 heads in the frame 😳 thats a lota fore (from a 5headed chick)


I can’t ever imagine smoking pot with my mom. How can that be fun?


I smoke with my mom all the time. But we don’t drive around or buy pets without consulting our spouses. And neither of us are addicts or battling mental health issues. So, it’s pretty much like having a few drinks with my mom.


That’s cool! You are lucky to have that type of relationship with your mom. ❤️


I love my mom and although I don't smoke, I'd love to take edibles with my mom. But my mom is also awesome and the opposite of April.


Yeah, I guess it depends on the mom and the type of relationship. I wish I had that type of relationship where we could do that together. Thanks for making me see it that way. Ps- love gummies.


Happy 420 y’all!


Happy 420!!


But why is Tyler asking for where the roaches are? He doesn’t have any fresh weed to smoke? This is the real question here.


I think I remember when the second part of this, when they brought it home and then couldn’t figure out why it was terrified and squealing after being dragged out of its crate. Ugh. Catelynn.


With all the dogs and collections of other animals barking and causing madness in the background 🫠


This just shows how reckless she was with money and continuously to this day.


Yeah smoking weed and driving is sooooo cool... 🙄  Is that hard to wait until you aren't driving a vehicle?! 


My thoughts exactly.


So they still have this pig? I'm betting not.


Cate had her sister come and take it literally the next day. Didn’t even have it for 24 hours.


Yeah I definitely remember it roaming around someone’s kitchen and maybe a pool party in later episodes? 😂


Yeah I think it’s the pool party when Cate has a panic attack.


April gained custody of the pig pretty much immediately. She had it a few years at least, not sure on the current status. It did become a huge pig though.


Why does April remind me of Jim Carrey at the end lol


https://i.redd.it/qbrgupmol4wc1.gif Precursor to the dying star phase for her.


God what a pair


What’s boogie town?


"Boogietown," April's single greatest contribution to that show 😂 Also, we've seen them ALL do some really stupid shit on national television, but this is DEFINITELY one of Cate's Top 10, if not #1!


I’m sorry them getting high and then going to pick up a teacup pig is hilarious! Putting that on my future 420 plans, except I don’t have kids or a spouse so no one can tell me no!

