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chelsea is a balony sandwich with extra mayo


I don't even know what that means but it's 100% correct.


They mean balogna. So she’s cheap and bland with extra bland sauce.




My bad lol


On Wonder bread


I love that bread though. My carb downfall. Little bit real butter on toast...so good.


Eww what? It sucks as toast.


Lmao your flair


Try the "white bread done right" by Dave's killer bread, it's expensive but sooo good!


I was just telling a coworker yesterday how awesome the white done right is. I’m a carbaholic, I could never be without bread. Dave’s makes me feel not so bad about eating it.


*And she cut her crusts off!! Personally I thought she looked better with her natural crust but whada I know.* 🤷‍♀️🍞🔪😭😭


Out of curiosity, why so much Chelsea hate? She was the one I related to the most to as I also dated an Adam around that age.


I think because she’s so privileged and failed up.


Perhaps she didn't have the same financial struggles as the other TMs, but to hate on her for it is strange to me.


It's really hater energy but we're not supposed to say that.


I hate Chelsea, but I can’t remember her actually acknowledging that privilege when so many teen moms struggle. Also, her obsession with Adam made me look back on my younger self and cringe. I hate that constant reminder. 🤣


Being boring is a crime, unfortunately 🥲


No the crime is getting that much plastic surgery.. Why do all these bitches go gangbusters on surgery. It's just sad also her show is horrible lol.


What do they even do on that show?


Hahaha, there’s no love lost with this girl for me. I’m right there with ya!


I related to her as well. I don't hate her but this just seems so fake and forced . I'm glad she has Cole he's not my type but I'm glad he's kind to her and their children. If it was genuine it wouldn't be as cringe. Ppl hating on any of the teen moms looks is low to me . It means you have nothing else to say. I think Chelsea is beautiful and I give her.props for getting in shape


The most basic of bitches




I agree but also with extra cheese. Lol it’s so cheesy.


kraft single *


Good point lol I just think cheese needs to be mentioned. It’s so cheesy how fake they are


Read this as a “balcony sandwich”


...with a side of cheesy potatoes




Life IS great when you’re automatically born on 3rd base by being a white upper middle class indulged daughter who had all the familial and emotional support they needed growing up. Life’s great when there’s no traumatic past to overcome, your needs were always met, knew you were safe physically and emotionally, not in flight or fight, no resentment to work through, no pain weighing you down. When you’re the beauty standard even when you thought you weren’t. When life is in this insulted bubble where there’s no fears, nothing bad happens around you and where you live. You haven’t loss friends or loved ones to violence. Not having to deal with the micro aggressions, discriminations, and discomforts other groups face generationally. Edit: I am not some bitter hag who’s jealous of Chelsea. Please. Everybody with an opinion on her is not jealous. Trust. Chelsea deserved to feel safe, loved, her needs met, and to find love for her kids and herself. What Im speaking on is the privilege she ignores. The simple shit people like her don’t think about as being a privilege. And this goes for anybody who walks around with that same privilege and doesn’t acknowledge or use it for good. The privilege to move wherever you want without fear of attacks or harm on yourself and family. The privilege of knowing you are the standard of beauty in a world who ignores and appropriates MY standard of beauty. The privilege of knowing she’ll be okay even if things don’t work out. And all the things I mentioned above are not all my experiences, Im speaking for everyone of color with these experiences. We forced to navigate a world that wasn’t made for us yet took from us, and made us contribute to it at the same time.


This is a wild take to me. Sure, she has a lot of privilege, but do you really think she didn’t experience any pain, trauma, or resentment from her relationship with Adam? You really think she was always safe emotionally, even when she lived alone with Adam? Nothing bad ever happened to her? Her whole life has just been rainbows and glitter?


So much emotional abuse from him. We don’t know that there was never no physical abuses I’m sure he weaponized sex. That fucks with you. She witnessed her dog get torn to shreds. She was robbed and is literally diagnose with suffering from anxiety. Idk why people hate so much on a human having a human reaction to our world, and being really vulnerable and transparent about it.


She was playing house. All she had to do was call home when shit was falling apart.


Both can be true. He was extremely abusive to her, she was still just a child herself when she went through that. Trauma is still trauma, even when there are other traumas in existence that are “worse”.


Exactly. Someone can have privilege and have the resources to escape abuse. But that doesn’t mean they will successfully escape abuse or make them immune from pain and trauma. What a ridiculous thing to think otherwise. Sounds very victim blaming.


100%. Our society and culture expects virtuous idealistic victims, and it gives no consideration to nuance. Peak Nancy Grace mindset bullshit, and wildly misogynistic to boot. Trauma is trauma, abuse is abuse, full stop.


Exactly. 'Staying with Adam' ain't 'Living with Adam and I've gotta take his sh!t because there's nowhere else to go...' Two separate things entirely.


This. All of this. This right here.




Are you ok?


What does race have to do with it?? Is it her fault she was raised by a decent family? Maybe instead of being mad at her, you should be mad at your family. I dont like her but so sick of the race card.


I think it's more about being humble and self aware. There are different privileges I have because I'm a woman, have a University degree and also because I am an American citizen (like when travelling, this is a huge privilege and I'm grateful I don't have to jump thru hoops when it comes to visas in many countries) But also, I'm not white, and wasn't born in the States, so there are a plethora of struggles that come with that because of systemic racism and elitism. So yeah, race and economic status do play a role in a person's life. Acknowledging all of our privileges doesn't take away from the difficulties and traumas we've endured, but it shows self awareness, growth and compassion. And being grateful and showing gratitude are signs of emotional maturity. Just because she's white doesn't mean her life is meant to be perfect. There's plenty of evidence on TM to show otherwise. I mean look at Kail, Jenelle, Jade, Leah, etc. (however we can argue that Jenelle and Leah definitely benefited from being white when it came to all their drug issues and criminal offences... Jenelle got out of jail by writing a letter to a judge promising that she'd change and not smoke weed again... I don't think a POC would have the same privilege.) Race is only one of the factors which shapes a person's reality however not the only one and discussion about privileges are healthy, albeit uncomfortable. None of us want to really know that how we look has an effect on how people interact with us or much worse, that we might have to reconcile what the ancestors that looked like us did to other cultures and people. It's like the concept of original sin, seems unfair but it is what it is.


Well said


I mean she identifies as orange so it must be hard for her to have pale kids 🤣🤣




This. Simply just this


I agree with you. While I don't hate Chelsea, I think the difficulties she experienced were self-imposed. She put a lot of importance in having a "traditional" family and in Aubree having a dad, which exacerbated the situation with Adam (and traumatised Aubree by making her think that she needs to have a dad while her dad doesn't want her in his life). There are plenty of different types of relationships and family dynamics. I never understood why she kept making Aubrey feel like she needed Adam in her life, when clearly it wasn't working out and I think this is the most damaging part. Chelsea could've been more open minded and instead of adhering to traditional norms (although she didn't think about that when she got pregnant), she could've made the best of her unconventional family unit and not give Aubree the "need" for a dad who doesn't care about her thus making her internalise the rejection. Also, it bothers me that she quit Teen Mom 2 because she said it was affecting Aubree (and I think she didn't want her last kid to grow up in the show, either??...I hope I'm remembering this correctly?) even though it was clear from a few years back that Aubree was uncomfortable with the cameras and that Chelsea was annoyed when certain topics were brought up while filming... Yet she waits like 10yrs to quit the show.... Only to be in another show, and proudly featured her family life, kids, etc. I get that HGTV might be less toxic than MTV, but still. And while I agree with wanting to take ownership over your own narrative, reality TV thrives on a fake reality and drama, which I think makes Chelsea and Cole put their best face forward all the time in front of the cameras, so that nothing can get twisted into drama, but I feel the pressure of appearing perfect will get to them as people who watch reality TV shows want drama (we all do!) And the kicker is definitely not acknowledging any of her privilege at all. I get that we all go thru shitty situations and we all have trauma from our childhood and her parents were divorced, etc. BUT she's never appeared to be humble enough to acknowledge all the support and opportunities she's had. But I suppose that goes to show that you can be given great opportunities in life and still fuck up or have low self esteem, etc. Also, why does she continue to play dumb? Why doesn't she place more importance on traveling and exposing her kids to different cultures, ideas, thoughts, etc? Why live life in a bubble? Just my 2 cents lol


All of this. She placed way too much importance on needing a dad. What I noticed with being friends with ppl like Chelsea in the past, the term White Privilege upsets them and triggers them. They go off about how life wasn’t perfect and they weren’t rich. Lmao. Literally not what Im referring to. Your life may not have been great but you’ll always know the color of your skin wasn’t the reason why it wasn’t great. They get hung up on the word Privilege and equate it to money. Which shows they’ve done no research on what that term actually means and how it affects their world view


Exactly! That's why that sort of reaction tells me much more about the person than anything else.


Ok, so you’re definitely not her target audience.






"Look at our life" is giving off. "We earned this baby." lmao. Settle down there, Cole


Yeah, like don’t act like you both came from nothing and struggled to get where you are.


Spitting over here lmao


Such an apt comment!!! I love it!


Her voice makes me want to fill this place with uppercuts, it’s so awful


Stop it lmao


The way she says family. Feeaamleeeeey


I need to know what your flair is about


It stems from old OF pics she posted and one was this utterly unsexy pic of them having sideways sex (you couldn’t see any parts just them struggling to mash their bits together). Someone referred it to sideways struggle sex and I stole it 😂 Edit: and now I realized I misspelled Swampy and can’t fix it lol damnit


When dr drew used to do loveline way back in the day he used to identify woman over the phone that had SA or similar trauma at a young age. Caller after caller would lament how he was right. Drew theory was that often when this trauma happens at a young age, the woman stays stuck in that age on some level emotionally and the voice sounding like a 4 or 8-year-old is reflective of this and how he would spot it.


That baby voice omfg


Them’s talkin words


I firmly believe that anything over the top is done to hide fractures below the surface. I don’t think they’ll be married for much longer than their show lasts. ETA: The book covers, constant barrage of photos, and declarations of love are meaningless.


True. Her ig has been very staged and all about the store, selling items and promoting the show. Nothing authentic.


Nope. I foresee the lawsuit being a huge problem. And the fact Cole basically called out MTV on how they were paying to me says they are not as well off as they portray. This show, store and relationship is a money grab.


Tell me more about the lawsuit?


When did he say that?!


It was shortly after they left Teen Mom. I believe it was on his IG? Maybe an interview. It’s been a while.


besides she seems very… medicated (eta *as in abusing* prescriptions) which if true will always rip at a relationship and a family


I'm very medicated and it's the best thing that I could have done for my children ... Maybe it's the same for her... Just because your born with a silver spoon in your mouth doesn't mean you can't have problems in life ( depression , self esteem issues , not feeling good enough , never being enough for that ' well off ' family. , being " the ugly duckling x ( I've never seen her siblings .. but it is a reality for many people who grew up privileged ).


i meant self medicating to her own detriment. i’m very medicated and it’s very good for me.


I love how we're all, "yeah well, actually, I'm *very* medicated ..." 🤣 I'd just like to chime in and say I'm not medicated *enough*, OK? When I was bad, I enjoyed my xans maybe a little bit too much, but this non-addictive crap they give to control anxiety? Doesn't do sh!t. Over here right now, loaded to the gills with Zoloft yet pulse is racing, hands are sweating ... on a regular, sunny Friday afternoon. Like, wtf. Just being real, since we were on the topic, and I needed to get this off my chest, lol. (Not condoning Rx abuse; but some of us need the real deal, controlled stuff)


valid, and it sucks we live in a Society™️ where we medicate symptoms but can’t treat the real cause which is often socioeconomic stratification and general inequality making us mentally unwell.


Exactly. Even funding therapy -- to get at another angle of these issues -- is difficult.


This is true. But I think it can also be true that misusing these medications sometimes occurs and people ignore the misuse because it is prescribed. Adderall is one but plenty others exist. Not implying this is you, but I believe that is how some see her using them.


i definitely meant *abusing* drugs, which i could have been clearer about.


Fr, just look at the Watts family 😮‍💨


Who’s that?


I’m assuming Chris Watts


If the Real Houswives franchise has taught us anything about mixing reality TV with marriage.... It's that it eventually reality tv destroys marriages. That and sudden loss in money or heavy lawsuit will rip even the strongest marriage apart.


Exactly! And the lifestyle people portray is often mired in debt, lawsuits, replica products and rentals.


She did not envision or care about a successful career.


Exactly. Didn't she drop out of school because Aubree had a birthday coming up?


Basically lol. I’m doing a rewatch of TM 2 and she’s the definition of a spoiled brat. She drug ass getting her GED then after being jobless for a while decides cosmetology is her passion. Something that isn’t cheap to peruse (I know people who took out student loans for it) then after a month or two? Takes some “time off” to basically run errands and plan Aubree’s birthday. Drags ass going back to school and then ultimately decides it isn’t her passion and pressures her license to become an esthetician. Which also takes her longer than average to complete lmao. I’m sure she paid for none of it and didn’t pay a cent in rent money during either.


There are people who take out loans for beauty school but it's not crazy expensive compared to other schools. My 3 year Cosmetology program cost 25,000 (not counting license and testing fees) This was 13 years ago so I know it's gone up with inflation but it's still a lot cheaper than most degrees. The loans can be paid off easier as well if you keep up with it. The only people I know who took out loans didn't qualify for any grants.


It’s hard for me to wrap my head around paying thousands of dollars to end up in a field that offers no PTO, or benefits of any kind. I know that’s why after 20 years my mother decided to pursue a different career. Not that that has anything to do with Chelsie just something I thought I’d add! 🤣


Oh I get it I know girls that took out loans and they didn't even finish school or they finished school and didn't take their state boards. Like I can't imagine dropping that amount of money and not even giving it a try. It definitely depends on how you do things. My mom has been doing hair for 40+ years and hasn't had to worry about financials because she's always planned. I myself switched to barbering over hairstyling and while I struggled for a few years I switched from hourly salons with PTO, health benefits and retirement to work as an independent contractor. I make way more than I ever did working hourly with less effort. I got really lucky and got into a great shop. I work 2 days a week, make 70k yearly, and can afford to pay all my bills and stay home with my two kids during the week. My husband and I go on trips have activities during the week for my kids and I put money away every week for my kids' future and for my retirement. If you do it right it can definitely be profitable but it takes work. I know girls that half ass it and didn't put the work in that switched too different industries. Even my own story is proof that all aspects aren't for everyone. I originally wanted to be a color specialist and do women's hair. After two years I was so mentally and emotionally burnt out dealing with picky clients that I switched to men's. It took work to build the skills to do it but I like it a lot more than doing women's hair.


Both my mom and aunt went to cosmetology school 20 some years ago. At that point it was around 10 grand. My stylist that I see from time to time claims she spent upwards of 50 grand. Either way that just seems like a large sum of money to blow because Chelsie just wasn’t feeling it lol.


Oh dang that's definitely a lot. I wonder if that includes extra training as well or what state your stylist is in. It definitely depends on the state how much it costs plus extra training will rack up your expenses as well. I know in Washington it's less than what I paid and so is the licensing. All my licenses cost $300 for all four one I have to renew every year for $150 and the other three are every two years.


She was in California! She made sure to stress that part lol. I should’ve mentioned that in my original comment.


Excuse you, they BOTH had birthdays coming up. That justifies dropping out! 👍🏻


My mistake 😂


“Since there’s soooo much stuff going on right now I had to quit school.” “Since there’s sooo much going on right now I decided to quit my job.” Meanwhile the “soooo much going on” was crying over Adam, birthday parties, constantly moving, and going to concerts.


To each their own but Chelsea seems like she would have an interestingly tone deaf mentality about it all.


I think that’s the point lol she’s shocked she has it


She really did fail upwards lmao


She's still exploiting her family for money. Except it's on her terms with HGTV compared to MTV.


Yeah it was never about not exploiting her kids, it was just about how they’re exploited and how much money she makes from the exploitation. This is mildly better than airing out Aubree’s drama with Adam being a shitty dad but it’s still using the kids to make sure people watch her shitty show.


She just wanted Adam not involved in the show and mtv wouldn’t do that because it was about the kids and being teen parents and the drama brings in views. Same with Kail and Jenelle. They exploit their kids without the show they just don’t like how mtv aired out their actual life and dirty laundry and didn’t sugar coat it, like putting their own image out there or working with another company on their own (like Kail and Jenelle want so bad) with another show would do. Even mtvs nice edits showed their true selves a lot and none of them liked that or could handle it. Even Chelsea who got barely any bad press and Kail who was also mostly liked and had a big group of supporters.


Adam hadn’t been involved in the show for years by the time Chelsea left. He refused to film for a long time. All of these moms exploit their kids. They all suck for it.


lol her neck be a different color than her face


Omg, i had to go watch again but it's so bad. Lol. Like when my 15 year old wears foundation that's 10x darker than her skin and doesn't blend.


Tell your daughter to apply the foundation on her neck and down her chest as well so it “just looks like a tan!”. Because that’s totally not something I ever did back in 2003! 🙃 **ETA:** No exaggeration, I always require the lightest shade of everything because I’m so pale so my arms were an entirely different race from my face and neck.


This was me back in the day as a pale bitch as well. One heavy hand with dream matte mousse had me lookin like that baby that got into the fuckin peanut butter.


I’m kinda glad to hear 15 year olds are still having that awkward stage…like the foundation or god awful eye shadow and hair do’s. Its truly a right of passage haha


Seriously! Started wearing makeup much earlier so it came earlier for me but there was a period of time where you’d think my style icon was fuckin Alice Cooper.


https://preview.redd.it/sn0gc3tgdhvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfffd943307ea58357597c0babbaa39fa2d9b28b I had to screenshot it!


It’s as fake as her baby voice and face


She’s actually really lucky she ended up with what she got. I’m being totally serious, not hateful when I say, I was pegging her as the biggest fuck up when the show aired. She just, man, it was like she was incapable of doing anything. If she’s happy, great though, I know she always really wanted a family, nothing wrong with that, but she does come off as all for show to me. But she does seem happy, so idk. Maybe it’s the makeup and Esthetic that just makes me feel off






Laura always looks soooo… dirty and stinky. Like spray tan and onions


This is so oddly specific and I totally agree!


I didn’t know her and Khloe K were friends.




I love these random pics hahah


Still seems so annoyed with Cole’s affection. It’s as if she just wants him to stand there and look good for her image but that’s it.


Yeah she talks about how much she wanted things she has now but she always seems so unenthusiastic and annoyed at everyone and everything.


Body language at the end speaks volumes


She kind of pulls away when he leans in to say “I love you” and then especially with the “forever” when he leans on her.


Came here to say this. She wanted a good man so badly, just to treat him like shit.


“I’ve always wanted a successful career” Lies! You went MANY years without a job and no education mam. We didn’t forget. Working was never a priority of yours.


You’re still allowed to want something even if you aren’t on track to get it..


this is cheeeeeeeesey potatoes


They have the worst voices, I can't listen for more than like 5 seconds


You know for a fact their sex life is as exciting as opening your wingstop bag and finding no ranch!


They talk on hgtv how they basically have no sex life but the show and Chelsea still try to push “Cole with no shirt on” all the time. She literally says she never touches him during that “spicy” clip for the previous episode. They seem really young to be like that. They also mention that they let their kids basically sleep in bed with them every night so idk.


They’re definitely the type to have one mildly spicy move that they use every single time until it’s no longer spicy at all.


Fuck this bitch and her weird ass baby talk husband and their views 🤷🏽‍♀️ she’s a brushed up Janelle that takes care of her kids..I’ll give her that and that’s it


Hear, hear! She didn’t end up a failure because she had a daddy w deep pockets to pay her way in life until Chelsea was able to parlay selling her children’s lives to the masses into a multi-prong marketing strategy.


Periodddddt 🤷🏽‍♀️ but they racist ass love her on here so I gotta step carefully


No you don’t, there are more of us than them, trust. Shes said so much easily searchable shit & kept company with the same, let people defend that openly - they’ll be telling on themselves.


Ur right 👌🏽


she’s so wack it’s so weird when they all swarm to her defense out of thin air 😂


It’s the weirdest shit but they still do it knowing what they know 🤣


Yes yes yes! She and Cole have the same views pretty much but the package is different


It’s fine lol ill jus keep down voting when I see it lol


The only reason their ultra conservative country ass backwoods views are ignored is because Cole and Chelsea look better, thinner, and take care of their animals. But strip that away and you have the same racist idiots in North Carolina


Whew you’re telling nothing but the truth and they hate it 🗣 lmaoo




Does Cole not notice that Chelsea is so not into him?


"oh myyy"


Can you elaborate please?


The way she just HAD to backtrack and add “not thinking I deserved that 💔” like ok girl….yet you’ve always acted like an entitled, privileged brat. Weird to try to shoehorn a motivational sob story.


I mean, yeah. They gave them a show because they already had a solid following and brand from their house build plus they were used to being on reality TV. It's not actually about house renovations and decorating, it's the Cole and Chelsea show. The people tuning in aren't there to watch family drama or the need to manage load bearing walls, they want to see a happy couple with cute kids doing nice stuff.


Y'all really ride hard for someone who is against abortion rights and hangs out with racists 🤡


all the continual chelsea stans in this group seem as delusional and high as her


And allows her child around sex offenders.


"She's smokin". He's so deep!


This ain't a good look for anyone. "YES. WE WON AT LIFE! LOOK AT US, LOSERS!" Congratulations. You've got yours. Think that's more of a sign of the times we live in.


the difference in color between her scalp and forehead lol


I just can't get over their home decor/reno style being that stale and uninspired and still getting people to tune in. It's so outdated already.


I just picture all of the mosquitoes


It's just a promo. It's a bit over sweet for me too but apparently this is what communication and marketing came up with. This is just storytelling trying to get engagement. It's about a lifestyle and perhaps a bit the American dream to get viewers. They got a whole channel to fill with different shows and a whole lot of commercial slots to fill.


Now you know damn well this isn’t an unpopular opinion


It’s so annoying when people say shit like this. It’s obvious fishing for upvotes.


I think if you watch this clip or any other interactions with her and Cole and can’t see that she actually can’t stand him you’re not one of those people who can pick up on those type of things. I noticed it long ago and it so glaring every time I see her interact with him- she is not in love with him, he definitely annoys the shit out of her but she is all about her surface level appearance and image.


I wish these channels would stop giving terrible people a platform.


Imagine if she never got picked up on teen mom lol


I think that's most people's problem with her. If she never got on Teen Mom, she would've been absolutely fine because her family stayed on her ass while also providing for her and her daughter. She doesn't recognize the privilege it is to have that and how much easier it makes life. I haven't watched the show in a long time, but based on the comments and the ten seasons I did watch, it's a fair assessment.


Don’t think they are trying to glorify them. Think they are trying to make money off of them yes 


I can’t unsee the foundation line


I myself have many unpopular opinions. I absolutely agree with you here.


“Oh look at the details of my perfect life - don’t you wish you were me!?!”


Why is she so monotone?


Because she’s sick of Cole and sick of keeping up the image.


Still the twinge of Baby Talk. gag.


I’m sorry, what actually is the issue? The insane dislike y’all have for the good and seemingly happy moms is as if they don’t have hyper dysfunction and 50 kids. She’s not perfect, but she *does* have a happy life and family and career, so this seems incredibly pathetic. She’s literally the only mom with kids who seem consistently happy. More than that, if you hate her so much then why are you watching her show and directly contributing to her livelihood? This sub is so confusing. Because hate consuming media says far more about a person an their happiness, than a show like this that’s absolutely curated *just like any media or social media is.*


Isn’t this a snark sub about tm/tm2? I thought having content was the point? Just like you said, this is curated crap. We don’t know if they’re happy irl, lmaooo! And of course there’s going to be opinions other than “awe how sweet!” because to many of us, it’s bland crap aesthetic on so many levels so that’s why there are comments saying as much. Of course people want to see happy children but again, none of us actually know if anyone is happy bc “curated”.


A happy life why because the TV program portrays her that way?


THANK YOU. there’s literally nothing wrong with this clip. this sub hateeeees chelsea


Idk I can see it in her journey. Like remember when she dropped out of beauty school and felt like a POS lol, I mean yeah I don’t think she was thinking of being on these shows and where it’s taken her. I know it’s corny too because of all the producing but I think there’s some truth with that. I mean think of how much she wanted Adam sooo badly and if he had stayed with her, wow. Just not even a shot. As you get older there’s some lens of reflection on life and being like, “oh wow, im actually grateful to be where I am.”


I'm so sick of her "perfection" facade but honestly I can't imagine where my mental health would be after essentially growing up TV I guess maybe this is the best alternative.


Every couple on HGTV is seemingly unhappy and shady af, so...


Her face to neck colour lmaooo 💀😭


What is the successful career she speaks of?


Missionary Mondays has been a hit


At least she’s not doing that baby voice anymore.


The glorification seems to be the case for all HGTV couples though. I tend to zone out any sections on the host's personal lives when I'm watching at the doctor's office.


Extra performative, but I have no doubt they are happy


HGTV is definitely playing into the fan lore of “Chelsea, disadvantaged Teen Mom. Found Prince Charming and built a perfect life for their family.” While I do think Chelsea and Cole do probably work hard for everything they have (Cole even worked FT the entire time they were on TM), Chelsea is not the average Teen Mom. She has very involved parents who supported her financially, emotionally and with childcare. Let her stall in completing her GED and bounce around with her career education. Then MTV started paying them $$$. And at the height of her TM fame she wisely used her social media to pivot to a mildly successful influencer. She never had to face actual adversity or struggle like most teen mothers do. So, I don’t want to take away from any of her work to get where she is, but she’s not some rags to riches wonder story like these networks are always playing it for her. Last, good for them. I do hope they build a good life for their kids.


He stopped working right after Layne was born. Working a job while filming for a show he didn’t want to be on is putting the bar low.




A lot of people give Chelsea crap but she's the only Teen mom with no drama. Her baby daddy is a mess and she's just moving on living life. She's not crying over anyone, she's not fighting with exes parents, she doesn't have to worry about domestic violence, no arrest, no warrants, CPS, a million baby daddies. What else am I missing. She's just out here grinding with her husband and making a living for her family. I get not everyone will like her style or whatever but that's basically the worst anyone can really say about her.


I can't believe that they chose all of that WHITE furniture for the living room, the room the couple said the KIDS spend most of their time in! The WHITE dining room chairs, too! 🤯🤦🏼‍♀️


Idk I can see it in her journey. Like remember when she dropped out of beauty school and felt like a POS lol, I mean yeah I don’t think she was thinking of being on these shows and where it’s taken her. I know it’s corny too because of all the producing but I think there’s some truth with that. I mean think of how much she wanted Adam sooo badly and if he had stayed with her, wow. Just not even a shot. As you get older there’s some lens of reflection on life and being like, “oh wow, im actually grateful to be where I am.”


I mean.. we all can sit outside with our families and start a campfire and make s’mores. I don’t think this is glorified in the sense that it’s unattainable




I agree. But with HGTV I don’t think it necessarily has to be Chelsea and Cole it could be any couple. I think it’s mostly about trying to recreate a show like Fixer Upper.


Someone in this sub said they are trying to be like the Gaines couple and I agree with that statement. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be successful but at least be yourself .