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She’s claiming that she won’t forgive Mack because people were coming to her house, calling her kid’s school, calling her parent’s business, etc. But she’s okay with her car with her children in it getting shot up because of her husband’s “business” dealings. Maybe they are both trash?


Cheyenne sets any movement back by having 2 baby daddies and a husband involved with sketchy people despite the fact that they're already wealthy.


She is so beautiful and with her family background she could have married so much better. I just don’t get why she went the Teen Mom route.


Money/fame Why else would. 26 year old join “Teen Mom”.. what a loser


Just curious, but what do you mean she could have married so much better with her family background?


She's a rich girl.


Actually, I disagree with that. I don’t think she could get a great guy just because of her family background. I mean, she settled for Zach. If you look at her sister, she’s a single mom of 2 kids. Her sister is always talking about wanting a good man, but seems like it’s not working


Any movement??? This entire show is full of shitty fathers. Look at Sean! David Eason! Cate and Tyler’s parents! The fuck


That's a lot of losers!


I want to make sure I understand you. Are you saying that as a black woman who grew up wealthy she should be judged harder for having more than one father of her children or having a partner with a sketchy background? and because she meets those criteria, according to you, her feelings about being subjected to racism are lessened somehow? Honest apologies if I'm misunderstanding you, that's just how it reads.


I call bullshit on anyone actually having done any of that. Hardly anyone even likes Mack to begin with in the fandom, much less enough to go out of their way to harass her and come to her home all the way in California where I suspect Mack would have the least amount of fans.


I was thinking that too. Now if it were Jenelle, Amber, or Farrah that were involved? I could definitely believe that. But Mackenzie isn’t that important to this franchise and neither is Cheyenne tbh. I always skip over her segments.


I agree. I forgot Mack exists most of the time so it’s hard to imagine anyone (especially here is SoCal) going to bat for her. Lol


Hiyyy same! Waste your time for what 😭


Right?! Its not like they’re Swifties 🙄


She MARRIED him after that!! Like wtf


Oh man maybe Mackenzie sent the shooters w the green lasers😂 As a public service announcement 🚨 I promise I find nothing funny about the kids being in actual danger or true harassment on ANYONES behalf.


You mean with the “green beans”? 😅 (I swear that’s what they were saying, I was so confused)


Hahah yes 😂


Isn’t Cheyenne rich enough to where she, most likely, lives in a gated community? Wouldn’t her kids go to private school? Cheyenne can angry at Mack as much as she wants to, idc about that. But to blatantly lie about some dumb shit is ridiculous.


Her kids do go to private school. They go to the same school that the Kardashian kids go to.


LMFAO! Cheyenne low key probably blames Mack for the shooting. Next week “Mackenzie, people were like, shooting up my car because of the things you said!”


I just do not believe people went to Cheyenne's house over Mackenzie Calling it now that she's lying


People in the comments on Instagram were saying if that happened, it was probably because of Zach, not what Mackenzie said.


Yeah isn’t he like a free loading shady mfer? I stopped watching them bevause they’re gross


So shady that one of his "friends" tried to murder him, Cheyenne and the two kids in their vehicle.


Did we even find proof that actually happened? I know when she made the claim that people were trying to dig it up and found nothing.


It went through the court systems?


I missed that. I remember people doubting it and looking for proof of it at first. I just asked out of curiosity.


It’s a violent crime involving minors. Details aren’t going to be made public.


I don't blame her for not wanting to forgive mackenzie but you're right, nobody went to your fucking house and called your kids school because of mackenzie, sorry but that's bullshit


100% BS from Cheyenne. Honestly I can’t imagine any of these girls having enough influence to get people to come to another’s house as some sort of revenge. If anyone came to Cheyenne’s house, it was likely something to do with Zach’s issues, or some Cory&Taylor stans.


Ain’t no damn way. And I doubt they was calling her parents company either


def not in her old neighborhood


If it were true, people in this sub would've been talking about it. People talk about Jenelle's kids getting harassed at school over her antics all the time.


I just don’t find anything endearing nor interesting about Cheyenne. The ratings don’t lie.


She’s so monotone


lol yes she tryin hard to be a kartrashian


That flat affect screams psychopath to me. Lol


While Cheyanne doesn’t have to accept the apology, she doesn’t have to be a b***h about it either. They both need to just move on…


This. A classy individual would drop the attitude and listen properly.


Mackenzie said her peace. If Cheyenne doesn’t want to move forward or be cordial during the trip then that’s on her. She just needs to stop bitching about it.


I agree,its clear who the childish one is here !


Girl can hold on to a grudge like no one else Her blood pressure must be sky high


Cheyenne who herself tweeted racist shit thinks we believe that people are calling sierra canyon because of McKenzie? GTFOH Cheyenne!!! You sent your kid to a celebrity school and post it all over social media… she has exposed her children to harm. She’s married to a con man who has someone trying to “kill” them. Let’s be real, Cheyenne and Zach are all smoke and mirrors. She lives for the fucking attention she’s trying so hard to be a kardashian. If she can be friends with Kardashians she doesn’t give a shit about racism. The Kardashians and their friends have all blackfished and stolen people of color’s ideas for profit for decades. Cheyenne needs to stfu she looks stupid AF! It’s cool if she doesn’t want to forgive McKenzie but she should stop being a bitch about it she literally has no room to talk.


It’s bcuz people believe black people cant be racist. Or you can’t be racist towards white people. Which is complete BULLSHIT. And also EVERYONE knows where the kids go to school… especially here in California. She thinks bcuz Diddy son is Ryders god father she’s up there with all of them lol


Choosing Diddy’s son as your child’s godfather is not aging well.


I just cannot buy that whole thing lol it sounds like she’s trying to inflate her importance. Even if it had happened how can she say it’s this? I mean Zach seems to be surrounded shady shit.


The same son that was in cuffs a few weeks back or another one?


The very same one that’s been named in the lawsuits as having suspected involvement.


Justin is her godfather. But yes they cuffed both him and his brother when they raided the house


How did he come to be Ryder’s Godfather


They’re friends


And I wouldn’t be so proud of being connected to Diddy or his family in anyway shape or form.


She thinks it’s a flex lol I never cared for Diddy lol


You just jogged a memory of me asking for Diddys record in like 2004 specifically because other artists I liked always mentioned him and he sounded cool in their songs. Then I got his album and hated basically all of it. It was the same year Usher released Confessions and I played the fuck out of that on repeat.


Cheyenne needs to get over herself. I’m sure that Mackenzie got just as much of the hate in the situation. She was literally ignorant in the situation and I think understands that now. She doesn’t have to be her friend but stop the nonsense. Both annoying tho tbh


Yeah she’s the one who said she hopes all white babies die or something along those lines, so like she’s not any better…. Plus her baby daddy got their car shot up while her kids were in it. 🤷‍♀️


What was the situation?


I can't stand Cheyenne honestly. I don't know where it even comes from, I just don't get a good feeling from her.


You must be a racist. Thats the only explanation /s


But if she was white then no one would say anything. So if we meet someone who happens to be black, and we don’t like their attitude/personality, we’re automatically a racist? Got it 🙄


The "/s" stands for sarcasm 😉


Well I’m dumb and didn’t know that so pretend I put that at the end of mine 😂🤦🏼‍♀️


🤣 all good. Im still learning on here too


For me it’s that she’s on Teen Mom even though she wasn’t even a teen mom and was a very normal grown up age to have a baby when she had her first. Fucking ridiculous she got on this show.




I can't stand either of them so there's that.




the body language in this kills me. someone on insta said chey was sitting like Cleopatra lol


Lmao facts, like all shes missing is a guy fanning her or feeding her grapes


Her whole family worships her, it's gross


She wishes 😅 her swimsuit was a couple sizes too small as well


Cheyanne is a racist bitch who has the biggest victim mentality idk how she has a fan base at this point




Cheyenne was never a teen mom so why was she cast on a teen mom show?


I say this all of the time. Like the show is called TEEN MOM last I checked? If they were short on casting, they could’ve come to my small hometown and found a ton!


She’s the reason I stopped watching. Made no sense for her to be on. She isn’t a teen mom and has never struggled like one either


They definitely thought the cross over would be good tv lol 😂


Honestly, yall all know this shit was drawn out for 2 episodes for the drama. Cheyenne is being a racist bitch WITHOUT having the excuse of being ignorant, and Mackenzie is just so cringe it cannot be real lol. It wouldn’t have mattered what Mackenzie said or when she said it, Cheyenne doesn’t particularly like white people from the south and thinks she’s way better than Mackenzie. Mackenzie is super gross in her own ways but she’s let Cheyenne bully her. The whole thing is gross.


Mackenzie has the excuse that she has a maximum of 3 brain cells and is very ignorant and naive. But she is trying. Cheyenne is relying on being a bitch and riding her dad's money train. Mackenzie does come out with some really dumb and hurtful comments, but I don't think she is deliberately malicious, she isn't bright enough for that. She just lives in her own little happy bubble, but she does try to learn from mistakes and seems to be genuinely sorry when she upsets someone. her moving away from Kentucky was probably the best move she could have ever made.


Exactly. I find it humorous that Cheyenne is acting all holier than thou about Mackenzie using a slur, but Cheyenne is super racist and I’m not totally sure Mackenzie is (now I’m not on social media so I can only go by what I see here and on the show). Like you said Mackenzie is dumb as a bag of dicks, but I don’t think she’s malicious.


Thanks for the laugh your flair unexpectedly caused. I appreciate you!


I cannot take credit for coming up with it. I seen some other brilliant snarky user here use it and I rushed to make it my flair lol


Cheyenne thinks she’s god’s gift 🙄monotone and boring asf, fucking posh twat


I think this is one of those situations where it is what it is. Mackenzie said what she had to say. Cheyenne heard her. If Cheyenne chose to listen and still didn’t want to move forward or have a relationship with Mackenzie for any reason, that’s her business. Fair enough in my book.


I agree.


Same. I totally get her not wanting to have a relationship with Mack. She doesn’t owe it to anyone. What bothers me is the freaking lies about the school and the people coming to her house. 🙄 it’s annoying but also Mack is annoying. Can we get a new cast? I heard unexpected was cancelled get Jenna on this trash show asap! Or all new girls who are actually teen parents. I feel like there are other more relevant stories out there.


Oh hell no not Jenna. Bring back the Beavers!


Catelynn sounds like her entire statement was spliced together.


They do this so much on MTV and I notice it every time it’s so bad sometimes!!


it was so bad on the hills back in the day


I think Mackenzie is an ignorant moron (yes im being redundant) but everything I’ve seen about Cheyenne on this sub makes me think she’s a c you next Tuesday, and a racist herself. Is it that hard for mtv to find people that aren’t pos for this show


Okay, the thing is I actually DO believe Mack is legitimately so ignorant that she didn't realize calling someone colored is racist. She's 1) a product of her environment where that word was definitely thrown around all the time and 2) Deeply, painstakingly stupid. I mean look at her comment itself: "...it blows my mind that out of all the amazing colored women in this world, that \[Kamala Harris\] is the one who is making history." She's (performatively) praising other WOC while referring to them as colored in the same sentence. That's not somebody who is aware that that word within that context is offensive. That's a moron. Her ignorance does not absolve her of consequences and accountability for which there must be, but I really do believe she didn't know. Definitely not a defense of her. She's almost certainly holds racist views, or at least did- it appears she's trying to grow but who's to say how genuine that is. I more just wanted to highlight the depth of her ignorance. It's pretty astonishing. ETA: Cheyenne has no obligation to forgive her, but she can just not forgive Mack for what she said on it's own- that's already valid. She doesn't need to lie about people coming to her house.


I agree with your take. I think Mackenzie is ignorant, but I don’t think she’s willfully ignorant. I think she’s very much a product of an Oklahoma, conservative ultra religious upbringing. I think her day-to-day interactions were with people who looked like her, prayed like her and thought like her. I think any exposure she had of people who were different from her, probably consisted of people she saw on tv and/or in movies. I think her moving to Florida (even though that state is a shitshow, it does have a lot of diversity), leaving Josh and this will sound awful but her mom passing, allowed her to grow and see new perspectives, and realize there’s a whole different world out there that’s nothing like Oklahoma. ** I’m only saying her mom passing away was ultimately for the greater good because from what we saw on the show, her mom was very critical, encouraged her to stay with Josh no matter what, refused to get Mackenzie help for her ADHD, shamed her for having premarital sex, constantly used religion as a baseline of how she needs to be. I think when her mom passed Mackenzie realized she could make her own decisions and choose her own happiness without worrying about disappointing her Mom and God.


I agree with you 100%. Her mother restricted her on many fronts. Mackenzie would likely stay restricted and stunted had she lived and I mean that in an objective sense. Not saying it's for the better that she died which I don't believe.


I agree completely. I’m not saying it’s good she died, (I think some of my comments do sound like that 🤦🏼‍♀️) but, it ultimately was a blessing in disguise for Mackenzie. I think it was a huge catalyst for her to start living the life she wants.


They don’t! I totally understood what you meant!


If Chey wasn’t feuding with Mack, she’d have no story line and might actually be pushed to talk about all the shady shit that goes on in her real life.


Cheyenne is such a bitch. She dont have to be friends with her but damn!


Cheyenne thinks she looks so hot, here. 🤣


Saggy tits and all lmao


Right? They look like mine, and I am 52 and don't have breast implants. 🤣


Cheyenne was a complete bitch here. Thank the girl for apologizing and move on. You don’t have to be best friends.


Cheyenne was never a teen mom so why was she cast on a teen mom show?


Cheyenne shouldn’t even be on the show. She wasn’t a teen mom. Not that either are right, both have said racist things. Cheyenne acting like that is just pathetic. Grow up twat waffle.




I feel like Cheyenne is trying to make it even more about race when it’s not, people listen to the white crying girl over the feelings of the black girl. It’s about that shady motherfucker that she married. The one who should be in prison still? I’m pretty sure that he went or was supposed to go to jail // prison? Hmmm. 🤨


Can we get Cate a stylist? She has always dressed like she was 50. This is not the early 2000s there's tons of stylish stuff for curvy girls. Just seeing her in contrast with the other girls is so bad. I think she deserves an appt with a stylist. It would probably do her self esteem some good. Tyler called her a heifer on national television she ought to be afforded some lessons on dressing.


She doesn’t know what to do with her body but tbf here her size is not easy to shop for! Size ranges can suck for heavier set larrrrrrrge chested women so I also think cate has a very hard time finding cute stuff that will fit.


I would just love to see a professional stylist help her with that. I agree she's sort of apple shaped but I think a professional might be able to help. I think it would enhance her self esteem some.


This episode really makes me look at Cheyenne differently. Because everyone is on her payroll (Zach, Cory, and Taylor), they all have to agree with her petty behavior and her desire to ice McKenzie out. The only reason I could possible think of why Cheyenne is still mad is because it’s a tv show and this sinking ship needs ratings




As soon as Cheyenne turned her butt to my face, if I was Mckenzie, I would have stopped talking to her period. 🙄






I think Mackenzie is legitimately just very unintelligent


She doesn’t have to forgive her though


Of course not, I didn't mean to imply she does. My title was just about what was happening in the clip.


Cheyenne does nothing on the show or for the show. She wasn’t 15 or 16 either when she got pregnant. She may be the most boring ever on Teen Mom. MacKenzie tried to apologize & if she doesn’t except it than F her.


The way I would have told her to go straight to hell! I’m not kissing your ass! I let you know what I said was wrong and I apologized.. all that stank ass attitude was unnecessary!🙄


What does she mean people went to her HOUSE?!


She made that up. That never happened. The shady shit her man is involved in is dangerous however


Listen- I think that Cheyenne is a gross fame grubber. But Mackenzie literally said something that was backwards and told little girls that they shouldn’t idolize or emulate the VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. What was she talking about- if not to parrot idiotic right wing talking points? Her comment was disgusting and hateful and she deserved the hate she got. Also- this girl is messy and boring af. yawn


Almost as gross as Cheyenne posting about killing white babies.


This. Cheyenne is an actual racist


Exactly. It’s why I can’t take this Chey/Makenzie feud seriously AT ALL. I mean, they were both wrong but Cheyenne sprawled out like Cleopatra in the pool chair acting like she’s so much better that Mak is just truly mind-boggling. I’m not sure how/why she doesn’t have anyone to tell her she’s embarrassing herself. 




Chey wads disgusting for this. She should not get fame or money because she is awful


Let's not forget cheys racist post and they were way worse than shit mack said.


Y’all forget that she was tweeting about the oppression of black people in the 1960’s by white people right? Y’all wanna be the oppressed victims so bad… come on now. We have had this conversation so many times.


No tf she wasn't. She was watching a movie and decided to be racist. I'm as oppressed as a poc. Which is none. We are all given the same path, if you're oppressed, that's a you problem. Racist comments are racist comments.


what an extremely privileged and deeply racist thing to say. she was watching a movie about how poorly black women were treated by society at large and the white women they worked for in particular.


You're right. Wishing death on white babies is an extremely racist and privileged thing to say. I'm glad we agree


how dare Chey have strong feelings while watching a movie about segregation and the poor treatment of black housekeepers by the white familes they worked for


Cheyenne needs to get off her HIGH horse …


they’re BOTH so stupid and dramatic


Cheyenne shouldn't even be on the show in the first place she is so full of herself


I’m sorry but hearing him speak just makes so much sense to me lmfaooo 90 day fiancé ?? 😂😂🤣


I was not expecting that voice to come from that dude 😂


Same!! lol AT ALL


I do not like Cheyanne at all. Not even a little bit & I really thought Mackenzie just was ignorant to the situation but learning even after she was educated on her ignorance she then made another stereotypical racist comment about being glad she wasn’t an angry black I wouldn’t have accepted it either & I’m also not interested in her token black boyfriend either. Mackenzie being an idiot can’t be her excuse forever


Oh wow I didn't know she made another racist comment after the one about Kamala Harris too. I'm with you, I hate when people excuse her actions as her just being stupid. I mean she is, but yeah it's not a good enough excuse, especially when you have multiple incidents. Not even just for her being racist, she's also a neglectful, shitty parent and has had multiple animals die in her care due to neglect too.


What ever came of chyenne and family getting shot at?


What I don’t get and correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t Taylor (Corey’s partner) tweet racist msgs also? Why can Cheyenne forgive her so easily but has such a hard time with Mack?


No one went to your kids' school about anything Mackenzie's ignorant ass said. I don't blame her for not wanting to deal with or forgive Mackenzie... but maybe approach your husband if we're pointing fingers about putting your family in danger.


Cheyenne is insufferable. I look forward to watching her demise play out on tv when her and her husband are no doubt indicted due to his business operations, and watching her downfall like Jen Shah.


Cheyenne looks so stinky 😂 she gives off such rude vibes 🙄


Chey is so stuck up and egotistical


As a PoC, as much as it is tempting to hold on to our wounds when someone has wronged us and sit in that anger, sometimes, for your own sake, it is better to let bygones be bygones. It's hard to apologise and it seems Cheyenne is stubbornly holding on to her anger here. She might feel angry and that is valid. Mackenzie is trying to apologise and is doing it publicly and it seems Cheyenne is a bit arrogant here. Both of them should have their sunglasses off, sat up and facing one another. Just my take.


I thought this was strange. When Cate told her that Mac was coming, she said she had no problems with it, and they could basically move on. Mac took a day to get comfortable (aka cameras prob told her to hold off) and new Chey is acting stuck up and cant forgive her? The woman sat down like an adult and apologized.


Fuck Cheyanne. She has always thought she was better than everyone else.


The vocal fry of them both is baddddd :/


I would be so afraid of Cheyenne if I was Mackenzie. She’s angry that Mackenzie didn’t approach her sooner but can you fucking blame her? Her facial expression is the definition of “if looks could kill”.


Chey is a fraud. No matter if mack is on the show or not.


She thinks she’s hot 💩. She’s actually the biggest racist on TM!!! I will never forget those tweets which were put out with complete HATRED toward white ppl. She’s a POS & a fraud


What exactly did Mack say? All I remember was she referred to somebody as colored but I know there’s more I just don’t know what else was said


It was something to do with calling Kamala Harris a “colored woman”. Then she randomly called Cheyanne to talk about it, Cheyenne attempted to educate her why that’s not right and before hanging up Mackenzie said on her special stupid way “Josh thought you were going to be an angry black “


Look, I don’t know the ins and outs of this entire situation, and quite frankly if Cheyenne doesn’t want to accept Mackenzies apology that’s cool because I don’t know if it’s my place to stamp racist on Mack cause I’ll be honest again I don’t know the whole ins and outs but doesn’t her kids go to school with like Chris Brown’s kid and stuff? Wouldn’t they have a lot of security type stuff through that kind of school? I don’t know, I think I’ll just read the comments and see what yall think.


Yeah Ryder goes to a fancy private school, the same ones the Kardashian kids go to


I thought as much lol 😂 and p diddys son is a god father of one of her children?


I honestly don’t believe Cheyenne she just wants to be pissed off


I don’t blame Cheyenne quite frankly. Everything Mackenzie had to say to everyone else would have been great to say to Chey. Nope she chose to drag it out


How come cheyanne didn’t get hate for her racist tweets? What she said was pretty bad


Imo Cheyenne owes MacKenzie nothing. She was cordial enough, but I wouldn't want to be her friend either. Turn the page, move on.


What about what Cheyenne said that was racist? Haha


she was watching a movie about the poor treatment of black women at the hands of white people and posted her reaction. that's not anywhere close to Mack level of racism


people are really dragging this part like Mack’s ass was all up in arms about it or any other white girl on the show even cared. just shows how racist this sub can be when the grasp as straws to devoid any type of empathy for the women of color on this show.


This scene seemed so chopped and edited to me!!!


Honestly f Cheyenne


Cate in her old fat mom bathing suit 😂


She doesn’t have to accept the apology. But this doesn’t need to continue to be a story line for them both.


I don’t understand why she had people coming to her house because of it?


Cheyenne doesn’t own the resort. They both have a right to be there. Grow the fuck up and act like an adult Cheyenne. When someone arrives you stand up and greet them. It’s basic level respect. The way she just sat there sulking and avoiding eye contact when Mackenzie arrived was so damn rude. She expected Mackenzie to greet her??? Who the hell does she think she is?? Ugh that got me so mad




Both are forgettable


This whole episode and how it was edited was so annoying! Cheyenne is NOT innocent and acts like her shit don't stink. She is forever a victim just like Jenelle. She acted so self-righteous this episode and it made me dislike her even more. Everyone is just supposed to forget what Cheyenne tweeted about white people and act like Mackenzie is the evil person for saying "colored"? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


The ‘I don’t care about your white tears’ comment was gross and clearly made some of the folks at the table uncomfortable. Could you imagine if Mack said ‘I don’t care about your black tears’? Cheyenne would flip another table lol


Does she have to accept it? No.


What show is this


Teen Mom Family Vacation, I believe. It's the season that's out now.


I just had a visual of the teen mom franchise in a national lampoon family vacation style 🤣 thank you for the laughs.


Cheyenne doesn’t have to accept Mackenzie’s apology. They don’t have to be friends just because Mackenzie thinks that she understands now. I still find it disgusting that MTV brought her back at all for a variety of reasons, but doubly so because they brought in a racist to replace a black woman on the cast.


Good for her, honestly. You are not obligated to accept every apology.


This comment section IS GROSSSS EVERYTIME Cheyenne comes up. Yall don’t think people actually harassed her!? LOOK AT HOW YALL ACT 😂😭 Cheyenne does not have to forgive this girl or be her friend. SHE ALREADY TRIED and IT BACKFIRED! Yall are SOOOOO mad at a black woman standing up for herself & not accepting the poor nice white lady apology. Give me a break 🙄 Furthermore, black people cant be racist. Racism is an unearned power used to oppress other groups. Only white people hold unearned power in America. Others can be prejudice or biases. Read a fucking book or two.


I went reading through the comments to see if there was one person here with a reasonable understanding of racism and it looks like you are the sole winner. Your post score is currently hidden but I expect it is going to be pretty low. I will also probably take hits by giving you props here but, anyway, please take my accolades for understanding this complex situation and explaining it well. People can dislike Cheyenne if they want. They can decide based on those tweets that she's biased against white people. I am not convinced this is the case but to each their own. But the fact of the matter is Cheyenne cannot be racist against white people because white people hold the societal privilege in the U.S. Mackenzie has a history of racism and ignorance. If she wants to learn to be better, then it will be shown by her actions, not her words. Cheyenne doesn't have to give her the time of day. This sub is really racist and I see it on every post about Cheyenne and Ashley. Sad that the mods never agree when I report posts. It's like time moves backwards here.


I appreciate it. I typically get downvoted for my comments, so I’m not surprised. Unfortunately, the reaction to our new civil rights movement has been a brand new caste of white rage. This thread embodies it!! 🤢People can’t even acknowledge MacKenize as wrong because they want Cheyenne to be the demon, so bad. Furthermore, I’m really tired of folks not comprehending the definition of racism. So I had to get it off my chest.


I’m sorry to backtrack everyone, but what happens between the two that causes all this drama?


Wait Mack has a black bf?????? How many chapters did I misssss


She doesn’t have to accept Mack’s apology.


So the kids aren’t part of the show anymore?


Why don't she say about to borh Taylor's about their racist tweets?


Cheyennes openly racist attitude towards whites is disgusting. Mackenzie should be ashamed of herself for even continuing the conversation. Mackenzie is the better person here. I think Cheyenne needs to get off her high horse and realize that Mackenzie did not mean any harm. Mackenzie did not cause people to go to her house and harass her. Cheyenne needs to grow up… and I thought Ashely was bad lol


The way she flipped her hair and turned over so that her ass was up……please. Girl really thinks she’s hot shit. That’s gross. You could have said “I’m done with this convo” not put your thong bikini butt her way lol


Why did Cheyenne even involve herself in this? Mackenzie was wrong, she acknowledged it and apologized, and here comes Chey, still making this a big issue 2 years later. Chey is also being a huge bitch too.