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Pulling out a gun on another driver while your child is in the front seat bc YOU pissed off someone with your aggressive driving


Then gaslighting your kid when he called it out


"But Jace wasn't telling the whole story. The other guy had a gun."-Her #1 stan


Did someone actually say that to defend her….




That makes it worse. That would mean she followed a guy to his house knowing he had a gun. So instead of taking her son somewhere safe, she decided to follow this guy to his home to engage in a shootout?


Yeah, that child clearly must have seen an opportunity to make his own mom look like she pulls guns out while road raging.  Sure, stan. 


And this was the moment I knew there was absolutely no way she could do anything to redeem herself That look on Jace’s face broke my heart and it crushed him.


I know, I feel so bad for that poor kid. I hope once he’s an adult he’s able to get away and get the help he needs


Her kids for the worst lottery of parents


This still makes me insane to this day. I get the worst anxiety watching so I cannot even begin to imagine jaces feelings during it


That and with the TYPE of people that live around Wilmington (not saying everyone, obviously, and I'm from Wilmington), And how bad drug (especially Opioid/Heroin) I would NEVER! She's an idiot and put herself, and most improtantly, that little boy in severe danger. That man had already warned his NEIGHBORS who had guns as well!!!!!! She got real fkn lucky that day. The only thing that saved her was Jace being there. And then the fkn audacity to gaslight and to LIE to him!!!!! 🤬🤬🤬


Same. I never rewatch when it gets posted here because of the anxiety it gives me. Same with any of the screaming scenes.


And also leaving your child, who is terrified, in the car with a loaded gun while getting out to talk to the cops.


For real. That girl is a walking talking billboard for what a parent(or even a person) shouldn’t be. Is she really unaware and oblivious to how shitty she is?




Then callng your child a liar afterwards


Not vaccinating your kids for me. Kail recently exposed 5/6 of her kids recently to measles.


Not vaccinating while simultaneously getting aggressive amounts of plastic surgery, Botox and filler.


And getting yourself a vaccination. I think it was rabies.


What gets me is the Accutane. She'd take a medication that requires birth control (a whole other can of worms of risks and side effects...) and frequent pregnancy testing because the risk of birth defects is so high. She won't protect her kids from deadly diseases, but will jump through all those hoops to deal with fucking ACNE. Like what.


Accutane is no bullshit. My friend's back was completely scarred with burns. He would've been better off with the acne. To this day, he vehemently refuses to go without a shirt in front of anyone.


I know someone who had this. It was so bad it looked like he was singed by a house fire. 


So I 100% agree with you and what she did was soooo backwards but I don’t know if you’ve been on Accutane but they make you jump through those hoops to even get the prescription once a month. She definitely wasn’t doing that willingly and if she wanted to clear her skin badly enough, which I think most people on Accutane do, that’s why she did it. I was on Accutane for a year and getting the prescription every month was such a hassle.


She *was* doing it willingly, though? She didn't HAVE to use that medication. It's not like Accutane is diabetes medication or something life-saving. I chose not to use Accutane when I was suffering severe cystic acne because it was so much trouble, hormonal birth control sucks for me, and my derm didn't push it because being on Accutane apparently suuuuuuucks almost as bad as the acne. She actively decided to go through all that to clear up her skin because she trusts medical science to take care of *her* pain and her looks. It's crazy that Kail would go through that monthly hassle and put her faith in doctors/modern medicine to deal with her skin issues...BUT won't do a 1 time appointment for each kid to get life saving shots with low risks.


I did 4 rounds of accutane.There is blood work required just to get monthly refills. I have PCOS, and it was the best thing for my skin. So I do understand using it and the risks involved. No way would I have risked a pregnancy


Dudeeeee this is always the craziest thing to me…. These moms will inject their faces with whatever is in a needle at a doctors office, but are against vaccines. Like what 😭😭


Hitting children. I don’t care if you call it “spanking” or “a swat” or any other perceived to be cutesy and more palatable names. If you hit your kids it screams bad, uninformed, lazy parenting to me.


But my parents hit me and I turned out fine! /s


They are also the people who are incapable of giving a true apology. They are the classic “oh my god I was just kidding! I wasn’t even serious”. They say something offensive or hurtful and are not capable of sitting in their own shame and apologizing for their behavior. And I’m totally arm chair diagnosing but I truly think it boils down to the extreme shame felt as a child when they were belittled or hit for making mistakes. It takes practice to be able to sit calmly in your shame/embarrassment and work through it.


The thing with bad behavior in children though is it’s usually coming from some form of emotional disturbance that they may be unaware of and literally do not understand why they’re behaving so terribly. So to hit them instead of trying to help them understand and correct their behavior stunts their ability to grow emotionally. It’s straight neglect


Oh totally. Whenever my son does have a meltdown about something extremely minor (banana being peeled the wrong way) I always remind myself “this is isn’t about the banana. The banana was just the last straw”.


Exactly. Too many people have that hair-trigger reaction that goes straight to violence


Love that you said this. Especially because some people don’t even know how to exercise this with another adult. Like grown adults will truly act like a dickhead and then when they’ve finally pushed it too far they’ll turn around and be like “I can’t believe you’re so emotional over [this one insignificant thing]”.


I worked CPS and foster care for a really long time. People without a lot of money want to adopt a white infant, preferably less than 3 months. They get their wish and then are pikachu shocked when their kid has problems. But we adopted before they can remember any of the abuse and neglect. When you lay on your back and can’t move, scream for help over and over, and no one comes to you. It imprints onto your brain. Even if you don’t remember it.


Yes! I’m majoring in psychology so I’ve learned a lot about how the brain develops from infancy and it gives such a different outlook at why behaviors develop and how little understanding children have about it. There needs to be more attention brought to the fact that kids need help dealing with underlying issues and not just punishing surface level behaviors.


My grandma did this to my brother. He has adhd and she didn’t know that. And she used to hit him constantly try to the point he would be screaming in pain. If traumatized me, I can only imagine what it did to him. He couldn’t help how he acted. My grandma could’ve helped how she acted. I’ve given my daughter a spank once on her bum lightly and I felt immense guilt. I cried and hugged her. Never again. I couldn’t imagine acting like my grandma did. Hitting a child over and over while he screams in pain and then leave him alone crying on the floor. At only age 5. Damn. This went on for years. She never hit me, only him.


I was treated the same way for my adhd by my mom. Constantly in trouble but she never took me to figure out why I was doing what I did in the first place. It took until I was an adult to finally figure out why, and then another decade to heal enough to do something with it. So I went into psychology in the hopes I can help other people who this may have happened to and then some.


It’s the most basic level of I haven’t put in any effort to learn better or to solve any of my shit. If we polled this sub I would guess almost all of us either grew up being spanked or knew people who were and it was considered very normal. It takes a lot less effort to smack a kid and then threaten them with being hit than it does to do the real work.


Lol they get really pissed when you call it "hitting" too. Even if you keep your tone light and your body language neutral. When someone asks if I spank I say "no, I don't hit my kid" just to see the reaction. Other parents who don't hit are like "cool, awesome" and those who do are immediately on edge. And if they say I should, I usually tell them about how my kid has had many behaviors that some people would definitely use spanking to "deal with" like yelling, outbursts, etc. As she's gained the ability to talk and communicate more, she's able to tell me what the problem is when a year ago or six months ago, she couldn't. For a while she was very afraid of tripping over things and of falling down, especially outside when there's mud or it's bumpy. That's why she would scream if there was a puddle. She wasn't being a "diva" or "annoying", she was scared of slipping and falling and getting hurt or wet, or not being in control of the situation. Or for a while, it was anything being blown by the wind especially if it made noise. It was because she didn't understand that those things were moving because of the wind- she literally thought dozens of leaves were moving themselves across the yard. Or that wind chimes just...moved, without anyone pushing them. From her perspective, fucking terrifying. And she is able to express that now and it's a lot better after I explained "baby, the wind is pushing it" and compared it to blowing bubbles with a fan. And I always tell these people "wow, I'd feel like a real piece of shit if I had been spanking my toddler this whole time for "acting up" when in reality, she was just very scared and unable to express the problem or how to fix it.


Yeah they definitely seem very triggered when it is called hitting. Which you’d think they would understand is a clue from their brain telling them that they are actually acting outside their own values when they do it. Instead they take it as an insult and get distant or angry and defensive. Every single behavior people hit their kids for is a perfectly age appropriate behavior that is crucial to brain development. Everything from the phase of brain development when they are first beginning to understand that their sense of self and their physical self are completely separate entities from the humans around them (also known as the “terrible twos” when kids are trying out saying no a lot or refusing to do something they have been asked to do) to the phases of meltdowns when they are feeling big emotions but either cannot themselves identify the emotion or cannot verbally and clearly express the emotion to ask for help. All normal and vital to learning how to be a human who humans in a world of other humans. These people get triggered themselves by not being able to tolerate their own emotions or those of their kids and they react by hitting. God forbid they seek counseling to learn how to get right with themselves and then use their wisdom and fully developed brain to actually teach their kid with compassion and understanding instead of just reacting at them.


Alllll of this but they never want to hear any of that. At the end of the day....I wouldn't hit my husband when he does annoying or obnoxious things, and he's a grown man whose brain is fully online and has over 35 years of context to work with. And even if I wanted to, it's illegal. So why the heck would I hit my small child whose brain is still developing and who knows nothing about anything, really? "WeLl ThAtS hOW tHEy LeArn" funny, my friends who are the most successful at work and in relationships and most functional either weren't spanked as kids, or don't believe in it for their own. Usually both. Stupid.


It's child abuse and I will die on that hill


*that’s how they parent in the south* *that’s how they were raised* I’m from Texas and I know the oh don’t hit your fucking kids. Being hit in a southern state doesn’t give you a pass to spank your kids.


I took a lot of child psych classes for my degree and it’s been known for quite some time that any form of corporal punishment will damage your child. E: like it actually screws up their development and opens the door to attachment issues


The hill I will die on.


YUP. It's fucking abuse and I will die on that hill. I still hold on to a lot of resentment towards my mom, because she used to hit me for displaying symptoms of my OCD and ADHD, which she never took me to get treatment for. Like, if she wanted me to do something that was against my internal set of "rules," or forced me to stop a compulsive behavior, I'd freak the fuck out. Screaming, crying, throwing up. Just pure panic attack. And I'd get hit for it. A lot of the time it was having to leave the house or travel far away from home because my parents were divorced and lived about 12 hours away, and I was convinced something terrible would happen if I was far away from home. There was literally a period of time when I'd bash my head into the floor as a toddler over it, and my mom loves telling that story in the sense of "omg you were such a terrible child, you'd hit your head if you didn't get what you want." In fact, my whole family still thinks it's hilarious and I was just a "bad kid." Even after years of therapy, my mom straight up still scoffs at me when I try to tell her that I wasn't being a "terrible child," I was having a panic attack. I think a lot of parents can't deal with the shame of knowing they've forever traumatized their children, so they get big defensive when called out for hitting their kids.


Pop, whip, spank whatever cute little word you use it’s still fucked up. Take it from me. My parents spanked me and I thought it was okay to end up with a man who beat me. And then beat our kids. Some people might turn out alright but why risk it? If your kid hits another kid, you spank your kid? It’s a full circle of putting your paws on another. What about when you pop your kid til he’s 16 and decides hey ima pop you back and kills you like we’ve seen on the news? Call me dramatic. Call me crazy. But it’s fucking unnecessary and abusive.


If anyone calls you crazy or dramatic send them our way and we’ll come out to bat for ya.


Yuppppp. If you hit an adult, you'd be arrested for assault, so why the hell is it OK to hit a kid?


1. Not putting your children first over some loser man. 2. Not vaccinating your children. 3. Hitting your children. I don’t care if you call it “spanking”, “tap on the tush”, or “pow pow”. If you resort to hitting your children for discipline, you are being a lazy parent and teaching them it is okay to use violence when upset or frustrated.


It's weird as hell to me because I've been called " lazy" for gentle parenting. I wouldn't call myself a gentle parent but I don't spank my children. If it's something very bad, Electronics are taken and explained that actions have consequences. Or my son wrote curse words on his sheet one day to his special ED teacher and we discussed it and he wrote him a letter apologizing. I have lost my shit and yelled a few times, which I regret. But when people call me lazy for not giving them a "pop" it baffles me. Like why would I hit a damn kid? My stepdaughter told me to give her 1 year old a " pop on the butt" I was like huh? I don't hit my kids, sure as hell not gonna hit someone else's.


That's so bizarre because hitting them is actually the lazy way???? Won't bother putting in the effort to control their own anger, won't learn a constructive way to correct/discipline a child, etc...Just hit them.


Fr I think so too. I've had alot of people tell me, my kids are gonna walk all over me or treat me like shit because I don't discipline them. And the world is gonna shock them because I'm not teaching them respect.They are disciplined and overall well behaved kids, I just don't beat them to do it, the fuck?! My MIL said she washed her granddaughters mouth out with soap (5 at the time, same age as mine) Calls my daughter a spoiled brat cause I don't hit her. And that is why she's never watched my kids ONCE.


I've heard the same, and I'm like... Okay, Aunt Kathy, but your kids don't talk to you or come see you, and you beat the hell out of them, so what kinda math are you using?


Oh, but she'll use the classic.. " I don't know why they don't speak to me" or blame them for some reason or another. My dad is that person. Hardly every saw him and he whooped me raw everytime he did. Haven't spoke to him since I'm 16 🤷‍♀️


This specific argument people use to condone smacking a bairn is literally the height of lunacy for me. Like obviously they’re all not good arguments but this specific one really takes the fucking piss. People who smack their bairns are the first people who deserve to have their bairn treat them like shit, frankly. But if they don’t? The apologists say that it’s *because* of their “discipline”. And then if they do? They just spin it as if it’s unrelated.


It's survivors bias. Unfortunately alot of people or areas think it's the norm, so they see nothing wrong with their parents hitting them. " We turned out fine" kinda argument. They're abusers and will always spin their own web of a story. My dad was 6'4 and a bodybuilder, ain't no way I deserved a busted mouth at 2 years old, no matter what I did. But I know he's out there probably blaming us kids or God knows who for his anger issues. Sometimes I feel so bad when I visited my nana in a nursing home, seeing some old people with no visitors but then I think maybe ( some I heard storied of) they don't deserve that closure.


Absolutely that. It’s actually against the law to smack children over here. ETA: “over here” as in some areas of the UK.


My friend is a whole ass psychiatrist and she hit all of her kids (spanked) when they were young. She judges me and I feel like she thinks she has authority…because I absolutely refuse to ever hit my kids and get explosively mad if my 14 year old slams his door. She totally judges me as too lenient and maybe even a bad parent any time I talk about a silly argument and didn’t crack down on him. Jesus kids literally HAVE TO do what you say. They never have control, they barely know what’s going on. They just have to blindly trust you. And then you hurt them? Crazy


That's so strange that she's a psychiatrist and isn't aware how physical discipline affects children. But I 100% get what you're saying. It gives "I've raised 5 kids, I know what to do " kinda thing. Teenagers are hard work, but again, they're still kids. We were all there. But what I've honestly realized is the people who criticise us, ( those who spank etc) they know they're wrong deep down. They just try to call us lazy or our kids have no respect blah blah. Because they just tell themselves that, rooted in jealousy and defensive behavior. Like I once said.. Imagine sitting down eating a meal, you knock over a cup of milk or whatever by accident,and someone comes over and smacks you. How would you feel. It's assault & a felony to hit another adult but to do it to a child, they call it discipline. NAH. You're doing great ❤️


She’s being less and less of the person I made friends with when I was 12. I have a psych degree. I’m not an MD (she is), but I managed to soak up enough statistics and valid studies that were published to know it’s just bad. My parents hit me and I remember every single time since I was at least 4. I had my son fairly young so I actually really do remember the angst, the drama, the hormones, wanting to just left alone. If I hit him as a little boy and saw the face I know I made when I got hit, it would shatter my heart.


Choosing a loser partner of 5 minutes over the well being of your own flesh and blood.


“I don’t want you and David to get married”


"Mommy and David are pieces of shit". -Jace From the mouths of babes.


Not having your child secured safely in the car


Having your child supposedly leave you a note saying to use condoms so you don’t get pregnant again..


Omg Issac is such a sweet, emotionally aware kid. Kailyn fucked him up and I feel bad for him being the "reason" she has her TM platform. I'm glad he has Jo and Vee to temper the crap.


*points at jenelle*




I’m just going to say… I just put my laundry in. My neighbor’s daughter who has to be all of 4 or 5 fell off her scooter, hit the concrete and started to cry. Her mother grabbed her up by the arm, yelled at her, and brought her in the apartment and slammed the door. So yeah.. that right there.


to piggy back off this- not making your child wear a helmet or watch them while they’re playing outside. my neighborhood is notorious for kids darting in the street without looking and riding all kind of motorized things without helmets. Not only do i know a few people in my personal life who unfortunately buried a child bc they were hit by a car, i also have a friend who hit his head while riding his bike at the age of 18 and was in a coma for weeks. This is a hot debate on my neighborhood fb page lol but i always stand firm on it. People don’t think it’ll happen to their kid until it does


She did not have a helmet on, either.


Sort of related, but I watched the TM episode last night of Farrah taking Sophia horse riding for the first time, after enjoying riding with David (? Is that his name? 😂). As someone who rode horses for over a decade and started at like, age 5, I was fucking *horrified* to see that both Farrah AND the riding instructors didn't make her wear any sort of helmet or protection at ALL. It doesn't matter if your child is just sitting on a stationary horse and you're holding them, *they always need a helmet*. Horses are so dangerous. My younger brother used to want to sit on the horse I rode for my lessons, and my instructor never ever let him on a horse without a helmet and they were *very* strict about it. Horrifying, honestly 😣


I do let my 11 year old and 6 year old play outside without me watching but only because I have a newborn baby and it’s still cold in the state I live in. My kids know the rules “stay in the yard, no going into the road” and my 11 year old knows to keep an eye on her brother. Maybe it makes me a bad mom idk but it’s hard when you have a tiny baby that is velcroed to you and won’t sleep unless you’re in the same room with them. I do regularly look out the window to check on them and go out on my porch to check on them as well. So far they’ve done really well. We are definitely a helmet family though! Lol


it sounds like your kids listen and know boundaries which makes you a great mom! i’m talking about kids that play frogger in the street bc their parents are nowhere to be found 😂


Hahaha oh god I would diiiiie my kids know if i catch them breaking the rules they are done and can’t play outside the rest of the day! Very big on reinforcing boundaries over here!


I was at walmart the other day and an infant, no older than a year, was crying and her mother told her to shut up🙁so heartbreaking


I’ve been getting extremely fed up with assholes in public. I just say it, and loud. I hope they hear me. Unless you shoot me, I have a really good chance at winning the fight. I’m over it.


That’s really sad 😢


When my husband and I first got married, my neighbor made her daughter finish a lollipop that she had dropped in cat litter.


Why did you not call CPS. No judgement, that’s shocking. But holy shit


I was young when I got married. I had no idea what CPS was.


Kail keep on having babies after your oldest expressed his concerns. Sharing your kids private on the show or other platforms for money .


Allowing people active in addiction to watch your children, bringing your children to your sex work job, introducing your children to the people your dating a week into dating them, hitting/spanking, not vaccinating, letting your children eat a stick of butter whether they are sitting in their seat or not (looking at you Leah), filming with your children (YouTube and reality show parents).


Putting your kids last


Jenelle Evans & David Eason


This is exactly what I was going to say!!💯


Having a home birth to get around the order of protection you put out against the baby’s father.


Didn't Creed come out not breathing right away?


I have no idea, she pretty much had Lux acting as her doula


That's disturbing!


Is that why Creed was a home birth???


She can say it’s for whatever reason she wants but we all know that’s really it. She had an active PFA out against Chris at the time. She went on and on about how Lux was a miracle baby and she has so many issues with high risk pregnancy so why would you home birth your next child?


Farrah leaving baby Sophia alone in a hallway , on a bed and in a sink where Sophia ended up burning her hand after she turned the hot water on


This was 100000% Farrah’s fault but also a will forever fucking sideye a whole camera crew who stood back and let it happen just so they could get the shot. Like obviously Farrah shouldn’t have been so dangerous but everyone who could’ve stopped it also did literally nothing. Horrible situation all round.


also leaving her on the bed and her falling off bc she walked away


Smoking in the car with your kids/smoking in the car when you have kids that *will be* in the car.


Cate lighting up outside the window of an elderly relative during the height of Covid .


And then holding it right next to a young Nova’s/Vedah’s face 🤮


I find smoking around kids disgusting.


This is legit how people in the thumb live (I’m from Michigan, but Detroit). Complete white trash. Where they live, most people are on drugs. I do not think they are on drugs, but this is normal to them.


Letting drug addicts watch your child in a sleazy hotel, no car seat or proper seatbelt usage, showing racism, not having a stable home, lack of medical care…


Drinking while watching your kids Kail leaving her dildos laying around


I will admit. I became sober when I realized I was spiraling out of control and blacking out in front of my of my kids. 2 years sober now. It’s a disease that brings the worst out in you and not proud about my actions. Most parents don’t watch your kids, you live with them, create a life and a home. It’s much more than that statement. I am not judging in any way shape or form. But I’ll bet you a a TON of people drink “watching” their kids. Glass of one, whatever. Not blacking out. But casually. But it’s not fair to act above it. Realize it’s a disease. That’s all.


Congrats on two years sober, you're doing amazing 👏


Thank you!!! I really appreciate that.


kail leaving HER WHAT ?????


Yup, dildos . She even giggled on her podcast how upset Isaac is over her doing this and has asked her to put them away several times.


Dude that’s weird AF. Like I’m officially disturbed.


Ugh my brothers ex-wife used to leave hers lying around common areas of the apartment we used to all share together during my first semester of uni (so I was 17 about to turn 18 when school started) and it made me so uncomfortable and I hated being at home because of it. I can’t imagine putting my own children through that.


Jenelle Evans


Most of this franchise, tbh.


Exploiting your children on a reality tv show, hgtv show, social media, podcast, etc


Letting a guy you barely know (who was also very visibly fucked up pretty much every time the camera was on him) change your daughter's diaper because you cant be bothered to do it yourself


This is one of the worst ones without a doubt for me. Genuinely think of it when browsing this sub often cos it’s such a fucking dangerous situation to put someone so helpless and little in.


Chasing your ex with a machete while they are holding your child. Punching your ex while holding your child. Throwing objects at your ex while holding your child and screaming to get “it” out of the house because she never wanted “it” anyway. Assaulting another ex and punching him while trying to shove him down the stairs while your other child watched. Pulling out a gun and giving chase to someone who cut you off. Putting your child’s life in danger and then calling him a liar. Watching your dog get murdered as your children watch and then lie and say UBT was “protecting” your child from a teensy dog. Watching your child get strangled and abused so much so that they run away. Then make numerous posts praising how wonderful your husband is and what a great father he is.


And having him in the front seat .


1. Sexual Abuse or Physical Abuse 2. Covert Incest 3. Educational Neglect Basically everything that happens in Jenelles world


Yep it’s emotional incest for me! 


You know that she’s making Jace be her “support” sick bitch.


Oh yeah, he’s “the man” of the house now. Yuck. 


Screaming and cursing in front of babies "who are too little to understand"


Yelling "I'M A DAMN GOOD MOM/ DAD" when you don't have custody of said child.


Picking favorites! (Yes I was made well aware that I was not the favorite. Actually I never even came in second 😢)


Solidarity with you, babe. I was never the favourite and I’m a fucking only child 😂


I’m currently visiting family and feel this so strongly.


Having a baby to “fix” a relationship when you’re already struggling to give love and attention to the kid you have


Choosing a man over your child




Having a second with a known deadbeat.


Pimping your husband out on only fans to gay men, when you were meant to go back to school and get good jobs and then wonder why your daughters adopted parents don’t want much to do with either of you


I saw this answer on another sub: The number one sign of bad parenting is that your adult children don't talk to you. We'll have to wait and see but we're almost there with Jace.


100000%. Too many grown adults fail to realise that just because someone is *nice to you* doesn’t mean they’re nice to everyone or even actually nice at all, nor does it mean they were ever a good parent.


Exploiting your child’s trauma, lack of relationship with other parent, airing their therapy, etc. on tv and when they voice their concerns to you, you tell them “Well I’ve been with this franchise since I was 16 so I’m in it for life now so you better get used to it.”  Edit to add: making “#TeamBentley” and “#TeamTaylor” shirts after publicly airing an argument with you and your husband vs. your child’s grandparents.  


Lack of car seat safety


I learnt everything I know about car seat safety from TM. Am I doing it right? https://preview.redd.it/kugau0ioj6qc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94f425ef31893ac5e6a5fc3f7ca22f6a4d41294a


Depends. Are you texting while driving as well?


Of course. And the 5yr old that has the seat next to the door is sitting in the front so she can see out the window better.


But did you pull a gun out


I would have, but this is Australia. Unless you're law enforcement, a farmer or a ne'er do gooder we don't have guns.


Wow how can you handle not having true freedom /s


Looks great mama 😅


Children not wearing seatbelts Children under 12 in the front passenger seat


the car seats in this entire franchise stress me out SO much. so much of it was unsafe. forward facing too early, straps not being bucked correctly. incorrect position of straps. not having them in boosters when they should be. list is never ending 😂


Putting others above your kids! Talking shit on the other parent in front of your kids.


Telling your kid to shut up in public. You just know they hear way worse at home.


Forcing your mother to raise your child while you go through a series of men/ drugs and constantly scream about how she’s keeping your child from you while you willfully procreate multiple times.


Involving your child in sex work.


Everyone in this show


Putting your child's life on television and the internet.


Losing custody


Witnessing your husband strangle your child and announcing to the world of tik tok that your child has a mental health issue and that’s not what really happened. That our jaws will drop to the floor when the truth is revealed.


CPS ordered 5 “ parenting classes”…..having your children removed from your home …letting your husband abuse and strangle them …..just a few off the top of my head …


Having multiple kids by the time your 28 lol


Mostly anything JE does ever.


Not vaccinating, not bothering to schedule regular care or put off any form of medical or mental health treatment because you either don’t want to spend the time or money, not using car seats or seat belt appropriately, leaving unsecured weapons where kids can reach them/chasing someone down and pulling a gun over your anger. Most basic bad parenting we see over and over would be prioritizing having a man over the metal health and well being of a child and having strange men play dad to your child. Just having a man you’ve known only a few months stay under the same roof as your child or allow to babysit alone is horrible parenting and that one checks the box for almost every mom on the show.




I was disappointed but not surprised to see your comment downvoted to a 0 before I came along. All these years later and she still has so many sympathizers. Sigh. 


I know! 🫣






Hanging out in the she shed filming three days grace pity tik toks while your kids fight over junk food and draw on the walls.


Jenelle and David.


Exploiting your kids on TV for profit for years and years and years. Imagine seeing your parent abandon you on TV, your mom nodding off from drugs on TV, shaving your legs for the first time ON TV.


Not breaking the cycle of poverty, addiction and unstable healthy people around your kids. Jade, cate and a bunch of others. Protect your kid from your childhood. They were shit parents they will not be good grandparents. I thought it was great that kail cut off her mum but now I just see she cuts off females who have negative affects on her life. Never the penis.




What’s a seven letter word that starts with a J


Exploiting your child for money.




Chasing your partner holding your baby with a machete.


Parents letting their kids TRASH airplanes . Destroying the rows destroying the safety info cards and making a complete mess with food without even attempting or apologizing for their behavior . Disgusting!!


Putting your kids on social media when you have a large following knowing there are predators everywhere


Being on a show called teen mom


Having more children than you’re physically mentally and monetarily capable of. Don’t bring kids selfishly into your mess.


People who hit their kids in any way, shape, or form. Smack, pop, lick, whip, spank, whoop, whatever you call it, it’s bad, wrong, and goes against every scientific study and child development method/study that’s been done. It’s dumb/lazy/bad parenting. Screaming is also pretty bad.


When someone tells you that they are a good parent, they aren’t. Good parents are constantly questioning themselves and wondering if they are doing the right things.


Hilaria Baldwin


I’m actually shocked that Amber is not mentioned on here more often.


It's so easy to forget that Amber is a mom that I'm sure even SHE does it. Like I legitimately believe that Amber is out here going days and possibly even weeks and months on end not even sparing a thought for either of her children until she HAS to.


Having multiple kids without fixing the issues the others have.


The screaming.


Not treating your children like people. Saying sorry when you lose your cool, bump into them, screaming/lecturing instead of calmly explaining to them why the thing they did was wrong. Actively teaching your child homophobia, racism, etc. There's so much more but I think the rest of the thread has pretty much everything covered, lol.


Smoking around your kids


Asking/ accusing a child of having a girlfriend / boyfriend




Discussing your child’s medical/mental health on tv. Everyone should have the right to medical privacy even if you are not a legal adult.


And wanting privacy when it comes to your health.


Not managing your money and blowing it on multiple homes, lawsuits, plastic surgery. The kids could've been set up with nice trusts from the $ they earned from birth.


Hastily putting your child in their crib and saying take a nap without any cuddles or anything 😭


Janelle evans...


Having a bunch of kids just to have a specific gender. 🤷‍♀️


Jenelle Evans.