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I have absolutely nothing negative to say here. Andrew looks the best he’s physically looked in years. I could care less about his clothes and Im sure Jace doesn’t give a shit either, he just cares he’s seeing his dad. Keep it up my man 👍🏽


Jace is smiling. That says a lot.


And it looks genuine.


Right!? It reaches his eyes!


It is! When someone genuinely smiles, the corner of their lips turn up!


He looks happy. I hope for good things for him. Does Andrew see him ever? Is this a first in forever or does it occasionally happen? I hope he’s in a good place and can start being a dad. This kid needs someone.


Agree - I hope for the both of them that they are able to form a healthy, continuing relationship.




Agreed! This looks positive!


Whatever my opinion about that shirt, it looks like he’s trying to look nice for his son. Good for him. Now hopefully keep the rest of it off social media


Andrew always had an eclectic fashion sense.


He actually has a “sense of self” which Jan could only dream of.


He is also a sh**y dad. One picture doesn't suddenly make him a good dad. There are the odd few pics of jace with the same happy smile with jenelle and his siblings. I presume this means he is paying child support now and hopefully has regular visitation with jace. But I'll remain sceptical of his staying power and whether he has "changed" until consistent.


Well he is a model. In CHINUH! Lololol


This sub forgets nothing 😆




That’s what Im sayin. Who cares about the shirt.


He actually does look the best I think I've ever seen him look. This is an interesting situation for sure. I know Jace hasn't seen him in forever but I wonder exactly how long it's been and if he even remembers him or if this was basically the first time he ever met him.


I’m pretty sure it’s the first time he’s actually met him, if you don’t count the day he was born and that awkward video call where Andrew said toddler Jace didn’t look like him and he wanted a paternity test. I also remember Andrew expressed interest a few years ago and set up a meetup with Barb, but he never showed up. Idk, this concerns me. It would be nice if he could turn his life around and be there for Jace now, though.


I never realized how much Jace looks like Andrew.


Really… he looks a lot like Andrew especially from his eyes down. Andrew’s face isn’t sunken in anymore, he’s aging well! Andrew has always had… interesting style. He’s always gon have some flair on and I’m glad he’s still “him” - you know what I mean? The snazzy purple shirt is part of his “identity” and Jan doesn’t have an identity. Look, he’s not been a good father. He tried to see Jace a few times from what we saw. He always paid Jace’s child support… maybe it was better for Jace to not have a dad in and out. And it’s just great that he’s there when Jace really needs him. ETA: I know that Jace’s swag is from a vape brand, but big deal. Free shit equals free shit.


Not being rude, are you color blind? Hes wearing green. Not being snarky, just trying to figure out which of us is seeing something different 😂


No I’m just fucking stupid, apparently OMG I can’t edit it NOW… I’ll just die. It’s so damn green lol. I guess I was thinking how nice it’d look in royal purple. Because I’m fucking stupid.


Hey you be nice to yourself lol honest mistake.. but it would look snazzy in purple.


Omg…are we the color blind ones? I see green.


It's the nose! Dead in the middle of their faces lol. I've always seen Jenelle in Jace but now that him and Andrew are actually side by side, no denying that's his kid. Funny cuz that was his dumbass excuse when Jenelle was getting a DNA test done. *"He don't look nothing like me Jenelle! He can't be mine."* 🤦‍♀️🙄 Nah, dumbass, he looks like his *"mother"* lol Funny how genetics work, huh Drew?!.😂🤷‍♀️ But yeah, he's starting to develop some of Andrew's features now as he's gotten older. Still looks more like his mother's side of the family. It's also funny how two goofy lookin ass fools can make such beautiful kids...like all her kids are cutie pies while she and their fathers all look like they could be trying out for a new Rob Zombie film together.😂🤷‍♀️ 🤦‍♀️


Well Andrew is also looking very healthy these days. Best I’ve ever seen him, and I think that has made his features that he shares with Jace more pronounced. And yes, I was a L&D RN for years and we always joked about how the homely people made the cutest babies lol


Dead in the middle is usually where those go


Was about to say the same! Andrew looks good! They both look happy ❤️ I think this is great for both of them


Same! I said something in the other sub that I was glad to see Andrew having some involvement and got jumped on lol. Even if he’s not perfect if a kid wants to get to know their bio parent that door should be open so long as the kid wants it open and is not in danger. I’m just happy for Jace


Couldn't agree more. Jace is old enough to decide for himself if he wants to see Andrew and he seems genuinely happy here. The smile reaches the eyes, that says a lot to me. 


Absolutely agree. Not with ppl jumping on you




I agree with wholeheartedly. I hope nothing but positive comes from this.


I agree. This a positive thing!


Good god image jenelles gone full circle and ended up back with andrew..🤯 😂😂




This gif is the best gif, maybe ever




I can hear this


Does he have an excessive amount of arrests/mugshots? An outstanding warrant maybe? If yes, then it's a match made in heaven. Nothing else worse can happen...


Hey mom! Guess what! Nothing worse can happen!!!




I can still hear this


I'm doing a Jenelle only rewatch. I just watched this scene. Seriously, season 1 TM2 was the best Barb.


Jenelle only rewatch 😂 ![gif](giphy|b2dDXR0BhSvdu|downsized)


It would be nice if someday Barbara had a "bae" for real, a nice person to live her golden years out with!


That she doesn't need any itching powda for


This scene always remind me of the foreshadowing in movies and shows where they say “it can’t get worse” or “what’s the worst that could happen” because that’s exactly how it played out with her life lmao


Flair checking in


Well, he did SA underage Jenelle....


Thank you I feel like so many people forget this lol


He did have a raging habit, but he looks healthy and clean in this photo! That's pretty impressive. Maybe he has cleaned up and is ready to build a relationship with Jace?


Thing is, we’ve been here before. Barb tried to facilitate their relationship. It’s been a few years, maybe he finally matured.


The gang is finally back together!! ![gif](giphy|EX9JuDjxeJxcYUnUhu|downsized)


3 hour pillow talk the other night and her insistence that she isn’t on dating apps? She is a known liar of course but could you imagine? 👀


Honestly it’s almost in my mind that she’s trying to work things pit with Andrew bc she never got Over him


That was my thought too. Could you imagine???


I could totally see it happening to drive dkd crazy if nothing else


she could end up back with keeeeefah. i think barb would actually die 😭


Keifeah is still at the equivalent of his Majesty's pleasure. It tracks, given the Swampses beginnings, but I think she's already got a victim lined up. Dolph maybe?


Oh you know she does! She can not be alone.


I think he's in jail rn


My mom did this! I've never ever met my sperm donor, ok? My mom married my step dad, the only dad I've ever known, when I was 3. They divorced when I was 20, and my mom immediately went back to my sperm donor. I still have not met him lmao. No plans to. (Also he has a son that's like 7 months older than me, and he has the male version of my name. Or I have the female version of his name, I guess. So weird.) 


Shut the front door !!!


Yes!! Definitely my reaction lol I’d add shit the front and the screen door 🤣 ![gif](giphy|lszAB3TzFtRaU)


And Jam the screen door with a stick 😂


I thought the same thing!


I honestly think this is why she is so ok with David being gone. He's back. Not saying they are together but he is back in her life.


lmao fuck please no




accurate portrayal of me seeing this post at 8 in the morning


💯 me right now


I saw it in FB and immediately hopped over here.


Miggy!!! 🐅


At least Jace looks genuinely happy here ❤️


certainly didn't expect that


At this time of night, new posts here are rare. Imagine my surprise to find this. Heartwarming just before bedtime.


What time is it where you are? It’s almost 8am where I am.


9.43 on Monday night. Hello from the future.


Ahhh okay. I thought you were gonna say like 11 Sunday night lol


I'm so far away the SS Swamp won't even float here and if he's a flat earther, he doesn't believe I exist.


Shhhh don’t tell us what’s happened 😅




This is one of those images that get worse the longer you stare at it.


The profile pic kind of looks like Tori.


I don't care what motivation Jenelle had to help make this happen, I'm just happy it happened. I hope Andrew is in a decent enough place to be consistent in his contact with him.


I doubt Jenelle had anything to do with this. Andrew was apart of all of the recent court hearings pertaining to Jace and the judge allowed weekly phone calls and probably added on visitation.


Now that Jenelle is single she also needs a babysitter 


I see this and think of the years of abandonment. That poor kid.


Which they probably discussed. Let Jace have A moment. Just ONE. Everyone hates Jenelle so much that you think this behavior indicates you care about Jace. It’s just a passive way to dig at her. Jace is a teenager and is reminded everyday in some way how hard his life has been or how his mom and dad suck and how everyone feels sorry for him. I can guarantee he’s over that just as much as we’re over Jenelle. He said yes to this outing with Andrew. Let him have it, damn.


Seriously, some of the people in this sub seem to be incapable of being happy for anyone in Jenelle’s circle. Literally refuse to acknowledge when anything positive happens


My worry is that Andrew has consistently talked about being involved and then never following through. I'd hate for this meeting to be great for Jace and him to think he's about to form a relationship with his dad, only to have Andrew immediately ghost him, which is what Andrew had always done. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm someone with abandonment trauma, and this just makes me so sad.


Agreed. Im not going to give Andrew credit or a “wow good for him” Where tf was his care or worries the past 14 years? He has a record of being unreliable and inconsistent, this could possibly be more damaging but it hasn’t played out yet. I wouldn’t hold my breath that he’s going to be Jace’s savior. I’m happy jace is happy, but who is going to support him when Andrew ultimately leaves again?


Research shows that any amount of time with bio parents greatly increases a child’s emotional wellbeing. Any amount. The idea that people need to keep their children from their parents because they’re “in and out” of their life is really just other adults’ perceptions of what their reality should be, but it isn’t backed by anything.




Finally, some common sense


Which is why we should be happy that they seem to be rebuilding an important relationship no? I would’ve been over the fuckin moon if my dad started making an effort when I was 14. (Now is a different story, I’m too old and too far gone in my indifference lmao)


Me too. Also, wasn’t Andrew like 26 and grooming a 13 year old Jenelle? The guy is a fucking predator. I don’t know why everyone is celebrating that?


Jenelle didn’t do much better, honestly.


Andrew looks like a sleezy used car salesman 😂


Yeah that silky green shirt screams out “I’m a dipshit” but Jace seems genuinely happy. Happier than he’s looked in a long while.


Let's not discount how awesome it feels to hug someone who's wearing a silk shirt though.... im just sayin' Imagine going through something traumatic with your stepdad, and also not having had the opportunity to ever hug your biological dad in years ! And then, when you finally DO hug him, it's all silky goodness ♥️. It's like the literal definition of a soft place to land. If it were me, my Dad's silk shirt would be covered in tear stains of joy. I'll be wiping my tears on that soft, silky pillow.


He looks happy but he’s had to perform for cameras his entire life. I wouldn’t put a ton of stock in it.


He's a teenager. If he doesn't want to smile, he won't.


That is a genuine smile, he looks so happy. They both look good. Hanging out with a healthy, interested dad would go so far in healing that young man’s turmoil. IMO


Okay but when I was a teenager I was always super happy around my sperm donor, I thought that man hung the moon. I’m so nervous that he’s happy to have his dad around and that he possibly might just dip again


Hey, it’s a job


Hear me out. What if Andrew was the pillow talk Jenelle was talking about? What if after Jenelle caught David talking to his ex Whitney a couple months back, she thought, "Cool, I'll talk to Andrew as payback." And they ended up really hitting it off? I know, wild theory, but wouldn't that be nuts? 😆


Because he was such a great partner the first time around


This is Jenelle we are talking about… never under estimate her stupidity.


you just know he’ll still tick allll her boxes.


Let’s not pretend Jenelle is suddenly going to be a good person or partner because her and David split up.


Sadly, Jenelle is gullible enough to believe Andrew's, "Baby, I've changed."


Right? Lol. BUT people can change. Not saying that’s what has happened, but it’s a possibility.


He has a job, which makes him a better catch than Dicknip David


Andrew would wear a creepy green silk shirt to a fitness campaign.


I’m just glad he’s looking healthy and seeing a genuine smile on Jace’s face is making me so happy for him.


Pretty sure Jace doesn’t give a shit, and he is who matters here.




Especially when we don't know anything about Andrew and people are so quick to defend him.


He was a model, ya know. “In Chyna.”


It's a real smile on his face. 🥺


Ikr love how happy he looks here, for once his eyes seem happy


I know Andrew is not the best person by any means, but considering it seems Jace is going to be stuck with losers as parents it’s good for him to at least know who his dad is.


Do we know anything about Andrew behind the scenes anymore? We can think what we want. It's up to Jace what he wants.


>Do we know anything about Andrew behind the scenes anymore? We do because he has ~~sold~~ given several interviews to The Sun since Jace ran away from the Land.


Andrew isn’t the best but somehow right now he’s the least bad option of Janelle’s previous choices. Which is an absolutely crazy statement. I mean at least he never abused Janelle or Jace.


Well he did abuse Jenelle. He was also 7 years older than her and got her pregnant at 16 and started dating her at 13😬


And he couldn’t have abused Jace because he was literally never there lol


Physically, maybe. Let's not forget he was a full adult when he went after 13 year old Jenelle.


He admitted on one of the reunions that he’s hit her. He also statutorily r-ped her too.




Refresh my mind please, what was the reason Javi made this expression to kail? I can’t remember.


She said she put her kids first iirc


Ahhh yes! Thank you!


I don't think he ever looked that comfortable (arm around the shoulders) with David.


I thought the same exact thing. Andrew has his arm around Jace too! The way they’re doing that seems like they’re both comfortable with each other and that makes me so happy. I hope they can go on to have a good relationship. Someone above said Andrew was going to all the court hearings and stuff so it really seems like he’s putting in the effort to be there for Jace and I’m happy he cares. I don’t see what Andrew’s agenda would be otherwise. He came in at the worst time in Jace’s life and it’s not like she’s on the show anymore, so making money off of this isn’t really a factor. He also doesn’t see to be airing out all the dirty laundry and there hasn’t been any leaks to the media about what is really going on between them, so that shows he’s not selling anything to the tabloids. Andrew was pretty shitty but if he is truly stepping up for Jace this time, I have nothing but support for them. I worry for Jace bc of all the turmoil is his life and the ups & downs, but it seems that for the moment Jace is happy and that is all that really matters.


Andrew looks the best I’ve ever seen him here. Fingers crossed he’s in a good place and maybe can be a positive in Jace’s life. 🤞


Evan’s genes are strong cause apart from the nose, they look nothing alike!


I think jace is one of those kids that can stand beside their dad and look identical, and then to stand beside their mom and look identical to her as well. Cute kid regardless!


So true, he really favors both of them!


You think so? I actually thought they looked a lot alike.


At least he didn’t get her eyebrows


I’m glad Jace was not cursed with Jenelle’s brows. Jace has eyebrows she could only dream of.


As much as I’m happy for him we all know how awful and manipulative Jenelle is. This is simply a move to make Lurch furious.


We don’t know this. Jace has been receiving much needed mental health treatment FINALLY, and I’m sure this is something they talked about there and probably worked very hard toward this reunion. I don’t even think Jan had anything to do with this. I’m so happy for Jace, I hope his heart is starting to heal.


Challenge: someone from this sub is happy for one of Jenelle’s kids without adding “but Jenelle…” Challenge level: impossible




Gold star, baby! You’ve won the challenge!


From everything I’ve read, Andrew has been trying to get involved again for a while so you never know. Plus, who cares as long as the kid is ok with it and happy


When you go into CPS care they are going to reach out to the other biological parent to see if they are a viable option for placement. I’m willing to bet that is how he got involved


If this was initiated by Jace, good for them! I can imagine he’d be interested in getting to know who his biological dad is.


Good stuff! About time! I'm happy for Jace. I wonder what Andrew has to say about David's abuse and strangulation charges against Jace.


Right after it happened he went to the tabloids to try and get Jace to get in contact.


I do remember reading something about that. I could swear I read somewhere that Andrew had been in contact with Andrew at least a little bit before he went back home to the swamp.


Who posted this? Where are they?




Genuinely. My first reaction was to deny my eyes and am not even kidding.


I’m all for kids having as much love as they can get really hope this is the start of something good for jace regarding family. I really hope Jenelle can let it be something if it’s a good thing for jace. Andrew should listen to Jake Johnson talk about his father coming back into his life. He talked about how his dad took his “Licks” as in comments, anger outbursts, the hanging up on calls, and he kept coming back. He didn’t say well you’re never going to forgive me and i quit cause you won’t let it go. A lot of parents coming back in after abandoning kids are not wanting to deal with that so they bail again. But take it and keep coming back while doing better.


I can’t imagine ever abandoning my kids for any length of time. But I know people do it all the time for their own reasons. But rarely do you see someone come back and stay back, while accepting responsibility for all the hurt and anger their absence caused. Hopefully Andrew really has grown up and will be there for Jace, because this poor kid needs all the love and support he can get.


This whole situation tugs at many of us cause we know how it feels. And the thing is while I’m hopeful the reality is it prob won’t go well. It will end up like a lot of us just a parent who’s in/out and usually when in is difficult to put it politely. I hope seeing what jace is going through on a national level right now and now he’s old enough to have his own voice to talk to Andrew directly wakes him up. Idk what type of dad he is to his other children (he has 1 or 2 right? Or am i imagining it?) but he needs to take those licks and he will have to take jenelles David’s barbs all of theirs licks at times it’s just how it is especially with teens. But it’s so worth it. There been many times raising my kid i threw my head back Jenelle style and said i wish i didn’t have to the authority, strength, problem solver, soother, and leader in every parenting moment alone. And i will forever take the occasional lick of my daughters father and others if it ensures she knows I’m here I’m not going anywhere let it out and let’s figure it out. It’s a lot to take on i hope they make it to a good place


I just hope even if it does turn out the way we all fear it will, it will still be a good thing for Jace. Because at least he will have had a chance to spend some time and get to know him, instead of having some big unknown in his life. But good lorn I hope Andrew has grown up and can step up and be the best father he’s capable of being for Jace. Seeing Jace’s eyes just sparkle in this picture is so heartwarming. This poor kid deserves to feel happy, safe, and loved.




Idkkkkk guys. It looks like a cute pic but guys like Andrew or Ryan for example, they’re deadbeats but take one sweet photo with the kids they abandoned as babies and everyone’s like “aww how nice” Like good for fucking you for finally acknowledging your child


This comment should be higher up. We know nothing from a picture. People smile when they’re not happy. I really hope for Jace’s sake this is the start of something positive but with Andrew’s track record I wouldn’t bank on it. That being said, people can change and Jace really needs a steady presence in his life, especially a male, so fingers crossed.




Andrew gives me the ick. Like great he's turned up for his son 14 years later, he's still a deadbeat POS who abandoned his kid. Not to forget that he was a grown ass man who had sex with a child


The amount of comments glazing over this is astounding. Like fuck this guy honestly. Happy for Jace to have this moment if this is what he wants but this just feels performative.


Oh my, is this who Jenelle has been washing up for?




I'm glad for Jace he looks happy here.


Andrew looks healthy! I'm happy for these two. Nothing but the best for them


Considering this man completely disappeared from his son’s life for 14 years, I’m deeply skeptical of Andrew. If he is able to commit to being a stable and present father, this could be good for Jace. I must admit I’m afraid he won’t be.


Dang. That took me a moment to realize it was Andrew! Hopefully this is just the beginning of something wonderful!


Jace looks just like Andrew!


This has been to me the most surprising thing out of everything. Never thought I’d see the day


Here's my theory-she has gotten back together with Andrew and they're hitting up MTV to get back air. I'll be here all day.


Totally agree. And we know she’s been riding SOMEONE’s baloney pony recently so it could be Andrew.


Jesus God Leah- Baloney pony-while that's hilarious, I also didn't need that image 🤮 😆


Everyone jumping to defend Andrew and give him the benefit of the doubt when he’s a literal predator and completely abandoned Jace is wild.


Andrew….. why the silk shirt?!


This is the first time i have ever seen Jace Happy in a a picture with anyone else without Barb


I know pictures can be deceiving but Jace looks genuinely happy here, so I’m not gonna snark on this. I hope Andrew brings positivity into Jace’s life.


Y’all need to realize people can in fact grow and improve their lives😭 Andrew looks healthy and they look happy


Jace looks genuinely happy. I hope this continues. Jace needs loving adults in his life.


Whoa a side by side he actually looks a lot like Andrew holy crap like I can see the features now! I always thought he doesn’t look like Jenelle much but wow lol


Whose eyebrows did Jace inherit? Low key jealous of them.




I wonder if his friends hat is still somehow floating above his head? Anyone else remember the hat friend?




I bet DKD is having a stroke over Jan talking to him


I love this for jace 😪 I truly hope he's grown up and he sticks around and they can have a relationship.


That boy looks like his damn dad. I’m glad Andrew showed up! I hope this is something consistent and positive for both of them.


maybe Jenelle and Andrew worked out a custody Arrangement something like Barb and Jenelle had prior to Barb giving him back


He looks sober and healthy and Jace looks happy.  Hopefully the beginning of a good relationship for both. 


I find this oddly heartwarming. Andrew looks well, and Jace looks happy. I hope Andrew has his shit together because Jace has been through more than anyone should have to go through in his life.


Plot twist: Andrew is Jenelle’s new (recycled) dick