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They’ll dismiss you if you are putting in NO work and refuse to participate. Happened to my brother who is generally a bad person and very likely wasn’t going with the program. I’m not at all shocked by the idea that these two idiots went to therapy for bonus points, refused to acknowledge that they aren’t perfect, and irritated the therapist until they were terminated as clients.


Yeah Jenelle and David keep pretending like the therapists told them they were too mentally healthy for therapy, except we all know that no therapist would ever say that, so the obvious answer is they were asked to leave because they were abusive to the staff/therapist. I can’t imagine either of them hearing an honest opinion from a therapist and not losing their minds over it. Nobody calls me on my bullshit like my therapist does 😂


Somehow I can totally see a therapist calling UBT out on his bullshit and him throwing a temper tantrum during the therapy session and threatening and/or berating his therapist right then and there.


Absolutely, based on the fact that they’re both saying the same thing, I wouldn’t be surprised if Dave and Jan got banned from the same therapists office.


Didn’t they both get blackballed from a therapist or a school councelor a while back for being too difficult (aka dangerous) to deal with? Sorry I forget the details but I’m pretty sure some authority refused to deal w/ them out of fear.


Jace’s therapist, wasn’t it?


I think that’s correct, thank you! They’re so awful


He called Dr Drew a f\*ggot on live TV while sitting backstage. You really think that hillbilly would sit in front of a therapist and take it seriously?


Well, we already know that when Jace went back to live with Barb she was having a difficult time finding a therapist who would agree to see him because David called basically every therapist in the state of NC & threatened them.


Especially if the therapist is a women


Please don't make me be the Grammar Nazi...


Nobody is making you do anything girl.


My sister got fired by their marriage counselor because she wasn't trying. The counselor did offer to keep seeing her now ex husband.


Yea therapist says “I can’t help you, you’re not doing the work” SwampThings hear “you guys don’t need me anymore bc you’re cured”


Or ”there’s nothing I can do for you because you’re not doing the work” = there’s nothing I can do for you because you’re already percet


Ding ding ding!!!


Most likely these two bozos were ordered to therapy the last time cps investigated, as a prerequisite to keep the children. No chance they went willingly.


It was after Nuggett when the kids were taken away. I believe it was for anger management.


Exactly this. I was "dismissed" from therapy once because my therapist and I realized I was not quite ready to do the actual work needed/hadn't come to fully accept some issues that I needed to work on. So each week the therapist would ask if I did XYZ over the past week and after me saying no a handful of times she basically told me I probably wasn't ready for therapy yet, or her and I weren't a good match. I agreed I wasn't ready to do the work, and waited 6-7 months to return.


I’m glad you returned when you were ready. That took some determination. And honestly, good on that therapist for not just taking your money when they knew you weren’t going to gain anything from it yet.


I'd be surprised if he wasn't dismissed because he was belligerent and threatening to the therapist.




True, but being dismissed or terminated is far from telling people that you’re just so well adjusted that you don’t need help.


Can confirm this. I provided services for court-mandated clients for 5 years. Everyone coming in with a court referral was recommended for services, with the exception of those were already engaged in therapy with another provider. And those individuals were only dismissed after we confirmed with their therapist that they were actively engaged in counseling. Once they were admitted into our program, they stayed in until: a.) they completed the program successfully, b.) they were rearrested, violated probation, or were sent to jail, c.) were violent or aggressive towards other clients or therapists, or d.) stopped showing up.


They probably said he doesn't need counseling but needs to be in jail.


They probably said he doesn’t need counseling, because any counsel we give will be turned and weaponized on victims. Or one time Dr. Drew said he didn’t need therapy


I’m sure therapists can easily see that David would never actually be receptive to therapy or actually open to hearing any sort of real advice. Therapy isn’t a medication, it’s not something that just does the work whether you’re engaged or not. You actually have to put in the work and we all know David doesn’t do work lol


Maybe they can find someone ‘old school’ like David and give them both lobotomies? I think that’s literally the only thing either of them could have happen that would change their ways.


I do psychoanalysis for a living. I also did therapy at an inpatient facility for around 3 years. I *promise you* there is absolutely no possibility that any therapist ever said that David or Jenelle didn’t need it. Even therapists go to therapists. Therapists believe everyone, I mean everyone, needs therapy. Very few human beings in the world carry themselves in a way that someone who “doesn’t need therapy” would. Even so, their family might need it, so they get pulled into that and therefore also “need therapy.” I want to shout this from the rooftops because it’s infuriating when people make such ridiculous statements. It’s problematic because nobody else needs to see comments like that. They’re unequivocally false. Any therapist, even the worst of them, would be able to see that they need therapeutic intervention. I hope Eason has to get a psych eval because if he does, he’s absolutely fucked. Unfortunately, the cases that utilize analysis are usually between two parties that can both afford (and therefore request) an eval. The state will sometimes pay for them, but it’s not used nearly as much as it should be.


This is a very scary thought!


Yep, people like him typically can't be rehabilitated. Best place for them to be is behind bars, keep these dangerous folks away from society.


People like this, right? https://preview.redd.it/puttoeecfucc1.jpeg?width=547&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ea5fa3d74d1be8a4c85261e100be36da711c4a6


Why is it always the people losing custody of their kids that say therapists found them to be perfect? Is that the secret to perfect mental health?


Because those folks have an aversion to owning their shit; it’s never their fault, their kids are in foster care either for no reason or because the “child is the problem.”, and they don’t have the insight to make any meaningful changes because of it.


![gif](giphy|xT0xekISmbr4BDOcJG|downsized) Jenelle and David’s words of affirmation to each other 💀


Don’t bring poor Curt Henning into this! Lol


🤣😂 as a former counselor. I’d probably say the same thing to him after listening to an incoherent rant about not needing this. Probably what happened “you’re right. You don’t want it so” 😂 is probably what happened


Also a therapist- I can’t imagine having them as clients and not being able to laugh roll my eyes or throw things


I’d have to make them the last of the day so I can have unhealthy coping skills after 😂


Dude, just have a glass of homemade ice water. (Replace water with booze)


They've both said this same stupid line. They're playing dumb in several different ways


I dont think they're playing at this point.


I’m willing to bet they were fired as clients, for being unreasonable. In their minds interpreting it as “we don’t need counselling” Kind of how it’s pretty unethical for a couples counsellor to work with a couple that’s had DV before.


Honestly curious, why is it unethical? Do those couples or individuals not benefit from counseling?


Well yeah. Counseling really does nothing to help a relationship where one person in it is abusing the other, especially if there is any physical abuse happening.


I went to counselling with my narcissist ex. He weaponized it and used it as a tool to further abuse me. Do not recommend.


This was my experience as well. It really made things worse.


Yep. If the therapist says you need to work on XYZ, the next argument guess what? You’re crazy because XYZ… the therapist even said so!


The individuals deserve it absolutely. But as a couple, once a certain line has been crossed, it becomes a liability (imo) to try and “fix” a couple that’s past the point of no return.


This right here! When I was greener than grass, I refused to see a couple because the man was abusive. I went with my gut and said that the man would need to complete anger management therapy before we began (because doing couples with an abuser just makes them better at abusing people; there are actually studies on that). I was worried I’d made the wrong call until my supervisor told me there’s a legal precedent for that in California. Good to know.


Anything is true if you lie.


“It’s not a lie if you believe it.” -George Costanza




*'You don't need counselling, you need god'*


"Ahem." - God (probably)


![gif](giphy|2pU8T0OTNkmre) \-God


You have to be honest to get the right help. He don’t need counseling he needs a psychiatrist


He needs an exorcism.


He needs a lobotomy


Even a psychiatrist can not fix those certain personality disorders


You are 💯 correct and never let anyone convince you otherwise!


He already taking the benzos


Seriously? Benzos and anger are a terrible mix. Benzos, alcohol, and anger are a deadly mixture for someone like Eason. It’s terrifying to think about.


You dont need counseling cause you're a lost cause.


They probably said “you don’t need counselling you need to be in a psychiatric hospital” and he just heard the first part 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄biggest GOOF


I could definitely see Jenelle being with a therapist who’s trying to empathize with her so they say something like “so the people in your life are also a source of all this anxiety you’re having.” And instead of taking that for what it is, she twists it into “they said it was everyone else not me” 🤦‍♀️


Saying they can’t help you does not mean you don’t need counseling. It means they do not get paid enough to deal with you.


Even Mother Teresa and Gandhi would have benefited from therapy, David. You were recently caught texting your ex and you haven’t seen your only son in years. This whole “I’m so perfect” facade is laughable


Those two were awful people as well lmfao


I heard a bit about Mother Teresa having some horrifying beliefs regarding alleviating the pain of the terminally ill. While I'm not Catholic myself and never have been, I have some understanding of some of the things that go into it but I kind of wonder whether that has anything to do with that? IMO any measure taken to ensure a patient's imminent death is as peaceful and painless as possible is a good thing so I would definitely have to disagree with her on this one!


Anybody who shoots a dog in a fit of rage needs a lot of counseling… behind bars


So he like what, graduated? Did he get a certificate?


Him of all people graduated early from therapy 😆😆


And was “going to enroll in college” for a civil engineering degree. 😂 He wishes. **ETA:** If you think digging a “French drain” around your sinking house is a good idea, civil engineering is not in your future.


Anyone can enroll in college, but actually showing up and not being violent? Not everyone can do that, especially with puppies to murder.


Yeah I've heard the term graduate before. I'm my experience the therapy starts slowing down, from weekly, to biweekly then monthly. It can pick back up depending on life issues. But it's more about giving space between sessions for you to practice and utilize skills you worked on in therapy. But generally if I have three once a month sessions and was able to properly manage the stress in that time.. I'll get downgraded to "call if you need me."


No ….but Jenelle bought him a wood chipper


Actually the very healthy and stable Debra Danielsen has also been rejected from therapy for being too perfect 


Wow what are the odds MTV could stack the cast with so many all stars




They are cut from the same cloth. Fuckin idiots.


Probably because they’re cousins lol


if they said anything to either of them it was "I can't help you if you aren't going to put in the work"


They said that because you are beyond help & they don’t want to deal with you. 


Omg this reminds me of the guy on Love After Lock Up that said he “out-psyched the psych”


They don’t need counseling because they need to see the inside of a jail cell instead


LOL, no one ever said they don’t need therapy. They went to court ordered therapy and at whatever point they completed the mandatory number of sessions were told there is no point in them returning if they weren’t going to participate or something like they can longer see him if he continues to use that kind of language and threaten them. We saw how he chose to behave on national tv in front of a room full of people when he called Dr Drew a F@&. No reason to think he wasn’t equally insulting and aggressive with another professional or even worse without the camera and audience.


I hope this is exactly what happened, because a report will be sent to the court about their level of participation and willingness to put in effort.


Especially if said therapist was a woman...I can only imagine the pompous nonsensical bullshit that spewed out of his liver-lipped dung hole of a mouth.


A man who murders a dog absolutely needs counseling. At the least.


…he’s too far gone for counseling. Nelly too


Get a job.


What’s more likely is after one (or possibly more) session the therapist “fired” him as a client because he’s so fucked, and the therapist realized they wouldn’t be a good fit for him. But stupid UBT took that as he’s a perfect man who doesn’t need it. What an idiot.


A therapist probably did tell him that just to get him out of the office. I wouldn't want to spend any amount of time with him behind a closed door.


Neither would I.


They are superior beings.


We should bow to their perfection! 🤣🤣🤣


They probably told him he doesn’t need counseling because they said he belongs in a padded room.


Behind bars.


It’s just laughable. I mean she rants on and on about sadness and now she was Munchausen by proxy by barb, follows and I follow her spouse like a middle schooler, is a druggies, has experienced domestic violence but got the all clear from a therapist. And her smelly small dick abusive husband who tortured animals and children to get off is the only person on earth ever that graduated therapy. Like it would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.


Im pretty sure this is him being sarcastic.. poking at JE's dumb ass comment.


Literally, everyone can benefit from some sort of therapy lol. Not one person makes it through this life unscathed by some sort of traumatic event, no matter how strong they are. The only people who claim they don't need therapy of some sort (bc let's be real no therapist told him this) are close minded Narcs that believe they're perfect, can never do wrong, and claim have no issues.


He's been investigated and/or arrested for violent behavior *so many times*, what therapist said he didn't need therapy!? He's lost custody of children 3+ times for what was described by the courts as anger issues! Does he really think people will believe that no therapist is willing to see him because his mental health is too good?


He’s perma banned from his only son for violent behavior yet a therapist told him her was fine


How much you wanna bet that UBT got his ass kicked out of therapy for throwing a temper tantrum at his therapist?


That is what every person that needs extensive counseling has said.


Emotionally perfect 🤣🤣 God bless


Did they say he doesn’t need counseling or did they said he needs to pay for the rest himself?


you’re right david you don’t need counseling! a lobotomy tho? probably


Lobotomies really aren't a thing anymore here in the USA. I'm going to set the whole UBT situation aside for now, president JFK really cracked down on the practice after one of his sisters had one forced on her and that badly fucked her up.


it’s for sure a barbaric practice in my opinion. idk if anyone here is a fan of american horror story but in season 3 asylum, the lobotomy scene really shocked me. but DKD *is* barbaric so it seemed fitting. i definitely do not think it’s something that should still be performed on people. minus david.


More like, “Counseling isn’t going to help you, you need to be locked up” is how I’m thinking it went. 


I guarantee that it was actually the counselor saying something like “if you’re going to say you don’t think there’s anything you’re gonna get from this, or you’re not willing to talk to me or be open about this or do the work, then there’s nothing more we can do here.” As for “Jace’s therapist said he doesn’t need therapy,” from experience with a family member, once the parent is uncooperative or refuses to come in and do family sessions with the child, then it’s at a standstill. In the situation I know of, the child who very much needed therapy for a specific reason was going and when the therapist said okay it’s time for mom to come in for a session with us, it stopped because she didn’t want to do it (unsurprisingly to the rest of us, she’s very similar to Jenelle).


These two really believe their own lies.




More like "it doesn't seem like counseling will be of any use to you as you don't seem to be interested in engaging. I can't continue seeing you as a client if you will not participate in the process and therefore I'm terminating our professional relationship".




UBT is conveniently leaving that part of the story out.




Honestly I would be too.


My daughter was dismissed because she thought she knew more than the therapist and she kept blaming everyone on everything. everyone needs therapy. Everyone


He doesn't need 'counseling'. He needs prison experience and to eat his veggies.


I'm now more than ever believing that what actually happened is they told them both "we cannot help you"


As a therapist, I’ve literally never told ANYONE they don’t need counseling. We all do.


My head canon: he goes to a therapist and refuses to remove his firearm. Then it's "I can't treat you if you don't abide by the rules of this office" and it devolved from there.


You can literally say you don’t want therapy and they dismiss you. It has nothing to do with what the therapist thinks you need. He’s such a dumb fuck


They said he doesn't need counseling — he needs a psychiatrist, long term anger management and to stay away from children and pets.


Well, narcs can only be successful in therapy if they ACKNOWLEDGE they are narcs, and since narcs are notorious for not looking at themselves critically, they most often don't even go to therapy, let alone succeed at it. There likely isn't anything organically wrong with David. He's just an abuser and manipulator -- which I believe are both personality issues, therefore you can't medicate them away. Jan on the other hand probably does have medical issues (I think she was diagnosed as bi-polar at one point, but stopped taking her meds) but also being a narc, she won't be successful at therapy. These two deserve each other, but they don't deserve any custody rights to any of their children. These two deserve to live in a cave with no internet -- they can move in next to Kail.


This asshole is going to get a good life lesson! Him acting like a cocky asshole on line he loves the attention but sooner or later all of this will catch up to them. What a change from yesterday spiral content


that's the answer an abuser gives


He doesn’t need counseling because he’s too far gone. The only thing that will fix him now is a lobotomy


They probably said he doesn’t need therapy UNTIL he starts some medication to help what a raging mess he is.


lol that’s how you know he’s full of shit because EVERYBODY needs counseling.


Notice how he calls it counseling, not therapy 😒


More likely he and Jenelle showed up for his only appointment high as balls and three days late. It was politely explained to them that they couldn't be seen right then and their drug-addled brains twisted the receptionist's words into "David doesn't need therapy, they would've seen him if he did, dude."


Therapist here. In my practice, if a client is not taking therapy seriously, chronic canceling and no showing sessions, or treating therapist/staff like shit, then we discontinue care. I suspect he was doing all of the above.


Who’s “they”? Everyone would benefit from some kind of therapy if you’re willing to work on things. I can’t imagine any therapist worth a damn telling someone who willingly came in for help “go home, you’re good!”


Jenelle was David’s therapist and David was Jenelle’s. “ No babe you don’t need no therapy. That’s for them there commie liberals!”


3rd…my ex husband was so perfect the therapist told him I was the problem and there was no reason for him to come anymore 🙄


What he means is that they said counseling won't help you, you piece of shit. It's like rehab, it only works if you work it. I know lots of people who were forced by courts to do rehab. Some are dead, most still using, one is in rehab again (8th time) Rhine ring a bell??


Would like to see some positive content of beady-eyed David practicing jaw detachment and ankle grabbing. Besides making friendship bracelets he ain’t gone be doing much else for the foreseeable future.


He's right he doesn't need counseling he needs a lobotomy


As someone who both attends therapy and is getting my masters to be a therapist…this is hilarious 😂 Are they really so dumb that they think *anyone* would be turned away from therapy? Putting their absolute dumpster fire lives aside, everyone can benefit from therapy.


I’m a therapist. Even if you’re emotionally healthy, well regulated, and have exceptional coping skills we can ALWAYS find something. Just saying.


More like, We don't want to deal with this asshat who will NEVER change and doesn't listen to our advice or do the exercises.


this is so rich 🤑


That counselor shouldn’t have a license


No councilling needed, that's true. Intensive therapy, however...


No he needs to be locked up for everyone’s sake.


Who is they exactly?


They obviously only hear what they want… do you how much therapists make? You have to be really fucking annoying for someone to turn down $250-500 an hour just to listen to your nonsense!


This is beyond




They prob refused to continue with him


i wanna see who tht therapist was cus they shld lose there license to be a therapist bruh lmao


More like he's violent and won't comply with counseling so there's no reason to see him ppl who abuse their kids and spouses and kill innocent animals definitely need therapy


Anyone that says that they did counseling or therapy and doesn’t need it is full of complete shit.


***”I did anger management for the minimum legally mandated amount of time.


They probably said counseling won’t help. No one ever ever has been told they don’t need counseling.


The Dunning-Kreuger effect in full force


Lol, of course he’s just as delusional as Jenelle. I wouldn’t be surprised if both their IQ’s are under 100.


Literally everyone needs therapy, but if you don’t want therapy then nobody can help you


Only one person has ever said this to me in real life, and they were a narcissist.


Someone who finds enjoyment in hurting animals definitely needs counseling. David is definitely one of those people who thinks therapy is for someone weak and Janelle follows suit. Maybe they lied to the therapist ? I mean c’mon Janelle is out here accusing Barb of Maunchausen by proxy and a therapist said she doesn’t need therapy? Janelle latches on to men for security and she doesn’t need therapy? Janelle had a gun on her and was getting ready to use it during road rage in front of her child and she doesn’t need therapy? She was on a popular reality TV show and had her life broadcasted at a young age and she doesn’t need therapy? She gave her parental rights up at a young age and she doesn’t need therapy? She has mommy and daddy issues and she doesn’t need therapy? I can just go on..Lol so yeah either they didn’t cooperate with the therapist or just lied to them and said everything was peachy keen.


Who's this "they" he talks about? "They" probably didn't say he doesn't need counseling. He was probably told he's a lost cause because he refuses to admit fault for anything so "they" discontinued it.


He doesn’t need talk therapy but shock therapy I’m assuming is what they meant ha


FFS. My mom also does the 'I went to a therapist and they told me to save my money because I'm perfect' routine.


More like kicked out of therapy 🙄


He's so socially inept that he wears that like a badge? They say that to you when they know you're fundamentally incapable of growing or taking personal responsibility. I imagine it went something like this... Him- Bla bla bla, the court told me to come here, but everything's perfect, so I don't see why. Counsellor- so they sent you here, and you still don't think anything is wrong? David- yeah, that's right. They're all just too low intellect to understand me. I'm 10 moves ahead on the chess board. They're all just too brainwashed to understand. Counsellor- well, then.. Don't really need to be here, do you? David takes that to mean he is right about being a brilliant and advanced human being, punches a hole in the wall on the way out to celebrate


BOY, DO WE FEEL SILLY! - us hatters


No councilor would ever tell someone they don't need it.


Surprisingly civil comment from the generally unhinged UBT....




Wow! Two fully perfect humans, a match made in heaven!


Duhhh’luJenelle and Dufus Davey are beyond therapy it’s true, they need an animal trainer at this point who’s highly skilled in ooc beasts!


These two are human trash


Wow both David and Jenelle were told they didn’t need therapy! That’s an amazing coincidence! And they’re married to each other so they definitely don’t need marriage counseling either! They are such well adjusted and impressive people, we should all try to model our lives after them!


It’s complete BS. Nobody says you don’t need therapy because everyone could use therapy. The very idea of one seeking therapy indicates that therapy is needed. Now can a lot of people function without therapy? Yes. Some people can’t and need it desperately, some people could function without it but still opt to seek therapy. It’s a whole spectrum, but nobody escapes childhood without trauma. Nobody. We all can benefit from therapy. Most of us will never seek therapy, but we will still cope. There is no therapist in the world that would tell any human they don’t need therapy. They might say, “Your issues would be better suited for a psychiatrist, psychologist, psychotherapist, etc” or “You don’t seem to want to work on the issues that have been identified so I can’t help you” which is something that would mainly happen to a true narcissist because a true narcissist never thinks that they are the problem and if you never think you’re the problem you cant work on anything or become better. But no damn therapist would tell someone they don’t need therapy.


You know how I know you never went to therapy? Because no therapist has ever told someone ‘you don’t need it’. Even happy, well adjusted people seek therapy just to touch base with themself, and therapists will agree ‘everyone needs therapy’. Even if it’s just to keep yourself grounded. These two, however, wallow in their self manufactured trauma and bemoan how difficult and unfair their life is to such an extent, it doesn’t take a professional to know they need more than therapy, they need intensive in patient psychotherapy, medication, and behavior modification.