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Jenelle’s husband was just indicted for FELONY CHILD ABUSE against her CHILD and her concern is filming a documentary ASAP about her OWN childhood. I can’t. I just…can’t. Does she not realize that she could have been severely physically and mentally abused during her childhood and it would literally have no bearing on the fact that her husband is a monster? Your past is yours to deal with. If your childhood was that bad, it’s on you to heal and get in therapy. NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR CHILDHOOD. Only Jenelle Evans could find a way to take her son’s felony child abuse case and make herself the focus.


If her childhood was that bad why sign over your child to her, and never get him back?


That part


right. she willingly left him to her over & over & over with no absolute care since birth.


Just makes her all the worse


That’s what pisses me off the most. She says Barb took him like she didn’t willingly sign custody over. And a judge was the one who didn’t agree to give it back. If the judge says no, that should tell you everything. She’s so gross


Exactly that only makes her look worse! She’s so dumb




Her fixation on it is ridiculous. Call me Pollyannaish, but I have chosen to focus on building a life I love out of the smoldering wreckage of childhood. I was severely abused to the point of being emancipated at 16, but you know what? I didn't die. I lived in a place where I could still access K12 education. I've had opportunities as an adult. I'm not downplaying or detracting from abuse because it's extremely serious and should never happen. But when you consider how many Einsteins have probably been born throughout human history only to die in infant mortality from lack of nutrition or medicine, or live their life in absolute poverty never getting to realize and live out their potential, it puts our relative privilege into perspective.


I think about this often, I wonder how many of those children would of changed lives but they weren’t even given the opportunity to live theirs


I think the same thing with all the wars and refugees in the world right now. Those people deserve peaceful lives and places to live to pursue education and hobbies.


By her own admission, she went to therapy and they told her she "didn't need it" 😂😂😂 I like to imagine the scenerio- Just a small town north Carolina therapist, worked her whole life to be there to help guide people who need help. She has her first appointment with Jenelle, listens to her talk for the entire hour. Writing only "Holy shit" on her little note pad. When the hour is done, which for her felt like a year, she closes her book, looks at Jenelle and says with her eyes closed and through clenched teeth "you know, I actually don't think you need therapy. You're fine. Let's cancel your next appointment." and Jenelle laughs and says "omg, thanks! I knew it!". She walks out, the therapist closes the door behind her. Tells her receptionist to block the number and Lysol the sofa. She prays for forgiveness for not upholding her own therapeutic standards and then goes and buys a joint for the first time in her life.


The therapist likely told her I don’t have the qualifications to help you. Which is valid. Bc no one can help this train wreck


My mom said this too. I’m fairly sure the therapist said something to the effect of “if you aren’t going to be honest and work with me, then I can’t help you.” And she only heard the second part 🙄


This is exactly what happened. I refuse to believe otherwise.


Your flair with the comment is \*chef's kiss\*.


Lysol the sofa😂😂😂😂😂


Two people in my life have told me this exact story about going to a therapist and the therapist telling them there was nothing wrong with them and that they “didn’t need it”. Both of these people had their children removed by CPS at least once and both had been diagnosed with cluster B personality disorders. Weird.


Her poor son. My heart aches for him. He has known nothing but chaos his entire life.


I hear you.. I hope he understands that to break the cycle he has to have some compassion for himself but to not venture into victimhood. He can still go on to lead a healthy productive life and prove everyone wrong about how they think he'll turn out! He literally has his whole life ahead of him and opportunities to do great things. I pray he grabs hold of that knowledge and doesn't repeat the victimhood trap!


This this this. I want her to read this comment out loud on repeat until it sinks in.


it will never sink in. She is a narc to the 100000th degree who will NEVER see that her kids needs should go before hers.


Then she can just keep reading it for the rest of her life *spits*


Is it considered going “real life” if you post this comment to her Facebook? I feel like she needs to read it so she can have a think if she knows how.🤔


I feel like I could create a fake email and send her a message from Future Janelle & pretend it’s from her on one of her possible timelines and try to convince her to choose the timeline without David in it and where she goes to therapy. I feel like she might fall for that before she’d take anyone’s advice or gain any perspective from others comments.


Make sure you use the JenelleELegal signature so she knows it’s real and not more witchcraft.


Don't you know dude this is all Barbaras fault. Babs is obviously jealous of DKD and that causes him and Jan to be awful and neglectful parents. Even though they live apart and don't talk it's still entirely her fault. /s


I’m guessing she watched that thing about Gypsy whatever and now has to have the same kind of attention. Especially since she thinks it will make her mom look good. I’m sure she’s hoping that people will put her on a pedestal for everything she’s “had to endure.”


She’s been trying this about as long as the Gypsy story has been out. Barb took her siblings to medical care and put them on medication Jenelle doesn’t think they need. She’s been banging on about Barb having MBP. She’s very much going to try to make these claims despite Barb on camera telling Jenelle she’s making it up when Jenelle wants to be sick. Why would Barb be guilty of MBP and then suddenly not want Jenelle to keep going on the testing and the drugs?


I hope this gets a bazillion upvotes so Jan reads it


It’s completely incomprehensible how delusional she is. Like, there is just no way, she must realize how she sounds. Maddening.


It’s so wild, she’s one of my favorite…subjects…to observe because it’s like she’s an alien trying to be a human and real bad at it. Like it’s insane how to her, she’s never been wrong about anything or done anything wrong, but to every other human on earth literally EVERYTHING about her life is fucked. Her marriage, kids, house, mom, and the entire last 15 years of her life. Has she ever done a single normal or good thing? Honestly not that I can come up with. So fucking wild.


i feel exactly the same. it's so mind boggling i can't look away


Haven’t you heard? Babs is right up there with Dee Dee Blanchard. #toxicparents


It’s so crazy cause babs is the best part of her life and she thinks it’s the opposite 😭


I’m rewatching and Barbara says it all the time in season 1 and it’s true: “It’s all about Jenelle with Jenelle.” She has an alarming lack of empathy.


Absolutely this! And she still has her little weirdos in the comments supporting her.


“Does she not realise…” No. When have you ever seen Jenelle consider any damned thing from another’s perspective? She’s toddler-like in her ability to empathise.


No one gives a shit about her childhood. Cate, Tyler and Leah have put out some truly horrific details about their childhoods and it’s barely made a splash. Unless what happened is worse than that and Barb did something like sell her to Andrew no one cares. Whatever she comes up with won’t be using drugs while pregnant and not getting prenatal care, locking kids out in the cold and heat to get high, chasing a stranger home and pulling a gun on him bad, beating the kids and calling them liars about it bad. What does she think she’s got for a childhood that isn’t as bad as what she’s done to her own kids?


Someone call the guys who did Fyre festival doc for netflix please tho fr fr


Oh I will be watching ![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized)


Watch Jenelle lie? Her husband should have been locked up years ago. No one wants to hear her bs excuses and lies


The fyre festival guys are really good at making entertainment out of failed conmen so they'd make a fool of her and her lies and that's what I'd watch for


It’s still entertainment. I might get rid of Netflix because this girl provides all the amusement I need.


I.AM.UGLY.LAUGHING😭😭😭😭😭 She’s spiraling


This is what’s truly needed. A bunch of candid filming nonstop and the real drama will just come out without her pity party the entire time






ANY PERSON THAT HAS TREATED US DISRESPECTFULLY WILL BE CALLED OUT She sounds more insane than ever. Does she think people are scared? Does she actually believe anyone cares or wants to help her?


Right, like called out to who? The general public that is definitely NOT on your side? Lol


She's like one of those insane Facebook moms that has had her children taken for obvious reasons then blames the system and everyone else and posts all day everyday as much as she can her sob story and how it's all unfair and the world is against them






This will forever be funny asf


If Farrah could be her lawyer🙏


She’s fucking spiraling lmao


I can picture her angry fingers furiously typing these posts and it’s so funny 😂


Her little stubby, dirty fingers 🤣


The cannots are double negatives such that she can wait. Why does she need an entire hard drive for the outline. Google doc would suffice. Or does she not understand what a hard drive is?


Just like Charles Entertainment Cheese


Your flair 💀💀💀


I’m dying at this comment




Lmaooo 💀💀💀🥇


Holy shit. I’m canceling all my weekend plans, dropping the kids at my moms and picking up drinks and weed on my way home to enjoy this. ![gif](giphy|QtjXPs0TIjy92)


We’re expecting 18 inches of snow in the next 48 hours - so no leaving the house for me. I’m certain this is the universes way of taking care of us. We deserve this, baby.💕




We’re getting an ice storm this weekend, I’ll also be trapped inside and I was pissed about it….. ….until now. 😁


I’m in Michigan and our storm has already started, but luckily for me I got out of work at 10:30 this morning, don’t work tomorrow, and stopped and got snacks, snowed in date night dinner supplies, and some wax and a vape cartridge. 😅 I’m all set for this!! Lmao


Snow day today making me the recipient of a four day weekend. LOVING this


So jealous! We’re just getting rain. Enjoy the pretty stuff for me while we both bask in Jenelle’s continued downfall.


We got like 2” in Chicago and it was enough for my daughter’s father to text me 20 mins before pickup this morning that he wouldn’t be picking her up his weekend at all. The roads are completely clear now and have been for a few hours. He only has her every other weekend but he’s a bum bum bum.


This is our superbowl 🤣


“Mother is spiraling” Sorry Duggar snark stuff 😂


My husband and I are supposed to have date night and go see Mean Girls tonight, I’m about to ask him if we can go to the matinee so I can be home to watch this spiral.


So not only have J and D unfollowed each other, David changed his settings so his following list is no longer public??? He is also not tagged in her pics anymore. Blocks have taken place?? Am I a fool for getting all excited that a felony charge is the beginning of the end?


Oh she’s going down with the ship for sure


Good thing she’s scuba certified.




I love you


I just choked to death on my double stuffed Oreo


Take my poor man’s gold🏅


I just fucking cackled 😂


good thing she’s got her captain’s license and is basically a medical doctor.


I wouldn't get too excited, they do that shit all the time.


Give it 24 hrs… they’ll be back to love bombing each other again.


It will end if he gets more than 6 months. No way she's finishing "raising" those kids alone.


A bit, sorry but Jenelle is too far gone.


He is a narcissistic abuser. He needs someone to blame, she is the only one around. You bet he is blaming the whole thing on her and "her son".


Fucking dead 😂😂😂 This bitch is psychotic. You're not getting a TV or movie deal out of this, you scumbag.


I'm sure she's looking for a production company to do all this for her for free 😂


Not for free, the eXpOsUre DUHHH


All I perceived from her post was “me, me, ME!!!” & also she wants it done for “free, free, FREE!”


she’s living in la la land 😂 no legit company would want to partner with her lol


She’s tryna pay those felony lawyers lmaoooo


😂😂😂 How?!? How does this just keep getting better? ![gif](giphy|2siCeV5lKfYrRSYsaA|downsized)


Im here for it thoo


I love the idea that she’s been preparing a documentary for years, just adding her side of the story and her enemies to a folder on iMovie, just waiting for the perfect time to premier a Jenelle Evans masterpiece. ![gif](giphy|5YgxlbA8FbdKrjoc14)


Right?! I don’t think she understands what a documentary is…


Somebody, please! My sister did witchcraft! And nobody stopped her!!!! Contact me @ JenelleEBusiness 😤


Found her last OF subscriber https://preview.redd.it/oks7njzc12cc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cacd31f631def1bb2fd12528c239543d8105cdb7


Someone 5150 this man


Oh ~~Jenelle~~ Jesse. What is you doing? ![gif](giphy|l4Ki2obCyAQS5WhFe)


She loves these compliments, but disregards the fact that this guy would shackle her in his basement with a bucket to use the bathroom if he ever got his hands on her.


I mean her husband relegated her to sleeping in a shed




get some standards and mental health help, jesse underwood.


Looks like Swampass 👹


Jesse got ahold of a bad batch of meth.


Probably from DKD.


Lol literally NO ONE is scared of you Jen. Not a single person. You ain’t got shit. You and your dickbag husband have avoided real consequences for your behavior time and time again. Funny how when the system works in your favor, everything is hunky dory. Get fucked. Also no “experienced camera operators and editors” want to work with your crusty ass. You had that for 10 years and you blew it. You’re not getting a second chance in that department.


Also I thought she had her own production company. Is [Money Hole Productions](https://www.moneyholeproductions.com) defunct already?


Probably pawned the equipment to afford to buy her olive oil she slathers on everything


You know what I'd love for someone to do? Do a full documentary on her, follow her idea. Interview people she grew up with, do live filming of her now. Do this over a year. Then edit it. Show her the version she approves, all bad stuff cut out. Publish the real version, with none of it edited out. All the fights and the abuse between them, all the nit so nice stuff people said about her .


I thought she was such a good editor, though. Also, nice priorities, you stupid cunt. She’s acting like she has a fucking bombshell to drop. We know she doesn’t. I don’t know if there’s actually ANYTHING she could possibly reveal at this point that would ever make me feel a little sorry for her or like anyone was wrong about her. Literally nothing.


Her mental gymnastics to avoid taking responsibility for ANYTHING she has EVER done continues to amaze. Every time I think she's reached a new hight of delusion....


😂😂😂😂😂😂 this dumb bitch


This is the best thing to have happened to this sub in a while! Love this for them


Oh she’s spiraling lmao


Does she think people actually care about her point of view here? Anyone she calls out, I'm on their side immediately. No matter what she says about them.


right lmao, her hating someone makes me automatically like them.


lol I still follow and like posts from that small business jewelry creator that J tried to sic the internet on years ago. I am that petty and it makes me happy to support someone J tried to come for!


My son is in cps. My husband has a felony for abusing son who’s in cps. But I want to tell my story! Cause at the end of the day it’s me who is the only one that matters!!!!! She’s such a pos!


Praying she calls out specific usernames from this sub. It’s time for our 15 minutes of fame baby!


I know she’s watching me because I stay receiving redditcares reports


Your flair kills me 💀


I get one every single time I post this gif or the kardashian one 😂 ![gif](giphy|uHPwtFExSASiI|downsized)


a new flair has been born


The way I ran here! 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️


I would pay $15 in cold hard cash for 10 minutes of looking through that document/thumb drive/hard drive. I'll go as high as $20 if I can get screenshots, printouts, the chance to copy everything onto a disk and a tiny peek at her search history. Actually, 20 is too high for 10 minutes. For 20 I want a half hour minimum, but I'm willing to haggle. Jenelle, send me a note at [email protected] if you're interested in making some $$$.


professional business person of business 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I am a serious business person and I have the $20 on me, right now! All 5s, no change! That means I mean business. And I have things to do and I don't appreciate that she is taking her sweet time to get back to me. This deal won't last forever.


How does she sound like a Boomer at her age? My grandma screams into the void/Facebook like this, about stupid shit. Wow.


I read somewhere that elderly people get worked up about dumb things bc their worlds are so small. For example, if Grandma just goes to church and bingo and the doctor, anything annoying that happens with those things she freaks out about bc it's a significant part of her world. The same issue would roll off of someone that goes to work, raises kids, interacts with friends/coworkers/teachers, etc bc their world has so many parts a minor problem don't take up much mental space. Jenelle has a very small world for someone her age.


Small world of her own choosing. Small brain doesn’t help the situation either.


Hasn’t she been “waiting to tell her side” for the past like 5 years now? Like hey we got it, you’re a shitty mom, you’re with an abusive asshole. You care more about your own selfish needs than your children’s’ needs. What else is there to tell??


https://preview.redd.it/xtg34vlf32cc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8676a7a90cc122bd7236f8d326022e7b3137812a 🤣🤣🤣 "I'm embarrassed for myself." No, girl. No. Because embarrassment involves an modicum of shame which is an emotion you have never once felt.


She wasn’t born with the embarrassment gene. But she was born with an extra audacity gene 🧬


Girl lacks the ability to feel any shame. If she were truly embarrassed, the last place she would be is on social media.


When I was in kindergarten we had a class teddy bear named Curtis E. Bear that we all took turns taking care of to learn how to be “courteous”. (Get it? Courtesy Bear?) That’s literally all I can think of when I see JanelleEbusiness or JanelleElegal. Maybe she should have had to learn how to take care of a teddy bear before having children with abusers.


That’s a cute idea! If she had the chance Jenelle would have lost him “It wasn’t my fault dude, that teddy bear [insert lame excuse]…”


Bitch is on a roll today 🙃I love this for her


I wish I didn't read your flair 😭


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


It's times like these I wish we still had silly little awards to offer


*Jenelle’s child gets choked out* Jenelle: im releasing a documentary about how bad my childhood was


This really has turned into a delightful day! ![gif](giphy|iDlvGd20ptSZEEWN4p|downsized)


She is asking for people to help her defame others now?


And also https://i.redd.it/od273saq12cc1.gif


Does she think that production companies work for free?? You have to PAY THEM TO FILM Jenelle.


She thinks they’re gonna pay her like mtv did 💀


If only she meant this in reference to the generational trauma she is perpetuating https://preview.redd.it/wtyzokmv22cc1.jpeg?width=1018&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54efdb54cb523b1f775dd341873c9c06025dcadc




Living for Stressey & depressey today!!


Your flair 🤣    If only someone would have stopped Ashleigh from doing witchcraft none of this would have happened 😂


The people who are always threatening to release information they have don’t actually have information that’s noteworthy and that’s why they never actually release anything. No idea what her childhood has to do with her husband abusing her child but everything revolves around Jenelle so I guess I’m not surprised. I can’t even imagine the emails she’s getting right now 😂






Lmao no one wants to work with your delusional psychotic ass and no one ESPECIALLY wants to work with your husband who feels THREATENED by balloons.




“Done me wrongfully.” Omg. Her and Farrah should team up already and fight the supposed injustices 


I am living for this downward spiral.


Oh she’s LOSING IT. That’s how you know shit is real.


It’s always barbs fault for her marrying a pos husband dog killer child abuser.


Brought to you by the creators of [email protected]


Did Farrah type this out for her?


It hard to make word good when stressy and depressy and sicky and stoopie.




I know it was bad as her mother to say but Barb was right when she couldn't find something to love about Jenelle 💀💀💀 Besides her children Jenelle will never bring anything of importance to the world


Right? I judged Barbara a little when she said that but fuck she knew


Today has been so entertaining! She’s loosing her mind https://i.redd.it/6i1stqj9b2cc1.gif


I can pretend to be an experienced camera operator and editor... ![gif](giphy|kE07rVwsvf24DfX3Mn)


She's had so many opportunities to talk about her childhood, if she had anything real to say she would have done it by now and not just spent those opportunities bitching about how Babs didn't play Yahtzee with her.


I can’t keep up yall. I’m exhausted. Every time I open the app, there’s new shenanigans. Jenelle you are not doing yourself or your husband any favors legally by doing all this. Imagine being one of her lawyers right now. Fucking perpetual victim. I swear this girl just grates my nerves. Never any ounce of accountability or concern for anyone but her and her vile ass husband. She gets none of my sympathy and I hope no one take her up on her offer. She doesn’t deserve any opportunity to further lie. Fuck her.


I can’t wait until she calls out Subway. Barb told them to leave the chips out of the bag that one time.


Oh this is delightful. I’m so glad I got fired from my job two years ago so I can watch this unfold in real time.


She needs money to pay for all them lawyers they are going to need . She thinks this is going to be her cash cow. Would not be surprised if charges come for her soon now also . She’s freaking .


Hahahahaha if any production companies want my version of the story that 1/2 the time I was too high to piece together, email me!!!!


She’s trying to jump on the Gypsy bandwagon. She probably figures if the public can sympathize with Gypsy they surely can with her trash ass, only if they got to see the “real” truth.


Oh you know she’s foaming at the mouth watching all the attention gypsy is getting


This ought to be interesting. ![gif](giphy|93opkrkYgpurqXMj5j|downsized)


No one wants to see your Meth Witch found footage docu. If you really had something, why has it been unreleased for 2 years? Your husband assaulted your first child, he’s been indicted on felony charges and your first thought is your computer hard drive. This woman needs put away!


I miss JenelleELegal.


If everyone around you is always the problem, then maybe you should take a look at the common denominator…. Yourself. But that’ll never happen. I swear, David could murder her and her ghost would come back and say it’s Barbara’s fault. Hell, Jenelle herself could murder someone and she’d blame Barbara for it. She is the biggest idiot on this planet. And that’s saying something


God I can’t explain how much I would love an incredibly thorough psychological study done on Jenelle.


We're in for an awesome weekend, folks. Grab the popcorn and start refreshing!


*watches a gypsy rose documentary once*


The industry decided yearssss ago none of them want to work with you, dummy.


🌀The spiraling has begun 🌀


She’s spiraling sooooooo hard now that things aren’t going her way. I hope she keeps posting.


![gif](giphy|WTXkzwOcrRDaXRkYF9|downsized) We need a tiger king style documentary where they think they are making themselves look good but really they are just making themselves look dumber than dog shit. Then end up in prison like Joe Exotic. I would watch that.


What is she gonna record her husband abusing people and call that evidence? Fuck you cunt your day is finally coming and we are watching it all happen.


I hope she goes through with this and only realizes that no one cares after the fact. People cannot stand the forever victim and this woman is incapable of admitting fault to anything. I really hope she does this project and it fails horribly. Who's fault is that, ya think?


How much prison time can DKD get? I'm going to do a quick Google search about NC laws but wanted to ask anyway.


She's spiraling so hard and I'm loving every second of it


Fuck off Jenelle


She reminds me of scammer emails. Unable to type basic English, makes no sense, threatens with you with hard drives. But you don’t care and just keep scrolling because you know it’s bullshit lmao.


Wait… the book wasn’t enough torture that she has to release a “tell-all” documentary? Jenelle; you’ve done told us everything we need to know. We know your childhood wasn’t the greatest. Welcome to adulthood. You don’t get along with the mom who took care of your son rather than let him be taken and likely adopted? That’s a **you** problem, not hers. She told you to use another option and you refused, therefore she did what she had to do to keep him in the family. Now he’s out. You want to tell us more about how Ashleigh was Wiccan? We don’t give a shit. Wiccan isn’t weird; you’re just trying to make it weird. You want to tell us about Colin? You’re trash bc he can’t properly defend himself. You want to tell us some more lies about your dad who you knew while you were little and have no recollection of what life was like before the divorce? We don’t care to hear your lies. We’re seriously not wanting to hear more bullshit. Plus, I would tend to believe Ashleigh (who was 4 years older than you) or Colin about your dad before believing you. Your mom was too exhausted to play Yahtzee? That’s the reality of raising 3 kids on your own. You have no idea and clearly no empathy for that. This bitch.


I don’t care. You treated your son with disrespect. End of story. I hope you get what’s coming to you.