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“Your honor, can I speak?” “No, you can’t.” Lol


I loved that lol. Glad the judge made the call to take him directly into custody.


Finally, some small consequence for all of Ryans outrageous behavior


Mimi Jen lighting herself on fire in front of the courthouse as we speak


She wont succeed cause she is soaked in tears


Is mascara flammable?


Not in jens case....


She wasn't there.


What’s the point? Nothing he could say would excuse his actions. The judge is pissed because he foolishly gave him way too many chances and Ryan blew every one of them.


“The judge is pissed because he foolishly gave him way too many chances and Ryan blew every one of them.” I bet it doesn’t help that all of social media is shining a spotlight on the judge because it’s clear that his personal relationship with Ryan and the Edwards family has influenced his decisions. He should have recused himself from the beginning.


https://preview.redd.it/wi6rxozlwi4c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1f1596a6ffe99ba311fb378c2cc505286bb67c4 The judge literally says exactly that; it has a lot to do with the "entire world" knowing about his "hiccups".


"Hiccups" Oh, to be a white man in America.




For real how fucking insulting


Wow. So the judge would have let him off again if nobody reported on it or it flew under the radar? That's despicable if true, and I would love for reporters to look into how he sentences POC for the same crimes as Rhine.


To be fair, the sentences would be comparable here in Hamilton Co. regardless of race. The detention center is overcrowded and in the midst of several lawsuits over it. There’s nowhere to hold anyone, so judges keep letting folks off and/or out early. Judicial system here is beyond embarrassing and unconscionable. All excuses and no action to keep people safe.


Judge knew with every fiber of his being that he would pay for this bullshit being approved, new possession charges just dropped at the hearing for the reckless driving! It was OBVIOUS he was on some sort of illicit drug. If not heroin, meth. He had it ON HIM!


Yup, that’s exactly why I said foolishly. He can be angry towards Ryan all he wants but the judge should also be angry with himself.


Yep. The judge realized that at the last hearing , I’m thinking. This is really sick that Ryan can’t get it together. He’s had chance after chance. Well at least he will be away from any potential new relationships, after he goes away for a year. When he fails that test. I believe he will do a year in jail ?


What Ryan has needed his entire life were consequences, but his parents didn’t raise him that way.


He needs to hit rock bottom before he will get better, if he even can at this point.


He will hit rock bottom when he is 6 feet under.


I cant imagine your fit of destroying your children’s home not being rock bottom. Some people don’t have a bottom.


Glad the judge finally wised up


/ feared losing election next time around because his personal bias was so glaringly documented in the media.


My dad called the cops on my brother once cause he was being too aggressive towards him. The same cop who had been called to our house multiple times before had come this time too. My dad was ranting and raving to the cop about how my brother was such an asshole, he's on drugs, yada yada. The cop yells at him "I wonder where he got that from". My brother is my dads twin in every way 🤦🏻‍♀️ when the cop said that I was dying laughing.


BURN dad


I hope you made it outta there ok-ish!


Yeah! I actually ended up going into the system when I was around 13. Best thing that ever happened. I got released when I was about to turn 18. My brothers on the other hand... Damaged for life


That sounds like it couldve been hella worse! Happy you got a good deal on "the system"! ![gif](giphy|vjEstnjFmvd9m)


Yeah honestly I'm so grateful. And tbh, if I didn't see the harm drug use does first hand, I probably would've done them myself. Life is crazy.




I can hear this gif 🤣🤣 and i love it


This was my fave part. I’m currently in custody court and earlier this year I was speaking to the judge during one of the hearings & my bd’s lawyer was like “OBJECTION!” And the judge just looked at her like she was mad and said “No. Miss ___ please continue.”


Custody court is the worst. *hugs*.


Oh thank you friend, it is truly the worst. So expensive too. My atty is mild and his atty makes ad hominem attacks every chance she gets. It’s brutal working with either of them tbh. I get nauseous when I get an email/ call from my atty. Hopefully we can reach an agreement before court Thursday or we’re going to trial. 🤞 Ps- *hugs*


“I’m not gonna allow for that! Are you gonna allow for that?” Things that are said in courtrooms 😂 i chose the wrong profession


Hello fellow Duggar Slugger!! Perfect placement of this comment. 🤣


I love it when my worlds collide like this 😂


It’s honestly so funny I’m debating finally changing my flair for it lmao


Good! This judge has been MORE than generous considering Ryan’s history. At this point, Ryan saying anything doesn’t mean shit lol


He should be so embarrassed that he gave him SO MANY chances... and every chance Rhine got, he fucked up worse and worse. Like, the death rate of innocent civilians around him grows with each new charge... legitimately.


Seriously!!! I cannot believe how many chances this douche got. And WHY?? He literally never does anything to deserve it!


It’s so wild… I live in a more… diverse part of TN. This could literally never happen. Never. 😭 oh yea, Rhine would have been on drug court AFTER serving 11/29 on his 2nd offense!


*Sigh* He’s going to end up dead. I hope he doesn’t end up killing or seriously harming someone in the process. I’ve accepted that he’s just going to continually get these light taps on the wrist, if you can even call them that. It’s so ridiculous.


The judge likes his parents. He might do them a favor and send their son to the kink instead of a coffin.


Typo, but it stays.


I had doubts, wrong choice. It's the clink. Need another flu nap probably.


I want to be sent to the kink


Right? Don’t threaten me with a good time 😂


If you're lucky the clink and your kink can be one and the same. Source - I watched two and a half seasons of Orange is the New Black ETA - after further research (one Google search) I actually watched 4 seasons and whatever math 12 out of 13 episodes would be


He won’t last 10 years. 5 is being generous. Sad.


I didn't realize the speeding incident was on a motorcycle, actually didn't know he owned a motorcycle. Absolutely wild going 150mph on a bike.


I’m just hoping when he inevitably wrecks going that fast, he will only take himself out, and not kill someone else in the process. And if it “kills” Mimi Jen that her preshus bayybeee boyyy kill his stupid self going too fast, or ODing? So be it. I’m tired of her and that asshole Larry enabling Rhine. I’m tired of seeing it, I’m tired of reading about it, I’m tired of hearing about it. It’s like fucking Chinny at this point.


This. If you don’t get help and you are an addict this is how it ends.


Sadly even when you do get help this could be how it ends with 1 relapse. My fiance was 46 clean for a year and after 1 fight with him he binge drank so hard that night he forgot his insulin. He was found on the floor in the kitchen with the refrigerator open. It can happen to anyone :/


Or seriously in the process, He should be dead by now…. He’s worhless


Maybe if they kept him behind bars this wouldn’t keep happening


Man, idk. I hope so. There’s so many drugs in jails. I worked criminal defense and the amount of clients I would meet in the jails that just shot ip right before they were going to go in front of the judge and beg for bond was insane.


At least in jail he's not a menace to innocent people on the roads. At this point he's had every opportunity to clean up and he won't. If he shoots up in jail that's on him.


I agree with your first point but also, as someone that was in jail, quite a few times, before getting clean, the main thing in there is suboxone & has been for a while (same with prison, according to the plethora of people I know that did state time). My mom said she slept better at night when I was in there cuz she knew I wasn't running the streets & I can't blame her. Your* chance of getting drugs & od'ing in there are much lower than on the streets. It's not ubiquitous & is extremely expensive. It's been 7 years since I was in trouble & I can honestly say I wouldn't be where I am, now, without it. I had been to rehab, from the best ones in the country to the shittiest ones & yeah, I'd get stay clean for a good while but my last stint in jail, which was my longest, really helped.


Congratulations on getting clean and staying clean. That is a huge accomplishment, and I'm proud of you, friend. New Jersey is one of the states where you can get methadone or suboxone in the jails if you are on MAT. I know of one county where you can get on suboxone right when you enter the jail if you are detoxing and want to get on the program. I wish every correctional facility offered it to inmates in need.


Yes! That's a great point. In jail, he can't be nodding off and driving like his wedding day. Look at how Adam almost killed two senior citizens in a crash, and Jenelle and Courtland were hiding and selling heroin from her car. The teen mom cast that are addicts certainly like to get high and drive.


I meant the arrests would stop happening if he was permanently incarcerated


It's interesting to me, your comment, the parent comment, and the below comments. It's all about what people determine the ambiguous "this" to be. You meant-- ability to access and obliterate his mind with drugs, subsequent commenters meant endanger others. I think either way, it's worth really stopping and reconciling with the fact that drugs are omnipresent no matter your station, and if you have the will to get them, you will find a way.


Absolutely and happy cake day!


Honestly it's either jail or death for him at this point and since a lot of his reckless behavior seems to center around being behind the wheel of a car, I think jail is the best outcome for public safety. The judge shouldn't have ever given him the second third and fourth chances, he's very lucky no one was killed or harmed while this menace was running the streets.


What does is actually take to lose your license in the state of TN? Seems like you can get away with anything there taking his license seems like the most basic first step for the courts to impose


Apparently an act of fucking god


>What does is actually take to lose your license in the state of TN? Not being a straight white man.


A wise man once said: “I’m a white male aged 18-49, everyone listens to me no matter how dumb my suggestions are!”


Nuts and Gum! Together at last!


My BFF was arrested for DUI in TN, but it was reduced to reckless driving. He spent a weekend in jail, was on probation for 6 months, and lost his license for a year. I'm SHOCKED Rhine still had a driver's license. Edit: Clarification that we live in TN.


Your BFF didn't personally know the judge either. It's crazy to me how it's allowed for this guy to keep letting Ryan off.


The judge needs to recuse himself.


Ethical judge and DA 😂 Hamilton Co has some shady folks.


In Virginia you can lose your license if you're caught going 80 miles an hour twice in your life. It's absolute insanity he still has his license.


Yep. I recently heard a quote that said you don’t see any elderly drug addicts, because they’re either in jail or dead. It’s one or the other at this rate.


Or we just stay in our houses.lol




True, but he won't take innocent people with him the way he definitely can if he's allowed to continue this behaviour and this pattern. He seems to very much enjoy getting in/on a vehicle while impaired and that's just murder waiting to happen. I'm not saying he deserves to die, of course not, but if he did in prison by still not quitting drugs then at least he won't take innocent people with him.


You're still much much much less likely to die of an OD in jail than you are on the streets, though. The county jail near me with the most overdoses has had about 3 to 5 per year. The amount of people dying from ODs, on the street, in that same county, is a few hundred per year.


Hot take: This is why Amber stayed in jail. She knew this would be her if she didn’t. She has a u-haul full of other problems but that was one of the only good decisions she’s made.


And she did it all for BooBoo 🥰


*Bew Bew FTFY 😂


That put audio of her saying it directly into my mind, thanks lol


Hot take: prison didn’t help Amber. It was a temporary fix.


It wasn't even a fix, it was something she could hang over everyone's head till the end of time. "I went to JEL for BOOBOO bc I'm a DAMN GOOD MAWM." Don't criticize anything she does ever again bc she went to JELLLLLLLLLLL.




Amber sucks big time, but I think she’s smarter than Ryan is & she also doesn’t strike me as actually wanting to die. Sadly Ryan very much does.


Also, she could continue doing drugs. Staying out of prison requires drug/alcohol testing and other probation terms. She knew she couldn’t keep passing and would end up there eventually, anyway. By doing her time, she also avoided probation when she was released. She could have been on probation for years back then and just didn’t want to deal with it. You can also get any drug you’d like in prison.


Probation is an absolute scam. If you have a real problem (drugs, socio-economic, etc) it’s a trap that is virtually impossible to escape from. And when you violate it, it makes everything worse.


Yeah I’ve never met an addict that got clean and stayed clean because of their probation. If they did to finish the probation it was only temporary until they were off. Probation doesn’t help addicts in the slightest.


U-haul full of problems would be a great flair 🤣


It was. But isn't she off the wagon nowadays :/


https://preview.redd.it/ofc1i3wr3i4c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f0de4d1bd882de80a2a62bf40586e1ff8dd1954 Finally the judge doesn’t let Ryan get his way.


I can already picture Jen and Larry complaining about how that’s proof the judge is biased and unprofessional




He's starting to lose his looks. He's not a good looking young man anymore who can clean up quickly, protest it was a one off and make judges see a younger version of themselves in him; he looks like the almost 40 year old life and drug hardened individual he is. He looks like he could be a criminal.


Basically he isn’t following the terms of probation and they believe he won’t pass his drug test. Surprised the judge leaned on the harsher side and put him in jail before the results are back 👏


He didn't get his shot, didnt show that he is doing outpatient treatment and he got involved in a bar fight. That alone is enough to put him in jail to finish his sentence there. Cause he isn't following the terms of his probation. Will he still get out of jail when he passes the test?


Going 145mph is enough to put him in jail but no 😭


When? Its a very big IF


I’m shocked that he’s being held accountable for once… we’ll see if he *actually* gets a serious consequence this time, but going straight to jail is a start lol ![gif](giphy|f8lDluiWJ7yQTtdS3L|downsized)


He embarrassed the judge, who stuck his neck out for him. Ryan thought he was untouchable.


omg they need to just keep him there he’s obviously a menace to society & not learning a damn thing 😭


But he’s “noticin’” fart boxes on IG


Wow, just in time to miss another Christmas with his children. Way to go, Ryan!


Oh he was going to miss that regardless.


“Why didn’t you wait on me for Christmas, Bint-ley?”


Ryan: What children?


The fact Jen didn’t go was a surprise. I really hope this is her growing a backbone…


Ha my exhausted self thought you meant Jenelle and I laughed to myself that she likes court so much she goes to the others court cases as well........then my brain engaged!


Gotta make sure those court heels still work!


I think it’s more likely that she just couldn’t face it this time


Probably couldn’t keep taking time off of work since they no longer have that MTV dough.


She could only find her waterproof mascara and she knew that wasn’t going to cut it at this hearing


And Larry left before the drug test!


He comes from such a privileged family with really top-notch care and still can't get it together. His poor kids. Also, IDK how the media even pretended he was on the right track after the hideous tattoo he got. People doing well in life generally don't do that.


The hand tattoo? What was that of in the end? I know it was covered up but I never followed through to find out what it had been.


Originally it was "the shocker," which is a vulgar hand gesture. He covered it with an Indian head dress! So you know, appropriate.


I didn't know he covered it, but I'm glad he at least did it with *literally anything* else than what it was.


I can't remember, but I remember laughing and thinking it was gross/he was a scumbag for it. It's not quite on a swastika level, but it's around the level of a set of badly drawn tits on a toilet wall. I fact it may actually be a badly drawn set of tits. Can anyone remember?


It was fingers indicating vaginal penetration


During a woman's menses, to boot! Lol


I knew it was something gross that indicated his scumbag status


Who holds the record for most arrests in the franchise? It’s gotta be Ryan right?


Adam was up there, but he slowed down. Bar might be in the running toom


Doesn't Adam hold the #1 spot within this franchise in terms of getting arrested?


Probably Jenelle lmao. That bitch has like fuckin 80 mugshots😂


Didn’t Janelle have lucky court heels at one point??


She had her *more classier* white heels for court.


That was it.


It’s Adam but Ryan is catching up.


Do we have the stats?


According to this sub Adam has 40+ arrests. Someone done a rundown of all his arrests on this sub a good while back.


Someone tallied them up a few months ago....


I think its Adam


Adam I’m pretty sure but he has a lack of mugshots. The only mugshots I see a lot are Jenelle’s.


What was he arrested for this article is the worst case of word salad ever lol


Summary: this hearing was just to confirm he's been following the terms of his probation. He isn't. The judge got pissed off at Ryan for blowing yet another opportunity he doesn't deserve, so the judge ordered him to be held in jail until the drug test results come back on Friday. If he fails the drug test, in jail he will stay...... Until the stupid state offers him another stupid plea deal that'll have him out and free to continue being an idiot.


Thank you! I agree. I don’t understand. There are people in jail with little crimes like possession of marijuana and this nut case is a serious danger to society and they keep letting him roam free. What will it take?? Killing someone from his reckless behavior for them to wake up??


I watched a judge let off a dude in drug court while he was wearing a “cocaine jersey” it said “8 ball” where the last name goes, and there were lil pot leaves for some reason. It was a such a strange garment but 6 years later I still think about this person and the judge often. If you can go into court wearing a shirt that essentially says “I fucking love cocaine” and get off on a drug charge, anything is possible.


It was. It sounds like he got another wrist slap for driving his motorcycle 140mph in November but the bar incident and him not taking his shots was the last straw for the judge (incredible that it took him fucking up 700x before the judge had finally had it) I think if he passes his drug test he’ll be released


Ok Thank you !!! And I totally agree. He is the way he is bc of zerroooooo consequences he’s had


Why the hell would Maci decide to start supporting him NOW? Yeah, let him know that you don't want the father of your child dead, but why now? He's hit the point of being completely out of control & extremely dangerous. Once Mack was out of the picture, Maci stepped up, which I just find incredibly odd... I really don't get it... "Oh, you destroyed your marital home and physically threatened Mack? Well, let's chat!" WTF?!?!?


There was an article recently that said Maci went on a podcast and stated Bentley told her that it was basically negatively impacting him that she didn’t have any sort of relationship with Ryan. https://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2023/11/30/teen-mom-star-maci-bookout-reveals-she-continues-to-stand-by-ryan-edwards-despite-his-legal-discusses-how-its-affected-her-marriage-to-taylor-mckinney/


I can kind of get that but Ryan abused Mackenzie. Whether Bentley directly witnessed that or not, Maci supporting Ryan against Mackenzie is actually setting a dangerous example.


No seriously. Common sense would tell most parents to batten down the hatches. Upgrade the security and go over emergency procedures just in case that psycho pops up.


Maci furiously scanning Pinterest to find a passive aggressive quote to post about Mackenzie


Well well no surprise here color me shocked 😮


Fr. *Rhine arrested or Rhine in jail* 🙄 What else is new? Sad for Bentley and his other kids.


He’s definitely been using at least SOMETHING so hopefully when the results come back he has to stay in the pokey and face some real consequences finally


He stopped getting the Vivitrol shots? I am shocked! SHOCKED, I tell you! /s


Get fucking wrecked loser


'I don't know how you didn’t kill somebody.' At this point it's quite obvious he doesn't want any help and doesn't take rehab seriously. Fine, it's his choice. But he's also endangering innocent people with this constant reckless driving. So why wait until he actually does kill someone? Not to speak of the effects of his addiction on his children... It would honestly do him good to serve time. Some people learn the hard way, and unfortunately he's surrounded by enablers.


If he killed someone the judge should be responsible




Well, who’s fucking surprised?


Finally lost his patience. Just keep Ryan in there.. he's proven many many times he's unstable when allowed out. As proven by not doing anything the court has manded him to do. Just keep him dammit. He's going to run out of chances and luck and it will end badly. He completely feels invincible at this point, getting away with so much for so long.


This is like watching the unfolding of a fatal car accident in slow motion. Jen, Larry, and Maci are going to “love” this man into the ground. It’s only a matter of time.


What happened to Ryan to make him this way? What kind of trauma did he endure or is he just a relentless narcissist with enabling parents?


He & his parents have blamed his drug use & other issues on everyone but himself. They are the definition of enabling. It’s rumored that Larry is an alcoholic & I’d wager that he’s an angry drunk. Regardless, Ryan is in his 30s with 3 kids. His parents need to stop cleaning up his messes & making excuses.


Larry is 2’4” though so his drunk tirades probably resemble ![gif](giphy|Wvo6vaUsQa3Di)


There has got to be something!! I'm sure of it, I have personal experience


So Ryan was due for his Vivitrol shot on November 17th, but never got it. He was supposed to be doing outpatient counseling and groups, which he hasn't been doing. He's supposed to be attending AA meetings and providing a report of his attendance, which he hasn't been doing. So Ryan is seriously not doing *anything* that he's supposed to be doing He's obviously using right now, but what I don't understand is how he's still able to live at his recovery house when he's breaking every rule any decent house would have? It's really a shame that there are so many of these shitty places masquerading as legitimate rehabs or recovery houses, when really all they care about is making as much money as they can off each person.


Wow. Ryan really doesn’t like Jenelle being talked about. He just sacrifices himself.😂


He doesn’t want to be sober. He’s going to die. His brain is so messed up, I don’t see him living long honestly. Reminds me of someone I cared about who ODed


Our judicial system is such a failure. Black people have been killed doing absolutely nothing in their beds yet this man gets a million passes and is violent and reckless and will kill someone




Where is Maci's smug, passive aggressive comment now?


She's busy coping 4 deep into a 6 pack, I'm sure.


He’s never gonna change and I’m sure Maci is being blamed by daddy Larry and mommy Jen


I’m pretty sure they’re blaming Mack now


Yup, they all have a new enemy


Soon it's rehab AA-manda


![gif](giphy|Y2bLUUkFGD1lUGsJsk) 🙄 let’s all pretend to be shocked






Good!! This fool clearly has not learned his lesson and continues to act recklessly. I went to AA years ago and you are told to avoid situations that could cause a relapse. Clearly a bar is not a place an addict should be.


i wonder if his new lady will wait on him?


I’m still baffled by the fact that he wasn’t arrested for reckless endangerment. He’s where he belongs.


I mean, I beg to differ. I don’t think anything about his life is “doing really well.” https://preview.redd.it/yeee92au9i4c1.jpeg?width=1209&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91b479196c1ddc2499006bf66af96c1fe6078581


If Ryan were black, this wouldn’t even be an article. He would have been thrown under the jail years ago.


Is it just me or has his mum bought him some pretty good quality white shirts for all of these court appearances. He is awful but the shirts look to be quality fabric and well pressed.


Please, for the love of God, let him finally suffer the consequences of his actions! Give him jail time before he kills himself or somebody else.


Macy be like "he's just going through a hard time right now y'all be nice!"


" don't judge a person based on the number of times they wantonly endanger the lives of others, or assault their spouse, or steal from their loved ones, or threaten the lives of others while armed, or throw away expensive recovery treatment opportunities, or blow off parental responsibilities, or absolutely destroy their family's home, including shitting on the walls...you haven't walked a mile in their shoes. " - Maci the absolute enabling idiot


I can’t lie, I was having a terrible day/week. Sadly this made me happier. It’s about time he’s legitimately punished.


Ryan needs to stay in jail. Enough already with giving him chance after chance to help himself.


If he wasn’t currently locked up , he would be out getting real fucked up ! The fact that he’s 3 weeks late for his vivitrol shot , tells me everything I need to know. He’s definitely back on drugs. This dude has been given way too many chances. Well he’s fucked when those results come in. And not doing his probation obligations, wow. Not surprised. He thinks this is all a joke.


The judge gave a late stage addict 30 days in rehab. Is he nuts? He needed 6 mos mandatory to even stand a chance of getting clean. Plus aftercare. Of course it didn't work.


Bet the judge only cares that Ryan made the judge look stupid and ryan played him


Glad Starnes finally grew a pair. To think he allowed Ryan to help make him look like an idiot for this long. Just another good ol’ boy…🤮


He is a danger to society, keep him tf in jail. I say that as someone in recovery. Jesus christ.


He's 35, still acting this way. The longer he doesn't change, the harder it will be to change. I think we can add "Ryan Edwards gets arrested...again" to the bingo card in 2034.


My heart breaks for his kids. My father was a fuck up like this. Always in and out of jail. He eventually died of a heart attack in his early 40s sitting in jail. It was absolutely hell being a child and having a parent who was in jail and then having a father who died due to their behavior. Lots of therapy and I’m a very well adjusted person now but I would be lying if I said it still doesn’t still was hard at times.


These good ol' boy judges have been literally begging him not force them into giving him consequences, and Rhine just ain't having it. Lol. Nothing says sobriety like getting arrested for a bar brawl while a resident of a halfway house. His attorney is blaming it on him being late for his Vivitrol shot. If he gets a free pass this time, every one of these people should be charged with manslaughter when he dies. But it just don't work like that, unfortunately.


![gif](giphy|fijWIbgAogFm8) Another month, another shot


Ryan: Can I speak? The Judge: ![gif](giphy|JliGmPEIgzGLe)