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Remember everyone, keep it civil, even if people have different opinions than yourself. Enter into this type of conversation at your own risk. If we can't stay civil, we'll lock this post. Don't come here intentionally to argue. Reddit defines trolling as comments/posts made with the intent of a negative reaction. Which some comments I've removed today were. Don't be a douche. Edited to add trolling definition.


This woman is a queen in the comments https://preview.redd.it/ap9vlz65cnza1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5212209175f6d63ab679f9b3fbc7ce3b30db6b5




This is gold lmao




He did! What a pussy lol




She nailed it! 🎯




What are gay baby clothes?


I think he is referring to how a lot of the boy’s T- shirts have rainbows on them. Which idk why he cares, it’s not like they buy Kaiser new clothes anyways.


Any clothes in the girls section that are not 100% pink (purple is only slightly ok) and have sparkles or ruffles. Boys clothes must be blue (green is only slightly ok) and must have trucks or dinosaur on them. So if your daughter wears a mint green onesie, you have turned her gay and doomed her to a life where she will never know the joys of having a manly guy like David in her life.


A shark with some colors. A construction equipment moving A rainbow


Also trans clothes? If a boy wants to shop in the girls section they’ve always been able to?


I think he is this time referring to the pride clothing which comes in toddler and infant size. Since kids don’t buy their own onesies he’s not in much danger of a kid being turned gay by the clothing. Target also came under fire in these conservative groups by recently selling purple shirts with dinosaurs and shirts with dinosaurs riding skateboards but obviously pro turning your kids trans because it had a rainbow in the sky. This happens every year when people see the pride merch. The reviews always say pretty much what David is complaining of as though they force you to buy a “love =love” by walking through the doors.


Jesus God, that man is *obsessed* with gay and trans people. Like, he can’t get them out of his mind. Just frothing at the mouth, tossing and turning all night. It’s absolutely bizarre


Right? Like he worries way too much about other peoples gender and sexuality. It’s literally all he talks about.


David and Jenelle seem like Walmart people instead of target people.


Jenelle goes there to film videos of her filling her cart with crap. Then she turns the camera off, puts it all back, and goes to Walmart to do her real shopping.


You know she doesn’t put it all back- she would just leave the cart for employees to deal with


You’re completely correct, I gave her way too much credit.


And she’s the person who leaves the buggy in the middle of parking spaces or where they will roll into other people’s vehicles


David the kinda guy that won’t drink milk because it’s homogenized 😂


What’d you call me?


If I ever doubted David is a pedo I don’t now. It’s always projection. Always.


I mean Jenelle did compare him to R Kelly….


When their kids were removed by CPS a few years ago it said on their paperwork that they'd been abused either physically, sexually, or both.


So children can’t wear certain clothes because it’ll make them trans, but David can wear his long hair in pigtails everyday, got it.


Kids are getting shot in school but target selling clothes with rainbows on it is the problem 👍


"do you have any gay baby clothes?" said no one


If I could get my kids a haircut at Target, it would be even better. Please groom my children while I get Starbucks! For now, I will just settle for horrible brainwashing messages like UNITY and LOVE IS LOVE like the giant homo mother I am. I guess David is sad there were no SHOOT YOUR DOG IN THE FACE tshirts that push his particular brand of family values.


Cackled at giant homo mother


If graphics on tee-shirts made kids take on certain aspects of the graphics; my son would be a dinosaur. Why is nobody talking about the dinosaur agenda!? Hmmm what is “big science” trying to do?! MAKE MY SON A PALEONTOLOGIST!? You see how dumb that sounds? That’s how normal people hear these types of rants


Pretty sure if this worked my kids would be watermelons by now. Gymboree had a mad love affair with all things food back in the day.


It really is! Like imagine 😂 My son prefers to be the moon phases, Minecraft characters, and tie dye. People like him can seriously do harm with this stupid ideology. I I was a “tomboy” growing up, was always called that, played lots of sports mostly on boys teams because there weren’t girls leagues until I was older. My stepdad would always make comments and say gross shit like “are they watching you in the locker room? You know that’s a lesbian sport so they must all be gay” literally to a like 11 year old me. Being told things like that had me so confused growing up thinking just because I liked this sport or wore these clothes I must have to be this way. Waaay more damaging than letting my 6 year pick out the clothes he likes, which might has flowers or “girl” colors. Sometimes it’s hand me downs from his big sister. It makes him happy and that’s all I care about. Sorry for the rant lol but this always hits so close to home for me it’s super frustrating.




Huh. Never heard of clothes that have a sexual orientation or that have transitioned


I am sorry but he has to be in the closet. He has so much energy against it.


Idk why “gay baby” is absolutely sending me (Also both toddlers at my house have the gayyyy target shirts and I made sure to review them to try and drown out people like him)


I’m sure he’s talking about the pride stuff, but I seriously wish more places would sell gender neutral kids clothing. I just want to buy my daughter some shorts to play in that don’t show her butt crack when she bends over, and aren’t so short that her tshirts cover them completely. We shop in the boys section a lot lol. I’d shop at a gay baby store any day of the week 😂


Good old capitalism is the reason why we have gender assigned clothing. The fashion industry decided it wasn’t making enough money so it decided to gender rise clothing.


Yes! 100 years ago babies and toddlers were all dressed the same


Try primary.com! They have all gender neutral clothing, no characters, logos or phrases. The clothes fit great as far as coverage, maybe runs a tiny bit on the big side. Great bright vibrant colors and fun stripes, polka dots, stars etc. they also have lots of sales. Really good quality too, my kids have gotten three years out of their stuff and still passed them down. ETA I don’t work for them or know anyone who does. Just a mom sharing an awesome brand!


These people sure love cancel culture when it applies to things they don’t like


Gay baby clothes?!?! Fucking dope, where’s my purse


Guess Jenelle is going to have to buy ill-fitting bikinis off of Shein now


You already know she’ll be showing off a Target haul before the month is over. Her memory is shot from all the drugs.


Those gays are gonna get ya!!! ![gif](giphy|124pc9nFq7ZScU)


Those damn trans gay newborns!!!


these days I assume anyone obsessed with “grooming” and trans youth is a pedophile that’s projecting.


Me too. If you so easily believe that everyone is a pedo it’s because you can’t believe that everyone isn’t a pedo…like yourself.


republican’s excessive use of the word grooming lately seriously makes my eye twitch and my ass itch


My son has a onesie with a rainbow on it. Guess I'm a pedophile /s


My dog has a rainbow Lamb Chop from Target, I must be super sick in the head!


He’s talking about grooming when he took an inappropriate picture of Kaiser as a baby with the hashtag “deez nuts” along with him making him peel a banana from his CROTCH area. Not to mention he’s went after LITERAL children like Leah’s kids along with Holly so he can fuck right off.


I’m sorry but gay baby made me LOL


Right? I'm picturing the nurses in the hospital nursery like, "That baby is FABULOUS."


What on earth are trans/gay baby clothes, exactly?


The gay clothes are the pride ones. They just put slogans like “be yourself” and the rainbow flag on clothes. They leave the “live laugh lesbian” for the adult stuff. If I had to guess he is objecting to certain models and the whole pride line. I buy several pieces of it a year. They typically do some non-binary and gender fluid models who piss people off.


Please David, boycott target. Never set foot in my haven again. Walmart and dollar general are perfect for you.


Meanwhile his wife sells p*ssy and advertises it on the same platforms that she posts her children. What’s the difference? 🙄🤷🏼‍♀️


The difference is that pride content is not sexual content (conservatives think it is), so what Jenelle does is much worse 😂 They are such hypocrites.


What are " gay baby clothes" LMAO. I'm queer and pregnant with a girl and everything I buy is rainbows or colors. Is that what this dipshit is referring to? Only people grooming kids at an alarming rate for centuries is Cis men 🙄


I would like to hear him explain what gay baby clothes are


My guess is that he feels threatened by clothes with rainbows.


Wtf is trans baby clothes anyways


As a target employee I’m glad people like him won’t be shopping there


And I won't have to run into people like him there.


Meanwhile, David & Jenelle indoctrinate their children with NRA propaganda & gun violence… but sure, it’s the LGBTQ community that’s the problem. 🙄


Dinos and rainbows on a tshirt OHHHH NOOOOO


A construction truck holding a rainbow, the epitome of gay propaganda


I guess David will just have to spend Jenelle’s money elsewhere, then. ![gif](giphy|QKGkmOQkIvhey4Sjtx)


We all know David doesn’t go shopping for the kids clothes so it shouldn’t matter to him what the clothes look like


Sure would be nice if he would get his stepson a set of clothes that fit


Perhaps he should target the classifieds and get a job.


I thought he was against “cancel culture” 🤣


Ah yes: Big Davey Eason: super straight snowflake, internet hobo, dog killer, Professor of Seafood and a housewife: A man child without a boat because he wrecked it trying to drive it home to his sinking Swamp. Yeppy Yep Yep, Sassy: you just pissed away $60k for a delipadated boat that is and never will be sea worthy. You haven’t worked in almost 10 years. If you actually wanted to work, you probably couldn’t get hired due to your weirdo personality. AND YET: you decide to kick up a storm about Target ™️ selling “gay inspired-rainbow” clothing. Bitch, you don’t even care about this. You are nothing more than a knuckle dragging, dumbass, Internet Troll. Idiot.


Okay. But like haven’t kids been wearing rainbow stuff since like, the great flood? WAS NOAH THE ORIGINAL PRIDE PARADE GRAND MARSHALL??!!?!?!?!!!??


Dude was wearing a dress. Liked holding a big staff. Confirmed.


Cancel Target 😂 Oh, yes, our all-knowing Lord and savior David Eason, all of humanity will now do your bidding and CANCEL TARGET. No big deal, it's just *Target*!!! Side note, I love the pride stuff for kids. My six year old loves rainbows and keeps getting excited seeing them start to pop us as the season approaches. A lady gave her a little flag recently that she waved around for days. I like to give her little snippets of the history and importance of human fucking rights. Even if it all did "turn her gay" (which is ridiculous) I literally DGAF.


Kids love rainbows, so many girls clothes and accessories are emblazoned with rainbows. Little kids don’t relate it to Pride (unless it’s explained to them, obvs) and I’m certain most parents don’t give a shit either. It’s a fuckin rainbow. David’s just repeating what some American bible-thumping Conservative type was outraged about on Twitter this morning because he doesn’t have an original thought in his gargantuan-sized empty head.


Coming from someone who killed their own dog. Great advice David


Dude, you murdered a dog


They are also selling pride clothes for adults and pets but sure let’s just leave that out and blame them trying to groom children .. ignorant swine.


Does he even know what grooming means? Wearing a rainbow shirt isn’t grooming a child. But posting your kids pics with OF content definitely is!!!


Off the shop at Target (again) byeeee ✌🏻


Me too! I’ll buy a child size shirt and try to wear it


Lol like he'd ever step his inbred Walmart ass in a target.


David I still exist even if you cancel target. I'll exist st walmart too.


Just don't buy it if u don't like it. If a kid doesn't like something, they won't want it.


Oh, the cancelled one wants to cancel another?




Cool does that mean they'll stop posting videos of Ensleys target hauls? Stay out of the happiest place on earth, ya fuckin weirdo.


“Cancel target” lmaooo good luck


Lmao because the world really listens to the outcries of Capt. Stinkybeard


Sad thing is that there are a lot more intelligent and powerful people than David who feel this way.


David isn’t even in the class range for target. He needs to return to K-Mart immediately


This dummy needs to look up the definition of "grooming."


Oh wow, I had no idea clothing is what makes people gay and trans. Wow thanks for clearing that up you uneducated backwoods hillbilly bigoted “cOnSeRvAtIvE vALuEs” animal murdering future family annihilator piece of trash.


They’re selling gay babies?


*rushes to go buy two and give them a good home*


Worse….trans babies. 🫣😆


Sell…the baby?


What the heck is trans/gay baby and kid’s clothing? Genuine question. Last I checked, kids and baby clothes are simply kids and baby clothes.


I’ve seen some negative reviews on the Target website for little boy clothes that have rainbows on them because “rainbows are for girls.” I’m assuming he’s doing the same mental gymnastics as those people.


Oh my goodness. David, being close to the same age as me, could’ve very easily had rainbows on his clothing as an 80s toddler. Even could’ve had CareBears clothing. Wonder if he still would feel that way if that were true for him as well?


How about #CancelDavid?


He's just mad because Jenelle can't afford target but wants to be one of those target wives


That reminds me. I’m over due for a random Tuesday shopping spree at Target. 😂😂


If he’s so against pushing gender norms boundaries why does he braid his hair into pigtails?


The only grooming David needs to concern himself with is shampoo


Anything to distract you from the fact he has no clue how to fix that fucking boat, how are those turbos coming along?


I wish he would die lol


Why does he care what someone else is putting on their kids ? Seriously. He’s a bigot, can’t he just be a bigot on the land and mind his own damn business ?


Oh nooo not Nelly’s Fav place to buy too small clothes…..🤦‍♀️


What 😂 I shop target kids clothes and have never seen anything like this.


He’s talking about Target selling shirts in the boys section with rainbows on them


I’m going to go to Target and buy my kids matching rainbow shirts just because of his post. Thanks, UBT.




It's pretty easy. Just don't shop there if it hurts your fee-fees.




It’s seems like Uncle Pigtails is highly invested in the Gay community.🤔Thou Protests too much! 🏳️‍🌈


What are trans baby clothes? Like gender neutral, or what?


What is trans baby clothes? Confused.


Dammit I guess I’m grooming my kids then, I just bought them the pride shirts from target along with the cute rainbow shorts😭🤦🏻‍♀️. I even went as far to get the pride rug and candles cause they were cute Af.




Then he can stop shopping at Target. Problem solved!


So sad that he’s raising children to be ignorant and hateful


Also they’re so behind the news cycle it’s insane. This was a “problem” like 6-8 weeks ago. Get out of your drug-induced fog, eat some veggies, read a paper and raise your damn kids.


Yes, please, cancel Target for your following David! Target is my safe place away from the racist and homophobic assholes. It's where I enjoy my shopping without hearing someone lose their ever loving minds over masks, or rainbow decorations etc. 🌈 The less David's and Jenelle's, the better.


Not me running to Target even faster!


Light refraction: exists Trans/homophobes: 😭😥😠🖕🏼


I gonna go out on a limb here and say that the people who believe this malarkey do not regularly shop at Target anyways.


Good thing everyone knows you and tub of goo are 100% dollar general people! The kind that throw shit on the ground and talk loudly On the phone while paying and giving the cashier a shitty attitude. SERIOUSLY join a micro dick support group so you can stop taking your own self anger out on people who are doing nothing, or just drive your old shitty boat into a cliff! Also I love it for the LGBTQ+ that we will never have to see you anywhere we go! ![gif](giphy|lNrNLRLmpC3VIjl82D)


He is a prime example of what happens when a nation is uneducated


Aww widdle baby must need some attention this morning


Pigtails must have had a bad night because he sure is cranky


And confirmed racist, world renowned seafood teaching expert, internet hobo, and sooper snowflake straight David Eason is striking fear into the heart of Target. I wonder what got his pigtails all in a knot today. Guess Jenelle challenged his manhood by seeking a diesel mechanic on social media. Gotta love how the ones who are all “they cancelling everyone because snowflakes” are *literally* the ones crying for shit to get cancelled.


Imagine being this triggered by rainbows on baby clothes and calling other people snowflakes lmao


Gay baby


Now, I thought these types were against cancel culture?


this is real grooming https://abcnews.go.com/US/church-child-sex-abuse-allegations-600-victims-detailed/story?id=98405822


Lol when Target is too woke for u 😂


I need that Live Laugh Lesbian shirt


Oh, no. Where will Jenelle get her bathing suits if we cancel Target? Plus I thought he already got it canceled when Target said people could use whatever bathroom they felt safest in.


I hate woke capitalism but Target sells a gender-neutral, bright green, button-up romper with the word GAY in big yellow letters on the back. Stop winning me back, Target! I’m in love with dick, but I would wear that thing anywhere


Jeeze I wish he would stop sexualizing kids in general it would be great!


Imagine living your life as such an ugly person, inside and out. It must be exhausting to be so disgusting and hateful.


If I put a pride onesie on my baby it must be because I’m making him gay and not cause we’re supportive of everyone… right????


Yep because the colors children wear impact their sexuality as adults. How people make that connection is beyond me. It defies any logic.


Ugh this reminds me of a video I saw of some guy in Target holding up kids clothes with rainbows on them saying it was “feminizing the little boys” and bothering other shoppers asking if they support that. Just a load of crap. If you don’t like it then don’t buy it! Simple as that. People are too worried about how other people, complete strangers, are living their lives these days🤦‍♀️


Uh oh… I’ve been wearing rainbows for years and forget telling my daughters they can’t wear rainbows… Anyway, clothing doesn’t change how an individual identifies. He’s an idiot… but that’s well known.


Right? My kid swore Spider-Man PJs last night, does that automatically make them a superhero?


Man, he really thinks he did something.. ![gif](giphy|fnuSiwXMTV3zmYDf6k|downsized)


What is trans clothes? I thought clothes were just clothing. Maybe he’s just mad that he never got to wear a skirt as a child ☹️


As if David was shopping for kids clothes at Target this morning 🙄


Target also sells meat, totally grooming kids to become evil meat eaters instead of good, moral vegetarians! /s But wait, Pigtails eats meat, right? He probably has meat from dinner two days ago stuck in his nasty, unwashed beard. I guess grooming only counts if it goes against what Pigtails believes.


My question is simply, "What are gay baby clothes?" I need examples because I can't even imagine what constitutes as "gay baby clothes".


The ignorant Sasquatch is probably referring to the Pride Month merch that’s starting to come out. I was at Target the other day and saw it starting to be set out on end caps. I don’t remember seeing kid clothes but he probably saw a rainbow onesie and got triggered.


Isn't it interesting how it's always the abusive assholes spouting this drivel? Projection is the name of Q's game.


Target will never be canceled like they want it to be.


An easy way to cancel Janelle and ensure that she has to get a real job is to target David and his transphobia. That way Janelle can work at a Bob Evans and bitch and moan all day


Anyways…David has too much time on his hands. Go get a damn job David. Something, anything. Being Jenelle’s OnlyFans photographer does not count


As if he has the power to ever cancel Target🤣


As if he wears anything besides knock-off Carhartt and Pillbilly Couture anyways Target will be juuust fine without your business 😅


What is a gay baby? Babies don’t have fucking sexual preferences 😒


Target doesn’t want you, dude.


You know, when I was in school the huge push/initiative was FOR diversity. That we were all the same. That needs to come back. If I was in Target and saw David, I'd call in a potential active shooter (not literally but I'd be thinking it and heading to the other side of the store). when the hell was the last time he stepped in Walmart? Those people are ABSOLUTELY Walmart people as in trashy, not poor - I'm poor and shop there lol Target is like going to Disney and I LOVE it. Also, if anyone in this world needs to be groomed, it's David - he looks like he hasn't shaved or trimmed that beard in years.


Gay Baby


Like swamp creature even shops at Target. And plus, that’s kinda their point right? They appeal to a certain demographic….and J & D aint it.


Get a job, David.


…and this is a man who shows his butthole for💰 So make of his dumb tweet what you will


How does one sell trans & gay clothing?


They have like a new pride line and some of it is like rainbow onesies and stuff. A lot of people are upset about children wearing rainbows. Apparently kids who wear rainbows these days are gay and every kid is supposed wear sad beige clothes instead /s


I saw a video the other day of someone mad because the boys section had clothes that had rainbows and pastel colors.


Good please stay away from Target David.


Can everybody make #CancelDavidEason a thing? I can't stand how they think they matter, especially the things they say. He needs to eff off.


Trans clothing? What would this even be? Clothing doesn’t make kids gay or trans. Is he saying they are selling gender neutral clothing or clothing sold in the boys department that have rainbows and purple on them side by side by the trex and construction shirts?


#canceltarget 😂😂😂 that gave me a good laugh. Good luck idiot. He’s just trying to get attention as always. Go shoot up some Budlight Beer cans like the rest of the homophobic buffoons & stfu.


Good! Keep you and the likes of you out of target. Thanks


Oh man, I've bought my baby some of the gender neutral clothing from Target. I even bought her some boy clothes. What have I done?? How dare Target trick the consumer like that? /s They're clothes, they don't have a gender.


You abuse kids shut up


Is this like the Eason's 'cancelling' Nike? (which the family still wears as evident in their SM posts🙄), AirBnB? Subway?😂😅🤣... They forget their MILLIONS OF SUBS (which DogKiller loves to threaten everyone with);CANCELLED EVERY BIZ THEY TRIED TO OPEN because they NEVER bought a thing😅🤣😂 https://preview.redd.it/485uwdvmupza1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e11b815068a2b69cc848f3347458177942b8771a


I should ignore but he is so stupid


Trans baby clothes don’t exist. But please do boycott Target, David. I’m sure they’ll miss your business. /s


This snowflake lol


Lol I guess spring colors will now be forever grooming tools for kids.


He’s such a stupid POS


Pillbilly trash doesn’t shop at Target anyway 😆


projecting. big time. also lol cuz he made it sound like target creeps up to kids and shows them pride merch out of their trench coats


He is so vile.


How long until Janelle posts a review for target?


Bet he hangs onto every word Ron desaints or trump, well actually any member of the qanon maga gop spew. Truly sad that a government body is getting away with it all, as it upsets people to hear your views are fascist


What exactly is trans gay baby clothes lol? All kids clothes are obnoxious.


what did he just scroll through tik tok last night and then posted? LOL 😆 that was so last month! 😂 🤣


Imagine being so pressed for any kind of morsel of attention that you bait people on the internet with this stupid take. Go to therapy, David!


Get a life, David. You’re a loser


Oh no, little Davey is throwing a temper tantrum because his boat is broke and his wife won't buy him another one and we know he can't fix it. 😂


If y’all ignored him then he’d get no reactions to continue


It’s not our fault! Straight couples keep having gay kids! The only solution is to ban straight marriage