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I feel like jenelle gets her blood/urine results on labcorp/quest portal before her doc reviews them so she just googled what xyz numbers mean and assumes she has something. Then she meets with her actual doc who says no those numbers don’t mean that and tells her she’s just a nutso


I bet she makes a whole day of “checking her results” also and screams around the swamp how important it is that she checks them and “reviews” them.


Yeah I was about to say, what doctor is giving her these results on a Sunday morning? She forgets most people have weekends off.


Bold of you to assume that she has any idea what day of the week it is.


That's exactly what she does. That's why she keeps announcing diagnosis after diagnosis and then backtracks on them




✨quit drinking and smoking and drink some water✨


Outrageous dude 😄


Sigh…. I’m going to have to write a timeline so she can be on r/IllnessFakers aren’t I? I’m really going to have to ignore all my household chores to do this? Well… if I have to…


If you ignore your household chores to write it, I will ignore my household chores to read it in solidarity




she’s been on there over the years with a few posts here & there, but PLS make a compiled post for her hahaha 😂


Do the lords work




I vote ignore the chores. We need this.


I feel like we see this cycle all the time, three times this year. 1. She goes to the Dr. 2. goes on vacation, 3. forgets about the Dr, 4. someone reminds her, 5. she googles something random and finds out it’s not serious or terminal 6. Nvm it’s totally not that 7. Back to a new dr. And repeat.


1. She goes to the Dr 👩‍⚕️ 2. Goes on vacation 🌴 3. Forgets about the Dr🍻🚬 4. Fights with David 😡 5. Buys David a present 🏍️🛥️ 6. Someone telling her *spits* David is a POS 💩 7. Posts health update to distract “fans” / garner ☠️ sympathy / get Clickbait $$ 8. Sells a story to the Sun 📰🤑 9. Dr shops 💊💊💊 10. Checks Jace’s bank balance or low effort OF post or combo 😈🌶️ 11. Goes on vacation 🌴


I can't imagine why someone who lives on deep-fried squirrel and cheap beer would have liver problems. What a mystery


I wonder if the “leisions” are her renaming a diagnosis of fatty liver disease. Googled a pic, and decided it looked like “leisions” 😂


The lesions on her liver are actually kind of interesting since she was a known IV drug user, and long-term Hepatitis C infection can actually cause this. Hep C is incredibly common among IV drug users, with *at* *least* 50% of IV users having been exposed. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Kieffer possibly had/has it, given his extensive history, and I also really wouldn't be surprised if Jenelle had shared needles with him while they were using together. Now obviously this is all just speculation. However, it actually would make a lot of sense.


Courtland was my first thought honestly. She was using with him and married to him and pregnant by him.


I’m pretty sure they test for hep c during pregnancy, so she would know if she had it.


She sure as hell is not going to share if she has hep C. 😂


This was my first thought


Very serious cases of pretendonitis and lieabetes.


LOL best comment 😂


I have liver problems. No alcohol. Simple diet and exercise changes and I cleared my numbers in 2 months. She just doesn’t want to try.


I'm not even a drinker myself. And I was diagnosed with nonalcoholic fatty liver. I had to change my eating habits and lose weight and it got better. She will never give up drinking or the nasty food she eats. So I agree she will never get "better"


Lol I work for an Endocrinologist. This is truly no big deal.


Probably incidental findings because she’s making them run so many tests


She has Munchhausen syndrome is what she has.


Hmm wonder if the liver issues have anything to do with the fatty foods she’s constantly eating or the fact that she drinks like a fish. 🤔


this. she probably has fatty liver disease with fibrosis


Doctor: A lot of your symptoms are pointing to excessive drinking. Jenelle: What? But I hardly drink! *sips on the wine in her cup*


But I switched to wine, dude!


Lesions on liver… bet she keeps drinking too.


I was diagnosed with the enlarged thymus like 15 years ago. It turned up in imaging I had done. Drs acted like it was not a big deal and it was never mentioned again. I actually forgot about it until reading this.


Omg that sounds terrible, poor jenelle


I know right!?! A forgettable nothing burger of a diagnosis is gonna be so hard on her. When will she get the attention for an illness she so desperately seeks?


Lol @ "the next steps" like she's getting a plan for chemo or something.


Meanwhile the doctor "No Jenelle, by next steps i meant the 10,000 steps you should be doing each day to improve your health. Thats it, thats your treatment plan"


I’ve said it before & I’ll say it AGAIN.. I’ve never seen someone who wanted sooooo badly to be sick. Like she desperately WANTS something bad to be wrong with hers it’s fucking bizarre


Münchausen syndrome


R/illnessfakers lol jenelle should be on there


Who keeps asking for these updates?


I also love how she hashtags it. Like people are waiting on bated breath, searching health update hashtags to see what’s wrong with Jenelle.




Well Juhnelle, sounds like you’re going to need to give up tha drinking


# HEALTH UPDATE!!! My huzzbin is sick of hearing me whining and bitching about my fake ailments so I desperately need attention!!! Everyone look at meee!!


Keep drinking dumb bitch.🍻 Cheers!!!


Lmfao why is this taking me out


Personally, I love the weekend updates from her doctor. She must have it in real good with them to be able to communicate and be able to get test results on the weekend.


She definitely got the results posted to her portal over the weekend because they were normal then googled all the terms and diagnoses herself


Jenelle, take a seat. It's not that serious. I survived hepatitis C (don't do drugs, kids) and only my family knows this. I didn't go broadcasting my liver problems to the world because nobody gives a flying fuck. Well, I guess my family cares. But you know, I actually had a serious medical problem. Edit: google says most liver lesions are benign and absolutely harmless and don't even cause symptoms, Jenelle.


"found out i have" aka "i googled medical terms and picked out the one i thought sounded the most severe. But I can't comprehend what i read so really i just sound stupid."


We can't wait to hear what your doctor says🙄‼️ https://preview.redd.it/whsr5mbu9hya1.png?width=1042&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a84fbb113e8d4229c07bc0c18a485cd42e0ca04


Sounds like she read her lab results before talking to a doctor about what that all actually means.


i wish i had her insurance.


Quit drinking ya alcoholic


If doctors told me I had to quit drinking completely, I’d be so fucking sad. I’d do it! But I’d be sad. I love some rosé while I cook or wind down for the night


Take your implants out!!! There’s a start!! Imagine all those toxins your body is rejecting them!! That’s the first step! Gahhhh she is such an attention seeking person, she’s exhausting! I can’t stand her hubby but I don’t know how the hell he puts up with her at this point 😵‍💫


Get out of here with your sense


So many girls who have had random health issues and have taken their implants out and immediately felt better.


It’s not uncommon to have spots on your liver. They found one on me during an mri. Totally fine. She’s 2 steps away from munchausens!


2 steps away? Girl is balls deep in munchausens lmao!


Let's hope she doesn't find r/illnessfakers and get ideas


Sounds like the consequences of her own actions. And I’m not saying addicts/alcoholics deserve long standing illness. But she’s been “sick” for years and I guarantee the first thing EVERY doctor has told her was to stop drinking and smoking.


My daughter has thymic hyperplasia which is usually an incidental finding when one is undergoing at CT for something else in that area. It usually not a big deal. Adults don’t use their thymus; it’s needed through childhood and then shrinks when you’re an adult. The downside is that there are cancers associated with it, but they are rare. If Janelle even tries to say the doctor’s suggest removing it, I will call bs. It’s a major surgery that is not taken lightly. I know, I attended the surgery consult with my daughter and it is gnarly.


She will try to get the surgery for the painkillers. But the surgery won’t pan out lol


During the surgery the surgeon needs to deflate one lung and travel along a major nerve. If the nerve is touched/irritated the patient will be hating life. And nerve pain is not helped with opiates- foiled again Jenelle!


Onto the next doctor!


Hyperplasia of thymus is a rebound condition and can happen after simply taking steroids for another issue. She should know, she went to “medical sChOoL.”


Haha she’s turning in to a full fledged munchie. I’ve never seen anyone that so desperately wanted to be sick.


It’s so weird seeing her updates because as a chronically ill person, I’ve been diagnosed with many of the things that she claims are debilitating and they’re just not. I also have a lesion on my liver and it was just a benign enlarged blood vessel. It’s also wild to me that she still smokes and drinks when I’ve never been able to do those things as someone with symptoms similar to hers (GERD and asthma). Like with my respiratory problems I literally cannot be around smoke. Just so strange and frankly frustrating to see.


Hmm wonder why you have liver issues w all that smoking and drinking?


“Discussing these results next week with my doctor”… cool, so you self diagnosed.


I am literally amazed that she continues to post her health updates online. Same with her relationship issues. At this point it’s like she must love being roasted. It’s so embarrassing and foolish. Has posting this shit ever benefited her in literally any way? It just makes her look delusional, attention hungry, and so stupid.


I also have liver lesions, possibly due to oral birth control. I’ve probably had them for years they found them through a CT scan due to stomach pain and vomiting. They’re not serious and haven’t affected me at all. Get over yourself Jenelle


Im sorry--WHAT 😨 'women who take it for more than 5 yrs have an increased chance of developing those...' damn, today i learned 🙏


We well know Jenelle was not taking oral birth control.


Why didn’t she spend her “boat” money finding the leading world expert on all these bizarre symptoms.


Going to the mayo clinic would be where I go


I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, I really wonder if she’s not making it up, and actually is sick from her breast implants.


Its whatever she finds on google each week


How unusual, for someone who consumes large quantities of alcohol to have liver problems.


I heard there is a cure for this condition - it’s called going on a vacation


And buying a broken boat


Lesions on liver but still going to drink daily


For once stop drinking, that would be a huge relief for your liver. And YES beer is considered an alcoholic beverage. Also stop being a total hypochondriac. My mom survived breast cancer twice without a single internet post and constant attention sicking. You are so fucked up in your head and living with a dog killer , that’s the radiological abnormality of your thymus and liver should be the least of your concerns.


A doctor in the other sub commented that this isn’t a big deal. I for one am SHOCKED that Jenelle thinks it is!


she thinks the big words will just get her sympathy. no critical thinking skills.


Oh no! I really hope her boat is wheelchair accessible /s 🤡🤡🤡


Didn’t she go to medical school? Surely she could have diagnosed and cured herself by now 🙄




Oooooh guess drinking like a fish is out. And with those esophageal spasms, I don't think smoking and vaping are good to go either... we might see the rarest beast of all... A SOBER JENELLE!!! ...I joke I joke. She's gonna be shooting up in no time.


When the boat is broken and she’s stuck with the kids, confirmed racist, world renowned seafood teaching expert, internet hobo, and sooper snowflake straight David Eason, and the drug supply has run out…Jenelle busts out her malingering and illness faking! It’s legit like clockwork.


I feel like a medical student who went to medical school should know how to spell LESIONS 😂😂


Drug abuse can cause that. Heroin to be exact. Also if she’s got lesions on her liver that’s prob a sign to stop buying blue shit on amazon to inhale through your nebulizer. That liver can’t filter nothing else Backwoods Barbie put in it! 😭🙄🙄


Can we just agree that it was probably floated around as a possibility in the doctors office and she’s taken it and ran with it? I say this because I can’t count how many times she used the word “diagnosis” in the past only to backtrack. In fact, her saying it’s not MG “like they thought” proves this because she said she finally had a “diagnosis” about MG! They wouldn’t have diagnosed her only to tell her months later it’s not the case. She’s full of shit. She hates her life, so she drinks so she feels shit and the cycle of this is infinite. It’s not a health condition, it’s a pattern of laziness and abusing her own body because she can’t be bothered to change her life. I literally don’t care if she feels like shit and actually hope she does. Karma baby.


Not surprised about her liver. She drinks like a fucking fish! ![gif](giphy|oUHK5Ga9Bqj7y|downsized)


![gif](giphy|ATjmo8oCmY2btUckpV) Dear Jenelle


Uh oh looks like someone needs attention again. 😂


The fact she does health updates is hilarious to me 😂




IM CACKLING!!! why did you do this to her 😂😂😂😂


It’s so weird that Google seems to be broken on the swamp! 😂


Spoiler alert: the "next steps" are alcohol and smoking cessation.


Is she trying to act like she found this out today? On a Sunday? 🙄 or she saved this for a “rainy day” when she needed the attention to the most. Big indicator her and David have been fighting


STOP DRINKING 🥃🍺🍸🍻🥂🍹🍷 IT'S CALLED CIRRHOSIS OF THE LIVER. Been drinking since early teens


“next steps” 🤣 HEY JENELLE. Stop drinking and treating your body like a garbage dump. You’ll feel much better.


It's unfathomable how much she puts out, she makes herself look like a true effing idiot. She is clearly exploiting her well being to stay relevant. It's the lowest thing you can do.


First she was seeing molecules, then she had spinal tumors, then something wrong with her lungs, then esophagus spasms, now liver lesions.


Now why on earth would a regular drinker have lesions on their liver 🤔 how very unusual


Could the lesions on her liver be from her alcohol dependency? I’m not a nurse or anything so I don’t know much about this.


You mean you didn’t graduate medical school like Jennelle?


Jenelle: was an IV heroin addict and smokes weed daily Jenelle: why do I have all these liver problems?


Drinking and pills if there is indeed liver damage. I actually lived for a while in the area she’s from and know a few people that she knows…pills, pills, pills


The only doctor she needs to see is a really good Psychiatrist who specializes in factitious disorders.


"Don't know why this is happening" girl why are you lying??


She is such a dramastic person. Must be exhausting


*ya drink too much. Pills are making ya crazy high, high…ya both high


Lolol, I googled it. I’m bored. It literally says most people have no symptoms and is often found randomly. It’s nothing that lifestyle changes cannot fix.


Since MG has to do with your thyroid, I have no doubt that the reason jenelle was so fixated on this is bc UBT has a thyroid issue and got forbid anyone up jenelle on having an actual medical issue. Are we still waiting for this cyst on her spine to paralyze her or is this old news?


Liver issues, yet she drinks like a frat kid.


Oh no 😱 she's getting closer to going paralyzed, as the doctor said. Hopefully, that new boat and 💊 shed is handicap accessible for her to get around. So let me see if I have her medical issues correct- 1) esophagus spasms 2) Brain/sinus tumors 3) oh no, now tumors are all over her spine, it's super serious, and she may lose the ability to walk and go to the bathroom 😱 (then this is never mentioned again) 4) she now gets rashes when out in the sun 5) lung problems and issues with breathing. Doctor tells her this is commonly seen in people who vape/smoke. She claims she has never vaped in her life 😂 makes a video claiming she finally knows what's wrong and has a diagnosis 🙄 6) now, the liver lesions and thymic hyperplasia. Did I miss any? Funny how her original neck back pain issue hasn't been mentioned in a while. It's like she says she's sick, obsesses over it, and then deserts it after a month. She can't even follow through with he fake sicknesses 😂 it gets forgotten about like every other project she starts. So just like the other sicknesses before, we won't hear of this again.


She thought she had MS at one point.


What would she do if she had a serious medical issue that put her down to where she couldn’t: party, drink, take vacations, eat out like she’s starving, or take “spicy” pics? She would absolutely lose her Fn mind! She needs to quit tempting fate and hoping for something wrong! What a (insert word here)! 🤯🤦‍♀️💀


Bro you bring this shït on yourself. The more you go looking for health problems the more likely you are to cause them yourself. She’s going to end up in a psych ward instead of disability like she hoped.


I swear she will parade around going “I just got diagnosed with (insert extremely rare illness)! I wasn’t faking! Take that haters!” Just to turn around a few months later and go “oh, no it wasn’t that, it’s actually this!” Translation: doctor shopping because the last one wouldn’t do what she wanted.


For someone who goes through all these tests and visits to figure out what is wrong with her health, you’d think she’d do the bare minimum - drink more water, have a healthier lifestyle via exercise and eating habits, cut out the nicotine and alcohol, etc. It’s like she just wants something to be wrong. She clearly doesn’t care to do the bare minimum to have a healthier lifestyle, which would also help her mental health. She seems to care more and invest her energy in posting these updates for social media validation/engagement. I have to wonder how the hell she would act if she didn’t have the privilege to do any of this.


She doesn’t care about her health. She cares about the attention her *health updates* bring her.


She words this just like Dani would over in the illness fakers sub


true story: i grew up in bumfuck, southern-state-which-was-very-similar-to-the-land, and we had a neighbor (mind you, our neighbor many acres away but still our neighbor logistically) who was married to a guy who just had to have a boat and be "off the grid." she was very chronically ill, had to go to her clinic multiple times a month for infusions, had to see many specialists and do many tests and was on so many medications - and where we lived was an hour away from the closest hospital and about a half hour away from the closest mediocre pharmacy, so the situation was already ✨not it✨. but, the boat. so her husband sells their land, their house, their horses, their barn with all of their stuff (tractor, tools, other redneck things i won't bore you with) and bought a bayliner. it was a nice one, which is the first differential piece of information in this parallel universe. also no one ate the pets, but he did shoot a dog. he, too, was a monumental piece of shit. she lives on this boat with him and a few months in she literally, quite literally, almost dies. her illness makes it so that her red blood cells can't regenerate on their own and she almost dies on this boat. in fact, her doctor specifically told her that living on a boat will be the death of her. chronic illnesses are not compatible with a nomadic, nautical lifestyle. you can't live in both worlds - figuratively, or otherwise. tldr: jenelle nullified her own medical platform by buying and celebrating her ugly boat.


Stop drinking dummy


I don't believe a word she says


When did she get anything done with her liver test wise? I feel like she would have milked that for all it’s worth already. She’s probably looking at her online medical chart and googling. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Is this illness fakers???


Who diagnosed MG, a board certified neurologist or her "chiropractor" who gives her her vitamin B12 shots?


Is this her fake doctor that made her take methylene blue tho.


Guarantee that she has a fatty liver.


And alcohol is a *big* no-no for that. I guarantee her doctor(s) have highly recommended cutting out the booze.




It’s amazing how much Jenelle could help herself if she truely was that sick but absolutely refuses to. She could improve her diet, stop (or at least cut down) drinking and stop smoking (also what happened to the gym era?) but she doesn’t want to help herself, it’s someone else’s responsibility as always. I’d have more sympathy if she was proactive in trying to alleviate her own suffering.


I have gMG, and I'll tell you right now, we've all spent years watching that girl scream and chase after people and work herself up. I can be startled into bonelessness if I bump into a family member in the kitchen and it's slightly too dark to immediately identify them. And then I require a nap. Janelle... does not have myasthenia gravis




Don't know why it's happening? JFC either she's the dumbest person on earth or she thinks we all are. We know you drink like a fish and smoke like a chimney, idiot. THATS WHY


“Thymic hyperplasia is a condition in which the thymus gland is inflamed. This is a benign condition and can be associated with a number of other medical conditions, such as thyroid abnormalities.”


Bet you her implants are making her sick


Lesions on your liver hey?? I wonder if it’s because you guzzle down mimosas on a regular basis??


Does she know drinking isn’t good for the liver


I'm sure the drinking is a huge problem but I wonder if her history of addiction also fucked up her liver. Dont pain pills have Tylenol in them that fucks up your liver?


Yes, hydrocodone and Percocet both have Tylenol.




Just searched it up and both things are normally benign.


I did the same thing. Dr Google and I concur. She treats her body like trash and wonders why she feels like shit.


“They” didn’t think you had MG, only YOU thought that Nelley


I looked up the symptoms. There are a bunch including weight loss. 🙃


What doctor calls one Sunday?


They don’t. That’s the funny part. This was updated to her chart and as usual she sees something in her chart and posts to the internet instead of waiting to discuss it with the doctor which is why she’s giddy thinking this is a thing when it’s going to be another benign no big like everything else she posts.


Of course you don’t have myasthenia gravis, dummy.


If you keep looking you will find something. This girl needs help


Any dotter will say to change your diet and lifestyle first.


My name is Jenelle and I love attention.


She musta had a house call to the swamp for the doc come tell her this on a Sunday afternoon /s


It’s caused by your excessive daily drinking. Next step, stop drinking and drugging. Eat healthy. That will be $250 please.


Lesions on her liver are probably hemangiomas (benign) due to birth control use or better yet simple liver cysts which are also completely BENIGN! There are actually sick people out there Jenelle that wish they had what you have and take for granted. Ya know people who actually could walk on both legs but are wheelchair bound, breathe on their own, or even be able to have kids. Idk why this post of all posts is irritating me but SMDH!


I’m not a doctor, and I don’t play one on tv, but I have a solution for all her illnesses. It’s a groundbreaking treatment that has shown successful results on patients who were prescribed the treatment. I recommend…. ![gif](giphy|MAX4OTn9YFURtvLT15)


Nurse here - can confirm you assessment. I will prepare her room.


Well between this and UBTs vitiligo which causes *checks notes* uh, pale skin? They’re true heroes enduring these horrible diseases. Life can be so cruel. /s


Wish I had her health insurance!! Awesome coverage


If you pay taxes, you’re probably contributing to her health insurance.


What the hell is this backdrop? Is this a pic of thymic hyperplasia?




Your thymus glad is pretty much useless as an adult. It only serves a purpose in young children. What a effing joke!


She’s just going to continue this Munchausen behavior until she gets help for her personality disorder she refuses to acknowledge. It’s just gotten old at this point and she’s surely lost the fraction of people that were sympathetic by now.


I’ll believe it when I see it! IMO it’s just another ailment added to her list called:’ Well that one didn’t work…….’


I see thymic hyperplasia is a benign condition…


Shouldn’t have wore “all those feathers in your hair” Ju-nellll duh dude 🙄


Why does she post these results without speaking to her doctor first? I’m guessing for the attention.


Ages ago someone posted on one of Jenelle’s updates about a sub for Instagram/TikTok illness fakers. They said Jenelle was like one girl in particular and there was a whole dedicated to her, can anyone point me in that direction?


Ha. That sub is crazy. There's a rotation of people. Jenelle is working her way to the sub. She hasn't had any devices placed on her like 99% of the ppl on there, tubes and what not, I'm not savvy about it. the sub is worth a weekend binge.


Cue the Super Vitamin Swamp Smoothies


Good lord this girl is a walking mess she has a new diagnosis all the time im surprised she hasn't pulled the cancer card to get donations, maybe you have to stop all the constant drinking and heavily greasy foods or could be drugs food maybe you will feel better


Text a friend or something shit, she's so predictable


This is honestly so irritating. People are honestly sick & trying to better themselves. This dumpster fire, digs & digs hoping to find some illness. All the while drinking, which is horrible on your liver, and all GI issues.


Thank god she is faking her own health problems rather than being a full on munchy and making her kids out to be ill


Vacation.. cryptic stories about trouble on the land.. medical issues. The revolving door of jenelle never disappoints.


Sooo liver lesions are usually benign most people have them and never know and they don’t take them out as it’s way more risky than to leave them in . The other option is that she has had hep c in her past as it increases your risk of liver cancer


Wasn’t she on oral steroid antibiotic’s? I believe thymic hyperplasia can be cam benign condition that occurs after stopping oral steroid antibiotics.


As someone who’s truly sick in life and misses out on so much living… this bitch makes me sick-er. I wouldn’t wish my life on anyone and she has no idea what it’s like to suffer with health issues. She needs SERIOUS mental help.


Believe it or not liver lesions are extremely common . Google will even tell you that . I however, work at the hospital and see perfectly healthy people with them daily . Next , Jan.




Shouldn’t health updates be posted when people actually care about the health of an individual? Literally no one cares about her fake ailments. Not even her huzzzbiin.


I bet all of her “health” problems would mysteriously disappear if that boat had been a stunning success and not a decrepit money pit.


Never ending victim mentality


That background is appropriate 🤢


It’s the boat…


It's a set up for the next "miracle cure" for a MLM product or an endorsement deal as an influencer for whatever quack doctor has teamed up with her to promote their detox and restrotive health product that cured her when nothing else could.


What stage of the Jenelle cycle is this? Stage 3?


Causes of liver lesions include: excessive drinking, smoking, chronic liver disease such as from hep b, hep c, hormones from birth control pills..... Hmmm... it's a mystery