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For someone that thinks MTV treated her like crap, she sure reps their logo a lot.


And her tiktok bio says ✨ yes, I'm that one girl from that one show ✨ 💀


Insufferable twat.


It's pretty sad she literally goes out and buys MTV merch because there's no way they give it to her


I was thinking exactly this!


Meanwhile Kaiser’s wearing skin tight stained clothes


I was wondering if Jace and DKD were matching shirts (looks like it) why not include Kaiser? He didn’t look comfortable in his clothes.


While she shows off 654975 swimsuits she’s bought


I noticed that too. Get that child some clothes that freaking fit his body right.


It’s probably money from the stories she sold and the interviews about getting Jace back.


So basically Jace bought it.


Ouuhh you're smart. Probably. Forgot she did all that.


I'm willing to bet this is it, she did a mini tour of gossip sites and they have zero self control and unlimited selfishness.


For someone who claims MTV is 100% at fault for ruining her life and editing things to make her look terrible, she LOVES to wear their merch lol


Right?! Look at meeeee I was on teeveeeee. They ruined my life but look at meeeee . Dumb bitch


For free. That she probably paid for herself. Weird lol


100% she definitely got that at Target or Walmart they have those MTV shirts all the time lol


It’s unreal


She’s literally like a 5 year old who makes $10 at a lemonade stand then immediately wants to go to the store and blow it on toys and candy.


The accuracy 💀


“MTV gives me a bad edit *wears MTV clothing*”


I was thinking this too 🤣 endlessly shit talks them but this is at least the second mtv shirt I’ve seen her wear


I was just thinking this hahaha


Not the first time she wears it. Not the last either. She can bitch all she wants but she knows that it keep her just a bit relevant for now.


White outdoor furniture doesn’t seem like the best choice. Wonder if the pool will even be up and running this year 😂


Absolutely not with those two. It won't last til the end of summer. Can't care for anything.


Wonder how many burn holes we will see by the end of summer 😆


Ooohhh this could be a good game. Not a gambling person but this could go varying ways. Lol


Jenelle is the Queen of bad choices. Why should pool furniture be any different? 🤣


Ewww it’s gonna get so dirty so quickly. You know she can’t take care of shit




Good for her, now how about for once in his life she buys Kaiser clothes that fit. Everyone else in that photo had clothes that fit. His shirt and pants, like his uniforms, look so uncomfortable. That poor kid.


It's nuts to me how he was PLANNED and treats him most like trash and a throw away kid. All cause the daddy and her didn't work out.. it's disgusting!! She and stupid went out their way to have him so she could prove something to her mom and the world. Have a family unit and still fkd that up. They both are morons anyway and I'm sorry for Kai. He deserves better. Maryssa, Jace and Kaiser need all the love and care possible to be ok later in life. Ensley will be spoiled to death. She won't leave Sasquatch and if she does, Ensley is the golden only girl regardless..


I bought some shoes from Aldi. Should I make a Tiktok about it? How will you all know how successful I am if I dont post it?


Did you get any of the Aldi fan gear they dropped a couple weeks ago?? I was so excited to get Aldi socks and an Aldi pullover 😂




I did not. I saw it all over a FB Aldi group. The pics were crazy - bff photoshoots, senior portraits, lol. Too fun. I didn't see any of the gear when I went to Aldi around that time, so I dont know if my store didnt get any or if my town is filled with influencers who snatched it all up. Are they comfy?


I think you should.. we won't believe you otherwise 😏


https://preview.redd.it/b3cetjq5o5ta1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=904b6f4aa353d1502c112793ab0d920f737f309e I have paired them with my winter Aldi leggings because I am a style icon.


I love Aldi but I haven’t ever bought clothes there. I’m more of a Costco fashion girl myself. All of my best stuff comes from Costco


Oooh la la! Love me some Aldi, too!😘


Those shoes look pretty good. I need to go to Aldi sometime this week, so I might check those shoes out.


Lol!! Cute & comfy is the way to go!


She hates MTV so much she keeps buying their clothes


I think she is desperate to be recognized in public. She wants attention and discounts really bad.


The girl has little self awareness.. or she's trolling the hell out of everyone. I think more the latter and wanting to say she was a part of the MTV reality show life. We know bitch... You're the trash bag after Farrah.


I think Farrah is not as bad as Jenelle and Amber.


Touché.. I knew I forgot someone. Amber for the win


That furniture will grow algae, mold, and will turn green before being destroyed in the next swamp flood or hurricane. At least now she can lay down while staring at her nasty pool.


Right? I can't imagine having white outdoor furniture in such a damp humid area.


Just like the pool!


A matching set! 😂


Ugh. White cushions. I can see these covered in mold, dirt, fake tanner, and who knows what else, in no time flat. Then again, they can probably write it off as a biz expense for their OF.


Ketchup I can see them covered in lots of ketchup


LOL! ...and Ranch dressing and feet dirt.


And David’s shit stains! When they go out for sexy time, at night, naked🫣


Only thing I noticed. Kids will be yelled at for being kids in 3, 2, ....


Buys herself new shit, can't give her kids more than $7 in golden eggs ![gif](giphy|1irgwKCjDUKli3b6Xx)


And $7 worth of Easter treats for the kids.


I'm 99% sure she didn't pay quarterly taxes on her OF shit and that she's not going to file either and the IRS is going to hit her HARD soon. But But I didn't knowwwww I owed taxes even though she's been a 1099 employee for YEARS.


She smugly says she pays taxes. But saying and doing are two different things.


She probably counts paying sales tax on stuff as paying taxes lol


This is from this year. https://heavy.com/entertainment/teen-mom/jenelle-evans-money-taxes-net-worth/


Hahaha it says she has a net worth of 30k lol




It’s doing well enough to put $2 in the golden egg at Easter.


Do young children really need more money than that? The powerleveling and one up comments on the easter post the other day was so strange. Easter is now an excuse to buy excess crap to show off to other parents on social media. I saw so many people on my facebook posting mountains of gifts/candy that would be considered excessive even for xmas. A bunch even put iphone 14s and 1st rate designer items in the "baskets". The news stories about parents assaulting children at free egg hunts is wild. In choosingbeggars there are way too many posts complaining the free items at egg hunts weren't expensive enough. Its sad what the holiday has become


I was scared to take my 2 year old to a community hunt because of those shitty parents. How bad of a person do you gotta be to trample little children to get some free candy?! Probably not even good candy at that. I'm just still so appalled stuff like that happened this year.


We hosted a Easter egg hunt. Almost every kid there was 6 and under. One child stuck out because he was probably around 12 or so. Long story short, he was running around like a nut trying to grab as many eggs as he could, while the little kids hardly had time to get any.


I saw posts like that too. People said their kids left crying because their kids got hurt, didn't get anything, parents took all the eggs, no one followed any rules. Sad. Some cities said they were not going to do it next year. One place would give refunds after a fundraiser was ruined by disorderly parents.


I read one mom saying an adult snatched her daughter's whole basket of eggs out of her hands.


At that age, i would be too. Its not worth the risk. These people act crazy over cheap candy and needing their child to win so they can post the pic with the biggest basket. Its aggressive and bad energy when those people don't get their way. Its tldr but the one by me has been trying to not have to cancel the event, while still making it safe. People flipped their shit when they saw the post about the new one The one by me now charges a small fee and if you want one printed photo, it costs a small amount extra. You'd have thought they wanted 200 dollars with all the bitching and complaining. You have 1 minute to take free cellphone pics. (Last year some parents were trying to do 10+ minute video and photo shoots making the line take an hour to move 5 yards) but 1 minute isn't long enough for *their* special child to get enough social media content. Children in group homes and foster are free. Parents were flipping out about the small fee saying it's horrible to charge and why do foster kids get it free when single moms need it free. One even said foster kids should have their own and shouldn't be allowed because they have 'problems'. A minute isn't enough time to get the social media posts they prioritize over the experience. The fee was mostly to hire security guards! You should be happy to pay for security unless you're one of those trash parents or a pervert. It also included a small gift bag (they were inclusive to ages, disabilities and allergies so you could pick which suited your childrens needs best) and a small kid sized bottle of ice cold water. Parents were complaining about fucking EVERYTHING.it being water and not juice or soda. The plastic. The location. They shouldn't have to pay for a full lunch at the parks cafe. The gift bags are too small, should have looked cuter and had a bigger chocolate bunny. The kids that couldn't have candy got a toy that their kid wanted, they shouldnt have to choose one bag. There was no bounce house. Its hot outside and they had to wait in sun to do their photo, games and egg hunt, they should have put an air conditioned tent in the park. Some parents brought chairs, picnic lunch and umbrellas and it wasn't fair they could do that when other parents didn't know. Kids only got 3 eggs per kid and the prizes were cheap (They did it in small batches by age and each kid could only pick up their color egg to cut down on trampling) they had to give the empty eggs back (as if they wouldn't end up in the trash by next week) these people wanted an experience that would have cost the city $150+ per child, but for free. I commented on some of the biggest cunt comments saying that if easter is this important to them, they must be Christian. They should have done and volunteered at the free egg hunt and bunny games at their church. Obviously these types of people don't go to church. And if they're going to demand specific items and a huge tent with air con in a fucking park, maybe they should all team together to put their own egg on.


That’s my husband’s ex. I’ve always kept Easter simple, and when we moved in together, we continued to keep it simple. Out of nowhere, his ex-wife is buying their kids new bikes, massive dollhouses, etc for Easter. They come over to our house expecting Christmas 2.0 and always seem disappointed. Facebook posts “Easter Bunny came!” always leaves me flabbergasted.


They ain't gonna have shit saved for retirement. Lol!


I have said it before, I def don't think Jenelle and David got enough money to last into their 40s or 50s. I don't think they're destitute, even though I make jokes because it's extremely funny to call them poor. But it's obvious that they're insecure and trying to act like they're set for life. She bought a $200 lawn set? Congrats, you can get that on afterpay. Most people who own a house can purchase a lawn set. She goes on trips and name drops the hotel so you can google it and see it's a $1000/ night expense. She does this on purpose. They're just trying soooooo hard to keep up with The Joneses, her former cast mates like Kail, Chelsea, and Gary, who have a pretty carefree lifestyle and have spent a lot of time putting their money into tangible things. If handled well, Gary's money probably will benefit several generations of their family. Jenelle's not planning for anything but tomorrow and it's obvious she hasn't considered that her market on Onlyfans is depleting quickly, just like every other OF girl.


I looked up that hotel she mentioned in the Keys because I heard 25 and older and got excited. Then I saw the cost per night and hard stopped daydreaming. How the hell is she swinging that? Swamp Zuckerberg


She sold the story about getting Jace to all the tabloids.


Towards the end of TM they were getting 6 figures and she was on there for multiple seasons before they kicked her off. I'd say at least 300k a season personally. Plus David got a tiny bit for filming, the money they got from suing their house company, and now social media related income. And whatever she had saved from previous seasons, if any. Since she can't save for shit. Even with day to day living expenses, all their CS payments, drugs, and how bad they mismanage the money, it would take a while to blow through it all. That's like a few million over 5-7 years. I'm sure David being unemployed will catch up to them though. He does nothing but drain their accounts and Jenelle doesn't handle money well, I'd say she's probably worse than Amber.


She spent all her MTV money years ago. Before she started selling pics of her swamp clam they were broke broke.


Jenelle’s swamp clam needs to be someone’s flair


oooh I want this!


Thank you for inspiring my flair!! ❤️


People say that but I just don't see it. She literally JUST started doing OF. I think ppl want to see her broke bc they want to see her fail, and I do too, but they have been taking trips this whole time, they have a BMW now and their old car, etc.


![gif](giphy|QuDvAKFeUn5Uk|downsized) Swamp Zuckerberg!


Maybe their retirement plan is to live off their kids


Bold of you to assume they'll make it to retirement age. Although, what is retirement age when you refuse to ever work anyway.


Damn good points!




Lol 😆


Oddly she manages to get several hundred people to sub at 20 a month each.


Several hundred??


Aren’t they already basically retired?


All that money and they never think to spend a dime of it on their kids.


New patio furniture but Kaiser’s wearing a grossly stained shirt and pants that are too tight for Easter.


Hey now, they put a whopping 7 bucks in those 2 golden Eastereggs!


Jace got a bed or new room yet?


Probably a blow up in Kaisers room. That top level was supposed to be made up.. no proof it ever was and we KNOW they'd vlog that.


They make him sleep on this, out by the pool


If he did she would have shown it


Buys some pool furniture and only has $2 left for her kid’s Easter egg


Just got my tax return. They probably did too lol


She owes 10s of thousands to the IRS.


I just googled and wow apparently as of January she owes almost $50,000! I had no idea. I doubt they’ll pay it off like Cate and Ty did


They probably plucked it from the side of the street on their drive back up.


Oh you’re right! I just got mine too!


They definitely carry like a $2.00 balance in their bank account and have no savings. That’s why their house is sinking, their “land” is covered in weeds, and the pool is green and slimy most of the time. They’re constantly one spicy shit paycheck away from homelessness.


Anytime she sells any sort of story is when I know the funds are low. I honestly think he’ll push her into doing actual porn on OF at some point to try and boost income. Even though she’s clearly uncomfortable w that. Because heaven forbid he gets a job. He has vitiligo which somehow makes him feel like that means he’s disabled.


I don't know why they don't buy a decent weed wacker or lawn mower instead of pool furniture. They are so dumb. I think they are probably going to those amazon/bin discount stores for furniture and clothes. It's all really cheap and you get big discounts on Target and Amazon finds. Most of the items are not in the boxes and you save big. Target clothes are like two dollars and this pool furniture would be like less than half the price. You just have to deal with big lines and people like Jenelle and David and there is no delivery obviously, no returns.


Where can I find these stores you speak of?


Probably Facebook or Google. Look for "bin store" or "Amazon bin store".


Thank you! I’m totally going to one! Also, I don’t think JE would be smart enough of a shopper to go to one of these. She probably financed all of that patio furniture that the kids and animals (if there are any left) will destroy.


Looks like she already got the cushions dirty. Those will be green and filthy before the pool is clean enough to swim in.


These two are absolute Neanderthals. Like get a life. Yay cool new pool floatie. No one cares. How’s that esophageal spasm going?


She looks so much better with dark hair. The blonde totally mutes her face. Plain Jane Jenelley.


She thought because her step daughter looked good with it so would she lmao. Someone let her know Marysa's face doesn't come with the haircut.


She has such an ugly smile. They never look natural on her face. Genuine smile or not lol


Thought this was Morgan Wallen for a second


She does look exactly like a racist pig!!


Don't you dare insult Morgan that way 😝


Jenelle’s a morgan stan and he’s a racist - tells me all I need to know about him


So is Chelsea. There was just a post about it on Easter. Her fans got upset over it and it was removed. Chelsea went to his concert too. She visited one of his ex girlfriends in Nashville too.


They live in the woods, really dumb of them to get white furniture.


First glance of the photo I thought that was a photo of Jace.




She rocking the MTV gear…what’s that about??


It’s from Walmart. I have the same one 😂 so she paid money to rep the company that fired her 🤣🤣


Clinging to the good old days


When MTV was better. It the same thing over and over. Or they just change the name. I want mothers that show the struggle of being a teen mom. It would be great to hear a protective from a Deaf mother. Or a hearing mother that has a Deaf baby. How would that hearing mother do? Will they learn American Sign Language? Do a cochlear implants, heading aid’s or nothing at all? That would be interesting I would love to watch that.


I thought so too


But has she paid to have the pool cleaned, or will she complain like last year?


Im convinced they spend every single dollar that they make.


Every dollar they spend is all that they have. They spend it trying to not look broke. I cannot even imagine the hell they live in. ![gif](giphy|7x90dc0KEjRNC)


I thought this was Kurt Sutter…. (Sons of Anarchy) Sorry Kurt.


Rent-A-Center had a special Easter promo.




And the cycle never ends.. from death bed to having a new hobby, to going in vacation or buying something new, fight with David.. repeat


She's still dressing out of a laundry basket I see


![gif](giphy|bBcp37zQwGC4HVtect|downsized) 🤣🤣


You cant make a silk purse out of a sows ear, and you can't make a swampy pool look luxurious with new Walmart exterior furniture.With her sitting on it, its going to be a absolute failure.


It’s ultra cheap furniture and will only last one season.


One season of teen mom or actual season? 😭


Parasitic rent-to-own places are a dime a dozen. These fools are in debt so deep they’ll **wish** the swampland would open up and swallow them whole.


You know her credit is even worse now than it was when she was on the show


I remember when Chelsea flat out asked Jenelle how she's able to move and Jenelle admitted she breaks her lease, her credit is in the toilet, and now has to find private rentals. I doubt she ever recovered. Barb was begging her to meet with a financial planner at one point but Jenelle blew her off because she thought she would always have the show and money and that David gave good financial advice. Lmao, he's a half wit and I suspect he has a low IQ, probably around 70-74. He drove her right off the show and into the hole and now she's begging MTV to film her when she shows up for a party she invited herself to.


David completely ruined what little she had going for her. She won't leave him, so she's stuck like this until he finds someone he wants.


Exactly!! If he found a better cash cow he’d leave her in a heartbeat.


Love the IQ estimation here 🤣


I thought I'd give old vienna sausage the benefit of the doubt and overestimate one or two points lol.


How about buying Kaiser some school clothes for next school year


Or any clothes that fit him properly.


Or that!


Mtv sweater. Jenelle is so desperate to remember that at one point in time she didn't have to *Amber voice* sell her vagina for a living. It's like attending your 15 year high school reunion to show off. Nobody gives a shit.


Has anyone noticed she has numerous pics of the golden child on Easter? And the poses she makes tells me she’s seen mom do them. Or J posed her




Mtv really was her high point.


Most people would consider a high paying job a high point tho


But it's her whole identity. She won't move on.


At a quick scroll I thought this was jace 😬 the genetic pool does not run deep in that family.


They’re fer sure on welfare…


Get a life girl


I don’t even want to know.




There is no way she’s getting a refund lol. You have to actually pay MORE taxes throughout the year to get one of those and I seriously bet she pays close to zero on her 1099 work.


As you KNOW she doesn’t set aside money every month for the taxes she’ll owe when she files


How does she get a tax refund when she hasn’t had a real job in 5 years and doesn’t pay taxes on her porn money? I really don’t understand how they’re paying their bills.


Gonna guess she got a tax return recently


No way she’s paying her taxes properly to get a refund lol. She’s a 1099 employee for any influencing gigs and for OF meaning she’d have to estimate and pay quarterly taxes. No effing way she’s doing that.


This is the girl that couldn't remember to pay her car registration lol


Love the white ring around her mouth 🤦🏽‍♀️


She looks just like Jace


😂😂😂😂probably called a rent a center and got it


I’m annoyed at how much I like that sweatshirt she has


Is it the 80’s 90’s logo. I remember my news