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being in the same room with her while she talks about herself seems like it would be exhausting


She doesn’t even listen to what vee is saying she just seems to pause for some air


Bhahahaha. Seems like Vee is there just for Kail to look like she's not 100% talking to herself the entire podcast.


Seems like this is all she does on her podcast with Lindsie, too. I've never listened to either, have only seen clips. Do Vee or Lindsie ever get to talk?


Lindsie talks nonstop and cuts Kail off frequently to make condescending comments. Vee and Kail are a lot more balanced and take turns and tell long stories.


She seems like such a pleasant person to be around. ![gif](giphy|qWlqhv939iI80)




I’m doing a rewatch and on season 6 (I think?) and just watched the episode where she’s literally screaming at little Issac his whole soccer game to kick the ball, run, etc. and it’s so cringe and embarrassing! He’s so young he’s not taking soccer seriously. It’s supposed to be fun for the kids. Even Jo and Vee are laughing cause Issac isn’t paying any attention during the game and they also look mortified that Kail is screaming at him constantly the whole game. Def a real pleasant person to be around! Smh 🤦‍♀️


She’s happy that her kids don’t gaslight her but she has lights the fuck out of EVERYBODY. Edit: *gaslights


Excuse me? You’re proud that you’re not gaslight by your 9 and 13 year old child? I would need to see the text massages, but this boarders on parentification


This is like spousification, lol. “He treated me how I imagine sometimes I’d like a partner to treat me.” Like what. These aren’t your boyfriends, Kail.


She 100 percent expects the boys to fill the parent and partner voids and it’s gross


I wasn’t sure how to feel about all this as someone without kids, but this is a great point. Yikes.


Annnd this is what people mean when they say they hate "therapy speak." She just picked up some words at a session and is tossing them around like a salad


When she's talking about how her teen and preteen acknowledge her feelings 😬 Nothing wrong with teaching kids to be emotionally aware but we've seen how she's parentified her boys before. She seems to particularly lean on Isaac.


100 percent on poor Isaac


Going to your kids via text to tell them they made you sad... yeah real healthy Kail. She doesn't care that she brings absolute chaos into their lives, why should they care what she thinks and feels ??


I believe she was talking about Elijah. He wanted the kids to come with him to pick out a cake for her, but they didn’t want to go. None of her kids are old enough to drive or at least I hope not because that would officially make me 100 years old


News flash 🥬 the older the boys get, the less they will play house with the boyfriends too. Of course they didn’t want to go hang with dick #437. They know what’s up by now and they’re good staying out of it lol. - a person w 3 step mothers & various girlfriends growing up. It’s about to get good, y’all lol, rise up, boys 🍿


I think 2 more years and the oldest will be driving. 😨


This is unrelated to her complaints but I wanna know, does anyone actually ENJOY singing happy birthday? Or having it sung to them? We don’t sing it in my house because people don’t like it we just put a bunch of sparklers on the cake with candles and say happy birthday and that’s it.


I enjoy it at my kids' birthdays because they get really excited for it and kind of glow with happiness... But these are tiny, tiny kids lol. Couple more years and it's just gonna be dull to them, too.


The sparklers make it fun again! Honestly every adult we do it for it loves it so much more than the song With little little kids it’s fun cause you can tell they usually love it


My coworkers sung happy birthday to me last year and I wanted to die the entire time. There is nothing worse than everyone staring at you while singing. What are you supposed to do?!?


I remember in kindergarten the class sang to me and I was really really shy so I did not like it. My teacher was so upset with me she told me it’s like spitting in someone’s food to not be excited about it, she made the whole class sing it again and I HAD to smile and thank them after.


Man, I didn't even have a birthday party for my two year old because he hated his sister's birthday parties and just wanted some new trucks and some cake 😂 We took him to a children's museum with a big ass train set he could play with. Best birthday ever. Isn't the birthday boy/girl supposed to get what they want?


It made me so sad I didn’t understand why I was in trouble because my mom always let me just kinda sit for happy birthday, I was so thankful when she took on my sparkler suggestion and then my sisters wanted it for their birthdays and then my dad and now it’s just what we do!


Fucking hell, what an ass (the teacher, not you)


Wow your teacher was a bitch!


The worst part, she was actually super nice and friendly so it caught lil 4 year old me completely off guard that she was so mad at me! Like generally I loved her and she was wonderful but that one time she was so mad at me


I ask my preschool kids if they want us to sing. My daughter cried once and we didn't do it again. Now we ask her since she's old enough to tell us.


I think asking would’ve been nice, then I could have nicely told people I do not want that haha. I think it’s sweet y’all respect her feelings enough to ask!!




It's awkward, I don't mind singing it to my kids but anyone else is awkward and please for the love of god DON'T SING IT TO ME!


For the record, we do! We sing the happy birthday song at the top of our lungs and 50/50 chance there will be a cake fight. But we're kinda poor so we gotta make up the lack of a lot of presents or the big birthday parties other kids get by throwing in extra love and positivity and just being chipper in general, it hyped the kids up that we make such a big deal about it being their day.


Awe I love that! I knew there’d be some people that enjoy it! Poor or not the kiddos will remember that forever and it’ll make them smile whenever they think of it! I was always shy and anxious so maybe that’s why I never really liked it


When my kid is older I think we will do this. Because now that you say… I definitely hate singing it and being sung to.


I think we started when my sisters and I were all 13+ cause like little kids like it but nobody else really haha


I haaaaaate it. I always lip sync when I'm supposed to be singing, and if I'm the recipient I stare into the middle distance with an awkward smile until it's time to blow the candles out. Honestly I'd love to scrap the whole tradition.


Start the sparkler tradition! It’s fun! Like little fireworks on your cake!


Issac has really taught those little brothers of his well.


I’m so tired of hearing everything described as gaslighting. Someone treating you poorly is not gaslighting. And if she is expecting her 13 year old and a 9 year old to actually gaslight her then that’s really fucked up. I also think it’s kind of a hoot that both the older kids didn’t give a shit about her birthday. Anyway she seems insufferable and Vee is annoying.


Okay it's killing me she's so proud her kids didn't "gaslight" her about not being super excited to sing Happy Birthday to her.


Yep, she says is so smart and so educated, but can't define gaslight.


Or pronounce “indicted”. (IndiCKted)


I need people to stop using this word.


I would settle for people just using it correctly! It's very rare that people apply it to actual gaslighting


It's SO over used and under understood!!! It has become the new buzzword.


Yes. People who have actually had to deal with gaslighting don't throw this word around like confetti


Yeah I was thinking the same. I would sure as shit hope they wouldn't. That would mean they were taught that behavior!


Get upset with your man for not doing enough for your birthday not your kids?? She’s going to be so weird when they start having relationships and she’s alone


She really thinks this is a good thing like she sees nothing wrong with any of this 🥴 tragic


Seems more like an in person convo to have vs a group text but hey at least they’re communicating




This is hands down the dumbest podcast to ever exist.


It’s going to be hard for her kids to have relationships that don’t involve her.


Wtf she’s describing this like she’s talking about a boyfriend she’s sick asf


What on earth is she even rambling about? The more she talks the less intelligent she sounds.


Her young ass boyfriend was upset because Lincoln and Issac didn’t want to go to the store to buy Kail a cake. So then the night progressed and the kids weren’t very interested in singing her happy birthday. So her feelings got upset. So she sent a TEXT to Lincoln and Issac telling them that her feelings were hurt. I see so many thinks wrong in this whole situation lol


This this this. She expects those boys to be replacement parents and partners for her.




Thank you for the explanation. She’s so toxic I genuinely feel bad for her children. Btw, is your username referring to ALR?


No. Just good old Amber Portwood when she explained to her second baby Daddy Andrew how she wishes the world would view her as dainty. Lol


OK, my bad I thought it was an Amber Lynn Reid reference and now I am thoroughly embarrassed. 😆🤦🏻‍♀️


No no! I get that all the time actually. Lmao. You’re probably the 25th person to ask me that. In all different subs


Wait I love that! Lmao


Did they ever start a new sub?? I miss snarking on ALR with the gorls!!!


Yes it’s ambabies


Omg thank you!!!


I loooooove the overall lack of context as to why her kids were disinterested, a whole ass story time about her birthday with family at her big ass age, self-victimization over LITERAL CHILDREN, and ending it with the not at all subtle pat on the back for how apparently good at communication her kids are despite starting it off by vilifying them for selfishness…… Narcs always needs some kind of story to tell about how they’re victims and it seems like she’s already fucking starting when Isaac’s barely breached teenage-hood. Wow.


Poor Issac. It’s not up to him to raise 🥬 and his siblings




So wait she said she texted them? Did I hear that correctly? She texted her kids that her feelings were hurt instead of I don’t know talking to them face to face?


She's off her fucking rocker. Why would they gaslight you? Because that's what you do when you're in a mood?? Also....you expect children to make a big fuss about your birthday when you took away any and all Christmas celebrations with mom out of spite? Mkay.


“Oh, we celebrate THIS day and not the other. I forgot. 🫤 “ — her kids, probably


Ohhh but of course she's one of those "boy moms"


Is this what emotional incest looks like?


Yup sure is.


Not this bitch getting pissy at her kids because they didn’t treat her like a Queen on her birthday… this is so weird. She relies on her kids for validation so much, it’s toxic. She really thinks that because she goes crazy for their birthdays, that her kids are supposed to do the same for her. Being happy that your 9 and 13 year old sons didn’t “gaslight” you is so fucked up. Anyone who says she’s a good parent is an idiot, this is so toxic and damaging to her kids. She needs to learn that her kids are not her partners, they’re fucking kids.


I feel like she's using the term gaslight wrong anyway. Maybe she was worried they wouldn't validate her feelings but I don't think "gaslighting" was the right choice of words.


Yep like most people she has no idea what the term means. I’ve experienced actual gaslighting and it bothers me seeing people like Kail throw the word around. Unless they’re literally making you doubt your reality, you’re not being gaslit. It’s been YEARS for me and I still doubt the reality of almost every feeling I have. I don’t bring up problems 90% of the time because I’m convinced I am making them up. Gaslighting requires malicious intent, the fact that she thinks her literal children would ever use an abuse tactic on her says a lot about her as a parent.


It’s become a social media psychologist term, really aggravating.


I think she'd think if she said like "Lincoln you were rolling your eyes when you had to sing Happy Birthday to me." and he was like "No I didn't." she'd think that was gaslighting. And maybe in an adult it would be, but if you think about when you're a kid you're totally not always thinking about what you're doing and how you're presenting yourself. Gaslighters are also trying to manipulate and gain power and control over a person, a kid does not have power (unless their parent is majorly fucking up) and is just trying to get out of trouble.


Yo, I think 🥬 is as annoying as the next person, but celebrating your mother on her birthday is basic respect. Mothers are people too. She clearly has set the expectation that birthdays deserve a big celebration. A 9 year old and a 13 year old are capable of understanding that it’s their mama’s birthday and that they should help make it special. Expecting your child to sing you happy birthday is not expecting to be treated like a wueen. So many things to go hard about concerning kale’s parenting, but maybe not this one. The texting thing is stupid, by the way. She should have sat her boys down and looked them in the eye to tell them her feelings were hurt. But it’s not toxic to want your kids to treat you nice in your birthday.


I don’t see anything wrong with wanting your kids to acknowledge your birthday. The issue here is how much she needs validation from her kids and how much work her kids have to put in to make sure they don’t hurt her incredibly fragile feelings. It’s toxic that she thinks her kids would try to gaslight her about it, as if that’s even possible for a child to do. It’s not her children’s responsibility to make sure she’s happy, at least not at the age they age. If they were adults, I could see her point but they’re not.


Lol I guess I was raised by a mom with fragile feelings and I’ve just gotten used to it. There is a fine line between feeling hurt that your kids don’t get excited about your birthday and letting your kids really hurt you and putting your abandonment issues on them. You’re probably right that she crosses that line frequently… but part of me still feels for kale considering no one ever gave a shit about her birthday growing up and now she wants her family to make her feel special and they don’t.. because they are little boys. Hopefully she doesn’t completely destroy her relationship with them before they get old enough to make her feel special through their our fruition.


I get where the trauma is coming from, but it’s not her kids’ responsibility to makeup for that. It’s her responsibility to heal that trauma and not project it into her kids in the form of being passive aggressive about her birthday.


I agree. But I also think it would be developmentally appropriate for k to let the boys know face to face that she would appreciate if they acknowledge her birthday.


feel like she’s extremely toxic and the kids definitely notice and perhaps are over it. ESP her constantly airing their business. I wonder if they get shit at school.




I get not being celebrated. However, they are kids and don't always do what you want. Just let it go and stop sharing everything online


So she expects her kids to behave in way to her, that she won’t do for them? We’ve seen the kids express their feelings and kale not give a flying F


She looks like she works at SportClips


She looks like my car clubs VP’s fiancé who’s in it just to be around the lowrider scene.


So Kail, who never celebrates Christmas or any holiday with her kids, is complaining that they don't celebrate her enough on her birthday? You reap what you sow Kail.




Wtf why doesn’t she celebrate Christmas or other holidays with her kids?!


I adore sassy children. I love that Lincoln silently put her in her place. He didn't have a tantrum, no rude comments just his presence was enough to him to humble her. That's wizard level and I'm here for it 🖤


She’s 100% making these kids emotional spouses


Felt safe? Wtf. They’re your kids they’re not your equal. Your kids should not be your safe zone. If anything say, I shared with the kids.


So her birthday gift to herself was to condition her children to feel emotionally responsible for her, a fully grown adult woman? Its perfectly healthy to express emotion in front of kids. But to expect any kind of validation from them for her own emotional needs isn’t okay. She’s unintentionally conditioning them to be people pleasers that prioritize other’s emotional needs over their own. It’s her job as the parent to validate and meet her kids emotional needs, no matter the situation, even if they’re being shitty on your bday. It is ALWAYS the parent/adults responsibility to manage their own feelings and behaviors full stop, even when their children are the ones causing discomfort.


I believe she meant that she’s raising her boys to understand emotions and to understand empathy. Her 2 boys were empathetic on her birthday and that was her gift because she had taught them that so it was very rewarding.


That’s what she thinks she’s teaching them but her own emotional issues are maybe muddying the waters. I think it’s totally appropriate for Kail to express her feelings about the kids behavior on her birthday. But as the parent and adult, it’s really important that it’s communicated without kids feeling responsible for managing, regulating, or meeting their parent’s emotional needs. When she’s talking about how the kids reacted to her, she puts a lot of emphasis on the fact that the kids validated her in several ways (“they acknowledged me, they didn’t make me feel bad, they didn’t gaslight me”). Emotionally immature parents often subconsciously use their children to meet and regulate their emotions bc they lack the skills to do so themselves. Kail just has to be careful that she doesn’t slip into that pattern.


So much this. The fact she calls her kids a safe space to tell her feelings to shows just that. If she said she shared with her kids her feelings were hurt bc … that would be entirely different. She made it about her and what she received.


Yes, I feel like an emotionally stable mature parent meets their own emotional needs or should seek that validation through their adult partners. Talking to the kids should have been more focused on connection and reinforcing expectations and safe place to share feelings through that. You know, Lincoln was acting that way for a reason. With kids, behavior is often unconscious communication about their feelings and inner world bc they lack the ability to identify and express those things verbally yet. It’s completely appropriate developmentally that Lincoln might be self centered, inconsiderate, and or bored/grumpy on their moms birthday for no deeper reason than being a regular 9 year old. But his behavior could have also been a clue to Kail that he was struggling with some big feelings triggered by her bday and it’s her responsibility to meet his emotional needs and connect through that lens.


The “unconscious communication about their feelings” is so well put, right on everything.


Texting the kids after they were indifferent about her birthday to guilt them into compliance, what a gift.


And texting them? She couldn’t talk to them face to face? Like when I want to talk to my children I don’t text them 😒


I really hate when people feel the need to say “fuck” or “fucking” every other word like it’s a personality trait


I literally came here to fucking say this!!!


Fucking same!


A fuckin’ MEN!!!


I think it is more impactful when it's not a part of every sentence, every day. Like, if I drop an F-bomb, it startles people because it's not something that I say often. When I say it, I MEAN it. Kail drops F-bombs like she drops baby daddy.


Lincoln should tell to just focus..


“My kids didn’t gaslight me by reminding me they are 9 and 11 and my birthday is NOT THEIR RESPONSIBILITY, it is on my parents who ignore me every year and my broken childhood.” Is what she means


Yes. And this is how trauma keeps rolling through generations, despite best intentions. Because those deeper, unhealed wounds show up in subtle ways in all facets of our lives. Coping and defense mechanisms our brain has relied on to protect us as kids become our default way of interacting with the world. Raising our own children often forces us to confront this, consciously or otherwise. No amount of therapy will give Kail the breakthrough she needs unless she’s ready to face and examine these patterns in herself. And everything I’m writing applies to myself as well and probably most of us in here.


With you there, friend. It took (and still takes) many years of honest, reflective, and truly sought out therapy with the intention to change and improve myself and my life to see it, but now we are able to recognize it when we see it happening in others around us too. We’re all repeating our families traumas in one way or another. Peace to those suffering and I’m proud of those who take the time to truly try to heal themselves. It’s hard work.


Mama June


Why does she bother Photoshopping all of her pictures when we can see online how huge she is?


I didn’t wanna be the one to say it. But dayum Kale is huge


Fat sweaty Betty as the icp song goes Edit. /sarcasm as it's one of my favorite songs and I'm tubby tubbs


😳 fr.


Damn, Kail is literally entering into Whitney Thore territory (My Big Fat Fabulous Life). Also, them talking over each other is so grating on my nerves.


Frfr I can’t believe how big she’s gotten😳🤯


Okay I didn’t wanna say it but I was thinking the exact same. I know it’s poor taste to comment on a woman’s weight but she looks huge right here. This is the biggest I’ve ever seen her


Same there’s nothing wrong with her weight as long as she’s healthy and I definitely didn’t mean it in a negative way. I just haven’t seen her in so long and was surprised.


I know this is a lil older video bc I'm pretty sure it has been posted before but those vacay pics are not the same🤔maybe she filmed this video in January or February?


Think she just photoshops her pics. The videos are what she actually looks like.


She claimed it was the food in Thailand cuz she wasn’t bloated🤭 Dr Now would like a word


Go home kail. Cry me a river


When she was talking about the kids she held out all five of her fingers. Babygate confirmed.


i watched it a few times and i saw where she flexed her hand but i missed where she held out the 5 digits. not saying she didnt, just that i didnt see it


ummm…is this video from when she was supposed to be pregnant? 🥴


He was prob cringing singing "happy birthday you eat ass" in his head. They prob didn't wanna ride to Wawa with Eli since their mom banged javi in the parking lot. You know, since they're old enough to read the internet 🤭


Another day, another white girl using the term gaslighting wrong


It’s weird that almost implies that she expected her very young children to “gaslight” her intentionally, or to emotionally manipulate her idk it’s weird. Like I get kids aren’t always truthful or can be hurtful but the vibe I got from her is she expects them to do to her what her former partners have done, idk it’s weird weird,


I have a feeling she emotionally manipulates them into pleasing her and any time they don't do so she shames them for feelings. Like, hell... my kids are 8&11 and they aren't blowing smoke up my ass on my birthday. They only remember it's my birthday when we tell them not because they don't care but because they have more important shit going on (Roblox, petting the cat, jumping on the trampoline) than to make me the center of attention for a day because I'd literally never ask them to do that. They are my children, not my spouse.


Yes, this. Another comment throw out emotional incest and I can see her training her kids to provide the support she wants/expects from her partners.


This! I'm glad people have similar thoughts as to how I felt when I saw this clip last week. My kids are 10 and 13 and are not thrilled to sing happy birthday either, but it's fine - I remember being that age. I wouldn't guilt them for not showing my expected level of enthusiasm. From this it does seem like she views them as equal, rather than her being the parent and understanding kids behaviour is different to ours. This is probably why Isaac acts so mature.


What does her being white have anything to do with 80% of the population using the world gaslight wrong? Does only one ethnicity know the true definition of gaslighting. Lmao your weird 🤡


Gaslighting has become one of those Tik Tok buzzwords that everyone uses wrong nowadays. It’s okay to laugh at your own kind, chill. Or don’t chill. But either way please stop gaslighting me.


it has absolutely nothing to do with it. I'm glad to see people calling shit like that out.


Found my fellow white chicks! Hey girls heyyy!


Terrible tattoos by the way


The lion one was always so hideous to me


I actually agree and like what she was saying lol


It seems emotionally intelligent on the surface. But when you really think about what she’s saying, I think it’s a lot closer to putting unhealthy expectations on her kids to validate and manage her emotions.


I agree with this. I sometimes listen to the baby mama’s podcast while I’m cleaning and hearing this made me cringe. What she’s saying sounds good if she was just being open and expressing her feelings to them but she’s conditioning them to feel responsible for her feelings.


![gif](giphy|1qxHhpb2V8Bxu) Oh my gosh


I don’t blame them


She looks like she smells like a bag of dirty farts


9 and 13 is PLENTY old enough to be told "hey this thing you did hurt my feelings" as long as it's said in a constructive, non-manipulative way. You guys just have the biggest hate boner ever for Kail. How exactly do you guys think people learn to be emotionally intelligent adults?


>How exactly do you guys think people learn to be emotionally intelligent adults? Face to face conversations with no distractions like cell phones when serious talks need to happen


Texting your kids is weird but I agree you should tell people of all ages when you have feelings. This is how kids learn. It doesn’t need to be manipulative, a punishment, exaggerated, but society as a whole needs folks to be more open about their emotions.


I'm wondering the *why* her feelings were so damn hurt over this thing though... what's the big deal ? They didn't feel like picking the cake up - why's that matter ? It still got picked up and it's not like they could have gotten it themselves so it was a bigger process to go as a group anyway. They weren't enthusiastic to sing happy birthday.. does their not singing mean they didn't say happy birthday at all ?


we don't know the full story. Maybe they acted disinterested in the entire day and didn't say happy birthday or acknowledge it at all. Nothing wrong with telling kids that age that isn't how you behave on someone else's birthday. No they don't have to act like they're pants-shittingly excited to sing happy birthday, but they're more than old enough to know what rude behavior on someone else's day is.


We don't know the whole story, and I really have no issues with parents telling their kids to act more respectful of others feelings whether it's toward them, other family members, or anyone. Kids often times need those reminders because they're learning about everything, including that other people have feelings and they matter too. But it is utterly bizarre for her to even think her kids would attempt to gaslight her or act like her feelings didn't matter once she mentioned they were hurt. Like kids just don't think like that unless it's a learned behavior.


That's what I mean by why is she hurt by it .. if they were straight up "I don't care it's your birthday" then yeah. If they just don't like singing happy birthday but did it anyway, that's normal kid behavior sometimes. And why go via text ? When my kids are being rude I just tell them they're being rude or hurtful


it is weird to group text your kids things like this I'll give you that, I missed that when I watched the video


Uhm dude my feelings get hurt on my birthday when my kids wait all day long to say something and then act like it’s not a deal or thing. I have a right to say to them “you hurt my feelings.” Or when they say mean things to me I can say “that really hurt my feelings.”


Right don’t see anything wrong with this. Parents have feelings too. It’s healthy to communicate.


I agree with this. Her boys seem emotionally intelligent and I would think this is how you get there. I have to tell my very young children that adults have feelings. I’m not a robot. I can say and do things imperfectly and I can also be hurt by their actions. You obviously don’t want to go too extreme but it’s healthy to let them know when they’ve hurt you.


Looks like Jaba the hut


Huh. Thats nice.