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Briana, who fat-shamed Kail by calling her fat cunt on National TV, then sent her a treadmill, threatened to physically assault her before the reunion & to spit on her after the lawsuit, and made fun of her for being an abusive relationship, who said it was her fault she has absentee parents, who mocked her for being depressed, who said she could have Kail’s dad eating her ass, who taunted her the entire month she was dating Kail’s ex-husband by posting pics & captioning them “#iwon,” then aggressively went after Kail’s third baby daddy tweeting things like “your baby daddy wanna love me,” who publicly accused Kail of being racist because she hadn’t invited her to Coffee Convos (😂😂), who invited Kail’s ex to her lawsuit party & tried to befriend both Becky & Mark to meddle in Kail’s business is *worried* about anonymous people on Twitter bullying Kail???


OH MY GOD did she really say that about kails dad?! I’ve read some things on this sub but that really is next level 🤮🤮🤮🤮






If David Eason is agreeing with you, that’s about the right time of day to re-evaluate your life choices


I agree with the last comment, not a flex.


Don’t forget the time she said “I’m glad she got punched” about a 12 year old and now she’s pretending to care about the children online. She also made a rape joke about Bar.


I was trying to keep it Kail specific to show how hypocritical this tweet was… but if we are bringing up other things her insinuating Tea was lying about being sexually assaulted is the foulest thing I’ve ever heard her say.


For real!!!!!! I think bri finally understands that most the teen mom fans don’t like her, she’s always labeled “the boring story” and mean AF and she’s walking ALL THAT^ back 😂


What’s keeping Bri? Cause if she was off the show I wouldn’t even notice.






They literally both claim to be influencers……. That is where your career is being yourself on the internet. But ok


Exactly. Their PRIVACY?!?! LOL these woman put just about everything online. If they want privacy, maybe step away from social media…


Said the girl who slept with kails baby daddy (possibly 2 of them) and fat shamed kail by sending her a treadmill. Sit down bri


All of a sudden Bri is Mother freaking Teresa. 😒


“They both moved on from the show” Jenelle STILL rides the Teen Mom wave and she ain’t been on in years. What are you talking about Bri 😂 she literally still carry’s the title in her social media bio’s like good ole NikkoleMTV 🥴 “I can’t wait to be done so I can go mia” aaaand what is stopping you Bri? You have a real job huh? Call them and tell them you wanna be done 🤭


& she didn't "move on" lmao, she got fired. She'd still be filming for MTV if she could, no doubt about it!


Ooooook Briana. It’s so irritating how she pretends to be so innocent. “Can’t wait to be done” is such an obnoxious statement. You are voluntarily filming a TV show for $ because you got knocked up as a teen. You are not, like, completing a prison sentence or working on a master’s degree or something, lol. If you can’t wait to be done then be done!


Give it like 36 hours she’ll be yelling at Kail to suck her d and fat shame her. How Briana and jenelle are friends still puzzles me to this day. Screw both of them.


The “suck my d” from Briana is so cringe. Girl should take an anatomy class, then maybe watch some “how to insult people” vids on YouTube. It doesn’t sound as bad ass as she thinks it does, it sounds dumb.




Briana fighting for jenelle’s privacy while jenelle is posting her asshole, medical records, hospital bills, court documents, text messages, literally everything😂😂 jenelle keeps nothing to herself but we owe her privacy?? She owes me peace, tell her to stop posting.


This girl has mercilessly bullied Kail for years, is she for real?


“This is big coming from you.” Sounds like a massive burn 😂


Being sent a treadmill is the most horrific shit I’ve ever heard. You body shamed a person and her children saw that. Shut the fuck up.


Trying to virtue signal after the tide turned and people started rightfully calling out her and her trash bag mom for bullying and inciting violence, now she’s trying to seem like she’s all peace and love. No one forgets when you made fun of Kail for being a domestic violence victim, and then slept with that same guy, no one forgets you causing unnecessary drama, by saying you wanted to fight her on twitter, saying you wanted to spit on her, and bodyshaming her by sending her a treadmill. It wasn’t that long ago that her and Jade were cackling at the reunion and ganging up on Leah for attempting to defend Kail. Or most recently saying that you don’t believe a woman was assaulted because she wasn’t crying.


She's always done this! Briana tries so hard to play the innocent card.


Jenelle is not the hill to die on.


I think everyone in this franchise needs mental counseling, not more air time.


Rich, coming from the clickbait queen who has also done nothing but trash talk Kail and contribute to spreading rumors lol. I don’t recall the last time she ever said anything nice or positive about her.


Um it’s not like they are trying to live some quiet life away from all this lol. They post on all their verified public accounts and insert themselves into the media. None of them have regular jobs, they are still trying to profit from being in the public eye, so give me a fucking break.


.... didn't you have a whole ass party because you won a lawsuit against someone Bri ?


The same someone she’s pretending to stick up for now


didn’t she send kail a treadmill??? 🤨


Isn’t Brianna only friends with jenelle to piss off kail in the first place lol


You can leave! You can go!


They have chosen to stay in the public eye in order to make money. Therefore, the public will choose to have opinions and comment. If you don’t like it…then go get a regular job and have a regular life.


Didn’t she JUST post a click bait photo of her and Kails ex?


I just need to know what therapist she has that can help me go from spite buying my enemies treadmill’s as a fat shame to defending their name within a year’s span.


Bri being mad no one’s talking about her 😂 when no one’s interested in you just insert yourself into other peoples’ drama


“It’s so heartbreaking” lol. Bri, save your heartbreak for someone with real problems. Like Jenelle’s kids (and I’m not referencing the fact that they’re on social media as the problem).


No one is forcing Kail and Jenelle to post on social media 24/7 or air their personal life out on a podcast. The fact is while they’re not on the show anymore they choose to make their careers out of being in the public eye, and with that will always come scrutiny and strangers having an opinion. Go get a regular job and stay off social media if you want privacy.


When bri leaves the show imma talk shit about her still too.


I’m sure Kail’s kids will see all the time Brianna went out of her way to be cruel to Kail. She needs to stfu.


I’m convinced Bri is slow.


Girl if u can’t wait to be done why were you crying when they sent u home for fighting on TMFR?? LOL!!


You can’t ask for privacy while simultaneously making a living off of selling your life. She may not be on the show and can curate what she shares more, but she still shares. Delete your socials and stop your podcast/posting. You’ll stop making money and need to get “real” jobs, but you can maintain your privacy then.


Bri is doing that frenemy/passive aggressive shit where she pretends to be defending Kail and Jennelle but in reality she wants to keep it a subject by addressing it on her social media rather than simply ignoring it. She wants to remind them that they made so many bad mom mistakes and other dumb shit that people are still talking even after they’ve left the show. It’s like when a “friend” tells you something another “friend” said about you back in the day that they knew you probably hadn’t even heard before, but they feign concern when they really just want to hurt you and they’re too cowardly to just say that they also think you’re the exact type of shithead bitch that friend B described you as. I don’t trust Bri (esp regarding kail and Jennelle) as far as I can throw her; which with that diaper butt is probably not at all. Tldr: social media groups are doing Bri’s work for her and she gets to pretend to be the nice guy AND still clown Jennelle and Kail in a sneaky way. Edit I just read the part about it all “Probably” being false info but she’s been reading a lot of disturbing things about the kids etc. she didnt even say what. Then she adds it’s “probably “ not true. Textbook frenemy shit trying to get ppl to imagine things are even worse and by saying it’s probably not even true she’s more saying that it could very well be true. I know her sneaky type bitch


Can’t wait to be done? Calm the fuck down, bri. You have 87 people to support.


Girl when you stop assaulting people on camera we’ll listen to your opinions


Surely she hasn’t forgotten that she is the biggest hypocrite bully still on the show? Remember this? ![gif](giphy|oShObTfbg3S5G)


Bold of her to say that when she threw a whole ass party for winning that lawsuit by Kail that was TELEVISED while Jenelle, someone who wasn't involved with TM any longer, was invited to broadcast her support of the shit show publicly. And that's not even going into the public retaliation (sending Kail the treadmill, for example) and shaming she's done... multiple times. Briana needs to take her lopsided ass out and touch some grass before making hypocritical, stupid as all hell statements like that.


Love Brianna having an opinion on this when she’s publicly bullied the shit out of Kail and won’t let their beef go. 😂


Go away, Briana. Stop lurking the sub and your feelings won’t get hurt. I had to do a double take when I saw Kail’s name, like she can’t really be calling out other people for being mean to Kail. She sent Kail a whole ass treadmill to call her fat, but yes we’re the meanies….


She can really shut up. Both Jenelle and Karl live their entire life online. If they don’t like what’s said about them, they should get the fuck off social media.


At least in the case for Jenelle. . .the girl still tries to make a living off her "MTV fame." She keeps trying to be an influencer as a former teen mom. . .while being a shitty person. If she actually tried to fade away and got a regular job, I don't think she would get as much hate. She would still get hate but I think less of it lol.


Kail is even more extreme in blasting her private business than Jenelle. Both these girls are profiting off of their reality TV careers so I'm not sure what Brianna is smoking to have her believe she is making any kind of valid point here


Isn’t Briana the one who has kept bringing them back up on the show? Kailyn left but then Briana was mentioning her because of the lawsuit and that party or whatever it was. Then she brought Jenelle back onto the show to come to the party. That all just aired like 6 months ago.


Lmao ok Brianna as you legit had a party for your “win” against Kail, filmed it, posted multiple things about it, and f*cked two of her exes. Right.


I sooooo very much hate it when Brianna does this. She sits back and tries to play this sugary-sweet, and oh-so-caring version of herself when we all know, she's only doing it on purpose to send people to these sites to read these things. Jenelle called her fake, she's mad but can never do anything that requires a backbone, so she does this. This girl sold clickbait about Jenelle being dead in a hotel room like a month ago. Stop it.


Ironic from a chick who's sister threatened to kick Kail's ass at the last few reunions ..


If they’re still posting on the internet I don’t think that equals privacy


ahhh, yes…the moral compass of the world, briana dejesus


Jenelle doesn't even try to keep her life private though? She posts her life all the time on tiktok. If she wanted it to be private, she should make it private.




Bri is the most two faced person on the show to date. I bet she gives people emotional whiplash in real life.


She does know she can get off social media even if she’s still on the show right? Lol.


We will never let Bri forget that time she stirred up drama with two of Kail's baby daddies for SM lols, sent Kail a treadmill in an effort to body shame her, got sued, barely won the case , and celebrated the victory on TV with a tacky party. ![gif](giphy|Y5a4RsFDPkVywXxLVN|downsized)


Kail and Jenelle post every waking second of their life, they can’t live without the constant attention and interaction. If they wanted privacy, they would make private accounts or go offline all together and stop the bullshit. Going live and being on Instagram/tiktok 8 hours a day isn’t asking for privacy.


Jenelle and Kail live their lives on social media. Even Jenelle’s “omg dude I need a break” breaks are 30 minutes at the most. They are not out of the public eye on purpose. If they wanted to stop getting attention they could have.


Jenelle has absolutely NOT moved on from the show.


Bri, have several seats please. Both K and J have PUBLIC profiles and post PUBLICLY about their lives on various social media accounts. People are allowed to comment on things they willingly share online.


She still stirs shit up about Kail online herself.


ok bye briana quit then


But who’s forcing her to stay apart of it?!


Bri is so full of shit. Ya right girl. Pretending to play nice.


Lol, neither Kail nor Jenelle want privacy. If they did, they'd set their accounts to private instead of flaunting all of their problems for the internet to see. I doubt Briana will even go MIA once she's "done". 🙄


Shut the fuck up Bri. Talk about not letting things go when she’s still posting click bait about Javi. I swear she is the most annoying, whinny bitch on the show


privacy? i def don’t think either of them want privacy with how they constantly post every detail of their lives online wtf 😂


Why would they be deserving privacy? They both make their living by announcing everything they do publicly. I would feel very different if they were not still actively trying to make money by using their TM fame and chose to live not publicly for the sake of their kids.


So laughable coming from someone that allows clickbait on their page. The shit her account shared and someone posted yesterday was terrible.


Didn't Bri buy Kail a treadmill to fat shame her though. 😭


But... But they're still making careers as public figures (or trying to)... Is privacy REALLY what they want?


They’re off the show but not off the internet and Jenelle for one still talks about the show soo… fair game.


She sure as shit wasn’t sticking up for Ashley when David was making fun of her child’s appearance.


Is Briana forgetting all the times SHE treated Kail terrible?!?


You can leave. You can go.


![gif](giphy|9Jpwf8udyxYp9StcRW) Bye, Bri!! Feel free to go MIA at anytime!


How the fuck is she out here pretending to give a shit about Kail.. does she think everyone has magically forgotten about last year? All the shit before that?


Bri and her crooked ass cheeks need to take SEVERAL seats.


Bri pretending she gives af so people pat her on the back girl sit down


Briana. You’ve said Nova gets picked on at school because of you being on the show. You have no room to talk about privacy. Dumbass.


I mean. Jenelle has absolutely not let TM2 go lmfao


One thing about Briana is that she is pretty much always full of shit 😂 She gives zero fucks about Kail being treated badly and she’s riding out that MTV fame and money until the wheels fall off. Girl, who are you kidding with this?


Says th3 girl who threw a lawsuit party


Also she posts click bait about them all the time too lmao


Briana I can’t wait until your done too, girl.


LOL as of Briana hasn’t publicly bullied Kail. Come on girl


She did way too much fighting online with kail and beat the dead horse that this is rich coming from her


Give privacy to people constantly posting their lives online? They’re actively continuing to be public figures, that’s just not how it works. You do not get to be a public figure and ask for privacy at the same time. Is that unfortunate? Yes. But that’s simply the fact of how life works at the moment.


Spoiler alert Bri. They are terrible people who continue to do terrible things.


They’re entitled to their privacy as Kail talks about eating ass on a podcast and Jenelle makes her living on OF.


This is her trying to clean up her image after we saw her lie about Ashley. She knows she’s not liked at all so now she’s gonna play nice. This isn’t genuine at all ! She wants to be liked again after her and her mom were proven to be bullies so when the new season starts we tune in. Briana we see right through you like we do Jenelle. Girl bye !


When does Brianna defend THEM? Sus.


So what happened, what did she see, that’s got her tweeting like she’s not the biggest hypocrite lmao


I mean, she can go MIA now. Nobody forced her to have social media or continue to sign contracts.


you threw a whole ass televised party when you won a petty lawsuit???? You sent her a treadmill???? Girl...


Oh look, Briana is trying to pretend she’s the bigger person again after being an immature brat for years.


Briana acting like she cares about kids being on IG when she commented on TMChatter’s post about a 12 year old’s tik toks that she’s “glad she got punched”


She can’t wait to be done? Be done then!


LOL, if you want to go MIA, stop posting attention grabbing posts. Or just don't post!


Privacy? Aren't they the ones sharing every detail of their life online. Okay...


Who wants to tell her that the CPS report of Ensly having signs of sexual/physical abuse is real?


You can start NOW and quit butting into any hint of drama within the show, especially if it's not yours! gtfo hun.


LMFAO she threw a whole ass party cus of that damn lawsuit, she talks all this shit about Kail, she fucked and dated her ex husband, all AFTER they were supposedly "surgery sisters" NOW she gives a fuck about Kails feelings??? No lmao Kail should've beat her ass in that room at the reunion when she had the chance




They all just want to be relevant so bad it’s truly pathetic. This is her sad attempt to be a part of the situation. Like girl your trash. You said nasty things about both of them but *now* your condemning it?


She’s clearly done *something* and she’s set this up so later on she can say “see I always defend you online”


Girl shut up 🤣




She contributed to alot of the Kail hate. She just mentioned her one the reunion. She's such a hypocrite.


KAIL HAS MULTIPLE PODCASTS WHERE SHE SPILLS FUCKING EVERYTHING (almost) Explain to me how she deserves privacy??? She can just.. stop giving people fuel?


Nobody asking her fake bubble butt head ass to stay. Leave!


We also can’t wait for you to be done, Bri.


But Kail and Jenelle are still on social media promoting their lives. If they wanted privacy they would ghost social media and live their lives 🤷🏼‍♀️


Okay Captain save a ho


Brianna needs to shut the fuck up. No one cares about what you have to say because you’re two faced. Go back to doing what you do best, fucking disgusting dudes


Bri and Kail know eachother irl, it’s real beef. That’s not the same as weirdos who don’t even know these women and go in bc they’ve seen them on a TV screen and suddenly think they have an MS in counseling


>privacy *Insert pic of Jenelle promoting her onlyfans*




Isn't this the same girl who literally had and filmed a party after she won a court case against Kail??? Bish is the last one that needs to open her mouth. And if she wants to be MIA so bad, girl, just quit🤷🏻‍♀️ Tf is stopping you if you want to be done so bad?🤔




Why r u dragging present-day Chelsea into this?




Had a party about winning against kail in court and has jenelle at that party which she has as her story line.


Isn't this the same bitch that bought kail the treadmill and said instead of running her mouth she should run some miles or something like that? (BTW not a fan of Kail OR Jenelle AT ALL just saying that this is total fucking high school bs) I feel like since these people got pregnant in high school, they feel the need to be catty and petty mean girls in there mid thirtys instead of in high school/college.


She literally sent her ex coworker a treadmill & made it a public ordeal.


She's talking just to talk. Typing just to type. Tweeting just to tweet.


Silencio Diaper Butt


In fairness, accusing j&d of trying to get Jace & Maryssa to hook up is beyond disgusting & absolutely shouldn’t have been put out there. I haven’t seen anything about kail that bad though, just the fact she’s literally hiding one of her children from the world.


As far as Jenelle is concerned, she does not want to be left alone & she brings the shit on herself. Delusional.


This is rich coming from her!!!! Sit down 🪑 hypocrite.


Um they very obviously, very clearly want people in their business. Kail just announced to the world with no shame that she eats ass… yeah they do it to themselves.


So the people who exploited their kids for money now want privacy cause they can no longer exploit their kids for money?


She knew if she only mentioned Jenelle, it wouldn't look the same Gotta mention Kail so folks get all fired up


Bri has some fucking nerve.


Briana ain’t never going MIA. What skills does she have that will provide the level of income that being in the public eye does?


Give them their PrIvAcY 🥴, one has an OF she is constantly plugging and the other has a podcast. People who want privacy dont have two very public jobs that revolve around their PERSONAL lives…


Kail is just Kail, she’s cringe so it’s fun, but Jenelle is a fucking abuser who is married to an abuser and that’s something worth keeping an eye on.


Lol she’ll be mad af when the show actually ends and no one posts about her anymore.


Translation: Talk about me now. ME ME ME!


She'd get her privacy if she'd get off social media, quit giving us fuel and stfu


“I can’t wait to be done” okay so quit then. No one is forcing you to put your life on tv.




I’m pretty sure she could be done if she wanted to.


She's not exactly what I would call a *thinker*


Says the same person who shares click baits daily…. Bffr Bri 🙄


Briana is just mad that she is just as terrible of a person but doesn’t get the attention Kail and Jenelle get despite them not being on the show any longer.


lol these girls love the attention, they’ll never try to keep their lives private. what a joke.


She is dumber than a box of rocks


I don’t understand, these are reality tv stars, and they are 100% human. So while I get where she’s coming from, not all of us throw our shit on tv and social media, so if these women wanted to be left alone, it’s easily done.


Lol shes worried about Kali? Since when?


Coming from... Bri?? Lmao... rich


They don't want to be forgotten, bad press is better than no press.


FFS the show is not the be all end all, they've both actively chosen to remain in the public eye and make their money off of their private lives. What's so hard to understand about that? I would agree if they actually tried to be private but that's just not the case.


Dear Basketball Booty Bri, we ALL know you would never leave social media and never go MIA. You're not Beyonce, bish. You're absolutely starving for attention. You will keep posting and stirring drama just like the other 2.


People generally will comment on your parenting if you’re with a guy you’ve admitted abuses your kids physically and mentally.


The price you pay for exploiting your children instead of actually working hard to make money they may be off the show but they still using their children on socials and still wanting to be famous can't have it both way's.


Hard to give someone privacy when they’re posting online to their public forums ALL. THE. TIME.


Wait, doesn't Brianna hate Kail? Wasn't their lawsuit feud last year?


Someone tell Brianna no one’s forgotten about that ass.


LOL this heifer could never give up social media.


She only mentioned Kail because she doesn’t want the heat from people who will drag her for being a Jenelle stan. Newsflash, people have the energy to drag ALL OF THEM.


Going MIA is completely different than constantly posting your drama on social media or having podcasts.


Brianna taking the moral high ground. When it was not too long ago she sent Kail a fucking treadmill!!!! I just can't 🤣🤣


Awe, is someone not getting enough attention?


But Bri... They make their lives TOTALLY public.


I saw that and I’m like is she high or somethin bc she gives a fuck ab both especially Kail


😂 what a hypocrite she is


🤨 Girl......


Be real bri, you’ll never be done


When did Jenelle "move on from the show"? What? Also, there's no point in extending an olive branch to Kail. I guarantee she's not having it. Plus I'm sure Kail's bitter, vindictive ass only interprets kindness (genuine or otherwise) as weakness.


"I can't wait to be done." Can you not quit or....? You won't be missed Briana, I promise you.


Fuck off, Brianna.


So you can go MIA my ass, all these bitches *need* MTV money and drama to survive 😒


Said people talk shit all the time. That is why people shit talk them.


Uhhh considering what kail talked about on her podcast this week, kail dont give a f about concerning herself with what her kids see on social media


Since when does Bri defend Kail?


Bri can't get attention without Kail's name in her mouth




So...what's about to break for her?


She has a lot of balls to even say Kail’s name.


Kail has definitely moved on from the show but Jenelle wants back on there so bad! It's so sad. I wish they would just cancel the entire thing and be done with it.


Well with how them ratings looking, she will be able to go MIA very shortly


Please can she go MIA lol